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《Petroleum Science and Technology》2013,31(11-12):1499-1509

The thermo-physical properties of a paraffinic mineral oil produced in a local refinery were experimentally determined over a wide temperature range of 30–360°C to determine its suitability for use as a heat-transfer fluid. The effect of temperature on the physical characteristics of the oil and two synthetic organic heat transfer fluids was evaluated at high temperatures (180–360°C). Comparison of the main properties of the mineral oil with other heating fluids revealed its compatibility with synthetic organic fluids, some other paraffinic and mineral oils employed as heat-transfer fluids. The study further confirmed that the investigated mineral oil which was produced locally can be used to replace the imported synthetic oils in heat transfer systems operating at a maximum application temperature of 310°C, as indicated by the thermal stability test.  相似文献   

Low-temperature viscosity of lube oils mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil at different mass ratios has been tested by experiments. The influence of paraffinic base oil on the performance of naphthenic base oil was investigated by studying the low-temperature viscosity of tested oils. The viscosity of lube oils increased with an increasing content of high-viscosity paraffinic base oil in the oil mixture. And the low-temperature viscosity was less influenced when the content of paraffinic base oil in the mixture was insignificant. In order to reduce the cost for formulating lubricating oil, a small fraction of paraffinic base oil can be added into naphthenic base oil as far as the property of lubricating oil can meet the specification. According to the study on low-temperature viscosity of the oil mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil, a basic rule was worked out for the preparation of qualified lubricating oils.  相似文献   

The physical and thermal properties of paraffinic oil were investigated at 250-360°C to determine its suitability for use as a heat-transfer fluid. Thermal stability test was conducted at 360°C for a period of 480 hr in a stainless steel high-pressure autoclave. The paraffinic oil offered sufficient thermal stability for a period of about 300 hr and then became unstable resulting in thermal break down or cracking of the oil. Degradation of the oil led to the formation of gases, liquid components, and solid coke of about 5 wt.% of the starting material. The distillation test performed on the liquid components showed that the composition varied from light naphtha to heavy bituminous material.

The paraffinic oil compared favorably with synthetic organic fluids and the typical properties revealed its suitability as a heating fluid in a system with maximum usage temperature of 310°C as indicated by the thermal stability test. Comparative evaluation of the general properties of the tested paraffinic oil with other paraffinic and mineral oils of different product formulations showed excellent agreement. From these results, it is concluded that the paraffin oil sample produced by the local refinery is suitable for use as a potential thermal fluid at temperatures below 315°C, which is quite adequate for many industrial applications.  相似文献   

A finite-element scheme has been formulated, which is capable of solving transient analysis of both conductive and convective heat transfers due to fluid flow in porous media. The model also includes the latent heat effect to consider the phase change aspect of a frozen medium. To test the validity of the model, it was applied to six cases for which analytical solutions are available. The test cases cover (i) single-phase fluid flow through porous media, (ii) radial conduction with and without phase change, (iii) conductive and convective heat transfer in an aquifer, and (iv) two-phase immiscible flow in porous media. In all these cases, good agreement with analytical solutions are observed validating the computational scheme. This computational scheme should be useful in solving frozen ground problems, thermal stimulation technique for natural gas recovery from hydrates, and single-phase and two-phase convective heat transfer problems in enhanced oil recovery scheme in petroleum engineering.  相似文献   

针对蒸汽驱稠油井生产测井产液剖面解释中存在的问题,根据稠油储层的物性特征和稠油井的生产特点,探讨了蒸汽驱稠油井生产测井产液剖面解释的方法原理。通过对实际生产井原始资料的分析与解释.证明了该解释方法的可行性。  相似文献   

辽河油田稠油油藏氮气泡沫驱适应性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目前辽河油 田大多数普通稠油油藏都已经历了蒸汽吞吐开采个别原油粘度较低的稠油油藏.在经历了短暂的常规干抽后转入了水驱开发。由 于大多数稠油油藏非均质性较强,经过吞吐开采。其剖面及平面动用矛盾十分突出,加之压力大幅度下降、原油脱气粘度升高.使开发效果明显变差。在这种条件下,开展了氮气泡沫驱提高采收率的机理研究,研究结果认为.采用氮气泡沫驱可以改善上述油藏的开发效果。应用数 值模拟及物理模拟方法首次较为系统地对氮气泡沫驱的适应性进行了研究总结出适合氮气泡沫驱开采的油藏条件.并在此基础上筛选出辽河油田6个适合实施氮气泡沫驱的稠油区块。  相似文献   

将中海沥青股份有限公司常减压装置的减二线、常二线两种侧线油分别经过加氢精制、糠醛抽提、白土补充精制等工艺过程,然后按照6∶4的比例进行调合,再加入一定量的添加剂,可以生产出符合GB 23971-2009标准的L-QC 310型导热油产品。生产出的导热油产品经过工业应用,结果表明:该导热油产品具有较低的生焦倾向性,良好的热氧化安定性和热稳定性,产品质量达到国家标准。  相似文献   

