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In a highly influential paper, Clark and Hatfield (1989) demonstrated that, whereas men were quite likely to accept a casual sexual offer from a confederate research assistant, women never did so. The current research provides a more in-depth explanation of gender differences in acceptance of casual sex offers via 4 (quasi-) experiments. First, using a person-perception paradigm, I assessed people's impressions of women and men who proposed a casual sexual encounter in the same manner that confederates in Clark and Hatfield did. Women and men agreed that female proposers were more intelligent, successful, and sexually skilled than men who made the same proposals. Second, I demonstrated that the large gender differences from the original Clark and Hatfield study could be eliminated by asking participants to imagine proposals from (attractive and unattractive) famous individuals, friends, and same-gender individuals. Next, I assessed factors associated with likelihood of agreeing to the casual sex proposal. The extent to which women and men believed that the proposer would be sexually skilled predicted how likely they would be to engage in casual sex with this individual. Finally, I examined these factors in the context of actual encounters from the participants' previous experiences, and the results were replicated in this context. Overall findings suggest that the large gender differences Clark and Hatfield observed in acceptance of the casual sex offer may have more to do with perceived personality characteristics of the female versus male proposers than with gender differences among Clark and Hatfield's participants and that sexual pleasure figures largely in women's and men's decision making about casual sex. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessment center predictions of the potential of 1,097 women managers were found to be significantly related to career progress 7 yrs later. In addition, comparisons of specific dimension ratings made in the assessment center and those made by D. W. Bray et al (1974) for men in the Management Progress Study were conducted. Similar rating distributions of potential for men and women were noted. Substantial similarities were also found in the relationships between specific dimension ratings and the progress of men and women. It appears that differences in management potential are far more attributable to individual rather than sex differences. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The literature suggests that important and contributing factors in the rise of HIV and AIDS among women are crack use and the exchange of sex for drugs or money. However, not all women who use crack report they are exchanging sex for drugs or money. Thus, women are at differential risk for HIV and AIDS. The purpose of this study is to compare and describe women crack users (n = 292) who reported exchanging sex for drugs and money with women crack users who did not report exchanging sex. Results indicated that both women crack users who exchanged sex (n = 162) and women crack users who did not exchange sex (n = 130) were likely to be African American, to be about the same age, to have had incomes below +500 during the previous month, to have had similar education and martial backgrounds, to have had unprotected sexual intercourse as often, to have had similar drug use patterns, and to have initiated drug use at similar ages. However, women who exchanged sex had more sexual partners, had unprotected oral sex more often, used drugs before and during sex more often, and had a higher rate of sexually transmitted diseases than women who did not exchange sex. In addition, women who exchanged sex were also twice as likely to be homeless, four times more likely to have been in treatment, and twice as likely to have been arrested and charged/booked two or more times in their lifetime than women who did not exchange sex.  相似文献   

The present study examined patterns of serostatus disclosure among previously untested HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative gay and bisexual men recruited from four American cities (n = 701). Six months after learning their HIV serostatus, 97% of study participants had disclosed their test results to at least one other individual. Consistent with earlier studies, test results were most frequently shared with friends and the respondent's primary partner. HIV serostatus was disclosed less frequently to family members, co-workers, and non-primary sex partners. Compared with HIV-seronegative men, HIV-seropositive men were more likely to have disclosed their status to a health care provider and less likely to have shared this information with family members. Of seropositive men, 11% did not disclose their serostatus to their primary partner and 66% did not disclose to a non-primary sex partner. Of HIV-seropositive men with one or more non-primary partners, 16% of those who did not disclose their serostatus reported inconsistent condom use during anal intercourse with these partners. No significant differences in self-reported sexual practices were observed for HIV-seropositive disclosers versus non-disclosers. Compared with HIV-seronegative men who did not disclose, seronegative men who shared information about their serostatus were more likely to have had receptive anal intercourse with their primary partner (p < 0.05) and to have engaged in mutual masturbation (p < 0.005), receptive oral sex (p < 0.005) and insertive anal intercourse (p < 0.05) with non-primary partners. No significant differences were observed between disclosers and non-disclosers with regard to condom use. Implications of the findings for future research and HIV prevention programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the neural and cognitive bases for sex differences in verbal memory in 57 patients who underwent left anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) for the treatment of intractable seizures. On