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活性干酵母耐糖实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘秋玲 《酿酒》2001,28(3):46-47
耐酒精性能是酵母的一项重要指标,但发酵中酒精是由葡萄糖转化而来的,酵母耐葡萄糖能力如何,尚缺乏直接报导[1],本研究在于用试验某种酵母在不同葡萄糖浓度溶液的发酵能力,选择葡萄糖的最佳值,给生产中糖浓度的调控提供依据。  相似文献   

酒精生产应用活性干酵母的体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本公司酒厂采用间歇法生产酒精,年生产能力2000吨。按传统菌种培养工艺,向上海微生物所或中科院微生物所等单位索取固  相似文献   

本文在前报获得耐高温酒精活性干酵母(ADY)的基础上,(1)进行了主发酵温度为高温40℃的酒精发酵试验,发酵动力学曲线显示,耐高温酒精ADY在主发酵温度40℃条件下,仍具优良的发酵性能,节水节电,适于安全度夏。对玉米、大米、薯干等不同原料均具良好的适应性。(2)在浓香、清香、兼香等香型的大曲酒以及小曲酒工艺中进行了耐高温酒精ADY的应用试验,结果表明,应用方法适当,在维持风味不变的前提下,能提高出酒率10~20%,并对其质量稳定有所帮助。  相似文献   

耐高温性干酵母用于酒精生产发酵期缩短30%,生产能力提高30%,主发酵温度提高到40℃,节约用水,高温发酵不染菌,出酒率提高0.5%。  相似文献   

应用耐高温活性干酵母进行了酒精发酵实验,结果表明:安琪牌耐高温酵母适应发酵温度广(30~40℃),发酵时间一般可缩短12小时,提高设备利用率20%,淀粉出酒率提高1.7%,吨酒精节粮94公斤,节冷却水12吨。 此外,还淘汰了培养酒母工段,年可减少开支24.46万元。  相似文献   

耐高温酒精活性干酵母在食醋生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重介绍了耐高温酒精活性干酵母在食醋生产中的应用情况,从发酵产酒、质量与出品率及成本效益等方面做了概要论述,酒母在食醋生产中起到非常关键的作用,食醋生产特别是液态深层发酵制醋工艺中,往往存在酒母培养条件差,质量不稳定,操作不便及成本费用高等弊病,大多数小型醋厂,在酵母增养方面所使用的设备陈旧落后,人员素质差,如何能很好地解决这一问题。一直是食醋生产中所探索的,我厂通过近年来的了解接触。并在实际  相似文献   

用耐高温酒精活性干酵母生产固体酵母   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了应用耐高温酒精活性干酵母通风池培养生产体酵母的方法,酵母细胞数达到60~70亿/g,细胞出芽率为5%~6%以上。  相似文献   

俞学锋  李雪松  李志军 《酿酒》2002,29(2):57-59
介绍了安琪耐高温酿酒高活性干酵母的性能,指标,概括了安琪耐高温酿酒高活性干酵母在白酒,酒精生产中的应用方法及其优越性,指出了使用过程中的常见问题。  相似文献   

以活性干酵母为原料,采用自溶-酶联技术制备酵母抽提物。以氨基氮得率和抽提物得率为主要指标考察了对酵母自溶影响关键的几个因素,包括自溶温度、酵母悬浮液浓度、自溶pH值、外加破壁酶的种类、外加蛋白酶的种类及添加量、自溶促进剂,并在此基础上对酵母酶联自溶进行正交试验,最后确定了酵母酶联自溶的时间。结果表明:自溶-酶联技术是制备酵母抽提物的理想方法,在最佳工艺条件下制得的酵母抽提物氨基氮得率和抽提物得率分别达到3.19%和51.31%。  相似文献   

刘长明 《酿酒》2001,28(4):69-70
1 菌种性能及来源种子来源于宜昌食用酵母基地生产安琪牌耐高温酒精活性干酵TH -AADY ,是我国最新生物工程产品。该产品复水后立即恢复成正常细胞。具有耐高温 (主发酵温度 40~42℃ )、耐酸 (pH2 5 )、耐乙醇 (13% )、耐浓糖 (6 0 %葡萄糖 )等特点。适用范围广 (用于苕干、玉米、大米、高粱、糖蜜、木薯等为原料的酒精及白酒发酵 )。在 30℃~ 42℃均能正常发酵 ,出酒率高、生酸少。活性干酵母可以代替酒精白酒、黄酒、小曲酒、麸曲法白酒生产中传统培养酒母 ,也可以加到大曲粉中弥补大曲酵母数量不足提高出酒率 ,在高温条件下正…  相似文献   

酿酒活性干酵母(AADY)的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酿酒活性干酵母(AADY)是现代高新技术融合发展的一种生物活性制品,具有发酵性能优良、细胞耐性强、絮凝性好、保存期长等,带动了酿酒工业的产业结构调整和升级。该文综述了现代生物工程育种技术、增强酵母菌抗逆性的发酵动力学、干燥技术的研究进展及干燥过程中保护剂的添加给AADY的持续发展提供了广阔的前景。  相似文献   

