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五矿总裁周中枢随同习近平副主席访问智利6月5日,五矿集团公司总裁周中枢率领中国五矿代表团随同国家副主席习近平访问智利。期间,在习近平副主席和智利国家总统皮涅拉的见证下,中国五矿与智利国家铜公司签署了战略合作协议。当地时间6月10日,周中枢总裁作为中智企业家委员会中方主席,随同习近平副主席出席了在圣地亚哥举行的中国一智利企业家委员会2011年度(第5次)工作会议。会议前,习近平副主席会见了  相似文献   

<正>中国钨业协会五届十次主席团会议于2012年3月15日在广东潮州召开。主席团主席、中国钨业协会会长、中国有色金属工业协会会长陈全训出席会议并作了重要讲话。主席团主席及主席代表参加了会议,会议由主席团执行主席、潮州翔鹭钨业有限公司  相似文献   

<正>省政府国有企业监事会两位新任主席进驻监管企业履职时间:2014年03月10日来源:监事会工作处最近,省政府新任命的国有企业监事会主席魏红霞、舒勇进驻省国资委监管企业履职。第六监事会主席魏红霞履职见面会分别在华西集团和省医药集团举行,第五监事会主席舒勇履职见面会分别在省能投集团、省国资经营公司、物流股份和川煤集团举行。各企业董事会成员、管理人员及全体监事,省  相似文献   

近日,河南省政协主席范钦臣在新乡市委书记连维良、市政协主席赵胜修等人的陪同下莅临金龙铜管集团公司指导工作,受到了该集团公司董事长李长杰的热情欢迎。  相似文献   

由宝钢担任项目主席、旨在改善行业环境的世界钢协清洁大气项目开工会,于日前在上海召开。这是中国会员首次担任世界钢协项目主席。  相似文献   

马启智主席调研宁夏天马公司【安泰科讯】近期,宁夏回族自治区政府主席马启智同志带领银川市党政主要领导,自治区有关部门及四家金融单位负责人到宁夏天马冶化实业有限公司进行调研。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]在举国上下热烈庆祝华国锋同志任中共中央主席,中央军委主席,热烈庆祝以华国锋主席为首的党中央一举粉碎王、张、江、姚反党集团篡党夺权阴谋伟大胜利的大喜日子里,省冶金局第二次选矿药剂工作会议于一九七六年十一月二十九日至十二月五日在个旧市冶金局革新矿召开。参加会议的,有省属和地(州)选矿厂,药剂生产、科研,设计、供销单  相似文献   

正云南锡业集团总经理高文翔担任国际锡业协会新一届主席国际锡业协会(ITRI)近日宣布云南锡业集团(控股)有限公司总经理高文翔先生将担任下届轮值主席,此项决议已在与伦敦金属交易所年会同期举行的国际锡协伦敦年度董事会议上全票通过。高文翔先生就任时表示:"担任国际锡协主席是一项伟大的荣誉。自2005年成为国际锡协的会员以来,云南锡业集团  相似文献   

<正>2010年3月28日,中国钨业协会五届四次主席团会议在南昌召开。会议由主席团执行主席,江西稀有金属钨业控股集团有限公司董事长、总经理钟晓云主持,主席团主席和主席代表  相似文献   

<正>2012年5月18日,中国钨业协会在北京召开五届十一次主席团会议。主席团主席、中国钨业协会会长、中国有色金属工业协会会长陈全训出席会议并作了重要讲话。主席团主席及主  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF alpha), epidermal growth factor (EGF), cripto-1, amphiregulin and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was studied in 51 premenopausal human ovaries at various phases of the menstrual cycle. Localization of mRNA for TGF alpha and EGF was also studied by in-situ hybridization. Immunoreactive TGF alpha was observed predominantly in theca cells in 12 of 33 antral follicles in the follicular phase (6/14 dominant follicles, and 6/19 non-dominant) but not in any of the 18 follicles in the luteal phase or in primordial and pre-antral follicles. TGF alpha immunoreactivity was present predominantly in the luteinized granulosa cells in 13 of 15 corpora lutea in the luteal phase, which are considered to be active in steroidogenesis, but not in any of the regressed corpora lutea. Accumulation of TGF alpha mRNA hybridization signal was observed only in the theca cells in the follicles and luteinized theca cells in the ovaries that were immunohistochemically positive for TGF alpha. EGFR immunoreactivity was detected in 24 of 33 antral follicles in the follicular phase and in two of 18 follicles in the luteal phase but not in any of the corpora lutea. Immunoreactive EGF, cripto-1 and amphiregulin or EGF mRNA was not detected in any follicles, corpora lutea, or the stroma cells examined. These results indicate that, of the epidermal growth factors examined in this study, TGF alpha is locally synthesized in normal cycling human ovaries and TGF alpha may be synthesized in theca cells and act on the granulosa cells in a paracrine fashion through the EGFR in ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) in osmoregulation during early life stages of the tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) was examined by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry using synthetic oligonucleotide probes and homologous antisera to two tilapia PRLs (PRL188 and PRL177) and GH. Hybridization signals for PRL188 mRNA were detected for the first time in newly hatched larvae (5 days after fertilization), and were significantly greater in larvae in fresh water (FW) than those in seawater (SW) until 10 days after hatching. PRL177 mRNA was detected in the pituitary of embryos 1 day before hatching. Although PRL177 gene expression in the embryo and newly hatched larvae in FW was not significantly different from those in SW, the expression was significantly greater in FW than in SW from Day 2 until Day 10. Hybridization signals for GH mRNA were first detected in newly hatched larvae. No significant differences in GH mRNA expression were observed between larvae in FW and those in SW. A stronger immunoreaction, a significantly larger PRL cell size, and a pituitary area containing PRL cells were observed in larvae hatched and maintained in FW, in those transferred from SW to FW, compared to larvae hatched and maintained in SW, and in those transferred from FW to SW. No significant difference was observed in the activity of GH cells between larvae in FW and those in SW. These results suggest that both PRLs are involved importantly in FW adaptation, whereas GH does not seem to play a critical role in osmoregulation during early stages of tilapia.  相似文献   

