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通过分析长春市净月潭风景名胜区的森林植被现状和特征,提出本风景区森林景观生态的规划原则,规划内容和森林生态建设的规划树种。并指出森林生态规划对风景区建设具脸重要意义。  相似文献   

通常来讲,棕地在美学上并不具备吸引力,风景园林业内推崇棕地的风潮本质上是人们对弹性景观、自我调节、原始景观日渐浓厚的兴趣,其具有较高的生物多样性、多样的生态过程、功能强大和低成本等优势。传统的棕地重建方法是允许现场介入,等待随之发生的连续生态演替,促进新植被类型的自发形成。然而,棕地的植被一般与场地周围的植被类型相近,植被多样性缺乏的棕地,其场地周围通常也是缺乏植被多样性的。在设计实践中,我们应更多关注场地的长期管理,更加着重于对场地现状的生态学和园艺学的理解。通过播种或种植那些不能自行定殖的树木、灌木和草本植物的种子或幼苗,进行长期的管理来塑造景观,最终棕地将形成复杂的植被空间结构和丰富的植被类型。  相似文献   

云南石漠化地区植被生态修复群落特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石漠化是岩溶山区脆弱生态系统与人类不合理经济活动相互作用造成的土地退化过程。石漠化也是目前中国西南喀斯特山区生态修复与重建的重要障碍。因此,石漠化地区的景观生态修复极为迫切。以云南省红河州建水县5个石漠化地区为研究对象,通过实地调查、咨询专家和查阅相关文献资料,主要从石漠化地区植被修复场地特征、植被物种构成、植被群落特征3个方面进行研究分析,为云南省石漠化地区植被生态修复物种规划以及提升修复植被的景观性提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

昆明生态城的规划概念是基于对该地域自然历史进程的理解。总图的目标就是寻求在生态修复中的景观和敏感的开放之间重新建立平衡。通过运用分水岭的规划方法来划定最敏感的地段,然后找出合适的开放区域,重建健康、机能的分水岭的观点推动着设计理念。SWA将恢复森林植被作为其宏观的设计思想,  相似文献   

一座城市的更新与繁荣,离不开灵动的水系。而水系周边的滨水近岸植被带,已成为市民与游客休闲漫步的景致,同时,它也承载着城市的历史和文化底蕴。然而,河湖沟渠的近岸植被带在快速奔跑的城市化进程中,已经丧失了大部分生态功能。因此,如何重建与恢复城市水系景观近岸植被带的生态功能,演变成重塑城市文化的又一重要途径。  相似文献   

文章以嘉绒藏区小金县藏寨向花村、夹金村灾后重建规划为例,从藏寨的总体轮廓景观、绿地景观、节点景观和地域建筑景观设计等方面进行研究,尝试从嘉绒藏区传统藏寨和藏居中提取创作灵感,尊重自然,保护生态环境,创造有地域特色和可持续发展的嘉绒藏区景观体系,试图探寻一条适宜于嘉绒藏区旅游藏寨景观生态重建的可行策略。  相似文献   

四川干热河谷地区公路生态植被恢复与重建模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了四川干热河谷地区公路周边自然植被条件与海拔高度的关系,以国道318线二郎山至康定公路为例,对干热河谷地区公路生态恢复与重建的模式进行了研究,根据道路所处海拔高度的差异把全路段分为二郎山、泸定大渡河、康定瓦斯沟三段,根据各段气候和植被特点确定恢复模式,经过2年的生长观察,证明各恢复模式都取得很好的效果,乔灌木的平均成活率达到85%,草坪地被覆盖率平均达到93%;最后,总结了干热河谷道路生态恢复与重建的特殊技术。  相似文献   

流动地景:大尺度城市景观的生态设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍近几年有关景观城市主义的争论,并提出流动地景作为生态设计的另一种命题及其局限性,探讨大尺度城市景观的生态设计方法。比较加拿大多伦多Downsview公园设计及高雄2009世运会场地规划,总结出生态设计的3种可能方法:形象地景、流动地景及时间地景等。生态设计的有效介入,有赖于地景生态网络的策略性位置,可影响植被变迁、生物多样性与水文过程。生态设计非固定的地景形式创造,而是一种策略规划以及机制与过程的设计。大尺度的城市地景空间可以经由精细的及渐进的改造计划,重建城市肌理与自然系统的连结网络。  相似文献   

