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以我国低碳和强化低碳模式,对煤气化发电CO2零排放工艺技术进行了对比和研究;从化学反应、工艺流程、工程应用等方面介绍了干粉煤气化发电同电解水制氢副产干冰CO2零排放工艺技术和煤气化联合循环发电(IGCC)CO2捕集埋藏工艺技术;对我国能源和环境安全的可持续发展提出了相关建议,指出煤气化联产干冰CO2零排放工艺技术是达到CO2零排放,实现煤炭清洁发电的有效途径。  相似文献   

分别对IGCC系统、IGCC燃烧前捕捉CO2系统以及CO2循环利用的纯氧燃烧系统的产气率和能耗进行了计算.结果表明,当煤种和气化条件不变时,燃烧前捕捉CO2会使IGCC系统的燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机做功量减少,热效率降低5.851%.当减排86.55%的CO2时,系统热效率为42%,有利于IGCC清洁高效运行.若采用CO2循环的纯氧燃烧技术,其系统热效率比未循环CO2的燃烧前捕捉系统低,但可以实现CO2的零排放.  相似文献   

正项目简介:煤炭气化,即在一定温度、压力下利用气化剂与煤炭反应生成洁净合成气(CO、H2的混合物),是实现煤炭洁净利用的关键,可为煤基化学品(合成氨、甲醇、烯烃等)、整体煤气化联合循环发电(IGCC)、煤基多联产、直接还原炼铁等系统提供龙头技术,为现代能源化工、冶金等行业的技术改造和节能降耗提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

桂霞  王陈魏  云志  张玲  汤志刚 《化工进展》2014,(7):1895-1901
近年来,全球性气候变暖已经严重威胁到人类社会、生存环境以及经济的发展,CO2减排问题刻不容缓。整体煤气化联合循环技术(IGCC)同燃烧前脱碳技术的联合应用,有望实现CO2的近零排放,成为当前研究热点之一。本文介绍了燃烧前脱碳技术的发展现状,简述了吸收法、吸附法、膜分离法等CO2分离方法的优缺点及其适应性,为回收利用CO2提供了技术依据。根据IGCC排放源特征,文章重点阐述了几种典型物理分离工艺特点及其在燃烧前脱碳技术的应用范围和前景,从新型高效CO2吸收剂的选择与应用、再生工艺的优化与创新以及耦合工艺的开发3个方向对CO2物理吸收法分离成本降低研究进行了论述,并对燃烧前脱碳技术所面临的挑战及其发展动向进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   

由于整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)发电本身的技术特点,使得其非常适合于进行燃烧前CO2捕集。针对IGCC特点,提出了一种MDEA脱酸气结合湿法氧化法硫回收的燃烧前CO2捕集流程。通过模拟计算,验证了流程的可行性。将其与IGCC发电系统集成,对比计算了有无燃烧前CO2捕集的IGCC系统供电效率等相关参数,燃烧前CO2捕集使IGCC供电效率降低约10个百分点。分析指出了导致包含燃烧前CO2捕集的IGCC供电效率降低的3个因素:蒸汽消耗、燃料化学能损失和新增动力设备电耗,并据此确定了今后的优化方向。  相似文献   

流化床生物质气化过程的中试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米铁  李善文等 《小氮肥》2002,30(3):15-18
随着社会对能源需求的日益增长,作为主要能源来源的化石燃料却迅速地减少,因此,寻找一种可再生的替代能源便成为社会普遍关注的焦点。生物质能源是一种理想的可再生能源,每年都有大量的工业、农业及森林废弃物产出,它来源广泛。其具有以下特点:(1)可再生性。(2)低污染性(硫含量和氮含量低,燃烧过程中产生的SOX、NOX较低)。生物质作为燃料时,由于它在生长时需要的二氧化碳量相当于它燃烧时排放的二氧化碳量,因而对大气的二氧化碳净排放量近似于零,这可有效地减少温室效应。(3)广泛的分布性。缺乏煤炭的地域可充分利用生物质能源。世界上87%的能源需求来源于化石燃料,这些燃料燃烧时,向大气中排放出大量的CO2、SOX、NOX。生物质中硫的含量极低,基本上无硫化物的排放,所以,利用生物质作为替代能源对改善大气酸雨环境、减少大气中二氧化碳含量从而减少“温室效应”都有极大的好处。全世界目前正面临着资源和环境的挑战,要做到环境和能源的持续发展,就必须合理有效地开发利用新能源,以尽可能减少对自然环境的破坏和污染。生物质的低硫和CO2的零排放使生物质成为能源生产的又一研究热点。  相似文献   

