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以13.56MHz为基础的移动非接触支付国家标准正在审批中,有望年内出台。据介绍,此国标的提出,将明确我国移动支付金融标准体系框架,使得移动支付离大众更近一步。此国标涵盖近场支付和远程支付的业务模式,对联网通用可信服务管理、支付安全等方面进行规范化,明确近场通信频率采用13.56MHz,智能卡产品形态将兼容多种方案,如SIM卡方案、SD卡方案、全收集方案、双界面电信卡等。  相似文献   

移动支付国家标准有望年内发布以13.56MHz为基础的移动非接触支付国家标准正在审批中,有望年内出台。据介绍,此国标的提出,将明确我国移动支付金融标准体系框架,使得移动支付离大众更近一步。此国标涵盖近场支付和远程支付的业务模式,对联网通用可信服务管理、支付安全等方面进行规范化,明确近场通信频率采用13.56MHz,智能卡产品形态将兼容多种方案,如SIM卡方案、SD卡方案、全收集方案、双界面电信卡等。据悉,移动互联网快速发展,市场规模超过390亿元,同比增长117%;101家非金融支付机构获得支付业务许可证,其中26家获得移动支付许可证;预计2012年智能手机出货量将达到5410万部。(四川新闻网-成都商报)  相似文献   

近年来,随着智能手机的不断普及和IC银行卡迁移进程的不断推进,手机近场支付业务也随之兴起。目前国际国内金融支付体系普遍采用基于13.56MHz国际标准(ISO14443标准)的非接触式近场通信技术。作为近场支付通信的关键技术,不仅要保证通信的安全可靠性,还要适应和推动支付行业的发展。本文主要从金融支付应用的角度对13.56MHz近场通信技术方案进行分析,重点对该技术方案在金融应用的安全性、可靠性、业务国际化、多行业融合等方面的适用性进行分析,提出了对近场支付通信技术的相关建议。  相似文献   

舒文琼 《通信世界》2013,(10):22-23
金融移动支付业务的推出,标志着运营商和金融系统在移动支付领域进入了合作新阶段,不过两大阵营目前仅确立了框架性合作协议,具体的商业模式仍在探索中。进入4月份,有关运营商与金融系统合作推动移动支付的好消息不断。4月9日,中国移动携手光大银行推出手机钱包业务;次日,中信银行近场支付柜台端程序及客户端程序上线,从而具备了通过空中发卡将金融IC卡功能加载到SIM卡上的能力。从各自为阵到  相似文献   

随着移动电子商务的发展,金融机构、电信运营商、第三方电子支付企业纷纷进入移动支付领域。目前近距离移动支付有三种主流技术方案:RFID-SIM、SIMPASS、NFC(包括NFC、eNFC和SD方案),由于移动支付相关标准众多且不一,这已经成为移动支付发展的原因之一。本文通过对近场移动支付主流技术的阐述结合国内典型从业者的技术选择现状的分析,对未来近场移动支付技术路线的演进进行探讨。  相似文献   

NFC简称近场通信,是一种非接触式识别和互联技术,应用于消费类电子产品、移动设备、PC和智能控件工具间进行近距离无线通信。本文对NFC技术领域专利的申请趋势进行了统计分析,并重点针对其在移动支付中的安全解决方案进行介绍。  相似文献   

移动支付确实不仅仅是一场技术战,只解决了技术方案还不行,更重要的是建立—个可行的业务模式,明明白白地告诉用户:使用移动支付"干什么"。现在,智能机远程支付和PBOC2.0非接银行卡已经在改变用户的使用习惯;另一方面,运营商在白热化竞争的局面下非常需要一些差异化的利器。此时,移动近场支付要尽快获取第一批用户并沉淀下来,建立一个可信的业务品牌以支撑业务规模发展。在此情形下,商家需要建立一个业务场景,让用户主动办理移动支付卡并开通激活。这可以借某个业务场景,让用户来主动办理业  相似文献   

网秦手机安全专家邹仕洪认为,目前,安全是移动办公、移动支付、云手机使用等领域用户普遍担忧的环节,用户在借助云服务跨平台共享数据时,信息安全将面临挑战,如权限的设置、对远程攻击的防范等。在依托账户统一管理信息时,账号安全也极为关键,如怎样  相似文献   

随着移动互联网快速发展,移动支付作为网上购买数字产品和实物的重要手段,逐步成为移动互联网的重要业务之一。文章主要研究移动近场支付技术方案及标准进展,主要包括移动支付技术架构、移动支付终端和卡技术方案、可信服务管理平台技术方案以及移动支付标准进展,对移动支付技术和产业的发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

2019年区块链技术上升为国家战略.随着区块链时代的到来,金融领域数字货币、刷脸支付、NFC支付、指纹支付、二维码支付等多种移动支付方式的出现,移动支付业务迅猛发展,同时,安全问题却逐步成为移动支付亟待解决的问题.本文旨在分析区块链时代移动支付过程中遇到的网络安全问题并提出一些建议和对策.  相似文献   