油基钻井液的封堵性能研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
在涠洲12-1北油田一期工程中使用油基钻井液后事故率明显降低,但仍未能彻底解决涠二段硬脆性泥页岩井壁稳定性问题。对进一步加强油基钻井液的封堵能力进行了室内研究。通过在油基钻井液中引入超微细颗粒材料、纤维材料、变形材料和粘弹性材料,可大幅度提高其封堵能力。在涠洲12-1北油田二期工程中应用了加强封堵能力的油基钻井液,结果钻井施工非常顺利,几乎无井下复杂事故。室内评价及二期工程实践结果表明,增强油基钻井液的封堵能力对保持硬脆性泥页岩井壁稳定至关重要。  相似文献   

油井深抽过泵产液剖面测试技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确找出油井的出水层段,研究了深抽过泵产液剖面测试技术。该工艺技术在油井检泵作业施工期间.进行,在井下2000m以内套管上悬挂空心测试抽汲泵,通过油管驱动深抽产液,测试仪器从油管下入并过泵柱塞到达测试层段,进行不停抽测试,得到产液剖面资料,判断出主产水层,进行有针对性的卡堵水作业。适用于斜井、稠油井、螺杆泵井、电潜泵井、水力泵井等无法进行环空测试的油井。在华北油田成功实施了50余井次,为油田开发方案的判定提供了较为准确的资料。  相似文献   

目前辽河油 田大多数普通稠油油藏都已经历了蒸汽吞吐开采个别原油粘度较低的稠油油藏.在经历了短暂的常规干抽后转入了水驱开发。由 于大多数稠油油藏非均质性较强,经过吞吐开采。其剖面及平面动用矛盾十分突出,加之压力大幅度下降、原油脱气粘度升高.使开发效果明显变差。在这种条件下,开展了氮气泡沫驱提高采收率的机理研究,研究结果认为.采用氮气泡沫驱可以改善上述油藏的开发效果。应用数 值模拟及物理模拟方法首次较为系统地对氮气泡沫驱的适应性进行了研究总结出适合氮气泡沫驱开采的油藏条件.并在此基础上筛选出辽河油田6个适合实施氮气泡沫驱的稠油区块  相似文献   

FCH地层流体饱和度测井研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
FCH地层流体饱和度测井是以碳氢比为基础,用以研究探测地层流体性质和饱和度,系统介绍了FCH的研究方法、地质基础,核物理依据、基本原理,解释机理、响应方程,含油饱和度模型,解释图版,油水识别规律等,通过现场实例,验证了该项技术对低孔隙度,低渗透率,低矿化度,低电阻率储层及中高孔隙度,中高渗透率油藏的适应性及含油或剩余油饱和度和水淹程度评价的可靠性。  相似文献   

对模拟含乳状液的破乳剂脱盐规律深入研究后得出破乳剂的脱盐机理:破乳剂通过破乳,在增大盐在油相的分配系数,改变油和水对盐的富集平衡的同时,将溶解在水相中的盐在油水分层过程中与油相分离。还对克拉玛依试油产出液进行了室内掺盐水脱水试验。在没有增大乳状液含盐量的同时,取得了理的水效果,进而提出了掺盐水脱水的可行性条件。  相似文献   

结构性原油及其渗流流变特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡雪滨 《海洋石油》2005,25(2):44-49
原油组分决定原油的结构力学性质,使其具有不同的渗流流变特性。实验表明原油胶质、沥青质、石蜡的含量及是否含气等内因决定着原油自身的流变特性;而温度、多孔介质的渗透性以及非流动相是否存在等外因,则将影响原油的渗流特性,具有结构性的原油在低速渗流时将呈现出不同的非线性渗流特征。  相似文献   

一种新型清洗剂在原油换热器清洗中的应用评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大庆油田原油稳定装置多台原油换热器结垢现象严重,换热效率下降,物理清洗法工作难度较大。在研制了一种新型油垢清洗剂的基础上,将其应用于原油换热器的化学清洗中,清洗后换热器总传热系数提高了40.8%.证明了油垢清洗剂的高效性。  相似文献   

侯君  程林松  房宝才 《油田化学》2005,22(3):210-213
在大庆葡Ⅰ组非均质砂岩油藏的葡71-75井区进行了稀油(地下粘度4.9 mPa.s)蒸汽驱试验。试验区水驱采出程度22.62%,综合含水82.87%,包含1口注入井和分属不同井网的7口采油井。取3口典型采油井,测定注汽前、注汽78天和120天时采出原油组成、性质的变化。结果表明,在汽驱过程中采出原油的密度、凝固点、含蜡、含胶质沥青质及运动粘度下降;初馏点显著降低(120℃→84℃→75℃),总馏量和300℃前各馏分量增多;50~90℃动力粘度在汽驱120天时最低,汽驱78天时略高于汽驱前;气油比增大;全烃分析表明汽驱后采出油轻质馏分增多,成熟度提高。基于前人关于蒸汽驱中产生热水蒸馏混合带的见解,利用所得分析测试数据,讨论了稀油蒸汽驱油机理:初期以热膨胀为主,中期为热膨胀、蒸汽蒸馏和降粘,后期为蒸汽蒸馏。图5表3参6。  相似文献   