氢能经济·CO2减排·IGCC   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
倪维斗  张斌  李政 《煤炭转化》2003,26(3):1-10
从能量利用角度考察了纯粹用氢作燃料的氢能经济的可行性,阐述了燃料电池车自身发展的困难和矛盾所在,详细地研究了我国二氧化碳的排放源并指出了最切实可行的减排切入点——发电行业.通过从效率、经济性等角度对发电厂减排CO2的各种方案的对比,发现IGCC在CO2减排方面具有很大的优势.最后从考察IGCC的进一步发展方向出发,提出了能够真正实现零排放的能源系统和切实可行的减排CO2的系统方案.  相似文献   

为了研究WTW车用燃料的经济性与环保性,利用GREET模型对煤间接液化合成油、煤直接液化合成油、煤制天然气和整体煤气化联合循环发电IGCC 4种煤基燃料进行WTW计算,并对比分析了4种燃料在WTW各个阶段的能耗和CO2排放量。结果表明:4种煤基燃料的能耗由大到小为煤制天然气〉煤间接液化合成油〉煤直接液化合成油〉IGCC,其中煤间接液化合成油、煤直接液化合成油及煤制天然气的能耗都约为传统柴油或汽油的2倍,IGCC的总能耗是传统汽油的3/5左右;CO2排放排序为:煤间接液化合成油〉煤制天然气〉煤直接液化合成油〉IGCC,其中煤间接液化合成油、煤直接液化合成油和煤制天然气的CO2排放量都为传统柴油或汽油的1.6~3.1倍,IGCC的CO2排放量是传统汽油的7/10左右;煤间接、直接液化合成油和煤制天然气都有一定的市场竞争力,IGCC成本较高,且高于传统发电成本。  相似文献   

整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)发电技术具有发电效率高、污染物排放低、节水性能先进、有利于实现CO2减排等特点,是国际上公认的洁净、高效的发电技术之一。建立了基于低碳排放的IGCC发电模型,并分别对IGCC发电系统的两部分(煤气化系统和燃气-蒸汽轮机联合循环发电系统)建立了评价子模型。通过模型,计算不同煤质的IGCC系统能效、供电标煤耗及单位电量CO2排放量,并将模型计算结果与国内电厂的煤气化粗煤气组成、国际上大型联合循环机组的热效率进行了对比,验证了模型的合理性和准确性。  相似文献   

章文 《上海化工》2010,(11):43-43
由新奥集团旗下新奥科技公司成功研发的煤基清洁能源生产过程CO2近零排放技术,通过专家鉴定。煤基清洁能源生产过程CO2近零排放技术的成功开发,为实现煤炭资源的高效清洁和CO2资源化利用提供了核心技术。  相似文献   

《Fuel Processing Technology》2005,86(11):1175-1193
In this study, a bubbling fluidized bed combustor (BFBC) of 102 mm inside diameter and 900 mm height was used to investigate the combustion characteristics of peach and apricot stones produced as a waste from the fruit juice industry. A lignite coal was also burned in the same combustor. The combustion characteristics of the wastes were compared with that of a lignite coal that is most widely used in Turkey. On-line concentrations of O2, CO, CO2, SO2, NOX and total hydrocarbons (CmHn) were measured in the flue gas during combustion experiments. By changing the operating parameters (excess air ratio, fluidization velocity, and fuel feed rate), the variation of emissions of various pollutants was studied. Temperature distribution along the bed was measured with thermocouples.During the combustion tests, it was observed that the volatile matter from peach and apricot stones quickly volatilizes and mostly burn in the freeboard. The temperature profiles along the bed and the freeboard also confirmed this phenomenon. It was found that as the volatile matter of fruit stones increases, the combustion takes place more in the freeboard region.The results of this study have shown that the combustion efficiencies ranged between 98.8% and 99.1% for coal, 96.0% and 97.5% for peach stone and 93.4% and 96.3% for apricot stones. The coal has zero CO emission, but biomass fuels have very high CO emission which indicates that a secondary air addition is required for the system. SO2 emission of the coal is around 2400–2800 mg/Nm3, whereas the biomass fuels have zero SO2 emission. NOX emissions are all below the limits set by the Turkish Air Quality Control Regulation of 1986 (TAQCR) for all tests. As the results of combustion of two biomass fuels are compared with each other, peach stones gave lower CO and NOX emissions but the SO2 emissions are a little higher than for apricot stones. These results suggest that peach and apricot stones are potential fuels that can be utilized for clean energy production in small-scale fruit juice industries by using BFBC.  相似文献   