采石宕口植被恢复是一项复杂的生态系统工程,涉及采矿、地貌、环境生态、景观生态、植物等学科内容,采石宕口植被恢复与景观营建应遵循“科学规划、分类指导、因地制宜、经济适用、持续发展”的原则。从研究金山采石宕口植被恢复入手,依据宕口土质条件及采石后的立地条件不同而异,提出了金山采石宕口植被恢复的技术路线、技术措施、植被绿化技术和艺术景观再造方法,可供同类地区参考。  相似文献   

白垩土矿业废弃地对生态环境造成了严重的破坏,生态恢复和景观重建是废弃地环境治理的有效方法。将低碳节约、低影响开发、循环利用等技术和常规技术相结合,对位于中国河南省新乡市郊区的一处白垩土矿业废弃地进行了生态恢复和景观重建。通过对大气环境、土壤环境、地形环境、水环境和植被环境的生态恢复以及对功能布局和场地风貌的景观重建,使该废弃地成为集生态保护、林果生产、休闲旅游、科普教育等功能为一体的园区。该项目为城郊白垩土矿业废弃地的生态恢复与景观重建提供了一种可行性强的治理模式。  相似文献   

The damage to soil and vegetation caused by mining, unless prevented by careful planning, is usually extreme, because the original ecosystems have had to be grossly disturbed or buried by the mining process. Radical reconstruction is therefore required. In nature this takes place by the well-known processes of primary succession, without human assistance. In the interest of economy and the maintenance of our natural resources, reclamation should attempt to involve the same processes. But primary succession on raw substrates can take several centuries to complete. This paper attempts to analyse what seem to be the factors that limit the processes involved and how they can be overcome by ameliorative treatments. It examines in particular how long this amelioration will take and how much it is likely to cost. Knowing this we are then be able to include a natural approach in land reclamation effectively.  相似文献   

生态型绿化法在上海"近自然"群落建设中的应用   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
应用生态型绿化法建设"近自然"群落是城市植被恢复的种新途径.生态型绿化以生态学潜在自然植被和群落演替基本理论为依据,选择适生乡土植物,应用容器育苗和"近自然"苗木种植技术,超常速、低造价地营造具有群落结构完整、物种多样性丰富、生物量高、趋于稳定状态、后期完全遵循自然循环规律的"少人工管理型"绿地.生态型绿化法已在世界各地广泛应用,对于推动我国城市绿化也将起到重要作用.  相似文献   

成都城区河流廊道自生植物的生境及物种多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
河流廊道是自生植物生长的重要栖息地,但相关研究较为缺乏.运用均匀布样法,结合典型样地法,选取贯穿成都城区西北到南部的清水河、南河、府河为样段,共223个样方,分析自生植物定居的生境类型,探寻物种组成特征,以期为自生植物生境及景观营造提供参考.结果表明:生境按照距水的远近可分为无驳岸水边、驳岸和岸上三大类,根据基质及绿地...  相似文献   

Visual preference of the public for vegetation groups in Israel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study describes a method for classifying and evaluating the visual qualities of selected native and planned forests and other vegetation groups in Israel, and for identifying the degree of visual preference by selected groups of users. Forty-four vegetation groups were selected. Sets of four coloured photographs of each vegetation group were presented to 150 individuals at formal interviews in their homes. Statistical analysis of the answers led to three main conclusions: (1) the existing botanical–ecological classification of vegetation groups used in the study was found to be suitable for the evaluation of its visual qualities; (2) levels of public preference varied and depended on the types of vegetation group; and (3) visual preference for vegetation types could be derived from the individual plants’ physical properties and the latter could be used to forecast the level of public visual preference for a proposed vegetation plan. This study, therefore, suggests a workable evaluation method that could be used for identifying and evaluating public preference for vegetation groups. The findings regarding public preference provide an empirically tested basis for policy planning and the management of other vegetation resources in Israel.  相似文献   

