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Flow in an idealized geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) containing bentonite comprised of equisized and equispaced square granules was simulated using a hydrodynamic model to quantitatively evaluate the premise that the hydraulic conductivity of GCLs diminishes as the bentonite granules hydrate and swell into adjacent intergranular pores, creating smaller and tortuous intergranular flow paths. Predictions with the model indicate that hydraulic conductivity decreases as granules swell and intergranular pores become smaller, and that greater granule swelling during hydration is required to achieve low hydraulic conductivity when the bentonite is comprised of larger granules, or the bentonite density is lower (lower bentonite mass per unit area). Predictions made with the model indicate that intergranular pores become extremely small (<1 μm) as the hydraulic conductivity approaches 10−11 m/s. These outcomes are consistent with experimental data showing that GCLs are more permeable when hydrated and permeated with solutions that suppress swelling of the bentonite granules, and that the hydraulic conductivity of GCLs with bentonite having smaller intergranular pores (e.g., GCLs with smaller bentonite granules, more broadly graded particles, or higher bentonite density) is less sensitive to solutions that suppress swelling.  相似文献   

This paper presents manufacturing information and engineering data on a prefabricated bentonite clay liner named Claymax®. Details of the standard product that is currently available are given, along with possible new variations that are available on a site specific basis.  相似文献   

The behaviour of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) as part of a physical-environmental system is examined. Consideration is given to: (a) both the physical and hydraulic interactions with the materials, and the chemical interactions with the fluids, above and below the liner, (b) time-dependent changes in the materials, (c) heat generated from the material to be contained, as well as (d) the climatic conditions both during construction and during service. This paper explores some common perceptions about GCL behaviour and then examines the misconceptions that can arise and their implications. It demonstrates how what may first appear obvious is not always as one expects and that more is not always better. It discusses: (i) the pore structure of a GCL, (ii) the dependency of the water retention curve of the GCL on its structure, bentonite particle sizes and applied stress, (iii) the effect of the subgrade pore water chemistry, (iv) the mineralogy of the subgrade, and (v) thermal effects. The desirability of a GCL being reasonably well-hydrated before being permeated is examined. The critical size of needle-punch bundles at which preferential flow can increase hydraulic conductivity by orders of magnitude is illustrated. The dependency of self-healing of holes on the interaction between GCL and subgrade is discussed. Finally, the transmissivity of the geomembrane/GCL interface is shown to be a function of GCL and geomembrane characteristics and to be poorly correlated with GCL hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the introduction of an airgap above a composite liner made of a geomembrane (GMB) and a Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) can decrease thermal loads on the GCL, reduce the risk of bentonite desiccation and/or help maintain its low hydraulic conductivity. A composite liner, subject to 20?kPa overburden load, over a well graded sand was subjected to a thermal gradient. In addition, to the reference base case in which no airgap was present, two designs included air gaps through the placement of a 10?mm and 20?mm-thick geocomposites (GC) on top of the GCL-GMB, respectively.Temperatures on top of the GCLs were found to be significantly reduced by the presence of air gaps, relative to the reference base case. All three designs resulted in GCL desiccation cracks at the end of the tests, due to the relatively high temperature gradients and low water retention of the subsoil, even in the presence of air gaps. However, X-Ray imaging revealed that crack patterns in bentonite samples from designs with air gaps were finer and narrower. Subsequent rehydration (and permeation tests) with distilled water indicated that significant self-healing of bentonite was in evidence in all three cases. However, while in the absence of an air gap the saturated hydraulic conductivity was found to be 2.8 times its pre-heating value, no significant increase was recorded for other two cases. X-Ray imaging of rehydrated samples confirmed that more effective healing had occurred in samples with an air gap.  相似文献   