纯化油田回注污水结垢性与配伍性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
胜利纯化油田注水水源为纯梁(油气水集输处理),首站污水,碳酸钙结垢引起注水压力上升,影响油田生产,在室内通过加入助凝剂和混凝土剂进行化学混凝,静置沉降,过滤后加入稳定剂,将该污水转变成为符合注入水行业标准的净化水,该净化水pH=8.-8.3,成垢离子Ca^2 ,Mg^2 ,HCO3^-1等含量较高,但根据饱和指数SI和稳定指数SAI预测无CaCO3结垢倾向,配伍性实验结果表明;在油层温度(90℃),下密闭加热7天,首站污水,纯梁油田及其边缘井产出水均产生沉淀,不同比例的首站污水与纯梁,边缘井产出水混合水也产生沉淀,相互不配伍,处理后的首站污水仍保持清澈透明,按不同比例与纯化油田及其边缘井产出水混后后,水色清亮,浊度略上升,但无沉淀生成。  相似文献   


Clarified oil (CLO) from a commercial fluid catalytic cracking unit was subjected to solvent extraction followed by solvent dewaxing and adsorption chromatography to analyze its various components for different end-use applications. The clarified oil was first solvent extracted using N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) to produce paraffinic rich raffinate (68.9 wt% yield). The raffinate thus obtained was dewaxed using methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) to get an oil of pour point 0°C. This dewaxed oil was then subjected to adsorption chromatography to determine group II base oil potential through yield v/s viscosity index (VI) curve. The results revealed that clarified oil has an actual potential of around 27.1 wt% of group II base oil components, suggesting that clarified oil can be used as an additional source of feed for production of group II base oil. This article also describes the potential of other components in clarified oil such as slack wax (24.2 wt%), aromatics (31.1 wt%), and low VI oil (17.6 wt%).  相似文献   

为揭示超稠油蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)开采过程不同阶段采出液的性能特征,以新疆油田风城作业区重1井区SAGD循环前期、循环中后期和转抽三个阶段的采出液为研究对象,考察了其组成、乳液类型和稳定性,分析了稳定机理。结果表明,SAGD三阶段采出液均含有较高的沥青质和胶质成分,采出液以O/W型乳液为主,部分为W/O/W型复合乳液。随着SAGD的开采,三阶段采出液的含水率、含砂量和Zeta电位绝对值依次降低。室温下,采出液可以保持稳定,没有油水分离现象,仅形成富油层和富水层。随静置时间的延长,循环前期、循环中后期和转抽采出液的背散射光值(15~25 mm)分别由9%、21%和9.5%增至11%、26.5%和10%,内部颗粒粒径分别由18.9、62.2和169.1μm降至16.5、49.9和165.3μm。三阶段分散相粒子的平均迁移速率分别为1.59、1.56和1.55 mm/h。转抽采出液的稳定性指数最小、稳定性最好,循环前期采出液稳定性较差。循环前期采出液稳定机理以扩散双电层为主,转抽阶段采出液则以"沥青质膜"稳定乳液为主。  相似文献   

原油库的大型化发展趋势为输油泵的优化匹配及节能运行提出更高的要求.以我国东部油田某油库为应用实例,在拟合各外输泵运行特性方程的基础上,通过求解以泵机组最小耗电量为目标函数的运行优化模型,给出对应于不同输量的运行优化方案;应用工程(火用)分析方法建立了外输泵黑箱(火用)分析模型.对油库2台在用并联运行泵机组的(火用)分析结果表明,由于未采取变频调速,节流(火用)损占到供给(火用)的9.33%,具有一定的节能潜力.在给出外输泵变频后扬程-流量、效率-流量计算公式及调速泵频率计算方法的基础上,分析了原油库2台同型号泵并联—定—调时的节能节(火用)效果,为有效降低油库生产能耗提供理论依据.  相似文献   

马政生  樊星  陈静  谢云峰  焦喜燕 《石油化工》2012,41(10):1165-1169
以聚醚多元醇(L64)、马来酸酐(MA)为原料,对甲苯磺酸为催化剂合成了马来酸聚醚酯(Ester-L64)。采用正交实验对合成条件进行了考察,适宜的合成条件为:m(L64)∶m(MA)=1∶2、w(对甲苯磺酸)=1.8%(基于反应物总质量)、合成温度150℃、反应时间8 h。Ester-L64、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)、苯乙烯(St)和甲基丙烯酸(MAA)在过氧化苯甲酰(BPO)引发下经自由基溶液聚合得到带疏水侧链的梳状结构的四元共聚物聚醚酯(DEMU-L64)破乳剂,考察了合成DEMU-L64的反应条件,适宜的反应条件为:m(MMA)∶m(Ester-L64)=1∶3.0、m(St)∶m(Ester-L64)=1∶15、m(MAA)∶m(Ester-L64)=1∶35、w(BPO)=1.8%(基于单体总质量)、聚合温度130℃、反应时间6 h。采用FTIR和GPC方法分别对DEMU-L64的结构和相对分子质量及其分布进行了表征。在适宜条件下合成的DEMU-L64对原油具有较好的破乳效果。  相似文献   

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