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针对我国轴流泵效率普遍偏低的情况,著者试图提出一种改进的轴流泵升力设计法。考虑到轴流泵叶轮外缘、轮毂处的边界层及间隙流的影响,在传统的升力法模型中引入修正系数A(R,6),对传统的升力法公式加以改进,得到了改进升力法模型。本文同时应用传统升力法和改进升力法对一轴流泵进行了叶轮叶片的设计,并利用NUMECA软件进行流动模拟,分别得到叶轮叶片表面及轮毂、轮缘处的速度一压力分布以及各工况的效率计算结果,证明了改进升力法较传统升力法优越,改进效果明显,有效地提高了轴流泵的效率,改善了泵内部流动的速一压分布。为轴流泵的设计提供了一种崭新的模式。  相似文献   

研制了一种轴流泵和一种离心泵。讨论了叶轮泵的搏动流。搏动流对于减少血液周身循环阻力具有重要意义,但利用叶轮泵产生搏动流将会导致血液破坏。搏动流叶轮血泵需要解决的问题是如何产生低扰动的搏动流。对于搏动流轴流泵,将泵的入口和叶轮外形轮廓设计成锥形,当叶轮以恒定的转速旋转时,搏动流轴流泵产生的搏动流可预期是低扰动的。对于搏动流离心泵,其搏动流的产生通过周期性的改变叶轮转速来实现,同时,设计出扭曲形叶片的叶轮,使血流的速度在叶轮周期性改变转这时只改变方向,而大小不变。通过这种方法,也可以产生搏动流,而且可将紊流减至最小。与搏动流轴流泵相比,搏动流离心泵只需要一个驱动部件,实用性更强。搏动流离心泵已成功试用于存活期达数月的小公牛血液辅助循环试验,没有发现明显的血液成分破坏和器官功能损坏。搏动流离心泵用作心功能恢复期间的循环辅助装置是最合适的,因为其不仅能像隔膜泵那样产生搏动流,减少了血液周身循环阻力,而且能像非搏动流旋转泵那样不发生倒流,从而增加了主动脉舒张压及自然心脏的冠状动脉灌注。  相似文献   

某泵站中的轴流泵是整个调水工作正常进行的关键设备。针对轴流泵运行的高效性和安全性问题展开分析,通过数值模拟的方法研究设计工况下轴流泵内部的流动状况、预测水力性能。在流场计算结果的基础上,对轴流泵包括叶轮、转轴的转子进行建模,运用ANSYS Workbench软件对叶轮内流场与转子进行了流固耦合数值模拟,分析叶轮部件的受力与变形情况,校核工作轴的临界转速,为轴流泵的安全运行提供依据。  相似文献   

为了研究轴流泵位于水力不稳定工况的流动特性,基于N-S方程以及RNGκ-ε湍流模型,对轴流泵进行三维湍流数值计算。预测得到设计工况下的扬程与模型参数接近,说明所采用的数值计算方法可以较为准确地预测轴流泵内部流动特性。计算结果表明:在0.35Q_d至0.5Q_d流量区间内,轴流泵的流量-扬程曲线呈现正曲率特性,此区间内流量工况即为其水力不稳定工况;伴随着流量由设计工况Q_d依次减小至0.5Q_d和0.35Q_d的过程中,轴流泵内部流态逐渐恶化。在0.35Q_d工况点,叶轮进口前水流存在强烈的预旋,进口存在漩涡导致流体不能有效进入叶轮室,同时叶轮室内流体脱流现象严重,严重堵塞流道,致使叶轮无法有效对流体做功。  相似文献   

在大量实践和设计的基础上,对螺旋轴流泵的参数进行分析,提出一种水力设计方法。给出了确定螺旋叶轮诸参数的关系式,设计了一种新型空间导叶,可减小泵的轴向尺寸,添加了便于叶轮拆装的叶轮盘。采用局部加厚的方法对叶轮轮毂和螺旋叶片进行处理,解决了单螺旋叶轮的平衡问题。制造出了样机,对样机进行了试验。还对螺旋轴流泵进行了系列化的设计。获得的结果:水力样机在运行过程中,获得了平缓下降的流量-扬程曲线和功率曲线,特性曲线上无马鞍形区、无过载现象发生,达到设计要求。设计的系列化产品具备大流量、无堵塞、无缠绕、无损性和高性能的特点。  相似文献   

串列式双级轴流泵性能的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示串列泵的内部流动机理及其能量特性,采用两个具有试验结果的轴流式叶轮和一新设计的导叶串联组成了一串列式轴流泵模型。应用Pro-E对该串列泵进行三维实体造型,用数值模拟的方法计算泵内的流场。数值计算采用NUMECA商业软件。在不同的工况条件下获得前后叶轮内部的速度矢量分布。基于流场计算结果,预测包括扬程、效率和轴功率在内的串列泵性能。将数值计算的结果与原叶轮的试验结果进行对比并与首级叶轮比较,串列轴流泵次级叶轮压力面和吸力面的速度具有较大的差值。与一般的轴流泵比较,串列式轴流泵具有比较宽的高效区,最优工况点向大流量区域偏移,其轴功率不再像普通轴流泵那样随流量的增加而减小。为了分析前后叶轮的相互作用,预测不同的后叶轮叶片偏转角条件下的串列泵性能,结果表明后叶轮的叶片偏转角对串列泵性能有重大的影响。  相似文献   

