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Tau plays a central role in a group of neurodegenerative disorders collectively named tauopathies. Despite the wide range of diverse symptoms at the onset and during the progression of the pathology, all tauopathies share two common hallmarks, namely the misfolding and aggregation of Tau protein and progressive synaptic dysfunctions. Tau aggregation correlates with cognitive decline and behavioural impairment. The mechanistic link between Tau misfolding and the synaptic dysfunction is still unknown, but this correlation is well established in the human brain and also in tauopathy mouse models. At the onset of the pathology, Tau undergoes post-translational modifications (PTMs) inducing the detachment from the cytoskeleton and its release in the cytoplasm as a soluble monomer. In this condition, the physiological enrichment in the axon is definitely disrupted, resulting in Tau relocalization in the cell soma and in dendrites. Subsequently, Tau aggregates into toxic oligomers and amyloidogenic forms that disrupt synaptic homeostasis and function, resulting in neuronal degeneration. The involvement of Tau in synaptic transmission alteration in tauopathies has been extensively reviewed. Here, we will focus on non-canonical Tau functions mediating synapse dysfunction.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been realized that the tau protein is a key player in multiple neurodegenerative diseases. Positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers that bind to tau filaments in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are in common use, but PET tracers binding to tau filaments of rarer, age-related dementias, such as Pick’s disease, have not been widely explored. To design disease-specific and tau-selective PET tracers, it is important to determine where and how PET tracers bind to tau filaments. In this paper, we present the first molecular modelling study on PET probe binding to the structured core of tau filaments from a patient with Pick’s disease (TauPiD). We have used docking, molecular dynamics simulations, binding-affinity and tunnel calculations to explore TauPiD binding sites, binding modes, and binding energies of PET probes (AV-1451, MK-6240, PBB3, PM-PBB3, THK-5351 and PiB) with TauPiD. The probes bind to TauPiD at multiple surface binding sites as well as in a cavity binding site. The probes show unique surface binding patterns, and, out of them all, PM-PBB3 proves to bind the strongest. The findings suggest that our computational workflow of structural and dynamic details of the tau filaments has potential for the rational design of TauPiD specific PET tracers.  相似文献   

Chronic neurodegenerative diseases are complex, and their pathogenesis is uncertain. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative brain alteration that is responsible for most dementia cases in the elderly. AD etiology is still uncertain; however, chronic neuroinflammation is a constant component of brain pathology. Infections have been associated with several neurological diseases and viruses of the Herpes family appear to be a probable cause of AD neurodegenerative alterations. Several different factors may contribute to the AD clinical progression. Exogeneous viruses or other microbes and environmental pollutants may directly induce neurodegeneration by activating brain inflammation. In this paper, we suggest that exogeneous brain insults may also activate retrotransposons and silent human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). The initial inflammation of small brain areas induced by virus infections or other brain insults may activate HERV dis-regulation that contributes to neurodegenerative mechanisms. Chronic HERV activation in turn may cause progressive neurodegeneration that thereafter merges in cognitive impairment and dementia in genetically susceptible people. Specific treatment for exogenous end endogenous pathogens and decreasing pollutant exposure may show beneficial effect in early intervention protocol to prevent the progression of cognitive deterioration in the elderly.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved pathway that plays a key role in cell homeostasis in normal settings, as well as abnormal and stress conditions. Autophagy dysfunction is found in various neurodegenerative diseases, although it remains unclear whether autophagy impairment is a contributor or consequence of neurodegeneration. Axonal injury is an acute neuronal stress that triggers autophagic responses in an age-dependent manner. In this study, we investigate the injury-triggered autophagy response in a C. elegans model of tauopathy. We found that transgenic expression of pro-aggregant Tau, but not the anti-aggregant Tau, abolished axon injury-induced autophagy activation, resulting in a reduced axon regeneration capacity. Furthermore, axonal trafficking of autophagic vesicles were significantly reduced in the animals expressing pro-aggregant F3ΔK280 Tau, indicating that Tau aggregation impairs autophagy regulation. Importantly, the reduced number of total or trafficking autophagic vesicles in the tauopathy model was not restored by the autophagy activator rapamycin. Loss of PTL-1, the sole Tau homologue in C. elegans, also led to impaired injury-induced autophagy activation, but with an increased basal level of autophagic vesicles. Therefore, we have demonstrated that Tau aggregation as well as Tau depletion both lead to disruption of injury-induced autophagy responses, suggesting that aberrant protein aggregation or microtubule dysfunction can modulate autophagy regulation in neurons after injury.  相似文献   

