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近日,饮料行业掀起一股涨价风潮,几乎所有种类的饮料价格都有不同程度的上涨。对此,有消费者表示一时难以接受。饮料行业在提高饮料出厂价格时仍不忘创新,以此吸引消费者。  相似文献   

肖明超 《中国酒》2003,(5):32-33
白酒行业在这个同类产品高度同质化的产品领域.消费者的选择余地加大,有限市场空间迫使白酒企业的营销变得愈加难以下手,无论是谁,都很难凭借产品本身的卓然不群赢得消费者。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,社会的进步,人们生活水平的提高,3C产品在生活当中随处可见,已经成为社会生活中不可缺少的一部分。伴随全球市场对触控屏需求量的井喷,全球触控屏产业飞速发展,触控屏产品供不应求。一直以来,高端的电子产品都受人们的爱戴追捧。消费者要求也日益增多,从台式到液晶,从厚到薄到超薄,触控屏的感应效应、手感、质感、外观都得到了很大的改善。为了满足消费者要求,各制造行业都精心研究设计,以提供最优质的产品及技术服务,打造更多尖端3C产品。  相似文献   

<正> 亲爱的读者: 我国罐头行业是起步较早的一个出口型行业,早在20世纪50年代就对前苏联出口,20世纪60年代以后开始出口西方国家。长期以来,罐头行业的发展重点部放任了出口上,定位也以国外为主,从产品结构到销售方式都比较适应于国外的市场,很多品牌名扬海外,但国内消费者却知之甚少。  相似文献   

正作为消费者,谁都不愿意买到劣质食品,毕竟食品关乎到一个人的健康,岂可儿戏?劣质食品犹如过街老鼠,人人喊打,但人们在日常购物时却难以识别,有什么方法能够辨别伪劣食品?笔者翻阅了大量的医学相关书籍,也请教过相关的专业人士。大家说法并不相同,但总的说来,可以从下面六个方面着手加以预防。  相似文献   

正如本刊前期所介绍的《统一斗法康师傅》那样,应了“同行是冤家”这句话。这些从原产地到产品线、从名称到品质、从销售渠道到营销方式都非常相似的兄弟品牌,对消费者来说也许是无差异的;但对企业而言,却十分在乎消费行为的一切细微变化。因此,这些表面上看起来难分伯仲的兄弟品牌,其实是白刃见血的商战中最直接的竞争对手。  相似文献   

从90年代开始,“品牌”一词在中国开始渐入人心,到了2000年以后便红得发紫,“品牌”成为了各行各业最时髦的话题。从易耗消费品、餐饮、纺织服装到家电等耐用消费品,从制造业到服务业,凡是与大众生活相关的产品商标,都被自封为“品牌”。目前“品牌”的过渡泛滥和虚假繁荣,给消费者和产品的提供者带来了思想上的混乱,许多所谓品牌专家和学者也纷纷乘热著书立传,  相似文献   

王惠余 《现代家电》2010,(17):54-55
我国太阳能行业起步较晚,但是发展速度和市场需求却超过了其他国家,在世界范围内居于领先位置。近年来,随着太阳能热水器行业的介入企业数量逐渐增多,行业内恶性竞争的问题逐渐凸显,使人们对整个行业的认识存在这样那样的误区。其实,无论是从消费者个人需求本位角度,还是从全球节能减排的宏观角度来讲,太阳能热水器都以其特有的清洁、环保、节能等产品特征得到越来越多层面的关注。只是因为所存在的个别现象而对整个行业采取否定态度是不够科学和理智的。"任何一个行业,都需要经过一个从简单到复杂、从混乱到规范的循序渐进的过程,太阳能热水器也不例外。"江苏日利达太阳能有限公司董事长王惠余如是说。  相似文献   

