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Levels of allergen-specific IgE and IgE antibodies were determined in serum samples from 60 atopic and 11 normal dogs by means of commercially available ELISA test kits and a panel of 33 allergens. In the atopic population, IgE antibodies were most commonly identified with a specificity for Dermatophagoides farinae (78.3 per cent of affected dogs), D pteronyssinus (61.6 per cent), mould mix (25 per cent) and house dust (19 per cent), whereas the most frequently detected IgG antibodies had a specificity for D farinae (38.3 per cent), D pteronyssinus (33.3 per cent), mould mix (33.3 per cent), insect mix (16.6 per cent) and meadow fescue (16.6 per cent). The IgG subclass profile of allergen-specific antibodies was determined for five representative allergens from the panel. The IgG response to D farinae and D pteronyssinus was dominated by IgG4 antibodies, although lower levels of IgG2, and IgG3 and IgG1 D pteronyssinus antibodies were also detected. The IgG response to Timothy grass was predominantly within the IgG1 and IgG4 subclasses, IgG subclass selection in the response to mould mix and insect mix was broader, with relatively low level reactions from all four subclasses. The data suggest a degree of IgG subclass restriction in the humoral immune response of canine atopy which may be dependent upon the nature of the allergen.  相似文献   

Comparative histometry of human and guinea-pig epidermis revealed that in the latter development of the (subcorneal) superficial epithelium is significantly less, and that of the (mostly follicular) deep epithelium is markedly more pronounced than in man.  相似文献   

Sunburn, immune suppression, photoaging, and skin cancers result from uncontrolled overexposure of human skin to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Preventive measures, including photoprotection, are helpful and can be achieved by topical sunscreening agents. Polypodium leucotomos (PL) has been used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and has shown some in vitro and in vivo inmunomodulating properties. Its beneficial photoprotective effects in the treatment of vitiligo and its antioxidant properties encouraged us to evaluate in vivo the potentially useful photoprotective property of natural extract of PL after topical application or oral ingestion. Twenty-one healthy volunteers [either untreated or treated with oral psoralens (8-MOP or 5-MOP)] were enrolled in this study and exposed to solar radiation for evaluation of the following clinical parameters: immediate pigment darkening (IPD), minimal erythema dose (MED), minimal melanogenic dose (MMD), and minimal phototoxic dose (MPD) before and after topical or oral administration of PL. Immunohistochemical assessment of CD1a-expressing epidermal cells were also performed. PL was found to be photoprotective after topical application as well as oral administration. PL increased UV dose required for IPD (P < 0.01), MED (P < 0.001) and MPD (P < 0.001). After oral administration of PL, MED increased 2.8 +/- 0.59 times and MPD increased 2.75 +/- 0.5 and 6.8 +/- 1.3 times depending upon the type of psoralen used. Immunohistochemical study revealed photoprotection of Langherhans cells by oral as well as topical PL. The observed photoprotective activities of oral or topical PL reveal a new avenue in examining the potentially useful field of systemic photoprotection and suggests that PL can be used as adjunct treatment and can make photochemotherapy and phototherapy possibly safe and effective when the control of cutaneous phototoxicity to PUVA or UVB is a limiting factor in such phototherapies.  相似文献   

Hedgehog (HH) signaling proteins mediate inductive events during animal development. Mutation of the only known HH receptor gene, Patched (PTC), has recently been implicated in inherited and sporadic forms of the most common human cancer, basal cell carcinoma (BCC). In Drosophila, HH acts by inactivating PTC function, raising the possibility that overexpression of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) in human epidermis might have a tumorigenic effect equivalent to loss of PTC function. We used retroviral transduction of normal human keratinocytes to constitutively express SHH. SHH-expressing cells demonstrated increased expression of both the known HH target, BMP-2B, as well as bcl-2, a protein prominently expressed by keratinocytes in BCCs. These keratinocytes were then used to regenerate human skin transgenic for long terminal repeat-driven SHH (LTR-SHH) on immune-deficient mice. LTR-SHH human skin consistently displays the abnormal specific histologic features seen in BCCs, including downgrowth of epithelial buds into the dermis, basal cell palisading and separation of epidermis from the underlying dermis. In addition, LTR-SHH skin displays the gene expression abnormalities previously described for human BCCs, including decreased BP180/BPAG2 and laminin 5 adhesion proteins and expression of basal epidermal keratins. These data indicate that expression of SHH in human skin recapitulates features of human BCC in vivo, suggest that activation of this conserved signaling pathway contributes to the development of epithelial neoplasia and describe a new transgenic human tissue model of neoplasia.  相似文献   

