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钢筋混凝土结构在受到氯离子等侵蚀介质的作用后,往往会发生不同程度的钢筋锈蚀乃至保护层剥落,而这一系列腐蚀行为又受到包括荷载条件、混凝土自身性质、养护条件等众多因素的影响,并且尚未形成较为一致的理论体系。基于腐蚀电化学、断裂力学和扩展有限元相关理论,以COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS多物理场耦合软件和ABAQUS非线性力学分析软件为数值工具,综合考虑腐蚀过程中的温度传递、水分运输、氯离子运输和结合作用,着重研究了钢筋位置和钢筋排布影响下的锈胀规律。结果显示:角部钢筋不仅侵蚀效率高于中部钢筋,在去钝化水平、电化学反应及锈胀开裂上两者也存在较大差距;不同腐蚀阶段的开裂情况相差较大,在保证一定的受力性能前提下,钢筋排布方式对裂缝扩展和贯通情况造成的影响不可忽略,经过对比分析得知最危险钢筋排布方式为钢筋直径d与钢筋间距S之比d/S=0.32。  相似文献   

使用大气气候变化数据,改进了氯离子作用下腐蚀开始时间模型和腐蚀电流密度模型,分析了全球变暖(CO2浓度和温度)对RC桥梁在氯离子腐蚀作用下的锈胀开裂性能影响。考虑腐蚀影响的性能预测参数如气候变化、氯离子浓度、氯离子扩散过程、温度、湿度、结构尺寸参数、钢筋位置和性能退化机制等具有随机性和时变性,发展了基于时变可靠度理论的预测方法来预测RC桥梁在将来全球变暖作用下以及氯盐环境下将来服役100年内的开始腐蚀风险和平均锈胀开裂概率。研究发现:1) 在预测氯离子腐蚀效应时,大气气候变化温室效应能够恶化混凝土腐蚀损伤效应,在预测时需要计入其效应;2) 在浪溅区环境下的开始腐蚀概率和锈胀开裂比例比海岸线大气区环境下分别高了127%和140%,当结构位于距离海岸线1km以上区域时锈胀开裂比例降低到1%;3) 对于保护层厚度为20mm和水灰比为0.55的混凝土,在将来100年内的开裂概率为0.893,这意味着大多数混凝土结构在服役期存在腐蚀损伤现象,将来需要大量的维修和维护工作。这些信息能够为决策人员应对温室效应和氯离子腐蚀对土木工程的影响做出应对措施提供支持。  相似文献   

迁移型阻锈剂对混凝土钢筋的保护作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氯离子诱发的钢筋锈蚀是影响混凝土结构耐久性的主要因素之一。利用电化学和表面分析技术研究了有机类表面迁移型阻锈剂在混凝土腐蚀模拟液中对混凝土块及其中钢筋的保护作用。结果表明:新型阻锈剂的缓蚀效率超过80%;加入新型阻锈剂后,钢筋表面平整;涂刷在混凝土表面的复合阻锈剂,能够迁移到混凝土内部,通过物理、化学吸附,在钢筋表面形成一层吸附膜,阻碍了氯离子与钢筋表面的接触,使腐蚀反应速率降低,从而起到了保护钢筋的作用。  相似文献   

在海洋环境中,腐蚀大大缩短了海洋钢筋混凝土结构的使用寿命,导致了严重的经济损失。本文从海洋环境中钢筋锈蚀的机理出发,重点综述了目前国内外针对海洋钢筋混凝土结构防腐蚀技术的研究进展,并指出智能、高效、环境友好是海洋环境条件下钢筋混凝土结构防腐蚀的研究发展方向,防腐蚀技术研究的不断推进,对于海工混凝土结构服役寿命的大幅提升具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

针对海洋环境中珊瑚混凝土(coral aggregate concrete,CAC)结构存在的钢筋锈蚀问题,基于修正氯离子扩散理论模型,研究了海水淡化对钢筋CAC结构服役寿命的影响规律.研究结果表明:海水淡化对采用普通易锈蚀钢筋的CAC结构服役寿命有显著影响,但对于选用304奥氏不锈钢钢筋的CAC结构的服役寿命影响很小,其主要原因是CAC具有较高的初始氯离子扩散系数.因此当CAC中采用304奥氏体不锈钢或临界氯离子含量更大的不锈钢筋时,可直接使用海水作为拌和用水.  相似文献   

为研究荷载对钢筋锈蚀速率及结构耐久性的影响,在潮汐区与盐雾区开展不同荷载条件下氯离子扩散试验,荷载大小分别为无荷载、0.3倍和0.5倍混凝土抗折强度.在混凝土中掺入氯盐,开展不同浓度氯盐条件下的钢筋锈蚀试验.通过氯离子扩散试验得到荷载对氯离子扩散影响系数与荷载大小的关系,修正菲克第二定律中的氯离子扩散系数.钢筋锈蚀试验中测试不同时间下混凝土构件中钢筋的锈蚀电流密度,拟合出钢筋锈蚀电流密度与氯盐浓度和锈蚀时间之间的关系.结合混凝土中考虑荷载影响的氯离子扩散模型与钢筋锈蚀模型,给出荷载作用下混凝土中钢筋锈蚀速率的计算方法.该方法对于海洋环境中荷载作用下钢筋混凝土结构耐久性寿命计算具有重要意义.  相似文献   