轴流泵的现状与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文综述了我国轴流泵的现状和发展研究概况。对设计方法、叶轮结构参数选择、叶栅几何参数选择、试验研究及与泵相关的进出水流道和国外简况作了分项概述。  相似文献   

对一串列轴流泵内部空化流场进行计算,研究设计流量下串列泵内部空化发展过程,分析串列泵的空化性能。湍流模型采用一种RANS/LES的混合模式FBM模型,通过二次开发引入到计算软件;采用Zwart空化模型处理相间质量传输过程。基于一普通轴流泵的试验空化特性数据对上述计算方法进行验证,结果表明上述计算方法可以较好地预测轴流泵的空化特性。研究结果表明,在设计流量下,串列泵内部空化发展可以分为四个阶段:空化初生阶段、首级叶轮空化发展阶段、次级叶轮空化发展阶段和空化充分发展阶段。在首级叶轮空化发展阶段和次级叶轮空化发展过程中,串列泵的能量特性存在一个过渡阶段。在该过渡阶段,串列泵整体外特性仍具有较高水平,这是由于首级叶轮外特性下降的同时次级叶轮外特性稍有上升。  相似文献   

阐述离心式固液两相流泵的叶轮设计的方法,分析了基于不同两相流理论的叶轮参数的选择方法,指出叶轮型线设计是固液两相流泵设计的重要环节,并阐述了基于边界层理论的叶片型线设计方法。  相似文献   

中低比转速两相流杂质泵叶轮优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐铃凤  唐凌霄 《机械传动》2005,29(1):41-43,55
目前两相流杂质泵效率偏低,主要原因为尚未有成熟的固液两相流泵的设计方法。为提高杂质泵的效率,本文运用优化思想,以能量损失最小为目标函数,以杂质泵叶轮进口直径、出口直径、叶片数、叶轮进口宽度、出口宽度、叶轮出口安放角为设计变量,经验公式中设计参数的变化范围为设计变量的约束条件,建立了杂质泵的优化模型,建模时,引用了经验速度系数法、速度比设计法的一些公式,以巩义市两相流泵厂的80LXZH-80-58泵为算例,通过优化,得到了该两相流杂质泵叶轮参数的最佳组合。该方法可提高杂质泵的效率,也为设计人员提供了杂质泵的另一参考设计方法。  相似文献   

对旋轴流叶轮不同转速比的设计及CFD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在相同的设计流量和设计扬程条件下,设计了3种不同转速比的对旋轴流叶轮,得到了叶片不同的特征参数。结果表明:对旋式轴流泵前置叶轮与后置叶轮的转速比采用稍小于l的设计是较为合理的,并且可以获得较宽的运行高效区。以此叶片设计结果为数值模拟的对象,对前后叶轮采用7种不同的转速比进行数值模拟,得到各自全流道下紊流流场的压力、速度等值线及分布云图,预测一定转速比下的叶轮外特性性状,为实际运行和选型应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

In this study, the hydraulic performance of a mixed-flow pump depending on the impeller hub ratio was analyzed using Computational- fluid-dynamics (CFD). The impeller inlet shape varies according to the hub ratio even at the same specific speed. It is important to ensure an optimum impeller design according to the hub ratio in order for the impeller shape to provide the desired performance at constant specific speed. The design variables of inlet part for meridional plane and vane plane development were defined for optimum impeller design. The objective functions were defined as the total head and total efficiency of the mixed-flow pump impellers. The optimum impeller design was carried out by controlling the design variables of impeller inlet parts by using the Response-surface-method (RSM). The tendency of impeller design variables depending on the hub ratio was identified by analyzing the optimum impeller design. Further, the impeller shape was designed on the basis of the tendency of the design variables depending on the hub ratio. Finally, the performance of an impeller with the designed shape was verified by numerical analysis.  相似文献   

低比转数高效率蜗壳泵的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发出一种高效率低比转数 (ns<70 )的蜗壳泵 ,总结了比转数ns=60时的两种试验结果 ,进行了叶轮设计和蜗壳设计的优化 ,并进行了新的试验 ,以揭示叶轮与蜗舌之间的流动干扰。结果表明 ,低比转数蜗壳泵不宜采用常规设计 ,进而提出了一种新的设计方法。  相似文献   