方川 《现代家电》2014,(20):51-52
<正>2006年以前,空气能行业中各品牌几乎都是在推广中摸索着做市场,但当时市场的认知度太低,不仅是消费者,包括经销商接受空气能产品也需要一个过程。2008年,随着美的、格力等品牌开始大力推广空气能产品,在推动经销商层面形成对空气能从怀疑到认同,再到看好未来的发展趋势的认知起到了积极的作  相似文献   

一直以来.在消费者眼里,生意人都是“奸商”.在生意人的心中.消费者也大都是难以伺侯的上帝。但随着改革开放的深入和我国加入WTO后.“诚信”的力量渐渐显现.消费者与经营者的误解也慢慢得到了化解。  相似文献   

利用质构仪压缩稻谷籽粒的短轴来测定稻谷籽粒的压缩特性。测定的稻谷储藏在不同的时间与压力下。实验结果表明:当储藏时间为60 d且储藏压力由0 kPa增加到300 kPa,稻谷籽粒的破坏力由81.6 N减小到73.8 N,破坏能由8.10 mJ减小到6.27 mJ,破坏应变由0.139减小到0.117,表观接触弹性模量由171.3 MPa减小到57.7 MPa,最大接触应力由40.8 MPa减小到19.1 MPa。当稻谷储藏压力为77、100、139、200 kPa且储藏时间由0~60 d,稻谷籽粒的破坏力由81.6 N分别减小到79.6、79.1、78.2、77.0 N;破坏能由8.10 mJ分别减小到7.55、7.35、7.08、6.85 mJ;破坏应变由0.139分别减小到0.131、0.128、0.126、0.121;表观接触弹性模量由171.3 MPa分别减小到136.0、121.8、110.6、83.3 MPa;最大接触应力由41.2 MPa分别减小到35.0、32.5、30.3、15.0 MPa。结果表明储藏压力与储藏时间对稻谷籽粒的压缩特性有重要的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrient and phytochemical composition of bitter melon leaves under varying maturity levels and drying techniques. Fresh, oven-dried, and freeze-dried leaves were evaluated over 3 maturity stages. In fresh leaves at various stages, crude fat, crude protein, and soluble dietary fiber contents ranged from 4.2% to 13.6%, 6.4% to 23.1%, and 0.04% to 3.50% on dry-weight basis, respectively. The contents of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn ranged from 1850.8 to 2811.8, 837.4 to 4978.2, 317.3 to 512.4, 8.4 to 16.7, and 4.1 to 5.9 mg/100 g dry-weight basis, respectively. Vitamin C, β-carotene, and lutein contents ranged from 397.4 to 1275.1, 154.2 to 422.8, and 737.6 to 1304.6 μg/g dry-weight basis. The major flavonoids and phenolic acids were rutin, gentistic acid, and  o -coumaric acid, which ranged from 7.57 to 12.75, 2.53 to 10.11, and 4.24 to 9.75 mg/g dry-weight basis, respectively. In oven-dried samples, 40.2% to 52.3% of vitamin C, 35.4% to 55.4% of β-carotene, 25.6% to 71.6% of lutein, 26.4% to 84.0% of rutin, trace to 11.4% of gentistic acid, and 7.4% to 46.6% of  o -coumaric acid were retained, while the retainment ratios of these components in freeze-dried samples were 84.7% to 99.0%, 76.4% to 99.3%, 90.4% to 96.1%, 39.8% to 99.3%, 24.1% to 68.4%, and 75.8% to 87.0%, respectively. The data showed that freeze-drying better preserves the nutrient and phytochemical quality of bitter melon leaves in comparison to oven-drying. Bitter melon leaf is a rich source of selected nutrients and phytochemicals.  相似文献   

