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周太炎  杜郢  高山  顿全秀  周春利 《粘接》2010,(11):77-79
介绍了国内外农作物秸秆的主要应用领域及基本情况;综述了我国秸秆资源现状、政府政策法规以及秸秆再利用的深远意义;重点介绍了粘合剂在秸秆发电、固体燃料及胶合板制作中的作用,同时指出了秸秆再利用工业化的关键问题。本实验室使用多种粘合剂做了秸秆粘接探索实验,证明在秸秆粘接、压缩成块,且具有足够应用强度的情况下,粘合剂成本可控制在100元/t以内;同时提出用水性聚氨酯代替“三醛胶”制作胶合板的可能。  相似文献   

杨茂峰 《腐植酸》2017,(4):69-69
一、泉林模式介绍 1、泉林黄腐酸产业模式是公司在实施农作物秸秆综合利用的过程中逐步摸索出的一整套秸秆资源产业化、高值化深度利用模式。一业黄腐酸肥料产业,一业纤维化工产业。  相似文献   

<正>1农作物秸秆处理现状农作物秸秆是一种宝贵的可再生资源,但是长期以来由于受消费观念和生活方式的影响,我国农村秸秆资源完全处于高消耗、高污染、低产出的状况,相当多的一部分农作物秸秆被弃置或者进行焚烧,没有得到合理开发利用。据调查,目前我国秸秆利用率约为33%,其中大部分未加处理,经过技术处理后利用的仅约占2.6%。因此,综合利用农作物秸秆资源对于节约资源、保护环境、增加农民收  相似文献   

宁夏是重要的粮食作物主产区,农作物种类较多,秸秆资源较丰富。秸秆主要来自小麦秸、稻草、高粱秸和玉米秸以及薯类蔓藤等。近年来,政府高度重视秸秆利用方面的工作,正所谓"两手抓",一方面提高综合利用率,一方面加大秸秆禁烧力度。加快农作物秸秆资源的高效率利用对于宁夏农村地区经济、社会、环境的和谐发展具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

浅析安徽省秸秆综合利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秸秆是非常重要的生物质资源,其综合利用途径十分广泛。对安徽省秸秆资源利用现状进行了分析,简要概述了秸秆综合利用的相关技术,并以安徽省秸秆综合利用情况为立足点,浅析秸秆综合利用的限制因素并提出几点建议。  相似文献   

我国每年所产生的农作物秸秆量数量巨大,但农作物秸秆往往得不到有效的利用。针对这一现状,本文设计试验在一定条件下的碱性溶液中从农作物秸秆中提取纤维,通过设计对比试验得出农作物秸秆纤维具有相对于矿物纤维和木质纤维更好的吸油性能;实验得出农作物秸秆纤维沥青混合料的稳定度、流值等指标与木质纤维接近;且农作物秸秆纤维在170℃的高温环境下,经1h加热后其形状无明显变化,表明农作物秸秆纤维具有较高的耐高温性能,能够满足在沥青路面施工过程中的性质稳定。本文进一步解决纤维制备过程中的关键性问题,也是对农作物秸秆资源的再次开发。  相似文献   

农作物秸秆用于制备活性炭的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农作物秸秆产量很大,秸秆资源的利用领域在不断扩大。活性炭具有发达的孔隙结构、大的比表面积和较好的吸附能力。文章介绍了稻壳、稻秸秆、玉米秸秆、麦秸秆、烟秸秆、蚕豆秸秆(壳)、棉秸秆、青稞秸秆、桑树秸秆、油菜秸秆、麻类秸秆等制备活性炭的工艺方法以及活性炭的性能。  相似文献   

丁黄达  杨倩 《广东化工》2016,(24):112-113
在当下高速发展经济时期,加强秸秆禁烧和综合利用促进农业和农村节能减排,是转变经济发展方式、实现经济社会又好又快发展的必由之路。同时,加强农作物秸秆综合利用,把各类农作物秸秆转化增值,是农村经济发展的一项重大课题。因此,文章通过探讨秸秆焚烧的现状及存在的问题,对减少秸秆焚烧、加快秸秆资源的利用,促进经济的可持续发展、环境保护与和谐社会的构建具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

固体废弃物是一种放错地方的资源,妥善处理可以减少对环境的污染,同时回收资源和能源。本文综述了典型有机废弃物餐厨垃圾和农业秸秆的几种资源化利用方式,展示了餐厨垃圾和农业秸秆广阔的利用前景。  相似文献   