Powerline corridor management in Australia has traditionally focused on the complete removal of vegetation using short rotation times due to the perceived fire hazard associated with corridor vegetation. This study assessed vegetation recovery in a powerline corridor, following management, at three sites spanning corridor and forest habitat. Forest and corridor vegetation communities differed significantly between sites and over time. As vegetation recovered, the corridor community became a mix of plants common in the surrounding forest and open areas, changing within the 3-year study from a grass–fern to shrub–sedge community encroached by midstorey species. The current short rotations between management events unnecessarily maintain the corridor in a cycle of degradation, remove resources for native species and may allow introduced grasses and saplings to proliferate in the corridor. Maintaining a shrub layer would help avoid loss of species richness, encourage native species and limit colonisation opportunities of introduced species. Spot spraying emergent saplings and problem plants and mosaic slashing, would keep fire risk low and maintain biodiversity without increasing biomass to dangerous levels.  相似文献   

上海郊野公园近自然植被构建途径与设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近自然植被是郊野公园最具自然野趣特色的植被类型,但近自然植被营造在我国尚在起步阶段,缺乏理论体系、设计茸造技术以及生态景观内涵丰富的实例。根据上海郊野公园的规划理念和功能定位,探讨了近自然植被的特点与葺造原则,结合上海先行启动的5个郊野单元植被现状调查和分析,从发挥人工植物群落自然潜力与生态演替作用角度出发,重点研究现有植被的近自然化改造和近自然植被茸造的途径与设计要点,探索郊野公园近自然植被茸造的植物配置理论与技术,为郊野公园规划设计和营造管护提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Vegetation uptake of nitrogen and base cations may be an important source of soil acidity. In this study, the uptake rate of nitrogen and base cations was estimated for each major vegetation type in China. Although the uptake rates of most vegetation types are lower than 2.0 keq ha(-1) a(-1), great variations exist because of the significant differences in net primary productivity and elemental composition. Uptake rates decreased gradually from southeast to northwest, except for the wide-distributed agricultural areas in the east of China, where the nitrogen and base cation uptake rates are near zero. It is evident that this pattern coincides well with the distribution of the annual mean precipitation. However, the geographical distribution of the base cation uptake rate is not entirely the same as that of nitrogen, which indicates the importance of soil conditions in determining the chemical component and hence the uptake rate of different vegetation. The acidity input caused by vegetation uptake is quite high (>0.5 keq ha(-1) a(-1)), and even higher than the current acid deposition and the alkalinity produced by soil weathering in some areas, which indicates that the growth of the plants may contribute significantly to the soil acidification problem in China.  相似文献   

A GIS-based method for multi-objective evaluation of park vegetation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we describe a method for evaluating the concordance between a set of mapped landscape attributes and a set of quantitatively expressed management priorities. The method has proved to be useful in planning urban green areas, allowing objectively documented decisions and helping the resolution of opinion conflicts among decision makers. A case study, involving the evaluation of the vegetation component of a suburban park, is described in detail. The analysis of the case study highlights the power of the method, and of geographical information systems- (GIS-) based decision support methods in general, as a planning aid for green park areas. Their use allowed us not only to propose interesting reorganization plans, but also to give decision makers a better understanding of their own priorities.  相似文献   

岩石边坡植被护坡植物选择初探   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
基础设施的建设导致大量裸露岩石边坡的产生,为保护生态环境需要对其进行植被恢复.岩石边坡的植被护坡一直是工程界难以解决的课题之一.通过对岩石边坡特殊立地条件、植被护坡现状和问题进行分析,提出了岩石边坡植被护坡的原则和以研究野生岩生植物为突破点的解决途径.  相似文献   

华南地区彩叶地被植物在园林中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
蔡如  麦启明  游慧儿 《中国园林》2006,22(10):89-94
现代园林的发展已由简单的植树绿化转到利用植物不同的观赏特性进行造景美化。彩叶地被植物由于其独特的叶色,在园林中应用日益广泛。目前我国彩叶地被植物种类的开发及园林应用还存在着很大的空间;通过系统阐述园林彩叶地被植物的概念、特点及分类,对彩叶地被植物在华南地区园林中的应用现状进行分析和阐述;最后,就目前存在的问题和今后的发展提出看法。  相似文献   

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