When Escherichia coli is chronically exposed to very low, nontoxic doses of a monofunctional alkylating agent (notably N-methyl-N'-nitro-nitrosoguanidine, MNNG), the adaptive DNA repair pathway is induced which enables the bacteria to resist the killing and mutagenic effects of further alkylation damage. Mutation resistance in adapted bacteria is achieved, at least partly, by a greatly increased capacity of the cells to eliminate the minor DNA alkylation product O6-methyl-guanine, which has been strongly implicated as premutagenic and precarcinogenic. We now show that the chronic treatment of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and a SV40-transformed human skin fibroblast (GM637) cell line with non-toxic levels of MNNG renders the cells resistant to the induction of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) by further alkylation damage. CHO cells also become resistant to killing (GM637 cells have not yet been tested). Having ruled out explanations such as changes in cell cycle distribution, mutagen permeability and mutagen detoxification, we conclude that resistance is probably achieved by the cells becoming more efficient at repairing alkylation damage, analogous to the adaptive response of E. coli.  相似文献   

The microsomal, mitochondrial, and nuclear fractions of cutaneous tumors have been investigated. Cutaneous tumors were homogenized and microsomal, mitochondrial, and nuclear fractions were purified. The membrane proteins were solubilized with sodium duodecyl sulfate (SDS). The membrane lipids were removed and membrane proteins were solubilized again in a small volume of SDS solution and chromatographed in SDS-acrylamide slab-gel. The plates were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue to show protein bands. The preliminary results show that the electrophoretic profiles of microsomal proteins are characteristic of some tumors.  相似文献   

The surface microtopography of normal human skin varies from one anatomical region to another. The patterns at different sites are considered to reflect different orientations of dermal fibers. A simple technique is described that enables such orientations to be accurately delineated. Various scars resulting from lacerations, surgical incisions, and steroid-induced striae were examined in the manner described.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that within 24 h of exposure of the CEM/A7R cell line to epirubicin (EPI), MDR1 gene expression is induced. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of cyclosporin A (CyA) and PSC 833, two biochemical modulators of the classical multidrug-resistant phenotype, in this model. CEM/A7R cells were exposed to EPI in the presence or absence of various concentrations of CyA or PSC 833. MDR1 expression was assessed using Northern blot analysis and quantitated using a phosphorimager. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expression was analyzed by the determination of MRK16 binding using flow cytometry. P-gp function was measured in an assay of [3H]daunomycin accumulation. The coincubation of CyA or PSC 833 with EPI prevented the increase in MDR1 gene expression induced by EPI alone. This effect of the two modulators was dose dependent. Neither modulator alone had any significant effect on the expression of MDR1. In these experiments, changes in MDR1 expression correlated with changes in P-gp levels (based on MRK16 binding) and P-gp function. Thus, both PSC 833 and CyA appear to prevent the induction of MDR1 gene expression caused by the short-term exposure of CEM/A7R cells to EPI.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that endothelial cell integrins that bind to the matrix proteins associated with inflammation and wound healing are involved in the process of angiogenesis. The integrins containing the alpha v subunit appear to be particularly important. To study the involvement of these receptors in human angiogenesis, a model of wound-associated human angiogenesis was established in human skin transplanted onto severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Using this model, we studied the expression of several alpha v integrins and tested the hypothesis that blockage of the alpha v beta 3 integrin would inhibit human angiogenesis during human wound healing. These studies revealed that the alpha v beta 3, alpha v beta 5, and alpha v beta 6 integrins are up-regulated briefly during wound angiogenesis with different patterns of expression and that inhibition of the alpha v beta 3 integrin blocked new vessel formation during human wound healing.  相似文献   

Formation of amylin-containing islet amyloid deposits may contribute to the progressive deterioration of beta cell function in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. As diabetes mellitus occurs in male, but rarely in female transgenic mice expressing human amylin in their pancreatic beta cells, it is of interest to study the influence of estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) on amylin-induced cytotoxicity in human cells. The insulinoma cell line CM, thyroid epithelial cells (TEC) in primary culture, and nontransformed fibroblast lines were used. The occurrence of apoptotic cell death was assessed by nuclear labeling with propidium iodide. Amylin was cytotoxic on all cell types tested, but had the most pronounced effect on TEC and the weakest on the CM cell line. Although both E2 and T decreased the proportion of apoptotic cells in cultures kept in the absence of amylin, neither of the two hormones was able to counteract amylin-induced cytotoxicity. beta cell death and hyperglycemia can thus presumably not be prevented by the neutralization of amylin effects by sex steroids.  相似文献   

