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编辑部主任:王飞wang_fei@chip.cn三四月,春风荡,摄影人,在路上;走出去,带回来,驻留下,细心赏。拍风光,讲技巧,学大片,立意妙;小见大,大挪移,移情境,境无极。大美片,细思量,得佳作,技要强;高动态,低饱和,长曝光,全景旺。说联想,看联系,关系紧,更有力;多与少,讲对比,比色调,比心思。拍纪实,定主题,深挖掘,揣心理;潜意识,很重要,大时代,专题靠;言有物,物有主,意有形,形附属;稳准狠,是要点,轻技巧,重体验。整体感,计划性,章节式,故事成;单张片,何须恋,失选题,成遗憾。  相似文献   

俗话说,“你不理财,财不理你“,很多朋友可能都清楚自己的收入,但却不知道自己的消费和支出,所以每个月下来都是“月光族“。这就是由于头脑中没有“理财“的概念引起的,在新的一年开始时,我们有必要共同来探讨一下个人理财的问题,广义的理财不但包括财产资金的管理,还包括利用现在的资金“生财“,但是由于投资顶目有风险,各行各业差别也很大,因此在市专题中,我们主要探讨狭义的理财,那就是对资金的管理,让账目更明确,让消费更理性,日常生活中不但要开源,更要节流,用心理财,你才能做到“心中有账,手里有财“,从此告别“月光族“!  相似文献   

一个警察玩魔兽,后来殉职,有玩家在游戏里为他组织了葬礼,很多战友前来祭拜。重庆一个魔兽公会的会长在网上卖号,打算凑两三千块钱给妻子治病,结果无数玩家慷慨解囊。还有一些让人哭笑不得的妙人。比如三季稻,人称三哥,他是国服里的一个传奇人物,独来独往,专杀小号。他不参加任何公会,也不参加任何活动,没有人知道他的真实身份。有个联盟玩家给自己的ID起名叫部落不是东西,然后到处躲避部落的追杀,历尽艰辛,乐此不疲。还有一玩家一根筋要当大奸商,不练级,不打怪,只是在不同种族之间倒买倒卖,囤货居奇,最终控制整个服务器的经济命脉。其实,游戏和现实世界一样.不管是谁,总有点追求。在《魔兽世界》里,有人求升级,有人求装备,有人享受打到BOSS的过程,有人追求领导公会的快感,但也有BJ这样的游侠——他最大的乐趣是发掘游戏里面各种稀奇古怪的地方。他会一个人去爬山、游泳、客串做奸商,躲在没人的地方钓鱼,或者和小妹妹在山顶看日出。为了抓一只宠物,他可以在树下连续盯上40多个小时,如痴如醉,跟谈恋爱一样。走出游戏,又觉得自己很傻。BJ今年33岁,是一个程序员,家住南京,有家庭,有事业,热爱生活。  相似文献   

韩子善 《数码摄影》2013,(4):178-178
《数码摄影》创刊于新世纪,是本年青的杂志,有年青的感觉,年青的朝气,也有年青的躁动。杂志是智者,面对是朋友,所以我喜欢看各种杂志的卷首语,如沐春风,如听秋雨,有所闻,有所感,很难得,张韬也好,登登也好,如能再精深一些,配图收录会是很不错的图文集。  相似文献   

恩师陈念贻先生虽然永远离开了我们,但是他的音容笑貌,宛如昨日,历历在目。多少个节假日,他还在潜心研究,手不释卷?多少个夜晚,他还在著书立说,修订论文?陈先生一生酷爱科学研究,孜孜以求,不知疲倦。他学识渊博,文采飞扬,语言生动;虚怀若谷,学而不厌,诲人不倦;提携后学,循循善诱,令人感动。陈念贻先生1952年毕业于清华大学化学系,曾任中国科学院上海冶金研究所研究员、博士生导师,“中国科学”、“物理化学学报”编委,中国化学会计算机化学委员会  相似文献   

品牌、广告、LOGO;视觉、形象、感性。当读图时代不可避免地到来,企业的形象识别,已跳离了标志的属性,无不关乎企业品质,俨然成为企业的精神图腾和价值地图。在消费时代,并不缺乏视觉饕餮,但是,我们觉得,珍馐美馔,更适合用细嚼慢咽的方式,来咂摸滋味,吸取营养。以后每周,我们将奉上一道精心烹饪的视觉大菜,色、香、味、营养,一应俱全。当然我们也希望您,把让自己齿颊留芳的菜品,写一纸小文,推荐给我们,与更多的读者分享。  相似文献   

网虫取钱网虫话费告罄,于是去银行取钱交费,填单完毕送入柜台,柜台小姐扫了一眼,退出来,曰:写上密码!网虫看了一眼单子,心中默念密码,在单子上写下********符号,送入柜台,一会儿又被退回,单子抬头空白处写有:无法建立连接,请检查用户名或密码,然后再重试。超级解密专家  相似文献   