The migration of 226Ra through the bottom compacted clay liner of the wastewater disposal reservoirs of an industrial plant that processes uranium ore was evaluated. An instrumental method for 226Ra analysis in soils, consisting of detector calibration, the determination of detector counting efficiency, cumulative counting of both background and soil samples in regular counting intervals, and photo-peak smoothing was developed. The 226Ra was analyzed by means of its granddaughter 214Bi, at a photo-peak of 609 keV. The results showed that most of the 226Ra which diffused from the solution into the soil was retained in the upper layer of the sample, and that just a small percentage migrated to the subjacent layers. This methodology is adequate for the assessment of the migration of radionuclides through soil layers and for environmental impact studies related to contamination of soils by radionuclides.  相似文献   

The results of a project aimed at identifying performance-based indicators that can be used by landfill operators to check the suitability of GCLs for bottom barrier applications are presented. The general methodology consisted of performing detailed characterization of the prevalent GCLs used in France for landfill barrier applications, before and after prolonged contact with several fluids during oedo-permeameter tests. Results of mineralogical analysis illustrate the variety of composition of the tested bentonites, which in addition to smectite clay contain a large number of accessory minerals. For one of the GCLs tested, the proportion of smectite was lower than 30 wt%, which highlights the limitations of the generic designation “bentonite” when referring to GCLs destined to landfill applications. Results also underline the correlation between cation exchange capacity (CEC) and smectite content, the correlation between free swell volume and proportion of exchangeable sodium and the influence of the bentonite's calcium carbonate fraction on hydraulic conductivity. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photographs illustrate the effect of cation exchange on clay microstructure, with the formation of clay particles which lead to increased hydraulic conductivity. The exchange is also documented by exchangeable cation analyses. Results of isotopic analyses indicate that information provided by suppliers with respect to the “natural” versus “activated” nature of the bentonite, may sometimes be arbitrary and related to factors that are very difficult to check in practice, even by the suppliers themselves. This further underlines the need for performance-based indicators, rather than generic designations, to provide objective information regarding GCL suitability for landfill applications. Several performance-based indicators are selected in order to provide practical tools for checking the suitability of sodium-bentonite GCLs in bottom barrier applications and limit values are proposed.  相似文献   

The results of a comprehensive testing program conducted to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity (k) of two geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) considered as a liner component for a tailings impoundment at a proposed zinc and copper mine are reported. The two GCLs were permeated with a relatively low ionic-strength ground water (GW) from the mine site and two electrolyte solutions, a process water (PW) and a simulated leachate (SL), with chemical compositions consistent with those expected during operation of the impoundment. A total of 22 flexible-wall tests were performed to determine the effects of prehydration with the GW, type of GCL, type of permeant liquid, and duration of the back-pressure stage of the test. The k values for both GCLs permeated with the GW were 1.7 × 10−9 cm/s, which is within the range 1–3 × 10−9 cm/s typically reported for GCLs permeated with low ionic-strength liquids, such as deionized water. However, the mean values of k based on permeation of duplicate specimens of both types of GCL with either PW or SL relative to the values of k based on permeation with GW, or k/kw, ranged from a factor of 200 (2.3 orders of magnitude) to a factor of 7600 (3.9 orders of magnitude). Thus, both tailings impoundment solutions had significant adverse impacts on the hydraulic performance of both GCLs. Given the overall range of k/kw values, factors such as prehydration, type of GCL, type of permeant liquid, and duration of back pressure, were relatively insignificant. The results of this study serve to emphasize the need to perform hydraulic conductivity testing using site specific materials.  相似文献   

李磊  汪俊  黄勇 《岩土工程学报》2018,40(10):1836-1842
压实黏土衬垫中裂隙的存在缩短了渗滤液击穿屏障的时间,减少了衬垫的服役时间。获得污染物沿裂隙迁移的参数,用于预测具有裂隙的压实黏土衬垫被渗滤液击穿的时间,对于防污屏障性能的评价具有重要的意义。采用不同孔隙率的砂模拟压实黏土中的裂隙,通过室内土柱实验分别获得Cl-在裂隙中的分子扩散系数和水动力扩散系数。试验结果表明,当裂隙开度d≥15 mm时,裂隙中Cl-的分子扩散系数与其在纯水中的分子扩散系数基本一致;当d15 mm时,分子扩散系数随裂隙宽度成指数下降。裂隙的水动力扩散系数约比分子扩散系数大3个数量级,当裂隙开度d≥10mm时,在不同水力梯度情况下,裂隙的水动力扩散系数基本维持不变,数值上与采用纯砂所获得的水动力弥散系数基本一致;当水力梯度i≥0.2时,水动力弥散系数的变化基本趋于稳定,不再受到裂隙宽度的影响。  相似文献   

