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<正>华东理工大学、安徽淮化集团及上海浦景化工技术有限公司近年来合作开发煤制乙二醇技术。利用其技术建成的千吨级中试示范装置已累积运行超过1 000h。据介绍,该中试装置2010年1月开工建设,10月建成,11月试车成功,12月产  相似文献   

我国生物质气化一步法合成二甲醚技术的开发与应用取得新进展:中科院广州能源研究所上周宣布,该所承担的科技部国际科技合作项目——生物质气化合成燃料关键技术及示范项目通过验收。该中试示范装置系统连续稳定运行试验表明,  相似文献   

湿式催化氧化(Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation,CWAO)是一种高效、可行的处理高浓度、难降解有机废水的技术。在连续式鼓泡床反应装置上采用自制催化剂开展了多种工业有机废水CWAO的研究,已完成催化剂的中试放大制备和工业生产的工作,放大制备的催化剂的反应活性与实验室小试规模制备的催化剂相当。CWAO技术中试放大装置及工业示范装置投入运行。  相似文献   

结合某市水厂水质特征和实际情况,现场搭建5 m3/d的反渗透中试装置,连续运行去除硝酸盐效能验证及应用模式探究,分析反渗透在地表水硝酸盐去除中的可行性。结果表明,不同产水率下,反渗透对地表水中硝酸盐的去除率稳定在95%左右。为保证装置稳定运行,减轻膜污染,确定最佳产水率为75%,并在该产水率下连续运行2个月,硝酸盐去除率仍能达到90%以上,出水水质完全符合现行饮用水卫生标准,但泵后压力逐渐升高,脱盐率有所降低,单位水处理电耗达5.65 kW·h。反渗透在地表水硝酸盐去除中,可采用部分处理方式,设置在过滤单元之后消毒单元之前,但针对浓水的安全处置需要慎重。  相似文献   

介绍了25 000 m~3/h级循环流化床低阶粉煤气化的工业示范装置和运行操作流程。试验研究结果表明,工业示范装置在设计负荷91.2%左右连续稳定运行440 h,中试期间,煤气的产量和成分性质稳定,煤气热值为4.41 MJ/m~3~4.83 MJ/m~3,作为工业燃气,可满足工业生产需要,气化过程(约300 h)达到并超过了168 h工业示范验收标准。  相似文献   

由华东理工大学、安徽淮化集团以及上海浦景化工技术有限公司三方合作开发的煤制乙二醇技术,与国内其它技术相比在催化剂和原料工艺等方面有所突破,建成的千吨级中试示范装置至今已累计运行千余小时,情况良好。该公司将在“十二五”期间建成大规模工业化装置。  相似文献   

一项以天然气为原料经甲醇制取混合烯烃(乙烯+丙烯+丁烯)的工艺技术即MTO工艺,已由美国环球油品公司(UOP)和挪威海德罗(Hydroc)公司联合开发中试成功。1995年11月,在南非第四次天然气转化国际年会上,UOP和Hydroc公司首次公布了这一工艺技术及其示范装置的运行数据。据称,这一工艺经小试、中试和示范装置长期、连续试验,操作稳定,得到了相互验证,可以用来建设年产50万t乙烯的工业化生产装置。该技术的工艺流程和设备与炼厂的Ⅳ型催化裂化装置基本相同,产品分离流程比传统的深冷分离流程简单。…  相似文献   

以阜阳市某生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液为研究对象,针对渗滤液高硬度、低碱度的特点,考查软化+微滤膜中试工艺对填埋场总硬度的处理效能,分析微滤膜运行参数对膜通量和产水流量的影响.中试结果表明:软化+微滤膜工艺可有效去除水源中钙镁离子污染问题,控制软化装置的反应池pH在11.5,总硬度(以CaCO3计)的去除率在94%以上,出水总硬度(以CaCO3计)稳定<100 mg/L.软化微滤工艺对渗滤液中COD的平均去除率为16.2%.单支微滤膜正常运行,反洗频率30 min时,可将膜通量恢复至初始通量的90%以上.由中试可知,微滤膜具有良好的抗污染性能,在进膜污泥浓度为4.97 g/L及以上时,初始膜通量仍能保持较高值.  相似文献   

为实现高浓盐水杂盐纯化和结晶盐分离技术应用示范任务,以内蒙古某煤制天然气碎煤加压气化产高浓度酚氨废水为对象,进行了生化、中水回用、膜浓缩及氯化钠和硫酸钠分盐结晶的污水全流程中试试验。介绍了中试装置工艺及规模,分析了各单元的水质情况、运行参数及处理效果,并估算了运行成本。结果显示:中试性能考核期间,各单元出水指标基本满足后续单元运行要求,产品水和结晶盐质量满足相关国标要求,可实现碎煤加压气化高浓废水零排放处理及分盐结晶,全流程污水总运行成本14. 53元/t。  相似文献   

