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在氚工艺研究、氚生产等涉氚场所,如何快速准确收集操作间和烟囱流出物中的氚对工作人员辐射防护和氚排放量的控制非常重要。针对涉氚场所氚以氚气(HT)和氚水(HTO)两种形态存在的特点,基于半导体冷阱研制了一套HTO-HT甄别式氚快速取样系统。该取样系统设置了高热效率催化氧化炉和运行自控装置,采用低温冷阱冷凝收集经过催化氧化床氧化后的HT。系统取样流量为0~10L/min时,催化效率99%,取样效率95%,能够满足涉氚场所对HTO和HT甄别式快速取样的要求。  相似文献   

从辐射防护的观点考虑,由于气态氚(HT)和氚化水蒸气(HTO)具有不同的辐射危害,在裂变堆、氚处理设施和聚变堆实验装置的现场防护中,应对不同形态的气载氚浓度分别进行测定。近十年来国外广泛使用了选择性渗透膜技术,将HTO从HT和其它放射性气体中分离出来,实现对不同形态氚的实时连续监测。本文主要介绍一种多管干燥器分离水蒸汽的特性及其在甄别式氚监测仪上的应用。  相似文献   

HC系列空气中氚取样器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境放射性气体监测中,氚是一个重要的对象。环境空气中的氚主要以氚化水蒸气HTO存在,少量以气体HT、氚化甲烷CH3T的形式存在。空气中氚的取样方法主要有鼓泡法、干燥法和冷冻法等。《大气中HTO和HT的取样测定方法》推荐:常规条件下,大气中HTO和HT的取样应采用不计湿度法。HC系列空气中氚取样器,由中国辐射防护研究院环境科学研究所研制,适用于环境本底调查、核设施工艺管道、核电站外环境、反应堆厂房、氚废物处理等取样环境和工作场所。设计中充分考虑了氚浓度高低和化学形态、空气湿度、采样周期、是否需要移动、现场是否有电源或野外工作等具体情况,使得采样过程更有针对性,操控更加人性化。研制过程中,从外观到结构不断完善。HC系列取样器主要由粒子过滤器、转子流量计、气体累积流量计、取样介质、空气采样器和时间继电器组成。HC系列取样器采用单元电路控制,包括瞬时、累计流量记录,采样时间预置,温度自动控制等,配合打印机记录流量、温度等过程参数指标。能够连续自动完成采样,取样结束后,取样器自动停止。独立的催化氧化床单元可以与HC系列氚取样器组合,实现空气中的全氚(HTO、HT、有机氚)的取样分析。催化氧化床填充贵金属催化剂,在常温下...  相似文献   

退役氚污染不锈钢材料中氚污染深度和化学组成   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
明确待退役氚污染不锈钢材料中氚污染深度和化学组成,对制定和选择经济有效的退役处理工艺或方法具有重要意义。分层化学蚀刻法是研究氚污染不锈钢材料中氚深度分布及存在形态的主要方法之一。研究过程中,从待退役氚工艺线上取氚污染的不锈钢材料,制成实验试样后,采用常温化学分层蚀刻方法对试样中的氚污染深度和氚的化学组成进行实验研究。结果表明,氚聚集在不锈钢表面层0~4μm范围内,主要以HTO和HT形式,其中HTO占90%以上,且随着表层深度的增加,HT含量占比逐渐增大,直至与HTO含量接近。  相似文献   

大气中氚主要以氚化水(HTO)、氚化氢(HT)以及氚化甲烷(CH_3T)的形态存在,其危害与其化学形态相关。为了准确评价核设施周围大气中不同化学形态的氚水平,基于高温催化氧化和低温冷阱捕集的原理,建立了一套适用于核设施周围大气中多形态氚的取样及测量方法,并对秦山核电站周围大气中不同形态氚进行了初步测量。该方法中催化剂在大气环境下对HT和CH_3T的催化氧化效率≥99%,冷阱对水样的收集效率≥95%,具备了同时采集和测量HTO、HT和CH_3T的功能。基于秦山核电站周围大气中氚的初步测量结果发现:秦山核电站周围大气中存在HTO、CH_3T和HT三种形态的氚,且HTOCH_3THT,CH_3T和HT浓度与环境本底水平相当,由此表明,建立的取样和测量方法有较高的灵敏度,可以用于核设施周边大气中环境水平氚的采样测量。  相似文献   