An early and persistent sign of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is glucose hypometabolism, which can be evaluated by positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([18F]FDG). Cannabidiol has demonstrated neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties but has not been evaluated by PET imaging in an AD model. Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of streptozotocin (STZ) is a validated model for hypometabolism observed in AD. This proof-of-concept study evaluated the effect of cannabidiol treatment in the brain glucose metabolism of an icv-STZ AD model by PET imaging. Wistar male rats received 3 mg/kg of STZ and [18F]FDG PET images were acquired before and 7 days after STZ injection. Animals were treated with intraperitoneal cannabidiol (20 mg/kg—STZ–cannabidiol) or saline (STZ–saline) for one week. Novel object recognition was performed to evaluate short-term and long-term memory. [18F]FDG uptake in the whole brain was significantly lower in the STZ–saline group. Voxel-based analysis revealed a hypometabolism cluster close to the lateral ventricle, which was smaller in STZ–cannabidiol animals. The brain regions with more evident hypometabolism were the striatum, motor cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus, which was not observed in STZ–cannabidiol animals. In addition, STZ–cannabidiol animals revealed no changes in memory index. Thus, this study suggests that cannabidiol could be an early treatment for the neurodegenerative process observed in AD.  相似文献   

Tauopathies are a heterogeneous class of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by intracellular inclusions of aggregated tau proteins. Tau aggregates in different tauopathies have distinct structural features and can be found in different cell types. Transgenic animal models overexpressing human tau have been used for over two decades in the research of tau pathology. However, these models poorly recapitulate the heterogeneity of tauopathies found in human brains. Recent findings demonstrate that injection of purified tau aggregates from the brains of human tauopathy patients recapitulates both the structural features and cell-type specificity of the tau pathology of the donor tauopathy. These models may therefore have unique translational value in the study of functional consequences of tau pathology, tau-based diagnostics, and tau targeting therapeutics. This review provides an update of the literature relating to seeding-based tauopathy and their potential applications.  相似文献   

近年来,以Tau蛋白作为阿尔茨海默病靶点的药物研究受到越来越多的关注。纵观国内外发展状况,基于Tau蛋白磷酸化酶的药物研发居多,部分已进入临床阶段,而关于直接抑制Tau聚集的药物研究尚处于起步阶段。从药物化学的角度,综述了目前关于小分子化合物能够有效抑制Tau蛋白异常聚集的研究进展,系统考察了这些小分子化合物的结构特征,并对其结构和功能的关系作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

A central characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other tauopathies is the accumulation of aggregated and misfolded Tau deposits in the brain. Tau-targeting therapies for AD have been unsuccessful in patients to date. Here we show that human polymerase δ-interacting protein 2 (PolDIP2) interacts with Tau. With a set of complementary methods, including thioflavin-T-based aggregation kinetic assays, Tau oligomer-specific dot-blot analysis, and single oligomer/fibril analysis by atomic force microscopy, we demonstrate that PolDIP2 inhibits Tau aggregation and amyloid fibril growth in vitro. The identification of PolDIP2 as a potential regulator of cellular Tau aggregation should be considered for future Tau-targeting therapeutics.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and neurodegenerative disorder that induces dementia in older people. It was first reported in 1907 by Alois Alzheimer, who characterized the disease as causing memory loss and cognitive impairment. Pathologic characteristics of AD are β-amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neurodegeneration. Current therapies only target the relief of symptoms using various drugs, and do not cure the disease. Recently, stem cell therapy has been shown to be a potential approach to various diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, and in this review, we focus on stem cell therapies for AD.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide. Histopathologically, AD presents with two hallmarks: neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), and aggregates of amyloid β peptide (Aβ) both in the brain parenchyma as neuritic plaques, and around blood vessels as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). According to the vascular hypothesis of AD, vascular risk factors can result in dysregulation of the neurovascular unit (NVU) and hypoxia. Hypoxia may reduce Aβ clearance from the brain and increase its production, leading to both parenchymal and vascular accumulation of Aβ. An increase in Aβ amplifies neuronal dysfunction, NFT formation, and accelerates neurodegeneration, resulting in dementia. In recent decades, therapeutic approaches have attempted to decrease the levels of abnormal Aβ or tau levels in the AD brain. However, several of these approaches have either been associated with an inappropriate immune response triggering inflammation, or have failed to improve cognition. Here, we review the pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets associated with dysfunction of the NVU in AD.  相似文献   