通过在钢筋与混凝土交界面处施加时变边界位移建立非均匀锈蚀钢筋锈胀模型,其中混凝土损伤本构采用指数应力软化模型,时变边界位移采用Faraday定律对氯离子浓度积分计算得到.参数化分析保护层厚度、钢筋位置、钢筋直径等因素对服役寿命及保护层开裂模式的影响.研究结果表明,服役寿命随保护层厚度增加而增长,而且增加幅度逐步增大,而钢筋直径变化对服役寿命影响较小,角部钢筋锈蚀则导致结构服役寿命缩短;中部钢筋的锈蚀使得保护层出现三条主裂缝,当保护层较小,保护层破坏模式为凸起式破坏,保护层较大时则将出现层裂;同时,角部钢筋锈蚀将在保护层内形成两条主裂纹,最终导致角部保护层脱落.  相似文献   

重复加载和锈胀开裂均会导致钢筋混凝土粘结性能退化,进而对钢筋混凝土构件力学性能产生不利影响。该文开展了一系列偏心拔出试验,研究了重复加载以及锈胀开裂对粘结滑移性能的耦合影响规律。主要研究变量包括重复加载次数、应力水平以及钢筋锈蚀程度。结果表明:重复加载对非锈蚀试件和锈胀开裂试件粘结强度及峰值滑移没有显著影响,但会导致钢筋和混凝土之间不断累积残余滑移。重复加载后,粘结应力-滑移曲线形态特征与单调加载试件相似。该文还发现表面锈胀裂缝宽度对粘结强度、峰值滑移以及残余滑移的增长规律有明显影响。锈胀开裂会导致钢筋混凝土试件粘结疲劳寿命显著下降。基于试验数据及文献中研究结论,该文建立了重复及单调荷载作用下非锈蚀及锈胀开裂试件的局部粘结应力-滑移本构关系模型,推导得到了粘结疲劳寿命预测模型。  相似文献   

海洋浪溅区的混凝土结构,由于长期受到氯盐的侵蚀和海浪冲刷作用,导致混凝土结构发生钢筋锈蚀、保护层胀裂剥落等耐久性破坏,无法满足长期服役要求。本工作选取3种不同矿渣掺量的高性能矿渣混凝土进行实验室自然扩散和海洋浪溅区现场暴露试验,基于可靠度理论和修正氯离子扩散理论的ChaDuraLife V1. 0寿命分析软件,对海洋浪溅区的高性能矿渣混凝土结构进行寿命分析与研究。结果表明:随着服役时间的延长,海洋环境下高性能矿渣混凝土结构的失效概率逐渐增大,可靠度指标逐渐降低。随着矿渣掺量和保护层厚度的增大,高性能矿渣混凝土结构的服役寿命呈增长趋势。海洋浪溅区环境下,矿渣含量为35%、粉煤灰含量为15%、强度等级为C50的高性能矿渣混凝土在保护层厚度取7 cm、8 cm和9 cm的情况下,其服役寿命分别可以满足50 a、100 a和120 a的使用寿命要求。同时,建议将GBT50476-2008《混凝土结构耐久性设计规范》中规定的浪溅区混凝土最小保护层厚度和28 d氯离子侵入指标DRCM最大值进行修正,以满足其规定的设计使用年限要求。  相似文献   

为了解决氯氧镁水泥混凝土中钢筋的锈蚀问题,根据西部盐渍土地区的自然环境,对氯氧镁水泥涂层钢筋混凝土进行了溶液浸泡加速锈蚀试验;通过电化学试验测得了表征氯氧镁水泥混凝土中裸露钢筋和涂层钢筋锈蚀的极化曲线,对钢筋表面的锈蚀程度进行分析、通过SEM和XRD微观试验对其产物进行分析;最终得出,通过对钢筋的开路电位、腐蚀速率和腐蚀电流密度分析得出,在不同环境下,涂层可以很好的保护氯氧镁水泥混凝土中的钢筋免受腐蚀。在最后腐蚀达到稳定后,涂层钢筋的腐蚀电流密度是裸露钢筋的1/20,其腐蚀速率和腐蚀电流密度变化波动相保持一致,从而得出涂层对氯氧镁水泥混凝土中的钢筋有很好的防腐效果。  相似文献   

