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Four and half thousand Visa-affiliated banks across Europe have agreed a programme to step up security for cardholders making transactions across the Internet.  相似文献   

Electronic commerce can be defined as the conduct of commerce in goods and services, with the assistance of telecommunications and telecommunications-based tools. The economic growth potential of e-commerce is extraordinary—but so are the challenges that lie on the path toward success. One of the more pressing challenges is how to ensure the integrity and reliability of the transaction process: key aspects being fair-exchange and atomicity assurance.This paper delineates an extended fair-exchange standard, which includes atomicity assurance, intended for a wide audience including e-commerce designers, managers, users, and auditors. We demonstrate how such a standard prevents or mitigates important e-commerce concerns. To bridge theory with practice, we illustrate how the application of model checking can be used to verify the correctness of the implementation of e-commerce protocols to prevent the failure of such protocols when unforeseen circumstances occur.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2006,43(2):204-221
Web technology has enabled e-commerce. However, in our review of the literature, we found little research on how firms can better position themselves when adopting e-commerce for revenue generation. Drawing upon technology diffusion theory, we developed a conceptual model for assessing e-commerce adoption and migration, incorporating six factors unique to e-commerce. A series of propositions were then developed.Survey data of 1036 firms in a broad range of industries were collected and used to test our model. Our analysis based on multi-nominal logistic regression demonstrated that technology integration, web functionalities, web spending, and partner usage were significant adoption predictors. The model showed that these variables could successfully differentiate non-adopters from adopters. Further, the migration model demonstrated that web functionalities, web spending, and integration of externally oriented inter-organizational systems tend to be the most influential drivers in firms’ migration toward e-commerce, while firm size, partner usage, electronic data interchange (EDI) usage, and perceived obstacles were found to negatively affect e-commerce migration. This suggests that large firms, as well as those that have been relying on outsourcing or EDI, tended to be slow to migrate to the internet platform.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to analyse the factors that determine e-commerce adoption by final consumers. In particular, following Taylor and Todd's approach (Taylor, S. and Todd, PA., 1995 understanding information technology usage: a test of competing models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144–176), an overall adoption model of internet shopping is propounded, which includes the most relevant approaches in e-commerce adoption literature: the theory of planned behaviour and the technology acceptance model. The proposed theoretical model is applied on two different samples: one composed of internet users with no previous experience of virtual shopping, and another formed by subjects that have already made online transactions previously. The results obtained reveal that for both groups the attitude towards e-commerce, influence from a relevant third party and perceived usefulness in the system constitute the main direct determinants of the intention of virtual commerce adoption. Perceived behavioural control does not affect, on the contrary, the intention to shop on the internet in the future.  相似文献   

Readers are likely to be interested in “Challenges to the Network”, published recently (September, 1997) by the ITU. As you know, the International Telecommunications Union is a United Nations agency specialized in telecommunications and successor to the C.C.I.T.T. We know it best as the publisher of telecommunications standards.The book is based on the notion, that although the Internet of today rides on top of the telephone network, it is conceivable that this relationship will reverse in the future. This would have a strong impact on common carriers. The book is a compendium of commentary and useful information including a wealth of statistical data. An executive summary of the report's contents can be found on the World Wide Web; the URL is http://www.itu. int/indicators.  相似文献   

Li  Gongfa  Zhang  Leilei  Sun  Ying  Kong  Jianyi 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(21):29765-29782