the California Verbal Learning Test (D. C. Delis, J. H. Kramer, E. Kaplan, & B. A. Ober, 1987), women recalled more words than men both before and after surgery, regardless of the extent of hippocampal damage. Extent of hippocampal sclerosis was related to memory loss in both men and women. Women's superiority in verbal memory appears to result in part from their use of an efficient encoding strategy. Women were more likely than men to use semantic clustering both before and after ATL, and sex differences in word recall were attenuated after scores were adjusted for semantic clustering. There was no effect of ATL on semantic clustering. Taken together, these results suggest that sex differences in verbal memory are not due to differences in the integrity of the left hippocampus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated college counseling center usage for 217 women and 593 men who had been encouraged to return to the counseling center for feedback on their freshmen tests. Students who initially approached the counseling center to request feedback on their tests were more likely to obtain counseling for non-test-related problems than were students who never requested their test results, although the mean number of counseling sessions did not differ for the 2 groups. There was a slight tendency for more men than women to request feedback prior to requesting counseling even though there were no sex differences in mean number of sessions. However, a larger proportion of men than women returned for counseling during the same semester in which they received their freshmen test results, and these men, on the average, remained longer in counseling. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships of gender, promotions, and leaves of absence to voluntary turnover for 26,359 managers in a financial services organization. Using Cox regression analyses and controlling for human capital, the authors found that, contrary to their prediction, female managers' voluntary turnover rates were slightly lower than those of their male counterparts. Managers who had been promoted were less likely to resign than nonpromoted managers only if the promotion had occurred within the past 11 months, and promoted women were less likely to resign than promoted men. The authors also found that managers who had taken family leaves had higher voluntary turnover rates than managers who had not taken leaves, and among family leave takers, managers with graduate degrees were less likely to resign than managers with less education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe and explain sex differences in antihypertensive drug use. DESIGN AND METHODS: From 1987 to 1995, two cross-sectional population-based surveys of cardiovascular disease risk factors in The Netherlands were carried out among 56026 men and women aged 20-59 years. Polytomous logistic regression modelling was used to adjust for potential confounders of the association between sex and use of different antihypertensive drugs. RESULTS: The response rate was 40% for men and 46% for women. Of these respondents, 40% (1041) of the hypertensive men and 59% (1403) of the hypertensive women were being treated pharmacologically; 57% (595) of the treated men and 54% (760) of the treated women were on monotherapy for hypertension with a diuretic (men 14.8%, women 37.2%), a beta-blocker (men 59.0%, women 45.3%), a calcium antagonist (men 8.6%, women 5.0%) or an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (men 17.7%, women 12.5%). Among those on monotherapy for hypertension, women were less likely than men to be using a beta-blocker [prevalence odds ratio (POR), female/male=0.34; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.24-0.47], a calcium antagonist (POR=0.27, 95% CI 0.15-0.48) or an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (POR=0.34, 95% CI 0.22-0.52) than a diuretic. These sex differences persisted after adjustment for all factors that could have influenced the choice of these antihypertensive drugs (indications and contra-indications for the four antihypertensive drug classes). The sex differences in antihypertensive drug use were smaller among hypertensives with a history of cardiovascular disease (adjusted PORs, female/male, for beta-blockers, calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors, respectively, compared to diuretics were 0.80 with 95% CI 0.20-3.24, 0.40 with 95% CI 0.10-0.48 and 0.64 with 95% CI 0.12-3.39) than among those without such a history. CONCLUSIONS: The different patterns of antihypertensive drug use among hypertensive men and women seem irrational, and cannot be explained by factors known to influence antihypertensive drug choice. Among hypertensives with a history of cardiovascular disease, the sex differences were smaller than among those without such a history. Further research is required to explain the sex differences in the choice of antihypertensive drug by prescribers, and to investigate the consequences of these differences for long-term patient outcomes.  相似文献   

The influence of sex role stereotypes on the hiring decisions of Black managers was investigated. A 2?×?2?×?2 factorial design and a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were used to analyze the relationship between sex of respondent, sex of applicant, and job sex type. Respondents were 131 managers who rated either a Black man or a Black women for a stereotypically female- or male-sex-typed job on a Likert-type scale. There were significant findings on 3 of the 7 dependent variables: potential to work, potential to complete tasks, and technical potential. Men were rated more favorably for the male-sex-typed job and women were rated more favorably for the female-sex-typed job. However, sex stereotyping was more pronounced for the female-sex-stereotyped job than for the male-sex-stereotyped job on some dependent variables. Results are discussed in regard to the unique experiences of Black men and women in American society. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A serosurvey was conducted in a random sample of 259 women and 231 men in 12 rural communities in Mwanza Region, Tanzania, using a type-specific ELISA for Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection. Seroprevalence rose steeply with age to approximately 75% in women >=25 years old and 60% in men >=30. After adjusting for age and residence, HSV-2 prevalence was higher in women who were married, in a polygamous marriage, Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA)-positive, had more lifetime sex partners, or who had not traveled. Prevalence was higher in men who were married, had lived elsewhere, had more lifetime partners, had used condoms, or were TPHA-positive. HSV-2 infection was significantly associated with recent history of genital ulcer. The association between HSV-2 infection and lifetime sex partners was strongest in those <25 years old in both sexes. This association supports the use of HSV-2 serology as a marker of risk behavior in this population, particularly among young people.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the fact that women and men have equal but different needs for power. Integrating a psychoanalytic relational approach with feminist theory and social psychology, the author explains gender differences and societal influences on the pursuit of power. Social psychology research indicates that women are more likely to pursue power in ways that help others, whereas men are more likely to pursue their own individual ambitions. However, both genders become more nurturing in their expressions of power as they age. The presence of siblings in early life and having children as adults are more likely to produce an individual who demonstrates prosocial power. Young women today appear to be less conflicted about pursuing power in the world than the previous generation, but they are still ambivalent when it comes to making their way in the world. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compares the careers of matched samples of 69 female executives and 69 male executives by examining perceived barriers and facilitators of advancement, self-reported developmental experiences, and career histories. Consistent with tokenism theory, women reported greater barriers, such as lack of culture fit and being excluded from informal networks, and greater importance of having a good track record and developing relationships to facilitate advancement than did men. Career success, measured by organizational level and compensation, was positively related to breadth of experience and developmental assignments for both genders, but successful women were less likely than successful men to report that mentoring facilitated their advancement. Developmental experiences and career histories were similar for female and male executives, but men had more overseas assignments and women had more assignments with nonauthority relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a sex-related difference in outcome is present among patients who undergo percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for unstable angina. DESIGN: We retrospectively analyzed the results after PTCA was performed between January 1981 and June 1993 in a series of 2,073 men and 941 women with unstable angina and rest pain. RESULTS: The success rates of PTCA were similar for women and men (87.9% and 87.2%, respectively), as were the in-hospital mortality rates (4.1% and 3.2%, respectively) and the need for emergency coronary artery bypass operation (3.1% and 3.5%, respectively). Fewer women than men had Q-wave myocardial infarction (0.5% versus 1.6%; P = 0.02). During the follow-up period (mean, 4 years), no significant differences were noted between women and men in overall survival (81% and 85% at 6 years, respectively) or survival free of Q-wave myocardial infarction (81% and 83% at 6 years, respectively) with use of the Kaplan-Meier method. Women were less likely than men to have had coronary artery bypass grafting (19% versus 22% at 6 years; P = 0.02), and the occurrence of severe angina was higher in women than in men (52% versus 44% at 6 years; P = 0.001). A subgroup analysis of patients who had myocardial infarction within 7 days preceding PTCA showed a similar pattern of results. CONCLUSION: After PTCA performed for unstable angina and rest pain, survival rates were excellent in both women and men, and no difference was observed in subsequent myocardial infarction rates. During follow-up, however, women were more likely to have severe angina and were less likely to have had coronary artery bypass grafting. Concerns about possible sex-related complications should not dissuade physicians from performing PTCA when clinically indicated for unstable angina and rest pain.  相似文献   

Hypothesized that women and Chicanos would make less internal and more external attributions for their own successful performance than would Anglo males. 40 Chicano male, 40 Chicano female, 40 Anglo male, and 40 Anglo female undergraduates participated as managers in an industrial simulation study. Ss were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 experimental conditions: designated powers vs unspecified powers, and supervision of male or female workers. Following the managerial task, Ss completed a questionnaire assessing their own performance and that of their workers. All Anglos devalued their workers as a function of controlling power and attributed workers' performance to external factors. All Ss tended to use their power to persuade workers. Males attempted to influence workers to a greater degree than did females. The predicted sex differences in terms of attribution were evident only among Anglos. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To summarize all available literature on sex differences in the pharmacological treatment of hypertension with respect to the percentage of hypertensive patients treated pharmacologically and the selection of antihypertensive drugs. The influences of the calendar period, age, definition of hypertension, prevalence of hypertension and country on these sex differences were examined. DATA IDENTIFICATION: A secondary analysis of data from 46 population-based studies in 22 countries on the prevalence of pharmacologically treated hypertension was conducted to estimate sex ratios for the prevalence of drug treatment for hypertension. RESULT: Overall, women with hypertension were 1.33-fold [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32-1.34] more likely to be treated pharmacologically for hypertension than were hypertensive men. With increasing age, the female: male ratio for pharmacological treatment of hypertension decreased from 2.26 (95% CI 1.56-3.27) at ages 20-29 years to 1.22 (95% CI 1.11-1.34) at ages 60-69 years. In all countries more women than men were treated for hypertension, with the biggest difference observed in the USSR (1983-1986), where about twice as many women as men were treated for hypertension. Women more frequently used diuretics, whereas men more often used beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and calcium antagonists. CONCLUSIONS: Hypertensive women are more often treated for hypertension than hypertensive men and their pattern of use of antihypertensive drugs differs from that of men. Further research is required in order to explain sex differences in the treatment of hypertension with respect to the prevalence of pharmacological treatment of hypertension and choice of antihypertensive drugs, and to investigate the consequences of this difference for long-term outcomes.  相似文献   

I examined sex-typed traits (instrumentality and expressiveness), the work environment (demands and interpersonal resources), and importance of stressor episodes as predictors of 3 measures of coping (avoidance, problem reappraisal, and active problem solving) derived from a modified Ways of Coping Checklist. The data were collected from 132 managers (60 men and 72 women). Sex-typed trait measures and demographic information were assessed 1 month before the assessment of the work environment, stressful episodes, and coping responses. Women, compared with men, were more likely to use avoidance and problem-reappraisal coping, whereas there were no gender differences with regard to active problem-solving coping. Multiple regression analyses showed that sex-typed traits, the work environment, and episode importance were significant predictors of the coping scores after the effects of sex were removed, and that patterns of effects were different for each type of coping. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (N = 31) and their unaffected sisters or female cousins (N = 15) participated in a study of psychosexual development. All participants were > or = 18 years of age (mean age, 25 years; range, 18-40). Comparisons were also made between the CAH women with the salt-wasting (SW) form of the disorder and those with simple virilization (SV). A psychosexual assessment protocol examined six variables: (1) sex assignment at birth (probands only); (2) recalled sex-typed behavior during childhood; (3) gender identity and gender role identification in adulthood; (4) relationship status; (5) sexual orientation in fantasy; and (6) sexual orientation in behavior. Salt-wasting status and sex assignment at birth were also ascertained for the CAH women who either refused to participate in the study (N = 10) or could not be traced (N = 13). Compared to the controls, the women with CAH recalled more cross-gender role behavior and less comfort with their sense of "femininity" during childhood. The two groups did not differ in degree of gender dysphoria in adulthood, although the probands showed more cross-gender role identification. Three of the nonparticipant probands were living, as adults, in the male social role (2 reared from birth as boys and 1 who changed from the female to the male social role during adolescence). The CAH women and the controls did not differ in relationship status (married/cohabiting vs. single). The CAH women had lower rates of exclusive heterosexual fantasy and fewer sexual experiences with men than the controls; however, the CAH women did not have more sexual experiences with women than the controls. Comparisons between the SW and SV revealed several differences: the SW were less likely to be assigned to the female sex at birth, recalled more cross-gender role behavior during childhood, were less likely to be married or cohabiting, and had lower rates of sexual experiences with men. The results were discussed in relation to the effects of prenatal androgens on psychosexual differentiation.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship of acculturation to alcohol use and risky sexual behavior among Hispanic men (N = 269) and women (N = 294). Data were obtained from a 1991/1992 general population survey on alcohol that included questions on sexual behavior. Guided by a conceptual/theoretical framework, we focused on gender and acculturation differences as we examined the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics, perception of AIDS-related risk, drinking and AIDS-related sexual behavior. Logistic regression analyses were performed separately for men and women to evaluate the predictive strength of acculturation, demographic factors, and alcohol consumption on risky sexual behavior. Results indicated that less acculturated Hispanic men drank more heavily and were more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior than those who were more acculturated. Although acculturated Hispanic women drank more than those who were less acculturated, less acculturated Hispanic women engaged in more risky sexual behavior. The data indicate the need for culturally sensitive AIDS-prevention programs that are linked with alcohol treatment services for men and that are targeted to different acculturation levels for men and women.  相似文献   

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