高楼万丈平地起,在网络化和电子商务的时代,信息系统最重要的基础设施包括各种服务器和终端,以及网络设备等。它们是实现办公自动化的先决条件。有了这些设备,您每天坐在PC前,用鼠标指指点点,就可以完成各种日常工作,远到合作伙伴,近至邻桌同仁,不分时间和地点,可以随时沟通。因此,您的方案和计划,通过服务器,得以准确地展现,通过网络,得以快速地发送,最终得到完美地实现。的确,现代办公让人拥有从未有过的巨大能力,不由您赞叹现代办公的魅力和轻松!IT的发展日新月异,促使您的办公也越来越轻松。下面,让我们走到信息系统的后台,看看里面发生了什么变化。  相似文献   

正2013年蹒跚走远,2014全新驾到,在这除旧迎新的时节里,有太的多事需要我们去做,比如购物,比如给亲友祝福,比如自己的吃喝玩乐,面对它们,我们真的准备好了么?1购物篇,疯狂更要少花钱忙了一年了,谁说不应该趁这个辞旧迎新的日子败败家?不过,购物虽好,精打细算仍很重要,如果花十元钱能买下的东西,你非花一百元买下,那就不是土豪般的潇洒,而是脑袋被驴踢了似的悲哀了。所以买东西时必须要货比三家,此外,有些网店为了能够吸引更多的人气,同时也  相似文献   

收到佛山亨城发过来的案例时,已是8月17日,中国队取得的金牌数已经让国人都振奋了。然而,好戏还在后头呢!这天的男单羽毛球决赛,中国选手林丹对阵马来西亚选手李宗伟,他们的世界排名分明是第一和第二位,在以往赛事中,彼此都有输赢,就在今年上半年公开赛上,林丹发挥状态不佳,不敌李宗伟,痛失冠军头衔,而这次又相遇奥运决赛上……如此高水准的较量,能不  相似文献   

Text recognition captured in multiple frames by a hand-held video camera is a challenging task because it is possible to capture and recognize a longer line of text while improving the quality of the text image by utilizing the redundancy of the overlapping areas between the frames. For this task, the video frames should be registered, i.e., mosaiced, after compensating for their distortions due to camera shakes. In this paper, a mosaicing-by-recognition technique is proposed where the problems of video mosaicing and text recognition are formulated as a unified optimization problem and solved by a dynamic programming-based optimization algorithm simultaneously and collaboratively. Experimental results indicate that, even if the frames undergo various distortions such as rotation, scaling, translation, and nonlinear speed fluctuation of camera movement, the proposed technique provides fine mosaic image by accurate distortion estimation (around 90% of perfect estimation) and character recognition accuracy (over 95%).  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(6-7):731-747
This paper describes an outdoor positioning system for vehicles that can be applied to an urban canyon by using an omnidirectional infrared (IR) camera and a digital surface model (DSM). By means of omnidirectional IR images, this system enables robust positioning in urban areas where satellite invisibility caused by buildings hampers high-precision GPS measurements. The omnidirectional IR camera can generate IR images with an elevation of 20–70° for the surrounding area of 360°. The image captured by the camera is highly robust to light disturbances in the outdoor environment. Through the IR camera, the sky appears distinctively dark; this enables easy detection of the border between the sky and the buildings captured in white due to the difference in the atmospheric transmittance rate between visible light and IR rays. The omnidirectional image, which includes several building profiles, is compared with building-restoration images produced by the corresponding DSM in order to determine the self-position. Field experiments in an urban area show that the proposed outdoor positioning method is valid and effective, even if high-rise buildings cause satellite blockage that affects GPS measurements.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Localization of text from camera captured images with complex background is now-a-days a growing demand of modern IT enable service. Most of the current text...  相似文献   

Cheap, ubiquitous, high-resolution digital cameras have led to opportunities that demand camera-based text understanding, such as wearable computing or assistive technology. Perspective distortion is one of the main challenges for text recognition in camera captured images since the camera may often not have a fronto-parallel view of the text. We present a method for perspective recovery of text in natural scenes, where text can appear as isolated words, short sentences or small paragraphs (as found on posters, billboards, shop and street signs etc.). It relies on the geometry of the characters themselves to estimate a rectifying homography for every line of text, irrespective of the view of the text over a large range of orientations. The horizontal perspective foreshortening is corrected by fitting two lines to the top and bottom of the text, while the vertical perspective foreshortening and shearing are estimated by performing a linear regression on the shear variation of the individual characters within the text line. The proposed method is efficient and fast. We present comparative results with improved recognition accuracy against the current state-of-the-art.  相似文献   