The major histological characteristic of sun-damaged skin is the accumulation of an elastotic material that appears to replace collagen. This elastotic material consists primarily of elastin and histological studies suggest a large loss of collagen in the dermis of chronically sun-damaged skin. In this study, we examine the content and distribution of collagen and procollagen in sun-damaged human skin. The total collagen content of sun-damaged skin was 20% less than nonsolar-exposed skin (524 micrograms collagen per mg total protein in sun-damaged skin and 667 micrograms collagen per mg total protein in nonsolar-exposed skin). In addition, there was a 40% decrease in the content of intact amino propeptide moiety of type III procollagen in sun-damaged skin (0.68 U per 50 mg wet weight) as compared to nonsolar-exposed skin (1.12 U per 50 mg wet weight). The data suggest that this change in collagen content is due to increased degradation. The distribution of collagen in sun-damaged skin was examined by indirect immunofluorescence. Mild digestion of sun-damaged skin with elastase removed the elastin and revealed the presence of collagen in the elastotic material. Therefore, the elastin appears to mask the presence of collagen fibers in the dermis of sun-damaged skin.  相似文献   

We previously described the augmentation of sensory nerve action potential amplitudes after near and remote isometric muscle contraction. In this study, we wished to determine if the sensory cortex was involved in this process. In this prospective, intrinsically controlled study, we studied threshold somatosensory evoked potentials in 12 normal subjects with stimulation of the median nerve at 5.1 Hz. The subjects were tested during the following conditions: baseline, 25%, and 75% maximum isometric abductor digiti minimi contraction for 4 min. Each of these conditions was recorded before, during, and 4 min and 8 min after contraction. Results showed that at 25% contraction, there was a significant temporal increase in N9 amplitude (2.1-2.6 microV; P = 0.05, analysis of variance, repeated measures) and a decrease in N20 amplitude with 75% contraction (1.9-1.6 microV; P = 0.03, analysis of variance, repeated measure). No significant changes were noted in the spinal cord or brainstem recordings. In conclusion, it appears that augmentation of the brachial plexus peripheral nervous system recording occurs concurrently with central inhibitory gating. The possibility of peripheral nervous system adaptability will be discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) in 13 primary bone neoplasms was investigated with conventional bioassay method and immunohistochemically using antiserum against highly purified mixture of bovine BMPs as antibody. In conventional bioassay after implantation of lyophilized bone tumor tissues into mouse muscle pouches 9/13 samples turned out positive by radiography and 10/13 histologically. By immunohistochemical staining, using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase method, signs of BMPs could be verified in all cases investigated. Microscopical scoring showed the local concentration of BMPs to be especially high in sections from giant cell tumors when compared to other bone neoplasms.  相似文献   

Neointimal formation involving smooth muscle cell (SMC) migration and proliferation is a common feature of atherosclerosis, restenosis after angioplasty, and vein graft intimal thickening. Extracellular matrix remodeling by metalloproteinase (MMP) enzymes is an essential component of neointimal formation and therefore MMPs are a potential target for localized gene therapy. To evaluate this concept using human tissue, we used the highly reproducible organ culture model of neointimal formation in human saphenous vein to investigate the effect of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) and the bacterial LacZ gene (RAd35) as a control. Incubating veins with 100 microl of RAd35 (1.2 x 10(10) pfu/ml) led to expression of LacZ in 39 +/- 7% of surface cells but had no effect on SMC proliferation, migration, or neointimal formation. Similar infection with RAdTIMP-1 increased explanation of TIMP-1 in surface cells and significantly inhibited neointimal formation and SMC migration after 14 days by 54% and 78%, respectively (n = 6, p < 0.05 Student's paired t test). No effect on SMC proliferation or deleterious effect on cell viability was observed. A specific MMP inhibitory effect was detected using in situ zymography. These data confirm the importance of MMPs in neointimal formation and highlight the potential for application of TIMP gene therapy.  相似文献   

