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空时分组码能够实现MIMO系统的完全发射分集,但不能实现任何的编码增益。对此,提出了线性分组码与空时分组码级联的MIMO系统,该系统能够同时实现完全发射分集和编码增益。仿真结果表明,在比特误码率为10^-5时,与未进行前向纠错的空时分组码系统相比,该系统能提供了大约2.7dB的编码增益。  相似文献   

李浩  彭华  于沛东 《电子学报》2017,45(7):1559-1566
在协议未知的条件下仅根据接收信号分析得到空时码的参数是MIMO系统盲接收中的重要技术.基于此应用背景对空时分组码的编码模型和接收信号模型进行研究,发现接收信号协方差矩阵的秩与空时分组码参数之间的关系,并由此利用随机矩阵理论的中噪声子空间最大特征值的概率分布求出信号协方差矩阵的秩,进而估得空时码参数.仿真结果表明,算法在未知码集的条件下不仅能够估计出空时分组码的码参数,还能够确定空时分组码的码块起点.  相似文献   

一种低复杂度的空时分组码检测算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
空时分组码能够提供分集和编码增益,但所用的ML译码算法计算量太大,不能满足高速实时通信系统的要求。为了有效地降低译码复杂度,提出了一种新的检测算法,该算法通过对系统模型进行变换,利用等效的信道响应矩阵的QR分解来进行译码,从而避免了对所有的调制信号进行穷举搜索的过程,使计算复杂度有了很大降低,而且新算法的误码率性能与ML算法近乎相同。最后,通过仿真验证了所提算法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

王玉龙  吴迪  胡涛 《电子学报》2022,(11):2754-2764
针对空时分组码(Space-Time Block Code,STBC)盲识别中码型相同的编码区分性较差甚至无法区分的问题,提出了一种基于接收信号统计特征的识别算法.首先分析了多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)系统中采用的空时编码方案与接收信号的统计特征之间的相关性,设计了概率匹配与弥散度匹配对该相关性进行量化,获得接收信号与不同编码方案的匹配度,最后利用决策树选择匹配度最高的编码作为识别结果.仿真结果表明,针对两组同型的空时分组码,所提算法在信噪比为8 dB时可达98%以上的识别率,而基于特征提取的传统算法无法对两组编码进行有效区分;与基于深度学习的算法相比,本文算法对同型空时码的识别具有更好的鲁棒性,识别过程使用更少的计算资源.  相似文献   

为了提高空时分组码的编码速率,文中提出了一种基于发射端编码符号混淆、接收端多天线并行分离的高速空时分组码的设计方法.该方法可以提供很高的编码速率,适用于任意数量的发射天线.仿真分析结果表明文中提出的方法在相同有效吞吐容量下比1/2编码速率的空时分组码有6dB的性能增益.  相似文献   

王玉龙  吴迪  胡涛  弓皓臣  杨思为 《信号处理》2022,38(8):1656-1666
针对多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)系统中空时分组码(Space-Time Block Code,STBC)的盲识别问题,提出了一种基于BP神经网络的空时码识别算法。首先对先前学者提出的基于空时相关矩阵的F范数在新的空时码集下的区分性进行了验证,并基于该范数设计了用于空时码识别的六维特征,最后使用BP神经网络对提取的六维特征进行分类以获得识别结果。相比于传统算法,本文算法可识别的空时码集更大;相比于深度学习的算法,本文算法在较为恶劣的瑞利信道下具有更高的识别率。仿真结果表明,所提算法在信噪比为10 dB时可达95%以上的识别率,且算法对不同的调制方式及不同程度的定时同步误差均具有较好的鲁棒性,识别过程无需要对信道信息进行预估计,在电子对抗等非协作场景下具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

短波通信受多径衰落、干扰复杂等影响严重。空时分组码(Space Time Block Code,STBC)技术在无需增加频谱资源和天线发射功率的前提下,可以利用多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)信道提供的分集增益提升传输可靠性。分析短波MIMO研究现状,提出短波单载波STBC频域均衡(Frequency-Domain Equalization,FDE)系统架构,针对短波信道引入的码间干扰研究MIMO MMSE-FDE均衡技术,并将单载波STBC频域均衡与时域均衡及短波现有波形进行仿真对比。仿真结果表明,相较于短波现有波形,单载波STBC频域均衡系统的可靠性有较大幅度提升,且性能与STBC时域均衡接近,但计算复杂度远低于STBC时域均衡。  相似文献   

杨青  张庆荣 《中国新通信》2010,12(11):61-64
给出了自适应调制编码(AMC)的MIMO系统模型,分析了一种MIMO系统中自适应编码调制的方法,推导出系统的平均吞吐量和平均误码率,同时分析了时延对系统性能的影响。仿真结果表明,与SISO系统相比,联合正交空时分组码(O-STBC)的多天线自适应技术不仅提高了系统的平均吞吐量,而且对系统时延具有一定的顽健性。  相似文献   

空时分组码的多径译码方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为有效地将空时分组码应用到多径衰落环境下的码分多址系统,以充分利用多个路径的信号能量,提出了一种多径环境下空时分组码译码的新方法。由于空时分组码译码与信道估计紧密相关,本文亦讨论了多径信道估计以及信道估计误差对本方法的影响。仿真结果表明,采用多路径译码方法可明显提高系统的误码率性能。  相似文献   

一种单接收天线下的空时分组码识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文针对全盲条件下单接收天线的空时分组码(STBC)识别问题,提出一种基于四阶累积量识别方法。使用接收信号的四阶累积量作为特征参数,利用高阶累积量对零均值高斯噪声不敏感的特性,首先求取各种STBC的四阶累积量理论值,再对采样信号四阶累积量进行区间检测,从而实现STBC的识别。该算法不需要信道信息和噪声参数,仿真结果表明,该算法在单天线条件下性能较好。  相似文献   