Recently, mobile phones have been recognized as the most convenient type of mobile payment device. However, they have some security problems; therefore, mobile devices cannot be used for unauthorized transactions using anonymous data by unauthenticated users in a cloud environment. This paper suggests a mobile payment system that uses a certificate mode in which a user receives a paperless receipt of a product purchase in a cloud environment. To address mobile payment system security, we propose the transaction certificate mode (TCM), which supports mutual authentication and key management for transaction parties. TCM provides a software token, the transaction certificate token (TCT), which interacts with a cloud self‐proxy server (CSPS). The CSPS shares key management with the TCT and provides simple data authentication without complex encryption. The proposed self‐creating protocol supports TCM, which can interactively communicate with the transaction parties without accessing a user's personal information. Therefore, the system can support verification for anonymous data and transaction parties and provides user‐based mobile payments with a paperless receipt.  相似文献   


Electronic payment systems have become increasingly popular due to the widespread use of the internet-based shopping and banking. Such systems should at least guarantee users’ anonymity during the transaction, fair exchange of goods and offer dispute resolutions. As many of the electronic payments are nowadays performed on mobile devices, also efficiency with respect to communication and computation costs at the user’s side is another important requirement. In this paper we first show that a previously proposed system does not offer the claimed anonymity and non repudiation features. These issues are based on problems in the underlying authenticated encryption scheme. We propose an alternative system that satisfies all the required security features. In addition, we show how similar techniques can be applied to develop a payment system on a vending machine or in a retail outlet for the user using its smartphone as proxy, allowing besides confidentiality and authentication, also user anonymity throughout the whole process. This payment system is in particular of interest for blind or visually impaired people, who become able to take the whole payment process in own hands, instead of being dependent of the payment device and the possibly untrusted environment. Both payment systems apply the anonymous signcryption scheme ASEC as building block.


随着普通大众消费能力的不断增强,方便快捷的支付渠道成为越来越强烈的需求。移动支付业务正好提供了这样一个渠道,它可以不受地理和时间的限制,随时随地的满足人们的支付要求。本文首先简要介绍移动支付业务概念、分类,然后重点叙述移动支付业务模型以及移动支付的体系架构和接口,并给出支付业务流程示例。最后对移动支付中的安全问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

伴随着智能手机的普遍使用,用户通过随身携带的手机来完成支付业务的需求更加普及.但是,随着移动支付规模的大幅增长,移动支付业务各个环节中所面临的安全问题更加不容忽视.文中对移动支付所面临的安全问题进行了详尽的分析,同时针对这些问题,提出了基于当前主流安全技术的解决方案,为移动支付业务的安全保障提供参考.  相似文献   

Future personal "e-payment": IrFM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is widespread distribution of millions of mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs with infrared data association (IrDA) ports to consumers worldwide. Rapid advancements in both device technology and users' capabilities are the foundations for a new digital payment system, which promises to change the traditional method of payments. By utilizing standard IrDA indoor infrared technology, infrared financial messaging (IrFM) is a financial messaging specification with great prospects for future digital payment systems. In this article, we carry out a comprehensive analysis of IrFM, clarify the benefits of using such a system, and develop a model which allows us to identify the significance of major performance factors of digital payment systems. Issues concerning connection speed, security, reliability, simplicity, and interoperability of IrFM are investigated.  相似文献   

随着商业模式的日渐清晰以及3G/4G网络的大面积普及,移动金融市场将在未来几年继续呈现爆发式的增长。然而,智能手机的开放性使得移动端的安全问题日益严重。众多新兴的金融支付类病毒利用系统漏洞,配合页面劫持、进程注入、短信劫持等攻击手段,对移动用户的金融账户、口令、验证码等信息进行盗取。终端安全性问题已经严重阻碍了移动金融市场的健康发展。针对上述问题,文中从终端硬件、系统框架、应用程序、NFC等多个技术层面展开,对当前移动互联网金融中的终端安全威胁进行详细梳理,并给出切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

结合当前移动支付方式的多样性和便捷性特点以及移动过程可能出现的各类安全问题,重点从移动支付终端的安全性、支付过程的安全性以及后台支付端的安全性进行全方位一体化的论述,涉及到终端卡片(各类SIM卡芯片)、服务器、第三方支付平台服务、移动支付应用软件、支付信息加密、支付协议通道安全性甚至用户自身使用安全性等方面。  相似文献   

Financial transactions play a critical role in people’s interpersonal relationships since money is a sensitive and complex component of everyday life. In particular, emerging digital peer-to-peer (P2P) payment applications further complicate how people deal with each other regarding money. Yet, there is a lack of empirical evidence on how and why such technology may lead to new and more complex influences on people’s offline interpersonal relationships. Using 23 in-depth interviews, this paper explores the influences of using digital P2P payments on people’s experiences of interpersonal financial exchanges and their offline interpersonal relationships. Our findings show that using digital P2P payments helps reduce awkwardness and ensure a stronger sense of fairness in financial exchanges. In addition, though digital P2P payments can relieve tension and reduce distrust in users’ interpersonal relationships, they also result in loss of emotion and increase peer pressure. We extend existing studies on computer-mediated interpersonal relationships by highlighting the important role of the complicated technology-mediated financial exchanges in perceiving, shaping, and approaching today’s offline interpersonal relationships. We also propose potential design implications for designers and developers to take such an interplay of financial exchanges and interpersonal relationships into consideration to design more supportive and socially satisfactory digital P2P payment platforms in the future.  相似文献   

伴随着互联网和移动4G业务的快速发展,手机支付成为一种趋势,各类简易新型支付形式不断涌现。然而,简单快捷和资金安全总是以彼此为代价,越简易快捷,支付安全系数就越低。本文对当前移动支付方式进行了研究,并提出了相关安全策略。  相似文献   

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