Using hip measurements as a constant, calculations were made to determine the changes necessary for a young, healthy adult woman and man to attain the same body proportions as Barbie and Ken dolls, respectively. Among the changes necessary were for the female to increase 24 in. in height, 5 in. in the chest, and 3.2 in. in neck length, while decreasing 6 in. in the waist, and for the male to increase 20 in. in height, 11 in. in the chest, and 7.9 in. in neck circumference. Like adults, children are exposed to highly unrealistic ideals for shape and weight.  相似文献   

Negative pressure transients (NPT) recorded in a single closing event of mechanical valves in the mitral position in an in vitro setup are compared with data recorded in the left atrium in vivo with the valves implanted in the mitral position in an animal model. The loading at valve closure (dP/dtCL) computed from the in vivo ventricular pressure recording (ranging from 700 to 2300 mm Hg/s) agreed with the magnitudes predicted in our earlier in vitro experiments (750-3000 mm Hg/s). The NPT signals and the corresponding power spectral density plots from the in vivo data were in qualitative agreement with those recorded in vitro. The NPT magnitudes were found to be below the vapor pressure for blood in mechanical valves with rigid occluders suggesting a potential for the valve to cavitate in vivo. Our in vivo results also suggest that the valves with flexible occluders are less likely to cavitate. The correlation of the in vitro and in vivo data also suggests that the flexibility of valve housing used in the in vitro studies is not an important factor in the dynamics of mechanical valve closure in vivo.  相似文献   

A study of special synchronization of brain biopotentials in EEG registrations by a correlational analysis permitted to establish that in children with alalia there was a complex defect in intercentral relations of the associative infraparietal areas with auditory, visual and motor analyzers in the left hemisphere. In children with alalia the intercentral correlations of biopotentials of the parieto-temporal areas were 10 times less, in the parieto-occipital ares 3 times less and almost twice less in the parieto-motor areas in the left hemisphere in comparison with norman children. Consequently disturbed speech development in children with alalia is connected with a defect in the functions of the higher sensory analysis and synthesis in the associative infraparietal areas with disturbed activity in the synchronizing, activating brain systems with disorders in the organization of spacial-time relations in different cortical areas.  相似文献   

