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红曲的功能性及其应用   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
文中对红曲的功能性及其在医药、食品等领域的应用;功能性成分的组成、结构、性质、药用价值及作用机理进行了介绍。  相似文献   

红甜菜的临床医疗功效   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在欧洲,红甜菜(火焰菜Beta vulgaris L.Var.Cruenta Alef)自古就是药、食两用的植物。早在2400年前,古希腊医圣希波克拉底即主张用洋葱、芹菜根、红甜菜等亦食亦药的植物治病,迄今仍在民间流传。  相似文献   

烟有鼻烟、嚼烟、卷烟(包括雪茄等)之分,管他什么烟,都是舶来品,最早进入中国是明朝中晚期。烟未传入前的几千年,人们对酒的颂扬是压倒一切的。随着烟的普  相似文献   

生姜是普通蔬菜之一。它属于姜科草本植物的根茎。嫩者称紫姜、子姜 ,老者称老姜、老生姜。我国大部分地区均有种植 ,秋季采收 ,除去须根 ,洗净鲜用或晾干备用。子姜、老姜性能相近 ,但老姜辛温之性胜于子姜 ,以子姜食用为优 ,老姜调味为贵。生姜内含成分为姜醇、姜烯、水芹烯、柠檬醛、芳樟醇等 ;又含辣味成分姜辣素、分解生成姜酮、姜烯酮等。此外还含有天门冬酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、苏氨酸、丙氨酸等微量成分。生姜在人们日常生活中密切相关 ,可生啖、熟食、醋酱糟腌、蜜煎调和、无不宜之。可蔬可和、可果可药、首作为家庭日常烹调…  相似文献   

中国的红曲与红曲酒   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了中国的红曲及红曲酒,红曲以福建古田和建瓯所产最为著名,其中含有黑曲霉和红曲霉。黑曲霉与日本九州地区制造本格烧酒、冲绳地区制造泡盛酒所使用曲霉同种属,具有历史渊源关系。还介绍了红曲的制作方法和红曲酒的制作方法。红曲黄酒的代表为金华所产寿生酒和福建老酒。(庞晓)  相似文献   

国内外红曲研究的现状与进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘永华  徐文生 《酿酒科技》1997,(4):29-30,34
对红曲的色素安全性,红曲抗菌性研究的进展,降胆固醇作用及临床验证,降血压物质的发现及临床效果,以及其它医疗作用的发现和红曲的新用途等在国内外研究的现状与进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

探究葛根红曲提取物(MRPE)对高脂饲料诱导肥胖C57BL/6J小鼠的肥胖改善作用。方法:使用高脂饲料喂食小鼠诱导其形成肥胖,然后继续喂食高脂饲料并分别灌胃无菌水(HF组,n=8),Monacolin K(MK组,n=8),正常剂量MRPE(MRPE-C组,n=8),高剂量MRPE(MRPE-H组,n=8)。灌胃4周后测定小鼠体重、体长、腹部脂肪并计算总脂体比和Lee’s 指数;收集小鼠血液样品检测血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)水平及脂多糖(LBP)含量。结果:与HF组相比,正常剂量和高剂量MRPE均能够显著降低肥胖小鼠的体重、总脂体比、Lee’s 指数,以及血清TC、TG水平和LBP含量(P均小于0.05),且能显著提高血清HDL-C水平(P均小于0.05);MRPE-H组小鼠LDL-C水平显著低于HF组(P<0.05)。此外,MRPE具有一定剂量依赖关系,与MRPE-C组相比,MRPE-H组小鼠总脂体比低20.43%;血清LDL-C水平降低了8.22%。高剂量MRPE具有与Monacolin K相当的抗肥胖和改善血脂效果。结论:葛根红曲提取物能改善肥胖小鼠体内脂肪的堆积,具有控制体重的效果,并能改善血脂及降低炎症风险。  相似文献   

癞葡萄皂甙的降糖功效探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵海雯  汤坚 《食品科技》2007,(12):224-227
以血糖值为评价指标,以小鼠为动物模型,对癞葡萄皂甙的降血糖作用进行了探讨。实验结果表明,粗皂甙对正常小鼠没有显著不良影响,对糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用非常显著。通过不同剂量癞葡萄皂甙对小鼠降糖效果的影响可知:低、中剂量组具有更好的降糖效果。通过糖耐量实验可知,癞葡萄皂甙对试验性糖尿病小鼠的糖耐量具有显著的增强作用。  相似文献   

该文研究了以麦麸为基质,逐步培养红曲菌完全在麦麸中生长,来发酵培养红曲并产生次级代谢产物红曲色素。在35℃、pH为6.0的最佳发酵条件下,通过单因素和正交实验确定了最适红曲色素的提取条件:70%乙醇,60℃、pH为4.0时提取3h。  相似文献   

Phytonutrients are chemicals that are derived from plants and aid in both human health as well as the prevention of chronic disease. One type of phytonutrient classification is organosulfides which includes mostly cruciferous vegetables, as well as garlic. Allium, sulforaphane, glutathione, and isothiocyanates are organosulfides that are examined in this current review of literature for their anti-carcinogenic, anti-thrombotic, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-oxidative effects. The following review will also focus on specific research examining the effects of organosulfides on health outcomes such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.  相似文献   

