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利用一项针对全国四大城市群流动人口的问卷调查数据,从移民与本地人的互动频率和城市归属感两个维度,考察我国"乡—城"移民的社会融入状况及影响因素。结果表明,不同区域和规模城市内移民的社会融入程度有较大差异,西部地区和中等城市的移民融入程度最好。居住在正式住房的移民融入好于居住在宿舍或非正式住房内的移民,而良好的社区治安、公共空间和周边公共服务设施可达性等社区环境因素也有助于移民融入城市社会。建议通过提高住房政策的开放性、加强社区公共空间营造、完善社区周边设施、鼓励跨群体社区参与,提升城市移民社会融入的意愿和机会;同时,不同区域和规模城市需要根据自身特点和流动人口融入的薄弱环节来改善流动人口市民化政策。  相似文献   

当前各地城市出现大量城中村改造项目,城中村居民的社会融合问题备受关注。基于2010-2013年广州典型城中村和复建房社区的问卷数据,主要采用计量研究方法,探讨改造对居民归属感、邻里交往和社区参与的作用机制。实证表明,改造对居民社区情感有重要影响,正全面重塑其影响机制:复建房社区的归属感远高于城中村社区,其归属感主要受"居住满意度"影响;邻里熟悉度主要受"与未成年子女同住"、"教育程度"和"居住年限"等因素影响;邻里互助主要受"人均家庭收入"影响;而社区参与度则主要受"户籍"影响。此外,复建房社区中的社区归属感、邻里熟悉和邻里互助三者与社区参与的相互作用力有所减弱。本文指出,城中村改造的后续工作应把重点置于复建房社区内各群体的社区融合之上,着力培育社区情感。  相似文献   

伴随新型城镇化战略的实施,城市"新移民"的社会融合问题备受关注,其关系到"三农问题"的解决、新型城镇化的高质量实现和广大人民的获得感。本文以东莞市江南社区为例,通过问卷调查与实证研究,运用计量建模方法,分析社区尺度新移民社会融合的助推机制及其有效性。研究表明,江南社区新移民的社会融合主要受个人、社会、制度以及社区管理服务等四方面因素影响;社区助推手段可以有效促进新移民与本地居民的相互理解和交往,进而实现对城乡二元体制等的渐进性超越。实证表明,社区及社区基层政府对新移民的社会融合至关重要,应自上而下建立系统化的助推机制,推动实现新移民的深度融合。  相似文献   

国内外外来人口聚居区的特征与效应比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国新型城镇化建设和农业转移人口市民进程,对于城市"异质型社区"外来人口聚居区及其规划思路提出了重大挑战。文章从基本特征、形成原因、效应评价和治理策略等四个方面,对发达国家跨国移民聚居区、发展中国家乡村移民聚居区以及中国外来人口聚居区进行了比较分析和系统梳理。在此基础上,提出未来城市规划亟需重点解决的三大问题及应对策略:一是以原村民长远利益为出发点、以外来人口居住问题为诉求,构建外来人口聚居区的科学治理模式。二是以流动人口公共服务均等化为目标、考虑外来人口的独特需求,探索公共基础设施的合理配置策略。三是以农民意愿为基础、以市场化为导向,寻求农村土地"资本化"的新途径与新模式。  相似文献   

全球城市视角下上海新移民居住空间分异研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以全球城市理论为视角,探索上海新移民居住空间分异格局、城市空间结构的关系和其影响机制。基于小尺度全国第六次人口普数据,分别选取中心城区与城市外围地区作为研究对象,通过差异指数、分异指数和隔离指数,分析新移民居住空间特征,并结合相关规划分析其形成机制。结果发现新移民主要聚集于外围地区,其居住空间分异在城市郊区更为显著,而中心城区新移民已基本融入本地居民生活,新移民分布与城市空间结构密切相关;此外,上海和中国其他世界城市的新移民居住空间分异的机制影响存在明显差异,同时中心城区与城市外围地区新移民聚集区在形成机理上存在显著的差异,中心城区主要受到制度因素和市场因素的影响,而城市外围地区主要受到市场因素和个人因素的影响。  相似文献   