在增殖剂离线产氚实验中,如何准确实时测量回路中氚浓度和形态(HTO/HT)对于掌握产氚增殖剂氚释放行为,改进增殖剂的产氚性能非常重要。针对离线产氚回路中载气流量小、回路中气体量小以及载气为Ar等特点,基于流气式电离室原理研制了一套数字化氚浓度在线测量系统。该系统中电离室灵敏体积为50 mL,数字化仪表可自控获取、处理及显示回路中的氚浓度。测试结果表明,在Ar气氛下,在35 V左右,电离室即进入饱和区;该系统探测下限可达3.7×10 7 Bq/m 3,能满足离线产氚实验中氚在线监测的要求。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种简单、高灵敏度的空气中总氚量的监测方法。空气先通过一个乙二醇鼓泡吸收器以除去HTO,再通过加热的催化剂,使HT气体氧化为HTO,然后被第二个乙二醇鼓泡吸收器捕集。捕集的氚用液闪法测量。研究了取样流速、相对湿度、采样时间(吸收体积)以及氚的浓度对吸收效率和回收率的影响,并测定了在催化氧化剂上HT的转化效率。本法可用于氚实验室监测,含氚试验设备的氚泄漏率测量及环境监测等。  相似文献   

一、前言氖是核动力堆与后处理厂气态流出物中对广大居民公众产生照射的重要放射性核素之一。氚在环境大气中主要以氚化水蒸气的形态 HTO 存在,也可能以气态 HT,T_2及氚化碳氢化合物的形态存在。由于不同化学形态的氘在大气中的转移以及在生物体内代谢同化过程的差别,对气态流出物及环境中不同化学形态的氚进行监测是必要的。根据目前对核工厂气态流出物中排放的放射性气体的了解,一般认为对于压水堆,沸水堆和重水堆核动力厂,氚监测系统的设计应能区分水蒸气 HTO 和气体 HT,T_2。对 HTO 的取样,鼓泡法,干燥剂吸附以及冷冻方法都是有效的。对于能够  相似文献   

氚工艺中可用CuO床将氚气(HT)氧化成氚水(HTO),本实验测定了不同氧化床温度和载气流速条件下的氧化效率,以确定合适的氧化床操作工艺。  相似文献   

本工作对于氚在不锈钢表面的吸附和解吸行为进行了初步研究.样品在n(D)∶n(T)=1∶1,230℃时,15 MPa下恒温8 h后,接着在27 MPa下恒温6 h的情况下进行了氚的吸附,测量了室温下和加热到1173 K时的解吸氚量和总吸附量.其结果如下:不锈钢的总吸附氚量是857.4 MBq·cm-2,不锈钢的解吸氚量是722.2 MBq·cm-2;在本实验的条件下,在室温和加热条件下,不锈钢所释放的氚中,化学成分主要是HTO和HT两部分,大部分以HT形式存在;不锈钢的自由氚占吸附总氚量的7.34%;不锈钢的热解吸谱存在三个解吸峰,其解吸温度分别为439、530和843K.  相似文献   

Dose conversion values (DCV: Sv/kg-Tritium release) associated with a release of tritiated hydrogen (HT) to the atmosphere have been studied in the field experiment performed at Chalk River Laboratories in Canada in 1987. For a near ground-level release of HT, DCVs of 2×10?2 and 3×10?3 Sv/kg-Tritium were evaluated at distances of 100 and 400m on the mean plume centerline, respectively. An important finding was that less than 1% of the respective doses was attributed to the primary HT plume (by submersion) and the rest to HTO (by inhalation plus skin absorption) which was formed due to conversion of the HT to HTO in the environment. A comparison to a postulated HTO release under experimental conditions predicted that corresponding dose conversion values may reach approximately 90 and 70 times greater than those of the HT release at respective distance. Extrapolation of these experimental dose conversion values into those in maximum-exposed conditions (MEC) was made. It was predicted that the ratios of dose conversion values between HTO to HT releases under the MEC were about 20 at 100m (6 at 400m), though a release of HTO is approximately 25,000 times more radio-hazardous than a release of HT if no conversion of HT to HTO is assumed to occur in the environment. The present results were compared with those of the French HT release experiment in 1986.  相似文献   

本文对元素状态氚(HT)的常温取样方法进行了研究。给出计算空气中元素状态氚浓度的公式。用本文提供的办法,在常温下可实现空气中氧化物状态氚(HTO)和元素状态氚的分别收集。  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2103-2107
Nuclear waste management has to be taken into account for fusion machine using tritium as fuel. Soft housekeeping waste (e.g. gloves, tissues, protective clothes, etc.) is produced during the whole life as well as during the dismantling of the reactor and is contaminated by tritium under reduced (HT) and oxidized (HTO) forms.In collaboration with ENEA, a lab-scaled facility has been built at CEA Cadarache for soft housekeeping waste detritiation and tritium valorization. The previously milled waste is placed in a reactor to be heated up to a temperature lower than the housekeeping melting point. A carrier gas is then injected in the detritiation reactor to remove tritium, thanks to the combined effects of temperature and carrier gas (type and feed flow). The tritiated gas exhausted from the detritiation reactor is then sent through a catalytic Pd–Ag membrane reactor (CMR) where tritium is recovered via isotopic exchange reaction and permeation phenomenon.Based on previous studies that have allowed defining the most efficient operating conditions for the detritiation process, this work presents the results obtained by the coupling of the detritiation facility with the CMR. Due to safety considerations, restrictions on the nature of the carrier gas were applied, rejecting air as the carrier gas even though air was the best candidate for the detritiation part of the process. The performance of the whole system was estimated by means of a parametric study on the influence of flow rates in the CMR and transmembrane pressure.  相似文献   