Document recognition is a lively research area with much effort concentrated on optical character recognition. Less attention is paid to locating and extracting text from the general (non-desktop, non-scanner) environment. Such contact-free extraction of text from a general scene has applications in the context of wearable computing, robotic vision, point and click document capture, or as an aid for visually handicapped people. Here, a novel automatic text reading system is introduced using an active camera focused on text regions already located in the scene (using our recent work). Initially, a located region of text is analysed to determine the optimal zoom that would foveate onto it. Then a number of images are captured over the text region to construct a high-resolution mosaic composite of the whole region. This magnified image of the text is suitable for reading by humans or for recognition by OCR, or even for text-to speech synthesis. Although we employed a low resolution camera, we still obtained very good results. ID="A1"Correspondance and offprint requests to: Dr M. Mirmehdi, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UB, UK. Email: majid@cs.bris.ac.uk  相似文献   

基于视频动态纹理的火灾检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
长期以来,森林火灾检测一直都是世界范围内的一个重要研究课题,对于保护地球环境及人类安全都有重要意义.基于视频监控的火灾检测对于实时性和正确性要求很高,而传感式探测器和传统图像型探测器不能满足要求.提出了一种基于动态纹理特征分析的新型图像型火灾检测算法,对于森林这样的复杂大空间场景尤为适用.通过对CCD摄像机拍摄的视频图像,建立线性动力系统(LDS)模型,分析其动态纹理特征,最后利用Adaboost分类器判断火灾是否存在.实验结果表明,此算法能够达到95%的检测准确率,且具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Documents may be captured at any orientation when viewed with a hand-held camera. Here, a method of recovering fronto-parallel views of perspectively skewed text documents in single images is presented, useful for ‘point-and-click’ scanning or when generally seeking regions of text in a scene. We introduce a novel extension to the commonly used 2D projection profiles in document recognition to locate the horizontal vanishing point of the text plane. Following further analysis, we segment the lines of text to determine the style of justification of the paragraphs. The change in line spacings exhibited due to perspective is then used to locate the document's vertical vanishing point. No knowledge of the camera focal length is assumed. Using the vanishing points, a fronto-parallel view is recovered which is then suitable for OCR or other high-level recognition. We provide results demonstrating the algorithm's performance on documents over a wide range of orientations.  相似文献   

基于形态学的文档图像径向校正算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常骏  苗立刚 《计算机应用》2010,30(4):950-952
手持相机拍摄的文档图像存在不同程度的镜头失真。根据文档图像的文本行信息,提出了一种基于数学形态学的镜头校正算法。首先利用自适应阈值方法分割文档图像,并通过形态学闭运算把连通体聚类为文本行。然后利用二次多项式模型拟合文本行的中心线,并建立径向失真校正的目标函数。该目标函数把中心线对应的曲线映射为直线,从而求出文档图像的镜头失真参数。实验结果表明,该校正算法可以有效地校正文档图像各种程度的径向失真。  相似文献   

This paper presents a survey on the latest methods of moving object detection in video sequences captured by a moving camera. Although many researches and excellent works have reviewed the methods of object detection and background subtraction for a fixed camera, there is no survey which presents a complete review of the existing different methods in the case of moving camera. Most methods in this field can be classified into four categories; modeling based background subtraction, trajectory classification, low rank and sparse matrix decomposition, and object tracking. We discuss in details each category and present the main methods which proposed improvements in the general concept of the techniques. We also present challenges and main concerns in this field as well as performance metrics and some benchmark databases available to evaluate the performance of different moving object detection algorithms.  相似文献   


Analyzing videos and images captured by unmanned aerial vehicles or aerial drones is an emerging application attracting significant attention from researchers in various areas of computer vision. Currently, the major challenge is the development of autonomous operations to complete missions and replace human operators. In this paper, based on the type of analyzing videos and images captured by drones in computer vision, we have reviewed these applications by categorizing them into three groups. The first group is related to remote sensing with challenges such as camera calibration, image matching, and aerial triangulation. The second group is related to drone-autonomous navigation, in which computer vision methods are designed to explore challenges such as flight control, visual localization and mapping, and target tracking and obstacle detection. The third group is dedicated to using images and videos captured by drones in various applications, such as surveillance, agriculture and forestry, animal detection, disaster detection, and face recognition. Since most of the computer vision methods related to the three categories have been designed for real-world conditions, providing real conditions based on drones is impossible. We aim to explore papers that provide a database for these purposes. In the first two groups, some survey papers presented are current. However, the surveys have not been aimed at exploring any databases. This paper presents a complete review of databases in the first two groups and works that used the databases to apply their methods. Vision-based intelligent applications and their databases are explored in the third group, and we discuss open problems and avenues for future research.


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