Diversity in properties of seed and flour of kidney bean germplasm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The genetic diversity in seeds (physicochemical, hydration, textural and cooking properties) and flours (pasting and gel texture) among kidney bean lines was studied. A wide range of variation was observed for yield and yield-related traits. Seed weight, volume, density, hydration capacity, hydration index, swelling capacity, cooking time and amylose content ranged from 10.2 to 51.7 g/100 seeds, 14 to 46 ml/100 seeds, 0.51 to 2.15 g/ml, 0.03 to 0.62 g/seed, 0.16 to 0.97, 1.24 to 1.93 ml/seed, 50 to 120 min, and 0.09% to 5.02%, respectively. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness and chewiness of hydrated seeds ranged from 0.81 to 2.03 g, 0.18 to 0.48, 0.20 to 0.97 g, 0.31 to 0.51 and 0.08 to 0.43 g, respectively. Pasting temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback ranged from 79 to 95 °C, 402 to 3235 cP, 9 to 393 cP, 862 to 5311 cP, and 363 to 2488 cP, respectively. Hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness, chewiness and adhesiveness of flour gels ranged from 3.9 to 5.3 g, 0.52 to 0.76, 1.47 to 23.52 g, 0.91 to 0.99, 3.21 to 23.91 and 13.2 to 178.5 g s, respectively.  相似文献   

Physical properties of sweet corn kernels have been evaluated as a function of kernel moisture content, varying from 9.12 to 17.06% (db). In the moisture range, kernel length, width, thickness, and geometric mean diameter increased linearly from 9.87 to11.09 mm, 7.41 to 9.25 mm, 3.25 to 4.37 mm, and 6.18 to 7.62 mm, respectively, with increase in moisture content from 9.12–17.06%. The sphericity index, kernel volume, kernel surface area, and thousand seed weight increased linearly from 62.6 to 68.8, 93.8 to 194.3 mm3, 120.1 to 182.9 mm2, and 220 to 268 gr, respectively. Apparent density and bulk density decreased linearly from 1.315 to 1.232 g/cm3 and 0.765 to 0.698 g/cm3, respectively, while bulk porosity increased from 41.8 to 43.3%. The highest static coefficient of friction was found on the plywood surface. The static coefficient of friction increased from 0.680 to 0.891, 0.605 to 0.741, and 0.530 to 0.644 for plywood, galvanized iron, and aluminum surfaces, respectively. The angle of repose increased linearly from 30.2 to 35.2° with the increase of moisture content.  相似文献   

杨志伟 《金属制品》2012,38(6):60-62
介绍全面质量管理的关键点及在钢丝绳制造中的应用。对照相应标准列举钢丝绳的捻制缺陷。根据工作实践与体会,表述钢丝绳质检员的职责:严格执行钢丝绳产品标准,验证技术工艺规程对钢丝绳质量保证程度,及时发现钢丝绳的捻制缺陷,判定与标准的符合程度,尽力提出对缺陷的纠正措施或参考建议,不断拓展参与新产品试制的能力,为新产品有别于常规产品的性能和良好使用性能恪尽职守。  相似文献   