Tauopathies represent a vast family of neurodegenerative diseases, the most well-known of which is Alzheimer’s disease. The symptoms observed in patients include cognitive deficits and locomotor problems and can lead ultimately to dementia. The common point found in all these pathologies is the accumulation in neural and/or glial cells of abnormal forms of Tau protein, leading to its aggregation and neurofibrillary tangles. Zebrafish transgenic models have been generated with different overexpression strategies of human Tau protein. These transgenic lines have made it possible to highlight Tau interacting factors or factors which may limit the neurotoxicity induced by mutations and hyperphosphorylation of the Tau protein in neurons. Several studies have tested neuroprotective pharmacological approaches. On few-days-old larvae, modulation of various signaling or degradation pathways reversed the deleterious effects of Tau mutations, mainly hTauP301L and hTauA152T. Live imaging and live tracking techniques as well as behavioral follow-up enable the analysis of the wide range of Tau-related phenotypes from synaptic loss to cognitive functional consequences.  相似文献   

Iron accumulates in the ageing brain and in brains with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (HD), and Down syndrome (DS) dementia. However, the mechanisms of iron deposition and regional selectivity in the brain are ill-understood. The identification of several proteins that are involved in iron homeostasis, transport, and regulation suggests avenues to explore their function in neurodegenerative diseases. To uncover the molecular mechanisms underlying this association, we investigated the distribution and expression of these key iron proteins in brain tissues of patients with AD, DS, PD, and compared them with age-matched controls. Ferritin is an iron storage protein that is deposited in senile plaques in the AD and DS brain, as well as in neuromelanin-containing neurons in the Lewy bodies in PD brain. The transporter of ferrous iron, Divalent metal protein 1 (DMT1), was observed solely in the capillary endothelium and in astrocytes close to the ventricles with unchanged expression in PD. The principal iron transporter, ferroportin, is strikingly reduced in the AD brain compared to age-matched controls. Extensive blood vessel damage in the basal ganglia and deposition of punctate ferritin heavy chain (FTH) and hepcidin were found in the caudate and putamen within striosomes/matrix in both PD and DS brains. We suggest that downregulation of ferroportin could be a key reason for iron mismanagement through disruption of cellular entry and exit pathways of the endothelium. Membrane damage and subsequent impairment of ferroportin and hepcidin causes oxidative stress that contributes to neurodegeneration seen in DS, AD, and in PD subjects. We further propose that a lack of ferritin contributes to neurodegeneration as a consequence of failure to export toxic metals from the cortex in AD/DS and from the substantia nigra and caudate/putamen in PD brain.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease, characterized histopathologically by intra-neuronal tau-related lesions and by the accumulation of amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) in the brain parenchyma and around cerebral blood vessels. According to the vascular hypothesis of AD, an alteration in the neurovascular unit (NVU) could lead to Aβ vascular accumulation and promote neuronal dysfunction, accelerating neurodegeneration and dementia. To date, the effects of insoluble vascular Aβ deposits on the NVU and the blood–brain barrier (BBB) are unknown. In this study, we analyze different Aβ species and their association with the cells that make up the NVU. We evaluated post-mortem AD brain tissue. Multiple immunofluorescence assays were performed against different species of Aβ and the main elements that constitute the NVU. Our results showed that there are insoluble vascular deposits of both full-length and truncated Aβ species. Besides, insoluble aggregates are associated with a decrease in the phenotype of the cellular components that constitute the NVU and with BBB disruption. This approach could help identify new therapeutic targets against key molecules and receptors in the NVU that can prevent the accumulation of vascular fibrillar Aβ in AD.  相似文献   