为了实现农作物秸秆资源的高效利用和生物质能源的高效转化,文章先通过实验装置确定水稻秸秆预处理和厌氧发酵的较优工艺,再通过理论计算和Aspen模拟确定甲烷产量和发酵罐、吸收塔等关键设备的工艺尺寸,最后结合控制方法确定工艺流程,设计了一套农作物秸秆厌氧发酵产甲烷的装置。本装置比常规厌氧发酵产气装置更加优质高效,且为秸秆厌氧发酵工艺参数的优化提供一定的理论参考,实现了厌氧发酵工艺从实验室规模到工业化规模的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

江苏省秸秆大规模综合利用的关键瓶颈是体系化建设不足,不能提供系统、长期、有效的引导和支撑。体系建设的首要工作是要创新体制机制,使之能够有效地引导科研、人才和资金等资源要素汇聚融合,以建立省级协同创新中心,破解制约体系发展的重大问题,从而稳步、有效和快速地推进全省秸秆高效综合利用体系的构建,并为全国起到示范作用。基于江苏省秸秆资源的利用现状和规划,借鉴国际先进经验和科技发展趋势,提出了构建江苏省秸秆高效综合利用体系的对策和措施。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hydrothermal processes are an eco‐friendly processes that provide an interesting alternative for chemical utilization of lignocellulosic materials, in which water and crop residues are the only reagents. In this work the effect of process conditions (size distribution of the wheat straw, temperature and time) was evaluated against production of fermentable products. RESULTS: The use of milled wheat straw fractions as a raw material containing blends of different particle size distribution showed that the latter had an influence on the final sugars in the hydrolysate. Improved values of glucose (21.1%) and xylose yields (49.32%) present in the hydrolysate were obtained with treatment severity factors of 2.77 and 3.36, respectively. Mathematical models were developed aimed at establishing the effect of process conditions on monosaccharide concentration and its degradation in the liquor. CONCLUSION: This work shows that the use of wheat straw blends with various particle sizes has a significant effect on the extraction of fermentable products. The effect of treatment severity, which takes into account both processing time and temperature was also evaluated. These results are of importance for process design. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

汽爆玉米秸秆羧甲基纤维素的制备   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
杨叶  陈洪章 《化工学报》2009,60(7):1843-1849
秸秆是自然界中资源丰富的天然木质纤维素原料, 本研究以秸秆为反应原料,采用无污染蒸汽爆破技术活化预处理,然后进行羧甲基化反应,通过反应产物理化性质的不同实现秸秆的组分分离并制备出高附加值的羧甲基纤维素。实验结果表明:制备羧甲基纤维素的最优条件为液固比(ml∶g)18∶1,氢氧化钠∶氯乙酸钠(摩尔比)为4∶3,H2O/底物(ml∶g)为1∶2,75℃反应2 h。在优化的反应条件下,从羧甲基化产物中可分离得到40.70%的羧甲基纤维素,其取代度可达0.91, 而且具有低黏的性质,并利用红外图谱和1H NMR进行了分析表征;同时,还可从羧甲基化产物中分离出木质素组分,可进一步拓展其在工业方面的用途。相对于目前工业上普遍采用的α-纤维素含量较高的棉浆和木浆等反应原料,不仅原料和预处理成本大为下降, 工艺流程更为简单,而且还实现了秸秆的组分分离与全利用。  相似文献   

Improving energy use efficiency (EUE) is critical for increasing farmers’ incomes, developing sustainable agriculture, and mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, data on EUE, net income, and GHG emissions across various tillage and crop residue (straw) treatments remains scarce. This study aimed to estimate these variables across different tillage and straw treatments used in summer maize production in a winter wheat-summer maize cropping system in China’s Loess Plateau. Tillage treatments included chisel plowing, no tillage, and moldboard plowing. These were studied both with straw returned to the soil, or removed. All activities and production processes were recorded. The results demonstrate that fertilizer especially nitrogen fertilizer, and to a lesser extent, the fuel used for tillage, sowing and harvesting, were the two major consumers of energy and producers of GHG emissions. These results indicated that the use of chisel plow or conducting no tillage with straw returned to the soil, can reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions, and improve the economic benefits of summer maize production in the region, compared with conventional moldboard plow tillage without straw (which is typically burned off). The results show that further improvements could be facilitated by improving the utilization of nitrogen fertilizer, returning straw to the soil, and reducing tillage. These practices can reduce GHG reductions, and improve EUE and farmers’ incomes.  相似文献   

