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对于每一个人来说,“小人”都是一个极端的蔑称。所谓“两面三刀、阳奉阴违”,人人都敬而远之,古龙在其书中说到,他最痛恨的就是“嘴里叫哥哥,手里捅刀子”的家伙。猫王的一位朋友就曾有感而发:“千万不要轻信那些表面的现象,也不要被那些甜言蜜语所迷惑,不了解实际情况决不能轻易下手。那些奸商……”朋友很是愤怒,因为他受过骗。那年,他要买打印机,“就想买个耐用的,便宜点的。”于是,这老兄四处查找信息,终于在某杂志上找到他所中意的对象,便宜、耐用、不偏不倚。朋友打电话去询问,销售小姐很热情,各项情况娓娓道来,并保证广告所说一切属实,敬请现场查看。朋友一时喜不自禁,第二天就驱车前  相似文献   

2007年到2008年是第四次国际极地年,有关保护环境,保护地球的理论说教,我不想继续。我们奉献给读者的是这样一组美轮美奂的极地作品。对于这样极致的美丽,你还忍心去破坏它,去摧毁它吗?  相似文献   

任何一个产业,在刚刚起步阶段,国家的保护是至关重要的,这会促进这个产业的快速发展,但我们不能始终躺在国家庇护的树荫下乘凉,要主动去适应市场。  相似文献   

夏天的天气简直熱得都快要赶上e浪潮了,让e诸葛实在有点不受用。于是乎,e诸葛抽了个空到大商场去查探了一番。虽然这不是一个大老爷们愿意干的事,但是既然是“微服私访”,就有几个原因:一是想吹吹空调,吸吸凉气,驱走烦躁;二是想在商场中找寻一些关于传统零售业迟迟不肯进入电子商务的蛛丝马迹。走了走大商场.他好象明白了其中一二。都说“购物是一种享受”,大概只有抱着研究的心态,e诸葛才注意到:商场中不但有凉爽的环境、柔和的灯光、优美的音乐,就连货物的摆放、位置也有讲究。似乎大型商场一层总是化妆品和首饰,二、三层铁定是男装女装,超市嘛,肯定在地下……这就是传统商家的一些经验吧。有层次感、丰富多样的物品加上员工的服务态度……加在一起  相似文献   

前年秋天,我奉学校之派,到韩国圆光大学任教.刚刚跨入大学为我安排的宿舍,就发现写字桌上放着一台半新不旧的电脑.这可真是喜出望外.在家里我用惯了电脑,这一下可免除了无“脑”的烦恼.一喜之下,我马上又关心起圆光大学的网络设施问题.能不能方便快捷地上因特网,这可关系我在韩国的生活质量.因为身在异国,中文的报刊杂志少而又少.好不容易看到《人民日报》海外版,往往是个把星期以前的旧闻.只要能上网,看看国内的网上报章,无疑会解除文化信息的干渴.  相似文献   

初遇Hero,是在I社区里,那时候自己刚到这家公司,对各种图片软件一窍不通,而主编交给我的一大堆任务全跟那些PHOTOSHOP,DREAMWEAVER什么的有关,我看着它们,这里改改,那里改改,都不得要领,简直被他们弄得焦头烂额了。于是百无聊赖之际,走走停停地就来到I社区,开始以为这不过是个供人扯淡的茶庄,谁知才说了一两句话就发现这里高手如  相似文献   

提出一种生成所有堆的枚举算法。该算法按照从深层次向低层次的顺序生成堆,采用单个数判断法。测试结果验证了该算法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

赵江 《电脑爱好者》2001,(20):32-33
在网上和别人用QQ聊天时,如何能够绕过防火墙和别人传递文件呢?试过FileGateway,你就会有答案了。  相似文献   

In recent years, the number of elderly people living alone has grown rapidly. This increases the need for indoor healthcare services that help elderly residents live a safe and independent life. There has been increasing interest in indoor ubiquitous healthcare (U-Healthcare) applications that monitor the elderly unobtrusively via sensors and that warn them or healthcare providers of abnormal conditions. In U-Healthcare applications, automatically locating and tracking users who move around a building is a fundamental feature. Outdoor location sensing technologies such as the global positioning systems are not suitable for use in indoor environments, such as “smart home” applications, because their indoor-based location sensing lacks accuracy. This paper proposes an indoor U-Healthcare system that uses radio-frequency identification technology to accurately locate and track the elderly. The proposed system provides real-time monitoring of elderly people’s whereabouts. In addition, it analyzes their locations in association with time slots and the length of time they stay in the same place, thus inferring information such as movement patterns, ranges, and frequencies. This information is used to determine elderly people’s well-being and to warn family or healthcare workers of any potential problems. The proposed indoor U-Healthcare system improves the quality and convenience of care delivered to elderly people.  相似文献   

针对日益突出的老人监护需求,设计并实现了基于安卓智能手机的老人关爱系统,系统围绕老人的位置信息采集、传送、处理生成服务三个核心问题,并探讨了基于极光推送的老人救助模式.通过手机自带GPS定位功能实现了位置信息采集,自定义Json数据传送格式、调用百度API处理显示服务,实现了老人实时位置显示、历史轨迹回放、一键报警功能,系统服务端结合极光推送,可以将老人的求助信息快速推送到相关人员手机上,实现了周边救助模式,初步应用表明,该系统具有实时性强,用户参与度高,经济便捷等特点,为老人关爱领域提供了模型参考.  相似文献   