The activation of the brain renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of cognition. While the brain RAS has been studied before in the context of hypertension, little is known about its role and regulation in relation to neuronal function and its modulation. Adequate blood flow to the brain as well as proper clearing of metabolic byproducts become crucial in the presence of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). RAS inhibition (RASi) drugs that can cross into the central nervous system have yielded unclear results in improving cognition in AD patients. Consequently, only one RASi therapy is under consideration in clinical trials to modify AD. Moreover, the role of non-genetic factors such as hypercholesterolemia in the pathophysiology of AD remains largely uncharacterized, even when evidence exists that it can lead to alteration of the RAS and cognition in animal models. Here we revise the evidence for the function of the brain RAS in cognition and AD pathogenesis and summarize the evidence that links it to hypercholesterolemia and other risk factors. We review existent medications for RASi therapy and show research on novel drugs, including small molecules and nanodelivery strategies that can target the brain RAS with potential high specificity. We hope that further research into the brain RAS function and modulation will lead to innovative therapies that can finally improve AD neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) and Tau aggregates in the brain, which induces various pathological events resulting in neurodegeneration. There have been continuous efforts to develop modulators of the Aβ and Tau aggregation process to halt or modify disease progression. A few small-molecule-based inhibitors that target both Aβ and Tau pathology have been reported. Here, we report the screening of a targeted library of small molecules to modulate Aβ and Tau aggregation together with their in vitro, in silico and cellular studies. In vitro ThT fluorescence assay, dot blot assay, gel electrophoresis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results have shown that thiophene-based lead molecules effectively modulate Aβ aggregation and inhibit Tau aggregation. In silico studies performed by employing molecular docking, molecular dynamics and binding-free energy calculations have helped in understanding the mechanism of interaction of the lead thiophene compounds with Aβ and Tau fibril targets. In cellulo studies revealed that the lead candidate is biocompatible and effectively ameliorates neuronal cells from Aβ and Tau-mediated amyloid toxicity.  相似文献   

The truncation of Tau is thought to be important in promoting aggregation, with this feature characterising the pathology of dementias such as Alzheimer disease. Antibodies to the C-terminal and N-terminal regions of Tau were employed to examine Tau cleavage in five human brain regions: the entorhinal cortex, prefrontal cortex, motor cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. These were obtained from normal subjects ranging in age from 18 to 104 years. Tau fragments of approximately 40 kDa and 45 kDa with an intact N-terminus retained were found in soluble and insoluble brain fractions. In addition, smaller C-terminal Tau fragments ranging in mass from 17 kDa to 25 kDa were also detected. These findings are consistent with significant Tau cleavage taking place in brain regions from 18 years onwards. It appears that site-specific cleavage of Tau is widespread in the normal human brain, and that large Tau fragments that contain the N-terminus, as well as shorter C-terminal Tau fragments, are present in brain cells across the age range.  相似文献   

The role of the synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A) protein, target of the antiepileptic drug levetiracetam, is still mostly unknown. Considering its potential to provide in vivo functional insights into the role of SV2A in epileptic patients, the development of an SV2A positron emission tomography (PET) tracer has been undertaken. Using a 3D pharmacophore model based on close analogues of levetiracetam, we report the rationale design of three heterocyclic non‐acetamide lead compounds, UCB‐A, UCB‐H and UCB‐J, the first single‐digit nanomolar SV2A ligands with suitable properties for development as PET tracers.  相似文献   

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