Exposed composite GMB-GCL liners are at risk of downslope bentonite erosion caused by the release of low ionic strength condensed water onto the top surface of the GCL following daily solar heating. This paper investigates the use of X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) to quantify the thinning of the bentonite layer and the application of X-ray diffraction techniques (XRD) to investigate the changes in clay chemistry (if any) of the bentonite from the virgin GCL to the eroded bentonite. The effect of specimen size and scanning orientation was investigated resulting in a revised testing procedure in which the CT scanning orientation was changed from horizontal to vertical to permit a longer test specimen which was also sealed at the bottom edge to minimise the edge boundary condition. The X-ray CT results provide highly visual evidence that a) bentonite thinning immediately under the upper cover geotextile is the initial location of erosion, and b) the bentonite core erodes at a significantly higher rate when not covered by a geotextile than when covered by a geotextile. These observations indicate that the upper geotextile of the GCL plays a significant role in controlling the rate of bentonite erosion. Finally, a comparison of the virgin and runoff bentonite properties was conducted to investigate potential changes in swell index, X-ray diffraction results, and concentration of Na and Ca cations. The runoff bentonite was observed to had a significantly higher swell index (40?ml/2?g) than the virgin bentonite (28?ml/2?g) and lower Na and Ca concentrations. This finding is consistent with the observation from XRD analyses of the runoff bentonite which illustrate that the clay fraction of the bentonite is preferentially eroded by the application of DI water.  相似文献   

Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are widely used in landfill and heap-leach facility cover system for mitigating rainfall infiltration and gas migration into atmosphere. Laboratory tests were conducted to investigate methane diffusion and advection through GCLs. Gas permeability coefficient of GCL for the case with moisture content = 47.5% is one and two orders of magnitude greater than the cases with moisture content = 68.5% and 80.9%, respectively, when 20 kPa vertical stress was applied. The batch adsorption tests indicated that adsorption of methane onto bentonite is negligible. The concentration variation for the adsorption of methane onto bentonite can be neglected. However, methane concentration decreased by 14.2% for the test of methane adsorption onto GCL during the first 2–3 days. This is because methane was adsorbed by the geotextiles rather than by the bentonite in GCL. The large porosity and surface area of geotextiles provide lots of micropores for methane adsorption. Analytical model was then developed to analyze the performance of GCL-based liners system with respect to methane transport. The results indicate that methane emission fluxes for the case with SL + GCL are 7.8 and 5.1 times less than the cases with SL + CCL when the moisture contents were 25.9% and 35.1%, respectively. The methane emission fluxes for both of the SL + GCL and SL + CCL can be neglected when they are fully saturated. GCL is recommended to be used in arid and semi-arid regions rather than CCL. GCL is recommended to be used in arid and semi-arid areas rather than CCL. Advection plays a more important role in methane migration through SL + GCL and SL + CCL than that of diffusion. With moisture contents = 25.9% and 32%, methane emission flux attributed to advection accounts for more than 90% of the total emission flux for both cases of SL + GCL and SL + CCL. With the increase of moisture content of SL, the effectiveness of SL in reducing methane emission increases. The saved space for using GCL + SL composite cover compared with using a single SL cover is 0.7 m when the moisture content equals 25.9%, which is 0.5 m greater than the case when moisture content equals 32%. GMB plays a dominant role in inhibiting methane migration and reducing methane emission flux. When moisture content equals 25.9%, the methane emission fluxes for SL + GMB + GCL and SL + GMB + CCL are 343 times and 2643 times less than the cases with SL + GCL and SL + CCL, respectively.  相似文献   

Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are placed at the bottom of waste disposal facilities where they hydrate from the subsoil and eventually from a hydraulic head on geomembranes (GMs) defects. Predicting hydration behavior of GCLs requires knowledge of the water-retention properties of the GCL along wetting paths. Given that GCLs could be subjected to different ranges of vertical stresses that are induced by the weight of the supported waste, the confining stress could affect water-retention properties of GCLs and should be investigated. To do so, a laboratory methodology to establish the water-retention curves (WRCs) of needlepunched GCLs under stress was undertaken. Various constant vertical stresses corresponding to different weights of the supported waste were applied to GCL specimens placed in controlled-suction oedometers. Suction values were selected so as to mimic a wetting path from the initial dry state to zero suction. Suction was controlled by using controlled suction techniques with controlled humidity imposed by a saturated saline solutions and using the osmotic technique with polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions. Measurements were undertaken on oedometer systems as to apply confining stresses and have been complemented by standard saturated oedometer swelling tests. The data obtained confirm that increasing the stress on to the GCL results in less, albeit faster, water uptake, which could emphasize on recommendations about rapidly covering GCLs after they are placed at the bottom of a waste disposal facilities. Finally, the potential validity of the state-surface concept, which was developed in unsaturated soil mechanics, is discussed using van Guenuchten's and Fredlund and Xing's equations for water retention curves.  相似文献   

The cretaceous Auchi shale and the Tertiary Imo shale in SW Nigeria were investigated for their suitability for use as a clay seal in waste disposal landfills. Geotechnical analyses indicated they are highly plastic inorganic clays. Although their geotechnical and chemical properties were within the range suggested by various authors for use as mineral seals, care would need to be taken with the Okada shales as they contain smectite and would be difficult to work and liable to cracking.   相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2023,63(3):101312
Liner-cover layers are top layers normally placed when closing landfill sites. The top layers are commonly subjected to the direct influence of moisture, temperature changes, and erosion. This study proposed the use of a dynamic cone penetrometer as a quick tool to assess the shear strength and density of sand-clay cover liners. Poor areas indicating low shear strength and dry density need to be investigated and identified. Changes in moisture content and dry density affect the soil compressibility and shear strength parameters. A lightweight dynamic probe was found to give reliable shear strength measurements when assessing bentonite sand mixture materials. The impact of the moisture content on the profile of penetration was established and a bilinear relationship between the cone penetration and moisture content is shown. Laboratory fall cone tests were conducted to verify the trends of penetration and the influence of dry density. It was found that a linear function can be established within the wet of the optimum zone of the compaction curve. The tests conducted support the effectiveness of using dynamic cone penetrometers for measurements and evaluation of shear strength and dry density for sand clay cover liners. This will pave the way for using a quick tool for the assessment of compaction uniformity and shear strength of sand clay cover liners.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity and swell index tests were conducted on a conventional geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) containing sodium-bentonite (Na-B) using 5, 50, 100, 500, and 1000 mM ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) solutions to investigate how NH4+ accumulation in leachates in bioreactor and recirculation landfills may affect GCLs. Control tests were conducted with deionized (DI) water. Swell index of the Na-B was 27.7 mL/2 g in 5 mM NH4+ solution and decreased to 5.0 mL/2 g in 1000 mM NH4+ solution, whereas the swell index of Na-B in DI water was 28.0 mL/2 g. Hydraulic conductivity of the Na-B GCL to 5, 50, and 100 mM NH4+ was low, ranging from 1.6–5.9 × 10?11 m/s, which is comparable to the hydraulic conductivity to DI water (2.1 × 10?11 m/s). Hydraulic conductivities of the Na-B GCL permeated with 500 and 1000 mM NH4+ solutions were much higher (e.g., 1.6–5.2 × 10?6 m/s) due to suppression of osmotic swelling. NH4+ replaced native Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in the exchange complex of the Na-B during permeation with all NH4+ solutions, with the NH4+ fraction in the exchange complex increasing from 0.24 to 0.83 as the NH4+ concentration increased from 5 to 1000 mM. A Na-B GCL specimen permeated with 1000 mM NH4+ solution to chemical equilibrium was subsequently permeated with DI water. Permeation with the NH4+ converted the Na-B to “NH4-bentonite” with more than 80% of the exchange complex occupied by NH4+. Hydraulic conductivity of this GCL specimen decreased from 5.9 × 10?6 m/s to 2.9 × 10?11 m/s during permeation with DI water, indicating that “NH4-bentonite” can swell and have low hydraulic conductivity, and that the impact of more concentrated NH4+ solutions on swelling and hydraulic conductivity is reversible.  相似文献   