顾萌  吴晓  宁昱西  王慧 《规划师》2017,(1):111-119
未来二三十年,大量进城务工人员仍将在城市经济发展、社会进步的过程中发挥不可或缺的作用,并成为推动社会结构转型、利益格局变动的重要因素;而住房作为衡量社会排斥和社会融入的重要指标,直接关系到这一移民群体的市民化进程。本文首先"双线并行"地分析进城务工人员的居住空间特征、细化其居住集聚程度的定量研究,同时在大数据背景下创新城市区位条件的量化研究;其次进行"双线耦合",剖析进城务工人员聚居区同所在城市区位的"局部—整体"关联;最后提出改善其聚居区区位服务设施的建议。  相似文献   

未来二三十年,大量进城务工人员仍将在城市经济发展、社会进步的过程中发挥不可或缺的作用,并成为推动社会结构转型、利益格局变动的重要因素;而住房作为衡量社会排斥和社会融入的重要指标,直接关系到这一移民群体的市民化进程。本文首先"双线并行"地分析进城务工人员的居住空间特征、细化其居住集聚程度的定量研究,同时在大数据背景下创新城市区位条件的量化研究;其次进行"双线耦合",剖析进城务工人员聚居区同所在城市区位的"局部—整体"关联;最后提出改善其聚居区区位服务设施的建议。  相似文献   

伴随着全球化进程的不断推进,当代国际跨国移民现象愈演愈烈,跨国社会空间应运而生.本文首先分析南京国际社区的发展演化历史及其空间布局特征,发现近年来国际社区发展迅速,已初步形成3个涉外居住圈.其次,结合质性访谈与调查问卷对苜蓿园大街周边国际社区的社会空间做进一步深入分析,发现国际社区推进聚居区族裔经济的发展,国际居民的居住、行商、消费等行为与本地社会的联系日益紧密.最后从宏观、中观、微观3个层次对国际社区社会空间形成因素做进一步总结分析,希望为南京以及其他城市国际社区的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

居住满意度是国内外城市研究探讨的重要话题。现有研究关注个人社会经济条件、住房条件以及社区环境等对其的影响,缺乏关注和系统地探讨流动人口特有的"临时性"特征。本文将流动人口的临时性特征总结为行政、经济和社会临时性。线性回归分析结果表明流动人口的行政临时性对居住满意度影响不大,而经济和社会临时性具有显著影响。由此可知,单纯地改革户籍制度,并不能显著提高流动人口的居住满意度,需改变其经济和社会的临时性。  相似文献   

"农转非"人员为我国社会经济建设做出了重大贡献,努力使得"农转非"居民真正融入城市生活,必须提升其社区归属感。本文首先分析对"农转非"和居民社区归属感的内涵进行简要介绍,然后分析影响"农转非"居民社区归属感的主要因素,最后对提升居民社区归属感的策略进行分析,以期为政府解决社区和谐和稳定等重要问题提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Residential location of offenders has been an important topic in the crime literature. However, prior research on offender residence pays little attention to the factor of age. Coupled with the rapid urbanization in China, many Chinese have moved from rural areas to urban areas and many burglaries are committed by these migrants, especially adult migrants. They need to choose their residences once they move to a new place. This study aims to examine the characteristics of neighborhood environment of migrant burglars' residential locations and how they differ by age in a large city in China. The conceptual framework is based on social disorganization theory. In general, the spatial pattern of juvenile migrant burglars varies largely from those of adult migrant burglars. Juvenile migrant burglars mainly concentrate in urban areas including urban villages, while a large number of adult migrant burglars reside in urban villages and suburban villages. The results of a series of zero-inflated negative binomial regression models reveal that a neighborhood with high residential instability is likely to attract more juvenile migrant burglars, while a socially disorganized neighborhood tends to include more adult migrant burglars. The residential characteristics of adult migrant burglars mostly agree with social disorganization theory. These findings can have important implications for burglary prevention and neighborhood safety.  相似文献   