A chronic, loose constriction of the sciatic nerve in rat produces behavioral signs of spontaneous pain and cutaneous hyperalgesia (Bennett and Xie, Pain, 33 (1988) 87-107) as well as an abnormal spontaneous activity and adrenergic sensitivity of certain dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells with axons in the injured nerve (Kajander et al., Neurosci. Lett., 138 (1992) 225-228; Xie et al., J. Neurophysiol., 73 (1995)1811-1820). The present study investigated whether the spontaneous activity and adrenergic sensitivity were intrinsic properties of injured DRG cells and manifested in vitro, i.e., not dependent on intact blood circulation and an intact, functioning sympathetic nervous system. Two weeks after a loose constriction of the sciatic nerve, the L4 or L5 DRG with its ligated nerve and dorsal root attached was removed from the rat and placed in a chamber. Extracellular recordings were made from teased dorsal root fibers. Spontaneous activity (>0.05 imp/s in 3 min) originating within or close to the DRG was often found in C-, Adelta- and Abeta-fibers from nerve-injured rats, but was rare in fibers with peripheral axons from uninjured nerve. The incidence of various patterns of spontaneous discharge was similar to that previously recorded in vivo. Nineteen of 30 C-fibers, four of five Adelta- and three of seven Abeta-fibers from injured nerve responded to different doses of norepinephrine (NE) applied topically to the DRG. Five of seven C- and one of two Abeta -fibers from injured nerve responded to clonidine, a more selective alpha2 adrenergic agonist. The thresholds ranged from 500 to 10 microM, the lowest dose delivered. None of the fibers from uninjured nerve responded to NE or clonidine (500 microM). Since the experiments were carried out in vitro in the intact DRG, the existence of spontaneous activity in DRG cells in nerve-injured rats was independent of any blood borne chemicals, such as norepinephrine. We hypothesize that abnormal activity and adrenergic sensitivity in injured DRG neurons are due to an intrinsic alteration of the cell body membrane.  相似文献   

The electrical characteristics of human skin in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: The objectives of this study were to investigate the impedance properties of human skin in vivo and to examine the effect of iontophoresis upon them. METHODS: Having established the intra- and inter-individual variation in basal values of skin impedance, the effect of varying iontophoretic current density, ionic strength and counter-ion on the rate of recovery of skin impedance after iontophoresis was investigated. RESULTS: Passage of an iontophoretic current caused a significant reduction in the magnitude of the skin impedance. Increasing the current density caused an even greater reduction in the value of the skin impedance and slowed the rate of recovery. Reduction of the ionic strength resulted in an increase in the rate of recovery following iontophoresis. A significant increase in the rate of recovery was observed when CaCl2 replaced NaCl as the electrolyte. Although visual inspection revealed the presence of greater erythema when CaCl2 was used, there was an absence of the mild sensation experienced by volunteers when using NaCl. The last part of the study established a correlation between transepidermal water loss and impedance analysis as complementary methods for probing skin barrier function in vivo. The data were fitted to an equivalent circuit consisting of a resistor in parallel with a constant-phase element and a mechanistic model proposed to explain the electrical properties of the skin. CONCLUSIONS: The first comprehensive investigation of the effect of iontophoresis on the electrical properties of human skin in vivo has been described. It would appear from the results, and from their interpretation, that impedance spectroscopy may be an effective method to quantify the impact of iontophoresis on the skin, and to determine the extent to which proposed drug delivery regimens will perturb skin barrier function.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are important contributors to human ageing and degenerative diseases. Using PCR techniques, we demonstrated three types of mtDNA length mutations, a 4977 bp deletion, a 7436 bp deletion and tandem duplications, in normal human skin tissues. We found that these mutations started to appear in the third decade of life, and the age at which the mutations could be detected in sun-exposed skin was usually younger than in non-exposed skin. Moreover, the incidences of these deletions and tandem duplications of mtDNA in sun-exposed skin were all significantly higher than those in non-exposed skin (P < 0.05). The 4977 bp deletion was the most prevalant mtDNA mutation in human skin, and the 7436 bp deletion was the least frequent among the three types of mtDNA mutations examined. We first demonstrated the existence of tandem duplications with sizes of about 260 bp, 200 bp and 150 bp in the D-loop region of mtDNA in the skin of elderly individuals. Among the three tandem duplications, the 200-bp duplication was found to occur most frequently in ageing skin. The tandem duplications were found to coexist with either or both of the deletions in some elderly individuals. The frequency of occurrence of mtDNA deletions and tandem duplications in skin was found to increase in an age-dependent manner. However, the incidence of tandem duplications was not well correlated with the age of the subject.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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