With the trend going on in ubiquitous computing, everything is going to be connected to the Internet and its data will be used for various progressive purposes, creating not only information from it, but also, knowledge and even wisdom. Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming important because the amount of data could make it possible to create more usefulness and develop smart applications for the users. Meanwhile, it mainly focuses on how to enable general objects to see, hear, and smell the physical world for themselves, and make them connected to share the observations. In this paper, we focus our attention on the integration of artificial sensory perception and haptic feedback in sEMG hands, which is an intelligent application of the IoT. Artificial sensory perception and haptic feedback are essential elements for amputees with myoelectric hands to restore the grasping function. They can provide information to users, such as forces of interaction and surface properties at points of contact between hands and objects. Recent advancements in robot tactile sensing led to development of many computational techniques that exploit this important sensory channel. At the same time, Surface electromyography (sEMG) is perhaps most useful for providing insight into how the neuromuscular system behaves. Therefore, integration of sEMG technology, artificial sensation and haptic feedback plays an important role in improving the manipulation performance and enhancing perceptual embodiment for users. This paper provides sEMG technologies that involve Multichannel sEMG electrodes array and processing methods, and then reviews current state-of-the-art of artificial sensation and haptic feedback. Drawing from advancements and taking into design considerations of each feedback modality and individual haptic technology, the paper outline challenging issues and future developments.


本文介绍了当前互联网上最热门的技术,Widget。从Widget的技术原理、价值意义,体系架构、应用案例及未来展望等五个方面说明Widget在移动互联网中应用价值:给用户业务体验带来革命性变化的同时,也会给电信运营商在移动互联网领域带来巨大机遇。  相似文献   

Spink  A. Jansen  B.J. Wolfram  D. Saracevic  T. 《Computer》2002,35(3):107-109
The Web has become a worldwide source of information and a mainstream business tool. Are human information needs and searching behaviors evolving along with Web content? As part of a body of research studying this question, we have analyzed three data sets culled from more than one million queries submitted by more than 200,000 users of the Excite Web search engine, collected in September 1997, December 1999, and May 2001. This longitudinal benchmark study shows that public Web searching is evolving in certain directions. Specifically, search topics have shifted from entertainment and sex to commerce and people, but there is little change in query lengths or frequency per user. Search topics have shifted, but there is little change in user search behaviors  相似文献   

针对电子商务顾客购物人工系统的计算实验研究,提出一种基于状态类比假说的人工情绪模型,给出了情绪的产生、增强、衰落和消失过程的描述方法,研究了外部刺激、情感强度和内部驱动力的计算方法,并进行了模拟分析。基于此人工情绪模型,构建了电商顾客购物的情绪-行为影响关系模型;将其应用于电商顾客购物的计算实验分析。结果表明,该人工情绪模型能较好地应用于电商复杂人工系统顾客购物的计算实验。  相似文献   

<正>1概述当前物联网概念异常火热,在这一领域中,无线物联网又是非常热门的技术,在无线物联网中,需要实现比WIFI网络更低成本更低功耗的设备和组网方式。相对来说,无线物联网网络在数据率和协议复杂程度上,有很大的削减,量体裁衣,为物联网实际通信需求打造了专用的  相似文献   

Web-based e-commerce software is typically real-time, responsive, and distributed software that must meet high quality requirements. Moreover, because of its Internet-based operating environment, e-commerce software must deal with concurrency, synchronization, and non-deterministic issues (such as delays) primarily caused by the heavy usage load and underlying network conditions. In this paper, we introduce a generic, cost-effective approach to optimize requirements capture (and subsequent development and testing) with respect to functional coverage and customer perception of quality. This high-yield approach is presented and illustrated by application to an e-commerce online shopping system and used to explain the principles of use-case requirements captured in the unified modeling language. Published online: 25 July 2001  相似文献   

网络蠕虫爆发的检测算法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新一代的网络蠕虫融合了病毒、木马、DDOS攻击等各种攻击手段,一旦爆发,将迅速导致大规模的网络阻塞甚至瘫痪。提出了一种蠕虫爆发检测算法,通过对网络流量变化率的监测,可以在蠕虫爆发的前期发现网络异常,从而使网络管理员和应急响应组织获得更多的反应时间,在蠕虫阻塞网络之前采取措施。算法使用DARPA98入侵检测评估系统进行了评估,并应用于Blaster、Nachi、slammer和Sasser蠕虫爆发时的真实数据。  相似文献   