利用质构值对火腿肠进行分级的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨建立火腿肠的质构标准及利用质构值判别火腿肠的等级。通过测定火腿肠质构特性的感官得分和质构值,利用感官得分点对应参照样品的质构值及通过建立以感官得分为自变量,质构值为因变量的线性回归方程,确立硬度、脆性、黏着性、弹性、内聚性和咀嚼性的标准范围;同时以不同品牌火腿肠的质构值为基础建立Fisher线性判别方程。在特定的测试条件下,特级火腿肠的硬度、脆性、黏着性、弹性、内聚性和咀嚼性值范围分别为8690.162~9357.137g、8929.995~10963.274g、―102.467~―35.005g、0.836~0.951、0.226~0.279和1 7 6 6 . 9 9 0 ~ 2 2 3 2 . 3 4 8 g ; 优级火腿肠对应质构值范围分别为7 4 4 1 . 3 3 4 ~ 9 1 8 8 . 9 8 0 g 、6700.973~8929.995g、―102.467~―66.644g、0.741~0.833、0.200~0.247和1368.863~1737.272g;普通级火腿肠对应质构值范围分别为6734.754~8690.162g、4441.556~6700.973g、―257.264~―159.397g、0.633~0.698、0.148~0.183和736.838~951.339g;利用线性判别方程对不同品牌火腿肠等级判别的正确率为94.5%。所建立的各等级火腿肠的质构标准范围及Fisher线性判别方程可以应用于该类产品的开发及质量评价等。  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of storage pressure and storage time on the mechanical properties of paddy grains, an experimental study was carried out to determine the mechanical properties of paddy grains compressed at minor axis orientation using the Texture Analyzer. The paddy grains were stored under different pressures and for different time. The results showed that as the storage pressure increased from 0 to 300 kPa, the rupture force of paddy grains stored for 60 days decreased from 81.58 to 73.78 N, the rupture energy from 8.10 to 6.27 mJ, the rupture strain from 0.1392 to 0.1168, the apparent contact modulus of elasticity from 171.32 to 57.68 MPa and the maximum contact stress from 40.84 to 19.11 MPa. All of the mechanical properties of the paddy grains exhibited a linear relationship with storage pressure. As for the paddy grains stored under the pressures of 77, 100, 139, 200 kPa, as the storage time increased from 0 to 60 days, the rupture force of the paddy grains decreased from 81.58 to 79.58 N, 81.58 to 79.12 N, 81.58 to 78.21 N and 81.58 to 76.96 N; the rupture energy decreased from 8.10 to 7.55 mJ, 8.10 to 7.35 mJ, 8.10 to 7.08 mJ and 8.10 to 6.85 mJ; the rupture strain decreased from 0.1392 to 0.1309, 0.1392 to 0.1283, 0.1392 to 0.1257 and 0.1392 to 0.1213. The apparent contact modulus of elasticity decreased from 171.32 to 135.97 MPa, 171.32 to 121.77 MPa, 171.32 to 110.59 MPa and 171.32 to 83.32 MPa; the maximum contact stress decreased from 41.16 to 35.00 MPa, 41.16 to 32.45 MPa, 41.16 to 30.32 MPa and 41.16 to 14.97 MPa, respectively. The results revealed that both storage pressure and storage time have a significant effect on the mechanical properties of paddy grains.  相似文献   

Campylobacterjejuni is one of the most common causes of bacterial foodborne infection in the United States, and there are reports of resistance of Campylobacter spp. to antimicrobial agents used for the treatment of gastroenteritis. The purpose of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of Campylobacter spp. isolated from hog, beef, and chicken carcasses from provincially inspected abattoirs in Ontario. The agar dilution method was performed to measure antimicrobial resistance of the isolates. Antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter isolates from hogs (n = 401), beef (n = 21), and chicken (n = 435) to ampicillin, azithromycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, and tetracycline was determined. Resistance of chicken, hog, and beef isolates was 14.3, 18.2, and 9.5% to ampicillin; 17.9, 67.3, and 38.1% to azithromycin; 0, 0.5, and 0% to chloramphenicol; 3.7, 1.2, and 0% to ciprofloxacin; 2.3, 46.6, and 4.8% to clindamycin; 6.7, 43.6, and 4.8% to erythromycin; 0.2, 0, and 0% to gentamicin; 5.1, 10.7, and 0% to nalidixic acid; 13.6, 57.4, and 4.8% to streptomycin; and 52.6, 44.1, 42.9% to tetracycline, respectively. The hog isolates had the greatest resistance to seven of the ten antimicrobials tested. Results of this study confirm the existence of antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter to various antimicrobial agents,especially ciprofloxacin and erythromycin, commonly used for treatment of campylobacteriosis in humans.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Four varieties of bitter melon ( Momordica charantia ), India green (IG), India white (IW), China green (CG), and China white (CW) were analyzed for total phenolics, phenolic acid constituents, and antioxidant activities of their methanolic extracts. Phenolic contents of the oven-dried and freeze-dried tissues ranged from 5.39 to 8.94 and 4.64 to 8.90 mg chlorogenic acid equivalent (CAE)/g on dry weight basis, respectively. Phenolic contents of bitter melon seed, inner tissues, and flesh ranged from 4.67 to 8.02, 4.64 to 8.94, and 5.36 to 8.90 mg CAE/g, respectively. The total phenolic contents of IG, IW, CG, and CW were 4.64 to 6.84, 6.03 to 8.94, 5.39 to 7.81, and 6.07 to 8.90 mg CAE/g, respectively. The main phenolic acids in flesh were gallic acid, gentisic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, and epicatechin, which ranged from 8.04 to 39.76, 16.99 to 32.39, 23.06 to 82.45, 4.55 to 15.83, and 16.14 to 44.28 mg/100 g on dry weight basis, respectively, while in inner tissues were gallic acid, gentisic acid, catechin, and epicatechin, which ranged from 2.57 to 18.05, 5.39 to 32.61, 13.54 to 39.74, and 2.96 to 40.91 mg/100 g, respectively. The main phenolic acids contained in seeds were gallic acid, catechin, and epicatechin, which ranged from 4.61 to 18.9, 13.2 to 57.61, and 6.00 to 40.08 mg/100 g, respectively. There was no significant difference in the antioxidant activities of the extracts among varieties ( P = 0.2556) and between drying methods ( P = 0.1444). The antioxidant activities of flesh, inner tissue, and seed ranged from 81.7% to 86.5%, 78.8% to 88.4%, and 78.5% to 85.4% inhibition, respectively. Bitter melon is a rich source of phenolic compounds. These natural plant phenolics can be a good source of antioxidants for application in food system.  相似文献   