Arteriovenous graft (AVG) thrombosis is a frequent cause of graft failure. We evaluated coagulation protein concentrations, platelet function, and viscoelasticity factors in 20 hemodialysis (HD) patients with AVGs. The goal was to determine whether significant differences in protein concentrations, platelet function, and viscoelasticity factors exist among dialysis patients requiring frequent AVG declot procedures vs. those who do not. Twenty HD patients were enrolled: 10 frequent clotters (>3 declots in the previous year) and 10 were nonclotters. Patients on antiplatelets or chronic anticoagulation were excluded. Laboratories were drawn pretreatment and heparinase was added to counteract any potential heparin effect. Coagulation protein concentrations including tissue factor (TF), thrombin/antithrombin III complex (TAT), and prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (F1+2) were assayed. The time to clot onset was measured by force onset time (FOT). Platelet contractile force (PCF) measured the force produced by platelets during clot retraction, whereas clot rigidity was measured as clot elastic modulus (CEM). FOT, CEM, and PCF were measured by Hemodyne. Both groups had upregulation of the TF pathway, as TF, TAT, and F1+2 levels were similarly increased over baseline levels. Hemodialysis patients with frequent AVG clotting had higher levels of both PCF and CEM compared with nonclotters. Additionally, the frequent clotters had a lower FOT relative to nonclotters, although both were considered in the normal range. Our study suggests that HD patients with recurrent AVG thrombotic events form clots with higher tensile strength compared with HD patients without recurrent graft thrombosis.  相似文献   

The stability of pump-turbines is of great importance to the operation of pumped storage power (PSP) stations. Both hydraulic instabilities and operational instabilities have been reported in PSP stations in China. In order to provide a reference to the engineers and scientists working on pump-turbines, this paper summarizes the hydraulic instabilities and performance characteristics that promote the operational instabilities encountered in pump-turbine operations in China. Definitions, analytical methods, numerical and experimental studies, and main results are clarified. Precautions and countermeasures are also provided based on a literature review. The gaps between present studies and the need for engineering practice are pointed out.  相似文献   

While a general decreasing trend in the number of persons killed in a traffic crash involving a drinking driver has occurred in Canada since the 1980s, it is evident that much of this decrease occurred in the 1990s. Since 2002, less progress has been made as the number of persons killed in crashes involving drinking drivers remains high. To better understand the current situation, this paper describes trends in drinking and driving in Canada from 1998 to 2011 using multiple indicators based on data collected for the Traffic Injury Research Foundation's (TIRF) Road Safety Monitor (RSM), the National Opinion Poll on Drinking and Driving, and trends in alcohol-related crashes based on data collected for TIRF's national Fatality Database in Canada. There has been a continued and consistent decrease in the number of fatalities involving a drinking driver in Canada. This remains true when looking at the number of fatalities involving a drinking driver per 100,000 population and per 100,000 licensed drivers. This decreasing trend is also still apparent when considering the percentage of persons killed in a traffic crash in Canada involving a drinking driver although less pronounced. Data from the RSM further show that the percentage of those who reported driving after they thought they were over the legal limit has also declined. However, regardless of the apparent decreasing trend in drinking driving fatalities and behaviour, reductions have been relatively modest, and fatalities in crashes involving drivers who have consumed alcohol remain high at unacceptable levels.  相似文献   

Gender differences in publication productivity in psychology in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of gender differences in psychology in India provides quantitative and qualitative assessment of R&D output contributed by psychologists with the indication of the trend of growth, skewness, relatedness, co-authorship pattern of productivity.  相似文献   

电畴为铁电陶瓷固有的独特微观组织特征之一,铁电陶瓷的许多性能均与其密切有关.综述了铁电陶瓷中的电畴结构,系统介绍了电场、机械作用引起的电畴翻转,概述了电畴翻转对铁电陶瓷断裂韧性的影响及其研究进展.  相似文献   

The system for Metrology in Chemistry in Germany is described. At the national standards level, a network of high-level chemistry institutes coordinated by the national metrology institute, PTB, provides the primary references for chemical measurements. A dissemination mechanism employs chemical calibration laboratories accredited within the framework of the German Calibration Service (DKD). They act as “multipliers” between the national standards level and the user level by providing the user with calibration means which are traceable to the SI via national standards. Traceability structures in clinical chemistry, electrochemistry, elemental analysis and gas analysis are described  相似文献   

本文综述了氧化锆及其复相陶瓷超塑性的研究现状,论述了陶瓷超塑性的变形机理,微观特征和断裂特性。同时,分析和对比了陶瓷超塑性与金属超塑性的特点。目前,对于正确理解超塑性陶瓷的变形机理,还需进行大量工作。  相似文献   

China has begun its standardization process in the cultural heritage since 1960.The standards contributed a lot to the development of the heritage conservation practices. In this paper, the author summaries the existing condition of standardization in the cultural heritages and museums field in China, and presents Standards for the Classification of Collected Cultural Heritages. Also this paper points out the problems which exist in the standardization in the cultural heritage, and gives the advice to solve these problems.  相似文献   

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