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菲汀生产工艺条件控制的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探索了菲汀生产过程中,酸浸阶段的最佳pH值及酸浸时间,对菲汀生产工艺、条件控制提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

介绍了菲汀生产肌醇的工艺流程及工艺,通过对水解工序压力的提高和后处理过程条件的优化等,使主率由8%提高到12.4%,且产品质量稳定。  相似文献   

张书文 《化学世界》1995,36(4):182-184
以正己烷等混合溶剂从脱脂米糠中制取富含菲汀的白色微粉,其菲汀含量可达脱脂米糠的3~4倍。作为提取植酸钙、植酸和肌醇的原料,可减小装置,提高生产能力,减少废水排放、降低设备运转费用。本文通过实验提出了制取菲汀微粉的条件以及用菲汀微粉和脱脂米糠制取植酸钙镁和植酸的结果对照。  相似文献   

菲汀质量的检测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

由蛇纹石酸浸渣制取白炭黑工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了以蛇纹石酸浸渣为原料制取白炭黑的工艺过程,分析了白炭黑产品的形貌和质量。试验结果表明,白炭黑制取过程中SiO2总回收率为88.37%,白炭黑产品为无定形结构,形貌近似球状粒子,平均粒径为1.28μm,化学成分符合HG/T 3061-1999的要求。  相似文献   

刘彬  于少明  张颍  陆菲菲  陈亮 《广州化工》2011,39(15):109-110,122
研究了由膨润土制取超细硅酸铝的方法,确定了适宜的工艺路线和条件,分析了产品质量。实验结果表明:该法生产超细硅酸铝所需的氧化铝、二氧化硅均来自于膨润土矿,无需采用工业原料,可使其生产成本得到有效降低;与现有技术相比,该法生产硫酸铝和水玻璃的工艺条件温和,能耗有显著降低。  相似文献   

粉煤灰提取氧化铝工艺研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国内外采用粉煤灰提取氧化铝的工艺方法及研究进展进行了阐述,包括碱法烧结和酸浸法等工艺。文章从粉煤灰的结构和组成入手,通过对学者做过的实验和研究进行分析,分别从各种提取氧化铝工艺的优点和缺点等方面进行阐述,由此得出了今后粉煤灰提取氧化铝技术的研究重点和主要发展方向。以节能减排为指导政策,在完善碱溶法和酸浸法工艺的同时,加大碱溶法活化过程和酸浸法中多种氧化物提取的研究,降低酸浸法对设备的依赖,实现可持续发展。另外,还应该研究开发新的粉煤灰提取氧化铝的工艺,比如微波助溶等。  相似文献   

以玉米须为原料,采用碱提酸沉法提取玉米须芦丁,在单因素实验的基础上,分别通过正交实验和响应面法考察了料液比、水浴温度、水浴时间等因素对玉米须芦丁提取率的影响。结果表明:两种方法分析各因素对玉米须芦丁提取率的影响结果基本一致,即料液比水浴温度水浴时间。正交实验确定的最优工艺为:料液比1∶15(g∶mL)、水浴温度80℃、水浴时间40 min,玉米须芦丁提取率为5.8945%;响应面法确定的最优工艺为:料液比1∶17(g∶mL)、水浴温度85℃、水浴时间40 min,玉米须芦丁提取率为6.5328%。在响应面法确定的最优工艺条件下的玉米须芦丁提取率优于正交实验确定的最优工艺条件,因此,选择响应面法确定的最优工艺提取玉米须芦丁。  相似文献   

麸皮生产菲汀新工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对麸皮生产菲汀传统方法中普遍存在的问题进行了分析,并讨论了影响菲汀提取的工艺条件,提出了一种麸皮生产菲汀新工艺,其优点是降低了菲汀中淀粉和蛋白质的含量,提高了其有机磷含量。  相似文献   

从综合利用的角度,就工艺、设备、市场、经济效益等方面论证了60t/a肌醇项目的可行性。  相似文献   

离子交换树脂法制取高纯度肌醇新工艺   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以米糠为原料 ,研究了离子交换树脂制取高纯度肌醇的新工艺 ,用 717阴离子交换树脂直接吸附米糠酸浸液的植酸 ,树脂经 5 %氢氧化钠溶液洗脱后 ,洗脱液在植酸盐浓度为 2 0 % ,压力为 1.5MPa的条件下水解 7~ 8h ,过滤并通过 70 1、732阴阳离子交换树脂脱除色素及无机盐后结晶得到高纯度肌醇。离子色谱、高效液相色谱等方法测定其纯度为 99.3% ,熔点 2 2 5~ 2 2 6℃ ,肌醇产率 (以米糠计 )为 1.34%。  相似文献   