将高密度三塔式循环流化床(TBCFB)应用于串并联综合型多联产系统,提出一种基于碳循环的流程与参数共优化的煤基多联产系统,促进低阶煤资源的高质高效转化。碳循环体现在两方面,一是系统以热解煤气循环作为热解气氛,提高了焦油产率,实现低阶煤高质化转化;二是在TBCFB使用富氧燃烧,提高了烟气中二氧化碳浓度,将烟气替代氮气直接用于燃气轮机发电工质,减少了氮气消耗。利用Aspen Plus对全系统进行模拟,对多联产系统进行物料、能量和?衡算,研究未反应合成气循环比和烟气注入量对过程的影响;以能量利用效率为优化目标,对煤基多联产碳循环系统的操作条件寻优。结果表明,动力单元注入气体使用烟气时,煤基多联产碳循环系统的能量利用效率达49.7%,高于用氮气作为热解气氛的传统煤基多联产系统,相比传统的单产系统,煤基多联产系统的能量可节约13%,对于年处理30万吨煤的系统,折合减少二氧化碳排放量为14.9万吨/年。  相似文献   

Ceramic honeycomb monoliths with a noble metal-alumina based washcoat were used as burners for the combustion of very lean methane-air mixtures below the conventional lower flammability limit without the emission of CO, NOx, or unburned fuel gas. Measurements and modelling in the steady state proved that the near zero emissions could have been equally due to gas phase combustion than to catalytic combustion for the long monoliths. However, only catalytic oxidation reactions could account for the complete and clean combustion observed for the shortest burners, indicating that even in the longest monoliths, the combustion had been catalytic. Thus the onset of gas phase combustion was inhibited by catalytic combustion. This phenomenon was investigated using numerical modelling and experimental studies on a catalytic stagnation point flow reactor, with a polycrystalline Pt foil as the catalyst. These studies showed the extent of the phenomenon of inhibition of gas phase ignition and how catalytic combustion is an extremely stable and clean process.  相似文献   

彭卫华 《广东化工》2012,39(5):164-165
由于CO2等温室气体引发的温室效应对全球生态环境和社会经济发展造成了显著影响,使得CO2减排受到了国际社会的密切关注。文章针对CO2的集中排放源,介绍燃煤电厂烟气中CO2减排技术路线和目前国际上常用的CO2捕集分离技术,最后分析和展望CO2捕集分离技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

煤炭是我国的主要能源,以燃烧煤为主的煤炭利用过程产生了大量的温室气体CO2、含硫化合物气体等。通过煤基直接碳燃料电池发电,理论热力学效率接近100%,而且可以实现CO2的零排放,是煤高效、低碳洁净利用的关键技术,其大规模推广应用却受到原煤含硫化合物引起的硫中毒的制约。通过对现有煤脱硫工艺进行分析,提出洗选→化学氧化→电化学氧化→离子液体萃取→溶剂萃取→高温固硫(PCESTO)阶段联合处理工艺对原煤进行脱硫处理,可以有效降低煤中硫含量,定向转化直接碳燃料电池中硫的存在形式,减少和消除硫对直接碳燃料电池电极的毒化作用。  相似文献   