Considering the importance associated with e-commerce website accessibility and usability, a study on one of the most relevant Portuguese e-commerce websites has been performed using both automatic and manual assessment procedures. In an initial stage, we evaluated the chosen website with a Web accessibility and usability automatic tool called SortSite; after that, we performed a manual evaluation to verify each previously detected error and present possible solutions to overcome those faults. In a third phase, three usability specialists have been used to perform a heuristic evaluation of the chosen website. Finally, user tests with blind people were carried out in order to fully assess the compliance with accessibility and usability guidelines and standards. The results showed that the platform had a good score regarding the automatic evaluation; however, when the heuristic and manual evaluations were performed, some accessibility and usability problems were discovered. Moreover, the user test results showed bad marks regarding efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction by the group of participants. As a conclusion, we highlight user interaction problems and propose seven recommendations focused on enhancing accessibility and usability of not only the evaluated e-commerce website, but also of other similar ones.  相似文献   

Universal Access in the Information Society - Although much research examines the factors that affect technology adoption and use, less is known about how older adults as a group differ in their...  相似文献   

在阐述了智能手机室内外定位技术的基础上,分析了手机定位技术在物联网应用中的意义及可行性,给出了借助手机定位实现智能导购以及交通管理的两个应用案例,该案例可为今后的应用扩展和应用普及提供参考。  相似文献   

An important function of many cyber-physical systems (CPS) is to provide a close monitoring of the operation environment to be able to adapt to changing situations effectively. One of the commonly applied techniques for that is to invoke time-constrained periodic application transactions to check the status of the operation environment. The status of the environment is represented by the values of the physical entities in the operation environment which are maintained as real-time data objects in a real-time database. Unfortunately, meeting the deadlines of application transactions and maintaining the quality of real-time data objects are conflicting with each other, because they compete for the same computation resources. To address this problem of update and application transactions co-scheduling problem, in this paper, we propose a fixed priority co-scheduling algorithm called periodic co-scheduling (PCS). PCS uses periodic update transactions to maintain the temporal validity of real-time data objects. It judiciously decides the priority orders among all the update and application transactions so that the constructed schedule can satisfy the deadline constraints of all the application transactions and at the same time maximize the qualities of the real-time data objects to ensure the correct execution of application transactions. The effectiveness of the algorithm is validated through extensive simulation experiments.  相似文献   

Publishing transactional data about individuals in an anonymous form is increasingly required by organizations. Recent approaches ensure that potentially identifying information cannot be used to link published transactions to individuals’ identities. However, these approaches are inadequate to anonymize data that is both protected and practically useful in applications because they incorporate coarse privacy requirements, do not integrate utility requirements, and tend to explore a small portion of the solution space. In this paper, we propose the first approach for anonymizing transactional data under application-specific privacy and utility requirements. We model such requirements as constraints, investigate how these constraints can be specified, and propose COnstraint-based Anonymization of Transactions, an algorithm that anonymizes transactions using a flexible anonymization scheme to meet the specified constraints. Experiments with benchmark datasets verify that COAT significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art algorithm in terms of data utility, while being comparable in terms of efficiency. Our approach is also shown to be effective in preserving both privacy and utility in a real-world scenario that requires disseminating patients’ information.  相似文献   

The potential of the Internet has been expanded substantially by a new generation of mobile devices, opening the door for rapid growth of m-commerce. While the traditional PC access to the Internet continues to be vital for exploiting the advantages of the Internet, the mobile access appears to attract more people because of flexible accesses to the Internet in a ubiquitous manner. Accordingly, e-commerce is now in the process of being converted into m-commerce. The purpose of this paper is to develop and analyze a mathematical model for comparing e-commerce via the traditional PC access only with m-commerce which accommodates both the traditional PC access and the mobile access. The distribution of the number of products purchased by time t and the distribution of the time required for selling K products are derived explicitly, enabling one to assess the impact of mobile devices on e-businesses. Numerical examples are given for illustrating behavioral differences between m-commerce consumers and traditional e-commerce consumers.  相似文献   

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