During the process of designing the mixed-flow pump impeller, the meridional flow passage shape directly affects the obtained meridional flow field, which then has an influence on the three-dimensional impeller shape. However, the meridional flow passage shape is too complicated to be described by a simple formula for now. Therefore, reasonable parameter selection for the meridional flow passage is essential to the investigation. In order to explore the effects of the meridional flow passage shape on the impeller design and the hydraulic performance of the mixed-flow pump, the hub and shroud radius ratio (HSRR) of impeller and the outlet diffusion angle (ODA) of outlet zone are selected as the meridional flow passage parameters. 25 mixed-flow pump impellers, with specific speed of 496 under the design condition, are designed with various parameter combinations. Among these impellers, one with HSRR of 1.94 and ODA of 90° is selected to carry out the model test and the obtained experimental results are used to verify accuracies of the head and the hydraulic efficiency predicted by numerical simulation. Based on SIMPLE algorithm and standard k-ε two-equation turbulence model, the three-dimensional steady incompressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved and the effects of different parameters on hydraulic performance of mixed-flow pump impellers are analyzed. The analysis results demonstrate that there are optimal values of HSRR and ODA available, so the hydraulic performance and the internal flow of mixed-flow pumps can be improved by selecting appropriate values for the meridional flow passage parameters. The research on these two parameters, HSRR and ODA, has further illustrated influences of the meridional flow passage shape on the hydraulic performance of the mixed-flow pump, and is beneficial to improving the design of the mixed-flow pump impeller.  相似文献   

The experimental study is carried out on high-speed centrifugal pumps with three different impellers. The experimental results and analysis show that high-speed centrifugal pumps with a closed complex impeller can achieve thehighest efficiency and the lowest head coefficient followed by those with half-open impeller and open-impeller, and canobtain much easily stable head-capacity characrastic curve, while those with a half-open complex impeller can't. Thecharacteristic curve with a open impeller is almost constant horizontal line before dropping sharply. The results also showthat the axial clearance between pump casing and impeller can influence greatly on the performance of centrifugal pumps.  相似文献   

The blade number of impeller is an important design parameter of pumps,which affects the characteristics of pump heavily.At present,the investigation focuses mostly on the performance characteristics of axis flow pumps,the influence of blade number on inner flow filed and characteristics of centrifugal pump has not been understood completely.Therefore,the methods of numerical simulation and experimental verification are used to investigate the effects of blade number on flow field and characteristics of a centrifugal pump.The model pump has a design specific speed of 92.7 and an impeller with 5 blades.The blade number is varied to 4,6,7 with the casing and other geometric parameters keep constant.The inner flow fields and characteristics of the centrifugal pumps with different blade number are simulated and predicted in non-cavitation and cavitation conditions by using commercial code FLUENT.The impellers with different blade number are made by using rapid prototyping,and their characteristics are tested in an open loop.The comparison between prediction values and experimental results indicates that the prediction results are satisfied.The maximum discrepancy of prediction results for head,efficiency and required net positive suction head are 4.83%,3.9% and 0.36 m,respectively.The flow analysis displays that blade number change has an important effect on the area of low pressure region behind the blade inlet and jet-wake structure in impellers.With the increase of blade number,the head of the model pumps increases too,the variable regulation of efficiency and cavitation characteristics are complicated,but there are optimum values of blade number for each one.The research results are helpful for hydraulic design of centrifugal pump.  相似文献   

The existing research on improving the hydraulic performance of centrifugal pumps mainly focuses on the design method and the parameter optimization. The traditional design method for centrifugal impellers relies more on experience of engineers that typically only satisfies the continuity equation of the fluid. In this study, on the basis of the direct and inverse iteration design method which simultaneously solves the continuity and motion equations of the fluid and shapes the blade geometry by controlling the wrap angle, three centrifugal pump impellers are designed by altering blade wrap angles while keeping other parameters constant. The three-dimensional flow fields in three centrifugal pumps are numerically simulated, and the simulation results illustrate that the blade with larger wrap angle has more powerful control ability on the flow pattern in impeller. The three pumps have nearly the same pressure distributions at the small flow rate, but the pressure gradient increase in the pump with the largest wrap angle is smoother than the other two pumps at the design and large flow rates. The pump head and efficiency are also influenced by the blade wrap angle. The highest head and efficiency are also observed for the largest angle. An experiment rig is designed and built to test the performance of the pump with the largest wrap angle. The test results show that the wide space of its efficiency area and the stability of its operation ensure the excellent performance of the design method and verify the numerical analysis. The analysis on influence of the blade wrap angle for centrifugal pump performance in this paper can be beneficial to the optimization design of the centrifugal pump.  相似文献   

为分析叶轮结构对于叶轮内部流动的影响,对8叶片的闭式和半开式两种形式低比转速高速离心复合叶轮进行研究.采用S-A湍流模型和雷诺时均N-S方程,对叶轮内部的流动进行三维紊流数值计算和分析,并对离心泵进行试验研究.数值计算结果表明,两种形式叶轮内部都存在回流,其中半开式叶轮内部的回流区域较少,液流在间隙里的相对流动大致为圆周方向;叶轮内部的静压力都是由叶片进口到出口逐渐升高,等静压曲线几乎是沿圆周方向,半开式叶轮叶片顶部的静压力低于相应位置根部的静压力,闭式叶轮出口的压力系数高于半开式叶轮.试验结果表明,半开式叶轮离心泵的效率较高,说明叶轮内部的回流是影响离心泵性能的重要因素.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can give a lot of potentially very useful information for hydraulic optimization design of pumps, however, it cannot directly state what kind of modification should b...  相似文献   

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