The derivation of the emission limit for tritiated hydrogen gas (HT) from Tritium Removal Facility is described using the model CEDM-HT. This compartment model assumes equilibrium between HT in air and tritium oxide (HTO) in the soil resulting from HT oxidation by soil bacteria. Subsequent transfer of this HTO occurs to air and food, resulting in dose to people. The factors taken into account in determining the critical group and the dose and emission limit calculations are described. The consumption of local-grown fruits and root vegetables was found to be potentially the major contributor to adult dose resulting from HT emissions. For young children, milk consumption is also potentially significant.  相似文献   

在氚的在线监测过程中,为实现对氚化水蒸气的甄别测量和高浓度时记忆效应的消除,本文研制了一种用于实验现场的氚监测系统。该系统采用模块化设计,主要由弱电流测量模块、数据处理模块、氚化水蒸气甄别模块和记忆效应消除模块等组成。性能测试结果表明,系统稳定性满足使用要求,且具备较高的氚化水蒸气甄别能力和彻底的记忆效应消除能力。  相似文献   

杨怀元 Mung.  WJ 《辐射防护》1990,10(4):267-271,285
本文介绍作者在美国河贡国立实验室工作期间,对该实验室材料科学部α-γ热室(AGHCF)的烟囱排出氚监测系统进行了改造,建立了HTO-HT连续取样监测装置。该装置能区分HTO和HT两种形态的氚,在取样体积流量为0.3L/ni,取样时间为一周(168h)时,系统对HTO的收集效率高于97%,对HT的氧化效率高于95%。  相似文献   

In view of public acceptance and the licensing procedure of projected fusion reactors, the release of tritium and activation products during normal operation as well as after accidents is a significant safety aspect. Calculations have been performed under accidental conditions for unit releases of corrosion products from water coolant loops, of first wall erosion products including different coating materials, and of tritium in its chemical form of tritiated water (HTO). Dose assessments during normal operation have been performed for corrosion products from first wall primary coolant loop and for tritium in both chemical forms (HT/HTO). The two accident consequence assessment (ACA) codes UFOTRI and COSYMA have been applied for the deterministic dose calculations with nearly the same input variables and for several radiological source terms. Furthermore, COSYMA and NORMTRI have been applied for routine release scenarios. The paper analyzes the radioation doses to individuals and the population resulting from the different materials assumed to be released in the environment.D.T.I. Dr. Trippe Ing. GmbH, Karlsruhe.  相似文献   

申慧芳  钱渊  杜林  刘卫 《原子能科学技术》2014,48(10):1766-1774
从核设施释放到大气中的氚主要以氚化水(HTO)和氚化氢(HT)两种形式存在,最终以HTO的形式进入植物体。植物体中的氚有两种化学形态:自由水氚(TFWT)和有机氚(OBT),其中OBT又被细分为交换性OBT和非交换性OBT。与TFWT相比,OBT在植物体内有较长的滞留时间和较大的剂量转换因子,在氚的食入剂量中OBT占主要份额,因此有必要对植物中的OBT展开全面研究。本文就植物中OBT的定义、交换性OBT和非交换性OBT的确定、OBT的形成过程及其影响因子、OBT预测模型的研究进行综述,同时对今后植物中OBT应重点研究的内容进行了简单分析,以期为植物中OBT的研究提供一定的参考。为准确评价OBT造成的辐射剂量,今后对OBT的研究中应着重从测量、夜间形成机理和环境中的行为等方面进行。  相似文献   

Sorption of gaseous tritium on the surface of type 316 stainless steel   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sorption of gaseous tritium on the type 316 stainless steel was studied. The stainless steel was first contacted with gaseous tritium, and then the remaining tritium was evacuated. During a gradual etching from the surface by an acid solution, the tritium was released as HTO with a fraction of HT. They were radioassayed separately. The HTO mostly originates from the tritium present on the outer-most surface and about 90% of it could be released easily into water. However, the rest is sorbed tightly and remained in the surface layer. A fraction of the sorbed-tritium will diffuse atomically through the surface layer into the bulk of stainless steel and is released as HT by etching. The activation energy of the diffusion was determined as 32.8 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

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