Overweight and obesity are global health problems that affect more than 1.9 billion adults who are overweight, and of these 600 million are obese. In the United States, these problems affect 60% of the population. Critical to these statistics is the association with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome among other noncommunicable diseases. Many factors, including sugars, have been charged as potential causes. However, obesity and overweight and their attendant health problems continue to increase despite the fact that there is a decline in the consumption of sugars. Sugars vary in their types and structure. From a food science perspective, sugars present an array of attributes that extend beyond taste, flavor, color, and texture to aspects such as structure and shelf‐life of foods. From a public health perspective, there is considerable controversy about the effect of sugar relative to satiety, digestion, and noncommunicable diseases. This comprehensive overview from experts in food science, nutrition and health, sensory science, and biochemistry describes the technical and functional roles of sugar in food production, provides a balanced evidence‐based assessment of the literature and addresses many prevalent health issues commonly ascribed to sugar by the media, consumer groups, international scientific organizations, and policy makers. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that sugar as such does not contribute to adverse health outcomes when consumed under isocaloric conditions. The evidence generally indicates, as noted by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, that sugar, like any other caloric macronutrient, such as protein and fat, when consumed in excess leads to conditions such as obesity and related comorbidities. More recently, the 2015‐2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended limiting dietary sugar to 10% of total energy in an effort to reduced the risk of these noncommunicable diseases.  相似文献   

啤酒的功能性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了啤酒的功能性,介绍了其营养性功能、感觉和嗜好性功能、生理活性和生理调节功能,就啤酒所含各种成分的提供营养、构成风味、及其促进胃液分泌、利尿、作为低盐食品利用等作用,以及啤酒花的药理效果,评价了适量饮用啤酒的生理效果。  相似文献   

乳脂的功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑玉才 《中国乳品工业》1996,24(4):26-27,30
简要介绍了乳脂的营养功能、对胆固醇代谢的影响及某睦非常性功能。这些研究成果对乳及乳品的生产和消费有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

豆酱的功能性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
酱 (豆酱 )的起源可以上溯到周代 ,因此它已有将近 30 0 0年的历史 ,它在人们饮食生活中的重要性由孔子“不得其酱不食”的话得以窥知。据梁·陶弘景云 :“酱 ,多以豆作 ,纯麦者少 ,入药当以豆酱 ,陈久者弥好也。”唐·苏敬把酱列入《新修本草》 ,说明酱已作药用。孙思邈《千金  相似文献   

我国红曲历史悠久,是先人的伟大发现和创造,是祖国宝贵科学文化遗产.红曲不仅应用于酿酒,而且在腐乳、食醋、食品色素及中药等方面也有广泛应用,对食品工业具有重要价值.现代研究表明,红曲中的次生代谢产物Monacolim类物质能降低血脂和胆固醇等功能,这是红曲的一项重大科学发现.又据科技日报报道,我国北京东方红航天生物技术有限公司已应用航天育种技术培育出含富硒的红曲霉菌种.  相似文献   

红曲发酵生产色素、防腐剂和洛伐他汀的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红曲防腐剂的研究尚未有生产报道,同时,红曲的防腐作用虽有报道,但其抑制微生物的种类,提取方法和防腐效率国内外研究甚少。“红曲防腐剂的研究与生产”是“九五”国家重点科技攻关计划专题。经中国食品发酵所四年研究,已选育出一支防腐效率高、生产速度快的红曲菌种,研制出最佳发酵工艺路线、精制方法,并进行了红曲防腐剂在推广领域的应用试验。  相似文献   

Functionality of extrusion--texturized whey proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Whey, a byproduct of the cheesemaking process, is concentrated by processors to make whey protein concentrates (WPC) and isolates (WPI). Only 50% of whey proteins are used in foods. In order to increase their usage, texturizing WPC, WPI, and whey albumin is proposed to create ingredients with new functionality. Extrusion processing texturizes globular proteins by shearing and stretching them into aligned or entangled fibrous bundles. In this study, WPC, WPI, and whey albumin were extruded in a twin screw extruder at approximately 38% moisture content (15.2 ml/min, feed rate 25 g/min) and, at different extrusion cook temperatures, at the same temperature for the last four zones before the die (35, 50, 75, and 100 degrees C, respectively). Protein solubility, gelation, foaming, and digestibility were determined in extrudates. Degree of extrusion-induced insolubility (denaturation) or texturization, determined by lack of solubility at pH 7 for WPI, increased from 30 to 60, 85, and 95% for the four temperature conditions 35, 50, 75, and 100 degrees C, respectively. Gel strength of extruded isolates increased initially 115% (35 degrees C) and 145% (50 degrees C), but gel strength was lost at 75 and 100 degrees C. Denaturation at these melt temperatures had minimal effect on foaming and digestibility. Varying extrusion cook temperature allowed a new controlled rate of denaturation, indicating that a texturized ingredient with a predetermined functionality based on degree of denaturation can be created.  相似文献   

山楂枸杞保健酸奶的功能性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
栾金水 《食品科学》2006,27(4):233-236
目的:探索“山楂枸杞保健酸奶”(简称“SG酸奶”)对大、小鼠降血脂和免疫调节的功能。方法:将大、小鼠分别建立动物病理模型组、SG酸奶组和普通酸奶组,测定其各组动物的血脂(TC、TG、LDL-C、HDL-C)、巨噬细胞吞噬功能、胸腺、脾指数及溶血素(HC50)等指标,观察其相应的功效。结果:SG酸奶组与动物病理模型组和普通酸奶组比较,具有明显的降血脂和免疫调节的功能(p≤0.05~0.001)。结论:SG酸奶有着较好降血脂和免疫调节的功能,它具有保健型乳制品开发的良好的前景。  相似文献   

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