建立"家庭友好型"的城镇化发展模式,以解决流动人口家庭空间分离问题,实现城市安居乐业的美好生活,是中国新时代人口城镇化的重要任务。本研究采用全国性大规模抽样问卷调查数据,对全国流动人口的家庭空间"团聚-分离"及其影响因素进行研究。研究发现,一线城市和二线城市流动人口夫妇同城务工的比例较高,但携子女与父母共同外出的比例较低。流动人口家庭的"团聚-分离"状态受所在城市的城镇化发展水平的影响,流入地的城镇化率与流动人口与其子女和父母团聚的可能性均呈倒U型的曲线关系,而与流动人口配偶团聚的可能性呈正向线性关系。"家庭团聚"已成为流动人口重要的家庭发展诉求,本研究提出,在既定的城镇化模式下,城镇化发展进程存在流动人口家庭"团聚-离散"的平衡点,在平衡点以下城镇化外部环境以促进流动人口家庭团聚的正效应为主("家庭团聚效应"),在平衡点以上外部环境将转为负效应为主,家庭将被迫离散以降低外部负效应("家庭离散效应")。正负效应转变的平衡点随着城镇化模式与阶段的转变而变化,改进城镇化模式、提升城镇化的经济社会效益将使平衡点向更高水平城镇化区间移动。  相似文献   

Geng Niu 《Housing Studies》2018,33(3):476-493
Using data from the Rural–Urban Migration in China (RUMiC) survey, this paper evaluates the very recent dynamics of living condition among China’s rural–urban migrants during 2008–2014, scrutinizing in particular the differential between the inland region and the coastal region. Along with their improved economic conditions, housing conditions of migrants have in general improved, although compared to urban locals their disadvantages persist over time. The improvement is especially fast among those migrants residing in the inland region. Multivariate regression results indicate that education, income, place of origin and family composition are important determinants of migrants’ housing conditions. Finally, decomposition analysis suggests that even after controlling for those observable factors, there is still a large inland–coastal differential. Over time, China’s rural–urban migrants are becoming more stable and settled in host cities. The temporary nature of China’s migrants, claimed in many previous studies, might be changing. Updated and regional-specific migrant policies are needed.  相似文献   

The rising fluidity of the society in contemporary China has led to a restructuring of people's cognition and emotion toward their place of residence. Although a growing body of literature has attempted to identify place-based factors that influence residents' attachment to their neighborhoods in Chinese large cities, little effort has been devoted to unraveling the migrant-local distinction regarding the meaning and mechanism of neighborhood attachment. Using both questionnaire survey data and in-depth interview data collected in 23 neighborhoods of Guangzhou, China, this paper aims to explore the meaning and mechanism of neighborhood attachment through the combination of both structure equation modelling and qualitative analysis. The novelties of this study relate to the focus of migrant-local distinction and to the breakdown of place attachment into its social and functional dimensions. Results from structure equation modelling show that local residents have stronger attachment to their neighborhoods than migrants. Migrants' neighborhood attachment is more related to its social dimension, as measured by social contact and social trust, and locals' neighborhood attachment is more linked to its functional dimension, as measured by satisfaction with living environment of the neighborhood. This paper enhances our understanding of the nature of place attachment by taking into account the effects of institutional constraints and migration experiences.  相似文献   