通过对耐高温酒用活性干酵母在高温与低温条件下蒸煮酒精生产对比试验,经分析得出耐高温酒用活性干酵母在低温蒸煮条件下酒精生产优于在高温蒸煮条件下酒精生产。  相似文献   

利用活性干酵母发酵生产富硒酵母   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对活性干酵母(ADY)的耐Se、富Se性能作了测试,并初步研究了利用ADY摇瓶发酵生产富Se酵母的培养条件.结果表明ADY具有很强的耐Se、富Se能力;无机Se添加量和培养时间等,是影响其Se转化能力的主要因素.在适宜的摇瓶发酵条件(麦芽汁12°Be,加Se量15mg/L,装量60mL/250mL三角瓶,pH=6.0,30℃,30h)下,富Se酵母干重、有机Se含量和Se转化率分别可达15.8g/L,790.0μg/g和83.2%.  相似文献   

莫丽春  彭文  曾里  曾凡骏 《中国酿造》2012,31(2):117-120
建立一种酿酒活性干酵母生理活性的简易评价方法,比较并筛选一株适合以木薯粉水解液发酵发酵生产燃料酒精的活性干酵母。优化2株酿酒活性干酵母的活化条件、生长温度和生长pH值,以木薯粉水解液为发酵液,在最适生长条件下比较两株酵母的生长曲线、发酵强度、耐糖能力、耐温能力和耐酒精能力。选择酿酒活性干酵母Ⅰ作为木薯粉水解液发酵酵母,该酵母在前36h发酵强度高于1g(/L.h),36h后发酵强度迅速下降;耐糖能力为20%,耐受温度是55℃以及耐酒精浓度是7%。  相似文献   

Active dry yeast (ADY) products are commonly fed in the dairy industry, but research regarding quality control for such products is limited. The objectives of this study were to determine yeast viability in field samples relative to manufacturers’ guarantees (experiment 1), measure the effects of high-temperature storage on yeast viability (experiment 1), and determine the effect of vitamin-trace mineral (VTM) premix on yeast viability (experiment 2). Commercially available ADY products were acquired in triplicate through normal distribution channels and stored at 4°C upon receipt. Initial samples were evaluated for colony-forming units and compared with product label guarantees. Only 1 of the 6 products sampled in experiment 1 met product guarantees for all 3 samples. To determine effects of storage temperature and duration on viability, ADY samples were stored in an incubator at 40°C with ambient humidity for 1, 2, and 3 mo. High-temperature storage significantly decreased viability over the 3-mo period; approximately 90% of viable cells were lost each month. Three of the 5 products sampled in experiment 2 met product guarantees. Fresh samples of 4 of these 5 ADY products were mixed in duplicate with ground corn (GC) or a VTM premix to achieve a target concentration of 2.2 × 108 cfu/g. For each product, GC and VTM samples were stored at ambient temperature (22°C) and at an elevated temperature (40°C) for 2 wk. No differences in viable yeast count were observed between GC and VTM samples immediately after mixing or after storage at ambient temperature. Yeast viability in GC and VTM samples decreased during storage at an elevated temperature. There also was a significant interaction of diluent and storage temperature; VTM samples had higher cell viability than GC samples when subjected to high-temperature storage. Results suggest that (1) ADY products failed to consistently meet product guarantees; (2) viability of ADY products was greatly diminished during storage at 40°C for 2 wk; and (3) the loss in viability at elevated temperatures may be attenuated when ADY products are diluted with a premix containing VTM.  相似文献   

In winemaking, spontaneous grape must fermentations have been replaced by inoculation of commercial active dry wine yeast (ADWY). Yeast rehydration is the key to avoiding stuck and sluggish fermentations. Despite the importance of this step, not enough is known about what this process implies for winemaking as a whole or about what kind of practices could help to improve it. The main aim of this study is to determine the best yeast rehydration conditions for ensuring good cell viability and vitality before inoculation into the must. The experimental rehydration media in this study can be divided into four groups: carbon and nitrogen compounds, metallic ions, oxidant and antioxidant agents, and membrane fluidity agents. We studied the biochemical and biophysical behaviour of ADWY after rehydration in the various media under oenological conditions, i.e. incubation at 37 degrees C for 30 min. The viability of rehydrated yeast cells was evaluated by plating, and assessed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. The vitality of rehydrated cells was estimated by indirect impedance. The rehydrating solution complemented with magnesium provided the best vitality rate because the time taken to reach the activity threshold was cut by two thirds. This improvement was also illustrated by the less time needed to stop the leakage of intracellular compounds during the rehydration process.  相似文献   

活性干酵母扩大培养的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姚立兵  邵红  张文 《酿酒》2002,29(5):47-48
酵母的生长繁殖与其培养的温度和通风量有着密切的关系,以活性干酵母为出发菌体进行了以下试验。1、活性干酵母的活化;2、培养温度对酵母生长繁殖的影响;3、通气量对酵母细胞生长的影响。  相似文献   

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