利用聚电解质逐层自组装技术在氨基硅胶表面构筑聚(乙烯-alt-马来酸)的苯乙胺衍生物(PEMAPEA)/聚烯丙基胺盐酸盐(PAH)多层膜,制备性能稳定的新型固相萃取吸附材料。利用HPLC-UV/Vis检测,研究其对水体中苝的萃取性能,考察柱填料量、样品量、上样流速、洗脱溶剂等对多层膜萃取性能的影响。结果表明:含150 mg固相萃取填料的3 mL萃取小柱,以10 mL·min-1的流速萃取200 mL苝的水溶液,用丙酮作洗脱剂,萃取回收率达到90%以上。  相似文献   

代丽雁  李坤 《广州化工》2015,(5):166-168
在转盘萃取塔中用清水萃取煤油中的苯甲酸。通过改变转盘的转速、原料的进样流量、油层的厚度,分别测取分散相中苯甲酸的含量,求得传质单元数和传质单元高度。结果表明:转盘转速、油层厚度与传质单元高度成反比;原料的进样口流量与传质单元高度成正比。  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of temperature and moisture content on the kinetics of oil extraction from corn germ flakes prepared by a dry degermination process. The experiments were carried out according to the factorial design 32. The moisture content in the extracted material was varied in the range 8%–12%, whereas the extraction temperature varied in the range 52.5°C–57.5°C. From the method of response surfaces, a functional dependence was established between the extraction rate, the moisture content in the material and the temperature of extraction. On the basis of this dependence, it was concluded that moisture content had a crucial effect on the rate of oil extraction. A decrease in moisture from 12% to 8% yielded a doubling of the extraction rate. On the other hand, temperature variations in the given range had no practical effect on the course of the extraction. Kinetics of oil extraction was determined according to the method developed in the Leningrad Institute of Oils and Fats (VNIIZh-method), modified to the extent described in the paper.  相似文献   

Samples of corn germ were obtained from a commercial corn wet mill (factory dried to about 3% moisture) and a commerical corn dry mill (undried, produced in the mill with about 13% moisture). The germ samples (200 g each) were cooked for various times in either a conventional oven at 180°C or a microwave oven at 1500 W. Bench-scale single screw pressing was then performed. With the dry milled corn germ, no oil was obtained from the uncooked germ. A maximal yield of about 5% oil [26% of total oil recovery (TOR), relative to hexane extraction] was obtained by cooking the dry-milled germ for 6.5 min in a conventional oven at 180°C before pressing. A maximal yield of about 7% oil (37% TOR) was obtained by cooking the dry-milled germ for 4.5 min in a microwave oven at 1500 W before pressing. With the wet-milled germ, yields of about 7% oil (18% TOR) were obtained with the uncooked germ and yields increased to a maximum of about 22% oil (56% TOR) by cooking in a conventional oven at 180°C for 5 min or a maximum of about 17% oil (44% TOR) by cooking for 4 min in a microwave oven at 1500 W. These results indicate that microwave and conventional oven cooking are both effective pretreatments before pressing. Microwave preheating resulted in higher oil yields with dry-milled germ, and conventional oven pretreatment resulted in higher oil yields with factory-dried wet-milled corn germ.  相似文献   

An aqueous enzymatic method was developed to extract corn oil from corn germ. The basic steps in the method involved “churning” the corn germ with various enzymes and buffer for 4 h at 50°C, and an additional 16 h at 65°C, followed by centrifugation and removal of the oil layer from the surface. No hexane or other organic solvents are used in this process. By using oven-dried corn germ samples (6 g) from a commercial corn wet mill, corn oil yields of about 80% were achieved using three different commercial cellulases. A fourfold scale-up of the method (to 24 g of germ) resulted in oil yields of about 90%. Nine other commercial enzymes were evaluated and resulted in significant but lower oil yields. In the absence of enzymes, oil yields of 27 to 37% were achieved. The chemical compositions of hexane-extracted vs. aqueous enzymatic-extracted corn oils were very similar.  相似文献   

李志华 《特种橡胶制品》2003,24(1):41-43,46
袋式除尘器的清灰及控制技术对袋式除尘器的使用性能影响甚大,通过对各种清灰和控制方式进行分析对比。认为在橡胶工业中采用脉冲喷次清灰和两点压力控制方式的袋式除尘器,可有效地去除含尘气体中的粉尘,并避免因除尘效率低而产生的二次污染。  相似文献   

Corn oil was extracted from whole ground corn using ethanol as the solvent. The yield of oil was measured as a function of temperature, time of extraction, solvent-to-solids ratio, and ethanol concentration. Optimal conditions were a solvent-to-solids ratio of 4 mL/g corn, an ethanol concentration of 100%, 30 min of extraction time, and a temperature of 50°C. Under these conditions, a single batch extraction yielded ≈3.3 g oil/100 g corn, equivalent to 70% extraction efficiency. A three-stage extraction, where the same corn was exposed to fresh ethanol, resulted in a yield of ≈4.5 g/100 g corn (2.5 lb/bu of corn), equivalent to 93% recovery of the oil in corn. When anhydrous ethanol was used to repeatedly extract fresh corn, moisture was absorbed linearly by ethanol from the corn in successive stages, which, in turn, decreased oil yield and increased nonoil components in the extract.  相似文献   

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