The Value of the Sense of Community and Neighbouring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, urbanites are less involved in local communities which has resulted in a claim that the significance of local communities and the role of space and neighbourhood layout in the creation of local communities has been exaggerated. Such claims imply that feeling a sense of community among neighbourhood’s residents or an attachment to the community is not a value to the neighbourhood. Community research has developed a few indices for evaluating the sense of community and community attachment, but has not focused on the significance of a sense of community in neighbourhoods. The aim of this paper is to explore and review the significance of the sense of community, community attachment and neighbouring in the context of neighbourhoods. This review suggests that feeling a sense of community, attachment to community and neighbouring relationships can increase the feeling of safety and security, residential satisfaction, community identity, civic participation and mental health and well-being.  相似文献   

Zhilin Liu 《Housing Studies》2019,34(9):1404-1421

Urban scholars have debated the complex effects of neighbourhood-based social ties on the economic and social integration of marginalized populations in the mainstream urban society. Studies of migrant populations in China have noted the existence of strong neighbourhood ties and solidarity in migrant communities, but few have examined whether strong neighbourhood cohesion enhances or hinders broader social integration of rural migrants. This article investigates the extent to which different types of social ties in the neighbourhood, as opposed to more social networks developed at the city level, predict more frequent intergroup interaction and stronger place attachment among rural migrants in Chinese cities. Statistical analysis, using data from a twelve-city migrant survey, reveals that, while the diversity of social networks does matter, the neighbourhood is a territorial anchor supporting, rather than dragging, the urban social integration of rural migrants. The findings highlight the importance of neighbourhood in China’s inclusive urbanization strategy and potential conflicts in recent deprived neighbourhood redevelopment programs.  相似文献   

The rapid economic growth of Chinese cities has attracted an increasingly migrant population. Faced with institutionalized discrimination caused by the Hukou system, however, rural migrants are excluded from local welfare, including certain types of urban public services. By taking suburban Shanghai as a case study, this research adopts the theoretical framework of urban deprivation and evaluates the deprivation level of migrant enclaves in terms of the provisions of public service, including educational, cultural, park, sports, healthcare, public transit, and postal service facilities through a combination of population census data, online and survey data. We then conducted questionnaire surveys and interviews in 14 migrant and local communities in order to acquire detailed socioeconomic information of residents and to understand their degree of satisfaction and information on how often they utilize public services. A multilevel regression model is run to examine the influence of indicators, including the socioeconomic status of respondents and provision of public services, on the degree of satisfaction. The paper concludes with policy implications needed to make spaces more socially equitable and inclusive in the rapidly urbanizing Chinese landscape.  相似文献   

This study is a post-occupancy evaluation of residential satisfaction in Oniru Estate, Lagos, Nigeria. It conceived residents’ satisfaction as a measure of people’s attitudes towards certain aspects of their residential environment. The very important role of certain physical quality or characteristics of the environment as a dominant predictor of satisfaction is emphasized. Apart from the measurement of residential satisfaction through post-occupancy evaluation, it also utilized respondents’ satisfaction scores as indices for evaluating the performance of residential development in the study area. Analysis was done using Chi-square statistics (p=0.05 with a level of significance of 0.000) to confirm the relationship between the quality of housing physical environment and level of residents’ satisfaction. The results show and confirm that the quality of certain physical characteristics in the housing environment is imperative thereby influencing the level of residents’ housing satisfaction. The need to consider relevant inputs emanating from the end-users or occupants of residential developments in the planning, design and development of satisfactory dwellings is highlighted.  相似文献   

当前中国正经历快速城市化进程。在城市空间重构中,作为一种中国特有的外来流动人口聚居空间,"城中村"备受各界关注。本研究旨在通过调查分析,掌握上海市城中村的发展动态。结果发现,目前上海仍然存在一定数量的城中村,并主要分布在城市内外环之间及外环周边地区。与全市总体水平相比,城中村的居住条件要差得多,居住面积小、住房设施不足、住房破旧。然而这样的地方,却成为众多寻求廉价住房的租客集聚之地。随着上海市城中村改造的不断推进,城中村正逐渐消失。在此过程中,政府应更多地考虑如何有效地为这些外来人口提供适宜的住房。  相似文献   

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