唐文骞 《化工设计》1997,7(3):11-15
介绍浓硝酸生产新方法——超共沸酸精馏法制取浓硝酸(简称“新法”),并从理论、实践、设备材料选型等方面论证“新法”的可行性。与硝酸镁法制取浓硝酸相比,“新法”具有投资省、运行费用经济等优点。建议建设中试装置,并尽快建设工业示范装置。  相似文献   

离子交换树脂脱除地下水中的硝酸盐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水是我国华北地区最重要的饮用水水源之一,特别是华北农村生活饮用水几乎全部来自地下水。然而,华北又是我国地下水硝酸盐污染比较严重的地区。研究开发适合华北农村分散式供水特点的地下水脱硝酸盐技术,对于保障农村的饮水安全具有十分重要的意义,为此把简单、高效且投资和运行费用相对较低的离子交换法用于脱除地下水中的硝酸盐。考察了普通强碱性阴离子交换树脂Purolite A 300E和硝酸盐选择性强碱性阴离子交换树脂Purolite A 520E脱除地下水中硝酸盐的效果,比较了地下水中SO42-和Cl-等阴离子对两类不同树脂交换性能的影响。结果表明,Purolite A 300E和Purolite A 520E树脂均能有效地去除地下水中的硝酸盐,两者的NO3--N饱和交换容量分别为49.02和48.54 mg/g。但是,当地下水中含有较高浓度的SO42-或Cl-时,Purolite A 520E脱除硝酸盐的效果明显优于Purolite A 300E。  相似文献   

地下水硝酸盐去除技术进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
硝酸盐是地下水中最常见的污染因子,给饮水安全带来了较大的威胁,因此世界上很多国家和地区都非常重视地下水硝酸盐脱除技术的研究与开发,取得了很多有价值的研究成果和应用经验。离子交换、反渗透和生物反硝化是研究和应用最广的地下水硝酸盐脱除技术。离子交换法具有投资小、运行管理简便的优点,比较适合中小规模供水需求,但其再生废液的处理或处置非常困难。反渗透法具有脱硝效果好、易于自动控制等优点,可满足各种规模供水需求,但反渗透会产生大量浓缩水,必须妥善处理或处置。在我国华北地区,反渗透浓缩水可用于浇灌农作物,其中较高浓度的硝酸盐是良好的氮肥。至于生物反硝化脱氮技术,虽然具有运行费用低的优点,但现阶段还不能很好地解决残留反硝化碳源和微生物代谢产物的二次污染问题,用此法生产的饮用水安全性还有待进一步评估。  相似文献   

Groundwater nitrate in Austria: a case study in Tullnerfeld   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Contamination of groundwater from point and non-point sources is one of the major pollution problems. The agricultural community has become keenly aware of the impact of irrigation and fertilization on groundwater quality. In the plains of Austria groundwater is used as a major source of drinking water. In the last few decades nitrate concentrations in groundwater have increased dramatically. Among the various land uses, agriculture is reported to be the main source of groundwater contamination by nitrate. The study presented here was carried out at Tullnerfeld where nitrate levels in groundwater have been reported to be as high as 100 mg l–1. To assess the contribution of various land uses to nitrate in groundwater, the Institute for Hydraulics and Rural Water-Management has installed facilities for measuring nitrate leaching and percolation under different cropping and management systems. The nitrate from fertilizers was measured using six lysimeters once a week. At the same time the nitrate levels in groundwater were simulated using the physically based model Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC). This paper gives a brief account of groundwater nitrate in Austria. The case study presented in this paper deals with the qualitative and quantitative aspects of groundwater nitrate by fertilizers and cover crops.  相似文献   

饮用水中硝酸盐的去除   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为重要的饮用水源,地下水中硝酸盐的污染日趋严重,硝酸盐对人体健康有严重的危害。物化方法(离子交换、电渗析、反渗透等)、生物反硝化、化学反硝化等工艺都可不同程度地去除作为饮用水的地下水中的硝酸盐,这些方法各有优缺点。本文综述了地下水中硝酸盐去除方法的应用和研究现状,并对其发展趋势做了简单的讨论。  相似文献   

傅振鹏 《安徽化工》2011,37(2):68-72
电极生物膜法是近年来发展起来的一项新型水处理技术,具有处理费用低,去除率高,效果稳定,易于控制等优点,在处理低浓度硝酸盐氮污染的地下水和饮用水等方面具有良好的效果。主要研究了不同的碳氮比和电流强度对反硝化脱氮效果的影响,并对硝酸盐氮的测定方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