O2/CO2气氛下煤燃烧SO2/NO析出特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水平管式炉上研究了O2浓度、CO2浓度、温度及石灰石添加等各参数对O2/CO2气氛下徐州烟煤和龙岩无烟煤燃烧过程中SO2/NO排放特性的影响。结果发现,O2/CO2气氛下,烟煤和无烟煤燃烧SO2/NO的析出规律与空气气氛下不同,同等O2浓度下析出量比空气气氛下小。O2/CO2气氛下,随着O2浓度的提高,烟煤和无烟煤SO2/NO排放量均增大;随着CO2浓度的升高, SO2/NO排放量均减小。O2/CO2气氛下,石灰石添加对SO2排放的抑制作用低于空气气氛下;石灰石添加对NO的排放有一定减排作用。对煤灰的元素分析显示O2/CO2燃烧对SO2的抑制主要是由于煤灰的自固硫能力增强,而对NO的减排作用则是促进燃料N向其他含N气体的转换。  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results on co-firing of ‘as-received’ sugar cane bagasse and rice husk in a conical fluidized-bed combustor (FBC) using silica sand as the bed material. Axial temperature, O2, CO2, CO and NO concentration profiles in the conical FBC operated at 82.5-82.8 kg/h fuel feed rate and various values of excess air (of about 40, 60, 80 and 100%) for different rice husk energy fractions (of 0.60, 0.85 and 1.0) are discussed. The bed temperature, CO and NO emissions from the combustor, as well as the heat losses and combustion efficiency, are also provided for the above operating conditions. The axial temperature profiles in the conical FBC were almost independent of excess air but noticeably affected by the rice husk energy fraction. The CO emissions were found to reduce for higher values of excess air and rice husk energy fractions. Meanwhile, the NO concentrations at all the points over the combustor volume and, accordingly, NO emissions from the reactor increased with higher excess air and energy contributions by rice husk. The co-firing of these fuels in the conical FBC at the rice husk energy fractions greater than 0.6 resulted in the sustainable combustion, with 95-96% combustion efficiency, and lower NO emissions compared with those for firing pure rice husk. Through co-firing with rice husk, an effective use of ‘as-received’ sugar cane bagasse becomes feasible for energy conversion in the fluidized-bed combustion systems.  相似文献   

The issues of reducing CO2 emissions, sustainably utilizing natural mineral resources, and dealing with industrial waste offer challenges for sustainable development in energy and the environment. We propose an efficient methodology via the co-reaction of K-feldspar and phosphogypsum for the extraction of soluble potassium salts and recovery of SO2 with reduced CO2 emission and energy consumption. The results of characterization and reactivity evaluation indicated that the partial melting of K-feldspar and phosphogypsum in the high-temperature co-reaction significantly facilitated the reduction of phosphogypsum to SO2 and the exchange of K+(K-feldspar) with Ca2+(CaSO4 in phosphogypsum). The reaction parameters were systematical y investigat-ed with the highest sulfur recovery ratio of~60%and K extraction ratio of~87.7%. This novel methodology possesses an energy consumption reduction of~28%and CO2 emission reduction of~55%comparing with the present typical commercial technologies for utilization of K-feldspar and the treatment of phosphogypsum.  相似文献   

玻璃生产常用燃料的应用与CO2排放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苑卫军  朱鹏程  李建胜 《玻璃》2009,36(10):24-26
对比分析了几种常用燃料在燃烧应用过程各阶段产生的CO2排放量,并根据玻璃熔窑能耗指标,对各种燃料熔化单位质量玻璃液的CO2排放量进行了核算与比较。指出采用先进的节能降耗技术,减少燃料消耗、降低燃料应用过程的电耗,以及发展先进的煤气化技术、合理选择燃料种类,可以有效控制玻璃产业CO2排放。  相似文献   

This paper intends to investigate combustion of petrodiesel and biodiesels of grape seed, corn, sunflower, soybean, olive and rice bran oils, which were produced through an alkali-based transesterification, in a non-pressurized, water-cooled combustion chamber by determining its combustion performance and gas emissions (CO, CO2, NOx, SO2). First, the influence of fuel pressure which related to the rate of sprayed fuel to the chamber was studied in order to find out an optimum combustion pressure. In the next level, the influence of A/F upon emissions and boiler performances at 13.79 bars was studied. Results show that similar combustion of fuels occurred at 13.79 bars (optimum) where due to the increase in fuel pressure, the effect of viscous forces in flame formation disappeared. Complete combustion of fuels occurred at 19.305 bars where the CO emissions of all the fuels reached to zero.The overall performance of the boiler obtained with the methyl esters and petrodiesel are comparable for the defined operating points (especially at high energy rates and low A/F). All the six kinds of vegetable based methyl ester emitted lower emissions than petrodiesel over the wide fuel pressures, and A/F. Meanwhile, biodiesels emitted higher amounts of NOx than petrodiesel. Biodiesels also emitted higher amounts of CO than petrodiesel at low fuel pressures when the viscous forces interfered with proper distributions of fuels to the combustion chamber.  相似文献   

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