Data about harms or benefits associated with the consumption of aspartame, a nonnutritive sweetener worldwide consumed, are still controversial. This systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials aimed to assess the effect of aspartame consumption on metabolic parameters related to diabetes and obesity. The search was performed on Cochrane, LILACS, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science databases, and on a gray literature using Open Grey, Google Scholar, and ProQuest Dissertations &; Theses Global. Searches across all databases were conducted from the earliest available date up to April 13, 2016, without date and language restrictions. Pooled mean differences were calculated using a random or fixed-effects model for heterogeneous and homogenous studies, respectively. Twenty-nine articles were included in qualitative synthesis and twelve, presenting numeric results, were used in meta-analysis. Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L), insulin levels (μU/mL), total cholesterol (mmol/L), triglycerides concentrations (mmol/L), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (mmol/L), body weight (kg), and energy intake (MJ) were considered as the main outcomes in subjects that consumed aspartame, and results were presented as mean difference; % confidence interval, range. Aspartame consumption was not associated with alterations on blood glucose levels compared to control (?0.03 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.21 to 0.14) or to sucrose (0.31 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.05 to 0.67) and on insulin levels compared to control (0.13 μU/mL; 95% CI, ?0.69 to 0.95) or to sucrose (2.54 μU/mL; 95% CI, ?6.29 to 11.37). Total cholesterol was not affected by aspartame consumption compared to control (?0.02 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.31 to 0.27) or to sucrose (?0.24 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.89 to 0.42). Triglycerides concentrations were not affected by aspartame consumption compared to control (0.00 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.04 to 0.05) or to sucrose (0.00 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.09 to 0.09). High-density lipoprotein cholesterol serum levels were higher on aspartame compared to control (?0.03 mmol/L; 95% CI, ?0.06 to ?0.01) and lower on aspartame compared to sucrose (0.05 mmol/L; 95% CI, 0.02 to 0.09). Body weight did not change after aspartame consumption compared to control (5.00 kg; 95% CI, ?1.56 to 11.56) or to sucrose (3.78 kg; 95% CI, ?2.18 to 9.74). Energy intake was not altered by aspartame consumption compared to control (?0.49 MJ; 95% CI, ?1.21 to 0.22) or to sucrose (?0.17 MJ; 95% CI, ?2.03 to 1.69). Data concerning effects of aspartame on main metabolic variables associated to diabetes and obesity do not support a beneficial related to its consumption.  相似文献   

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