Groundwater in the area of eastern Croatia contains high concentrations of iron, manganese, ammonia, organic substances and arsenic. The appearance of inorganic arsenic in groundwater is mainly caused by arsenic from natural geological sources. Since the groundwater is the main source of drinking water for the population in this area, almost 200,000 people are daily drinking water with arsenic concentration ranging from 10 to 610 μg/L. The Croatian legislation recently revised the maximum concentration limit (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water to 10 μg/L. The population in the two towns (Osijek and Vinkovci) of this region is supplied with groundwater processed by coagulation-filtration method, but in the other towns and villages water treatment implies only rapid sand filtration. Both methods for water treatment have resulted with higher arsenic concentration than MCL, so the main goal of this study was determination of population exposure to arsenic via drinking water and possible improvement of drinking water quality. Population exposure to arsenic via drinking water is determined with hair analysis, since the hair arsenic concentration is one of three most commonly employed biomarkers used to identify or quantify overall arsenic exposure. During this study the preliminary analyses of hair arsenic concentrations in several towns and villages in eastern Croatia were provided. The positive correlation between heightened arsenic concentration in drinking water and hair arsenic concentration was determined. In order to improve drinking water quality e.g. arsenic removal from contaminated drinking water, different modified adsorbents were used and compared (zeolite–clinoptilolite, manganese greensand and cationic exchange resin). Adsorbents were chemically modified and saturated with Fe(III) ions, while the arsenic solutions were prepared by processed groundwater.  相似文献   

Unlike laboratory experiments, which are mostly performed under controlled conditions, lysimeter experiments generally simulate actual field conditions. This paper focuses on an efficiency of the zero tension plate lysimeters, which were implanted in silty-clay soils influenced by a high groundwater table. Measurements and following numerical simulations using the HYDRUS-2D model were performed separately for each of 4 years (2007–2010) to assess water flow and nitrate fluxes (applied as NPK or UREA fertilizer). Low efficiency of lysimeters during the vegetation period was mostly caused by high plant water demand and possible water diversion to the sides when the groundwater table was low. The HYDRUS-2D model was able in some degree to reproduce observed water and nitrate outflows. The water outflow through the lysimeter occurred when the groundwater table was high and greater rainfall events occurred. Water and solute diverged from the plate towards the dryer surrounding soil when groundwater table was low. Pressure head, water velocity and nitrate concentration distributions simulated around the lysimeter plate illustrated that the lysimeter plate had a significant impact on the water regime and nitrate behavior within the soil profile. The lysimeter plate also acted as a barrier for water flow and solute transport also.  相似文献   

High levels of nitrate in South African groundwater used for drinking purposes are a cause of concern due to the possible human health risks associated with consuming nitrate contaminated water. In this study, nitrate removal using surfactant modified zeolite (SMZ) in fixed bed column is explored. The performance of SMZ is studied as a function of bed height, initial concentration, flow rate, and bed diameter. The number of bed volumes processed and capacity of the bed at breakthrough point are used as performance indicators. The bed performance improves with a decrease in bed height while column diameter has no influence on bed performance. Within the studied flow rate range, the highest number of bed volumes processed and bed capacity are observed at a flow rate of 5 mL/min. In an adsorption-desorption process, the performance of SMZ is found to be poor in the subsequent cycle suggesting that the media is suited for single-use only.  相似文献   

More than 90% of the population of the Gaza Strip depends on desalinated water for drinking purposes. About 90% of the groundwater is unacceptable for drinking as a result of contamination by nitrate and chloride. One of the major options for resolving the water problems is the utilization of desalination technology for both sea and brackish water. The objective of this article is to address desalination water management in its embryonic stage in the Gaza Strip. The sources of drinking water supply, distribution system and the environmental impact of brine water will be fingered in detail. Desalination facilities range from large seawater plants to small brackish desalination units on a home scale. Governmental, non-governmental and private desalination plants are common. The distribution system of desalinated water is a responsibility of governmental, non-governmental, private small community bodies and even individuals. Disposal of brine water is made either directly or indirectly into the sea, sewage system, poor land, channels, wadies, etc. Brine constituents have an adverse impacton the surrounding environment, e.g., sea life, soil, wastewater treatment plants and the groundwateraquifer. The lack of real environmental impact assessments, especially for mid- and home-scale units may lead to a deterioration of the environment. The fragmentation of the responsibilities of water desalination, distribution of desalinated water and the disposal of brine water suggest that urgent action should be taken (e.g., legislation or establishment of a supervisory body). In other words, strict policies and management actions are to be taken in order to alleviate the health and environmental impact of an important and uncontrolled new system.  相似文献   

Indicators are needed to check whether policies on protection of groundwater are effective and if regulations are complied with. We evaluated various indicators at different scales, both in space and in time, and at different degrees of complexity. Groundwater was sampled on 34 arable farms for 3 years. Nitrate concentration in upper groundwater was low on clay soil. On sandy soil, peat layers reduced the nitrate concentration with about 80 mg/l on average. Sandy soils with high groundwater tables had nitrate concentrations that were less than half of those at sandy soils with low groundwater tables. The relationship between different fertilization variables and nitrate in groundwater was investigated for sandy soils without peat layers. N surplus poorly correlated with nitrate concentrations in groundwater when individual sampling points were studied, but clearly increased when data were averaged at the farm level. Soil mineral nitrogen correlated best with nitrate concentrations in groundwater. The relationships show that especially on well drained soil drastic measures will be inevitable to reach good water quality.  相似文献   

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