介绍基于物联网的养老院管理系统的各项功能,重点叙述RFID人员定位原理、摔倒检测原理和健康监测等传感器原理和实现。通过在RFID标签中录入老人的身份编号等信息,当老人携带标签路过某一布置了读卡器的路段时,系统便能确定该老人位置。运用重力加速传感器,采集加速度变化波形作为摔倒检测的依据。  相似文献   

The safety of patients and the quality of medical care provided to them are vital for their wellbeing. This study establishes a set of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)-based systems of patient care based on physiological signals in the pursuit of a remote medical care system. The RFID-based positioning system allows medical staff to continuously observe the patient's health and location. The staff can thus respond to medical emergencies in time and appropriately care for the patient. When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the proposed system was used to provide timely information on the location and body temperature of patients who had been screened for the disease. The results of experiments and comparative analyses show that the proposed system is superior to competing systems in use. The use of remote monitoring technology makes user interface easier to provide high-quality medical services to remote areas with sparse populations, and enables better care of the elderly and patients with mobility issues. It can be found from the experiments of this research that the accuracy of the position sensor and the ability of package delivery are the best among the other related studies. The presentation of the graphical interface is also the most cordial among human-computer interaction and the operation is simple and clear.  相似文献   

设计一种基于中国移动GPRS无线网络,以PXA270为核心,脉搏传感器模块、GPS全球定位模块、GPRS语音通信模块作为扩展模块的老人智能系统。通过脉搏传感器时刻检测老人的身体状况.利用GPRS传送异常信号及GPS实时定位,实现老人的一体化监测。制作样机并进行实验.实现系统要求的各项功能。  相似文献   

设计一种基于中国移动GPRS无线网络,以PXA270为核心,脉搏传感器模块、GPS全球定位模块、GPRS语音通信模块作为扩展模块的老人智能系统。通过脉搏传感器时刻检测老人的身体状况,利用GPRS传送异常信号及GPS实时定位,实现老人的一体化监测。制作样机并进行实验,实现系统要求的各项功能。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel needs-identification system (named VCNI) that is a context-aware and value-perspective for proactive elderly care (that considers certain quality elements as consumer participation, caregiver involvement, and continuous quality improvement). We apply the value theories and principles and devise a novel method (conflict resolution algorithm) aiming for allocating an agent team with the least value conflict fashion so as to discover the contextualized mission that could fulfill the needs of the elderly. With the context information reported by pervasive components, this system can proactively provide the directions of the individualized assistance required for the elderly in maintaining an independent lifestyle and reduce possible health-care costs. To show the feasibility of the methodology proposed in the paper, a prototype system has been implemented for justifying the capability of the system’s needs identification from the macro and micro perspectives. Moreover, our system also exemplifies a future way of service provision on electronic care.  相似文献   

The discussion about robots in elderly care is populated by doom scenarios about a totally dehumanized care system in which elderly people are taken care of by machines. Such scenarios are helpful as they attend us to what we think is important with regard to the quality elderly care. However, this article argues that they are misleading in so far as they (1) assume that deception in care is always morally unacceptable, (2) suggest that robots and other information technologies necessarily deceive elderly people by creating a “virtual” world as opposed to a “real” world, (3) assume that elderly people of the future have similar ICT skills and interests as the elderly people of today, and (4) assume a simplistic view of technologies. The article suggests an approach to evaluating care robots and ICT in health care which acknowledges and addresses a number of ethical problems raised by robotic care—for instance disengagement problems—while taking into account that some elderly people may need care that does not treat them as (empirically) autonomous, that many the elderly of the future are likely to be digital natives, and that the task of evaluating technologies in care is more complicated than the discussion of deception suggests.  相似文献   

针对老年人跌倒伤害预防问题,基于人体躯域网络可穿戴检测平台,设计了一种人体摔倒生理状态检测系统.系统主要包括摔倒状态检测模块,人体生理状态检测模块,GPS定位模块以及远程监护模块等.当老年人摔倒发生时,摔倒状态检测模块通过三轴加速度传感器检测,确认摔倒后立刻与远程监护平台通信,告知监护人,并通过穿戴式生理状态检测模块实时监测其心率信息,利用GPS定位,通过无线通信的方式将摔倒位置以及生理信息实时反馈给监护人.实验结果表明:该系统可以有效监测老人摔倒状态和生理状态,对及时救助有很大的帮助,具有良好的社会意义.  相似文献   

The first objective of this research was to develop an omnidirectional home care mobile robot. A PC-based controller controls the mobile robot platform. This service mobile robot is equipped with an “indoor positioning system” and an obstacle avoidance system. The indoor positioning system is used for rapid and precise positioning and guidance of the mobile robot. The obstacle avoidance system can detect static and dynamic obstacles. In order to understand the stability of a three-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot, we carried out some experiments to measure the rectangular and circular path errors of the proposed mobile robot in this research. From the experimental results, we found that the path error was smaller with the guidance of the localization system. The mobile robot can also return to its starting point. The localization system can successfully maintain the robot’s heading angle along a circular path.  相似文献   

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