Prefabricated and electrical vertical drains for consolidation of soft clay   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The use of prefabricated vertical drains to consolidate soft clay is a common ground improvement method. In large projects laboratory testing of PVDs for selection and quality assurance is considered important. This paper presents a review of PVD laboratory testing. The need to provide simulated site conditions in the test is emphasized. In addition instrumented PVDs show that installation stresses in deep soft clay deposits could cause filter rupture under tensile failure. It is also shown that the maximum required discharge capacity of a PVD is obtained by equating the flow rate of the PVD under the installation and consolidation states to the maximum rate of volume reduction of the influential clay cylinder of the PVD. Consolidation can be enhanced much faster in clay soils if vertical drains manufactured with conducting polymer are used. Some laboratory tests, field tests and field applications of such electric vertical drains (EVD) are presented. A minimum current density at appropriate applied voltage is required to benefit from the electric osmosis (EO) application. EVD in dewatering clay soils, extracting heavy metals in clay soils and few other geotechnical applications are also presented.  相似文献   

The use of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) in waste containment applications can induce long-term normal and shear stresses as well as expose GCLs to elevated temperatures and non-standard hydration solutions. Considering the importance of GCL internal shear strength to the design and integrity of waste containment barrier systems, innovative laboratory testing methods are needed to assess shear behavior of GCLs. There were two main objectives of this study: (i) develop a stress-controlled direct shear apparatus capable of testing GCLs exposed to elevated temperatures and hydrated in non-standard solutions; and (ii) assess internal shear behavior of GCLs under varying experimental conditions (e.g., stress, temperature, solution). These two objectives were partitioned into a two-paper set, whereby Part I (this paper) focuses on the shear box design and Part II focuses on an assessment of shear behavior. The direct shear apparatus includes a reaction frame to mitigate specimen rotation that develops from an internal moment within needle-punched reinforced GCLs. Rapid-loading shear tests were conducted to assess functionality of the apparatus and document baseline shear behavior for a heat-treated and a non-heat treated needle-punched GCL with comparable peel strength. These two GCLs failed at comparable applied shear stress; however, the heat-treated GCL yielded lower shear deformation and failure occurred via rupture of reinforcement fiber anchors, whereas the non-heat treated GCL yielded larger shear deformation and failure via pullout of reinforcement fibers.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity of seven geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) to synthetic coal combustion product (CCP) leachates were evaluated in this study. The leachates are chemically representative of typical and worst scenarios observed in CCP landfills. The ionic strength (I) of the synthetic CCP leachates ranged from 50 mM to 4676 mM (TCCP-50, LRMD-96, TFGDS-473, LR-2577, HI-3179 and HR-4676). One of the GCLs contained conventional sodium bentonite (Na–B) and the other six contained bentonite-polymer (B–P) mixture with polymer loadings ranging from 0.5% to 12.7%. Hydraulic conductivity tests were conducted at an effective confining stress of 20 kPa. The hydraulic conductivity of the Na–B GCLs were >1 × 10−10 m/s when permeated with all six CCP leachates, whereas the B–P GCLs with sufficient polymer loading maintained low hydraulic conductivity to synthetic CCP leachates. All the B–P GCLs showed low hydraulic conductivity (<1 × 10−10 m/s) to low ionic strength leachates (TCCP-50, I = 50 mM and LRMD-96, I = 96 mM). B–P GCLs with P > 5% showed low hydraulic conductivity (<1 × 10−10 m/s) up to HI-3179 leachates. These results suggest that B–P GCLs with sufficient polymer loading can be used to manage aggressive CCP leachates.  相似文献   