我国有机肥料的资源、利用、问题和对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
针对化肥施用量不断增加、有机肥施用比例逐渐下降的现实,介绍我国有机肥料资源和利用现状,论述有机物对土壤、作物的作用;提出发展我国有机肥料的对策(推行平衡施肥、开发利用城市有机肥源、积极发展绿肥、秸秆还田),虽然施用化肥仍是补充土壤中氮磷钾营养元素的重要手段,但强调施用有机肥,对于资源利用和防治环境污染都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

秸秆醋酸纤维素的制备   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
张建兴  陈洪章 《化工学报》2007,58(10):2548-2553
农作物秸秆是自然界中数量极大的可再生资源,本研究以农作物秸秆为反应原料,采用无污染蒸汽爆破技术活化预处理,然后进行乙酰化反应,通过溶剂萃取分离并制备出高附加值的醋酸纤维素。实验结果表明:秸秆汽爆后明显增加了反应活性,制备醋酸纤维素的适宜条件是123℃,2 h,催化剂用量为7%,汽爆秸秆中性洗涤剂处理后的乙酰化结果效果最好,不同汽爆秸秆中小麦秸秆乙酰化效果最佳,优化实验条件下,秸秆醋酸纤维素聚合度均在120以上,取代度2.80以上,并且用红外图谱、1H NMR进行了表征。与目前工业上采用α-纤维素含量较高的高级浆为反应原料相比,不仅原料和预处理成本大大降低,而且工艺流程简单。  相似文献   

针对秸秆堆积储存和制粉过程中的自燃问题,采用杜瓦瓶自加热装置对稻草(RS)、麦秸(WS)、玉米秸秆(CS)堆积储存的自加热过程进行研究,并考察含水量对自加热的影响;同时,采用慢速升温的热重分析方法对3种秸秆的低温氧化特性进行研究.自加热实验结果显示:3种秸秆的自加热过程遵循相同的规律(均分为诱导期、温度上升期和温度下降...  相似文献   

Development of a sustainable and environment friendly crop production system depends on identifying effective strategies for the management of tillage and postharvest crop residues. Three-year (2004–2007) field study was initiated on two soil types to evaluate the effect of straw management (burning, incorporation and surface mulch) and tillage (conventional tillage and zero tillage) before sowing wheat and four nitrogen rates (0, 90, 120 and 150 kg N ha−1) on crop yields, N use efficiency, and soil fertility in the northwestern India. Effect of tillage and straw management on nitrogen transformation in soils was investigated in a laboratory incubation study. In sandy loam, grain yield of wheat with straw mulch-zero-till (ZT) was 7% higher compared to when residues were burnt-ZT but it was similar to straw burnt-conventional till (CT), averaged across 3 years. In silt loam, grain yield of wheat with straw mulch-ZT was 4.4% higher compared to straw incorporated-CT, but it was similar to straw burnt-CT. Response to N application was generally observed up to 150 kg N ha−1 except in 2004–2005 on sandy loam where N response was observed up to 120 kg N ha−1, irrespective of straw and tillage treatments. In sandy loam, RE was lower (49%) for straw burnt-ZT than in other treatments (54–56%). In silt loam, RE was higher in straw mulch-ZT compared with straw incorporation-CT (65 vs. 58%). In sandy loam, AE was higher in straw burnt-CT and straw mulch-ZT compared with the other treatments (19.2 vs. 16.9 kg grain kg−1 N applied). In silt loam, AE was lower in straw incorporation-CT than in other treatments (16.0 vs. 17.6 kg grain kg−1 N applied). Rice yield and N uptake were not influenced by straw and tillage management treatments applied to the preceding wheat. Recycling of rice residue (incorporation and surface mulch) compared with straw burning increased soil organic carbon and the availability of soil P and K. There was more carbon sequestration in rice straw mulch with zero tillage (25%) than in straw incorporation with conventional tillage (17%). Soil N mineralization at 45 days after incubation was 15–25% higher in straw retention plots compared with on straw burnt plots.  相似文献   

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