基于MIMO系统的准正交空时分组码的容量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用于MIMO系统的准正交空时分组码可以获得较大的容量,同时能够提供较低的误码率。文中比较了MIMO系统的准正交空时分组码的容量与SIMO系统的容量。结果显示,在低SNR和接收天线数少的情况下,应用于MIMO系统的准正交空时分组码会产生较大的容量增益,但随着SNR和天线数目的增加,容量增益越来越不明显。另外,文中比较了MIMO系统中准正交空时分组码和正交空时分组码的容量,仿真结果表明前者的容量明显高于后者。  相似文献   

A novel compensation decoding scheme for a given space time frequency linear block code is presented, exploiting the simplicity of zero forcing equalization, and special characteristics of the preceding matrix. The proposed decoding procedure is relatively simple and straightforward in comparison to maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) and sphere decoding (SD). The bit-error-rate performance of the proposed scheme is better than zero forcing decoding and close to MLD and SD for low to medium signal-to-noise ratio range.  相似文献   

提出了线性分组码与时空分组码的级联编码方案,推导了时空分组码在比特级上的软输入软输出译码算法,进而给出了在线性分组码和时空分组码之间进行迭代译码的算法。仿真结果表明这种方案与现有方案相比在能够获得最大分集增益的同时还能获得更大的编码增益。  相似文献   

An adaptive space time transmit diversity scheme with simple feedback is proposed for the next generation wireless communication systems. By combining orthogonal space time block codes with adaptive sub-group antenna encoding, this new diversity scheme can effectively exploit the diversity potential provided by multiple antenna arrays without introducing interference among the signals transmitted at different antennas. In order to reduce the amount of feedback information as well as the computational complexity, a new quadrant phase constraining method is introduced to formulate the feedback information. With simple operations at both the transmitter and the receiver, the new adaptive diversity scheme outperforms not only open loop space time block encoding techniques, but also some close loop transmit diversity techniques with the same amount of feedback.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of designing high rate space–time block codes in multipath fading channels. For this, both minimizing the effect of the self-interference induced by the code itself, and mitigating the inter-symbol-interference induced by the channel have to be addressed. We translate the problem into an equivalent problem of designing a constrained code in a single-path channel with more antennas, and argue that design criteria derived in single-path apply when optimizing this constrained code. Here we concentrate on an analytic measure pertinent to mutual information maximization and BER-performance optimization. The design program is successfully applied to rate one linear space–time transmissions from four transmit antennas. A family of discrete permutations of the transmitted sequences are considered. Performance is optimized within this family, and the results are seen to effect directly both mutual information and error performance.  相似文献   

多用户准正交空时分组码MIMO系统的下行链路预编码   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文针对采用准正交空时分组码的多用户多输入多输出(QSTBC-MU-MIMO)系统,给出一种基于信漏噪声比(SLNR)准则的下行链路干扰抑制预编码方法。通过迭代优化,该文方法可以改善原始SLNR方法中由干扰用户增加所引起的系统性能下降问题,增强了算法对系统用户数的鲁棒性。由于在优化目标中考虑了系统噪声,该方法可通过恰当选取复比例因子来实现优化问题的简化求解。仿真结果验证了该文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In most of the existing space–time code designs, achieving full diversity is based on maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding at the receiver that is usually computationally expensive and may not have soft outputs. Recently, Zhang–Liu–Wong introduced Toeplitz codes and showed that Toeplitz codes achieve full diversity when a linear receiver, zero-forcing (ZF) or minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver, is used. Motivated from Zhang–Liu–Wong's results on Toeplitz codes, in this paper, we propose a design criterion for space–time block codes (STBC), in which information symbols and their complex conjugates are linearly embedded, to achieve full diversity when ZF or MMSE receiver is used. The (complex) orthogonal STBC (OSTBC) satisfy the criterion as one may expect. We also show that the symbol rates of STBC under this criterion are upper bounded by 1. Subsequently, we propose a novel family of STBC that satisfy the criterion and thus achieve full diversity with ZF or MMSE receiver. Our newly proposed STBC are constructed by overlapping the $2,times,2$ Alamouti code and hence named overlapped Alamouti codes in this paper. The new codes are close to orthogonal and their symbol rates can approach 1 for any number of transmit antennas. Simulation results show that overlapped Alamouti codes significantly outperform Toeplitz codes for all numbers of transmit antennas and also outperform OSTBC when the number of transmit antennas is above $4$.   相似文献   

We study the performance of differential orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) over independent and semi-identically distributed block Rayleigh fading channels. In this semiidentical fading model, the channel gains from different transmit antennas to a common receive antenna are identically distributed, but the gains associated with different receive antennas are nonidentically distributed. Arbitrary fluctuation rates of the fading processes from one transmission block to another are considered. We first derive the optimal symbol-by-symbol differential detector, and show that the conventional differential detector is suboptimal. We then derive expressions of exact bit-error probabilities (BEPs) for both the optimal and suboptimal detectors. The results are applicable for any number of receive antennas, and any number of transmit antennas for which OSTBCs exist. For two transmit antennas, explicit and closed-form BEP expressions are obtained. For an arbitrary number of transmit antennas, a Chernoff bound on the BEP for the optimal detector is also derived. Our results show that the semi-identical channel statistics degrade the error performance of differential OSTBC, compared with the identical case. Also, the proposed optimal detector substantially outperforms the conventional detector when the channel fluctuates rapidly. But in near-static fading channels, the two detectors have similar performances  相似文献   

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