GCLs containing powdered Na-bentonite treated with different dosages of a proprietary additive intended to reduce the impacts of chemical interactions were permeated with three solutions: a hyperalkaline solution (1 M NaOH and 1.3 mM CsCl) having similar pH to aluminum refining leachate, a 1.3 mM CsCl solution (no NaOH), and DI water. For a given permeant solution, the hydraulic conductivity of both GCLs was similar. Thus, the higher additive dosage had no measureable impact on hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity of both GCLs decreased by a factor of approximately 1.5–1.8 during permeation with CsCl in response to osmotic swelling induced by the low ionic strength of the CsCl solution entering the pore space. In contrast, permeation with the NaOH–CsCl solution caused the hydraulic conductivity of both GCLs to increase modestly (<50 times the hydraulic conductivity to DI water), and then level out (or decrease slightly) as a result of reduced osmotic swelling in the interlayer combined with dissolution of the mineral. For the tests conducted with CsCl solution, nearly all of the Cs was adsorbed by the bentonite. In contrast, Cs broke through readily when the NaOH–CsCl solution was used as the permeant solution. Permeation with the NaOH–CsCl solution also increased the sodicity of the bentonite by replacing bound K, Ca, and Mg on the mineral surface.  相似文献   

Combined passive treatment technologies have been used to treat acidic rock drainage (ARD), the well-known acute and costly environmental problem facing the mining industry. It is shown that geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) were able to attenuate metals from lime treated ARD water, and maintain a neutral pH and low hydraulic conductivity (less than 4.0 × 1011 m/s) after 16 pore volumes of permeation; this implies their usefulness as a potentially significant component in combined passive treatment systems. Presented are laboratory breakthrough data for Cu, Cd, Ni, Mn, and Zn from the permeation of GCLs with 16 pore volumes of ARD, treated ARD (TARD), and a landfill leachate. Metal retention occurred in all solutions, but was greatest for the TARD, producing removal efficiencies of greater than 80%.  相似文献   

The high ionic strength of the porewater in red mud (bauxite liquor from digestion) can suppress swelling of montmorillonite, resulting in geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) that are too permeable to be effective as liners in red mud disposal facilities. Bentonite-polymer composite GCLs (BPC GCLs) have been developed as more resilient lining materials, and some BPC GCLs have been shown to have very low hydraulic conductivity to bauxite liquors that have extreme ionic strength and pH. In this study, a nationwide investigation was conducted in China to evaluate the characteristics of bauxite liquor in Chinese impoundments, and to evaluate the suitability of GCLs containing granular sodium bentonite or BPCs for containment. Hydraulic conductivity tests were conducted on six BPC GCLs with two characteristic Chinese bauxite liquors that are hyperalkaline (pH > 12) and had ionic strengths of 76.9 mM and 620.3 mM. The BPC GCLs had hydraulic conductivity ranging from 10?8-10?12 m/s, which is higher than the hydraulic conductivity of BPC GCLs to deionized water (10?12-10?13 m/s), but lower than the hydraulic conductivity of conventional GCLs with granular sodium bentonite GCLs to the same liquors (10?7-10?8 m/s). The hydraulic conductivity of the BPC GCLs depends on the chemical properties of the leachate, the polymer loading, and the type of polymer. Microstructural analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) suggests that the hydraulic conductivity of BPC GCLs is controlled by pore-blocking by polymer hydrogel, which is affected by the bauxite liquor.  相似文献   

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