Supragranular pyramidal neurons in the adult rat auditory cortex (AC) show marked long-term potentiation (LTP) of population spikes after tetanic white matter stimulation (TS). For determination of whether this marked LTP is specific to AC, LTP in rat AC slices was compared with LTP in slices of the visual cortex (VC). The amplitude of TS-induced LTP in AC was twice that in VC. LTP of EPSPs was also studied with perforated patch or whole-cell recording. Although the amplitude of TS-induced LTP of EPSPs in AC was larger that in VC, no cortical difference was found in LTP elicited by low-frequency stimulation paired with current injection. Neocortical LTP is dependent on the activation of NMDA receptors, and induction of LTP requires postsynaptic depolarization for removal of Mg2+ blockade of NMDA receptors. The postsynaptic depolarization elicited by TS in supragranular pyramidal neurons in AC was significantly larger than that in VC. Cutting of supragranular horizontal connections resulted in a decrease in the depolarization amplitude in AC but an increase in the depolarization amplitude in VC. The cortical difference in TS-induced LTP was diminished in the slices in which horizontal connections in supragranular layers were cut. The estimated density of horizontal axon collaterals of supragranular pyramidal neurons in AC was approximately twice that in VC. These results strongly suggest that the marked polysynaptic and postsynaptic depolarization during TS and the resulting marked LTP in AC are attributed to well developed horizontal axon collaterals of supragranular pyramidal neurons in AC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Significant controversy exists concerning how best to reverse excessive anticoagulation (due to warfarin sodium therapy) with phytonadione (vitamin K1) while avoiding overcorrection in patients who need to have anticoagulation therapy maintained. METHODS: A retrospective review of phytonadione use in reversing excessive anticoagulation was performed in 3 institutions. The effectiveness of low-dose (< or =0.5 mg) intravenous (LDIV), high-dose (1-10 mg) intravenous (HDIV), subcutaneous (1-10 mg) (SC), and oral (2.5 or 5 mg) (PO) phytonadione was evaluated within 48 hours of administration. Anticoagulation correction (international normalized ratio [INR], > or =2.0 and < or =5.0) occurred in 5 of 8 patients in the LDIV, 5 of 9 in the HDIV, 7 of 10 in the SC, and 5 of 6 in the PO groups. Correction was inadequate (INR >5.0) in 2 of 8 patients in the LDIV, 0 of 9 in the HDIV, 3 of 10 in the SC, and 1 of 6 in the PO groups. Overcorrection (INR <2.0) occurred in 1 patient in the LDIV, 4 patients in the HDIV, 0 in the SC, and 0 in the PO groups. CONCLUSIONS: Anticoagulation correction was achieved in most patients in all 4 groups. The HDIV method was most effective in lowering the INR to less than 5.0, but overcorrection occurred more frequently (4 patients in the HDIV vs 1 patient in the LDIV and 0 patients in the SC and PO groups). Failure to achieve an INR of less than 5.0 was a greater problem in the SC group (3 patients in the SC vs 2 patients in the LDIV and 1 patient in the PO groups). The LDIV and PO methods appear to be acceptable alternatives to the HDIV and SC methods currently recommended.  相似文献   

Integrins are transmembrane glycoproteins that mediate cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Altered integrin expression may contribute to tumor progression, invasiveness and metastases. The alpha-V/beta-3 (alpha v beta 3; osteopontin/ vitronectin receptor) has recently been implicated in neovascularization and tumor-induced angiogenesis. alpha v-Subunit also associates with beta 5 to form an alpha v beta 5-complex, another vitronectin receptor. We studied tissue distribution of alpha v beta 3-and alpha v beta 5-integrins, as well as alpha 1- and beta 1-subunits in nephrectomy samples from 7 subjects with localized renal cell carcinoma. Grossly and histologically uninvolved regions ('normal') from the same nephrectomy specimens were used for comparison. Integrin expression was studied with specific monoclonal antibodies and the immunoperoxidase technique. alpha v beta 3 was expressed in the glomerular epithelial cells, Bowman's capsule, vascular endothelium, and weakly in tubular epithelial cells. alpha v beta 5 had a similar distribution except for minimal expression on vascular endothelium. alpha 1-Expression was observed in mesangium and but weakly in Bowman's capsule. beta 1-Expression was seen in glomerular epithelial cells, Bowman's capsule, vascular epithelium and tubular epithelial cells. Unlike in 'normals', neoplastic expression was more heterogeneous alpha v beta 3 was expressed in tumor cells in 4/7 cases, vascular endothelium in 6/6, and in stroma in 4/7. alpha v beta 5 was weakly expressed in tumor cells in 4/5, vascular endothelium in 5/5, and stroma in 4/5 cases. alpha 1-Expression was seen in tumor cells in 3/7, vascular endothelium in 4/7 and in stroma in 7/7 cases. beta 1-Expression was seen in tumor cells in 7/7 cases, vascular endothelium in 7/7, and in stroma in 4/7 cases. This study delineates the pattern of expression of the alpha v beta 3-and alpha v beta 5-integrins in 'normal' and neoplastic human kidney. Variations in alpha v beta 3-and alpha v beta 5-integrin expression may play a role in normal and neoplastic processes of the kidney.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Some doubts exist as to whether the increase in the prevalence of asthma is real or an artefact. The 10 year trend of asthma up to 1993 in England and Scotland was therefore assessed. METHODS: Information on asthma and bronchitis attacks, occasional wheeze, and persistent wheeze in the last 12 months, was obtained using a self administered questionnaire completed by the parents. Exactly the same questions were asked in 14 study areas in Scotland and 22 study areas in England in 1982 or 1983 and in 1992 or 1993 in 5-11 year old children. RESULTS: The numbers of children with data for all respiratory illness were 5556 (85.2%) and 5801 (87.1%) in England and 3748 (90.4%) and 3738 (90.4%) in Scotland in 1982 and 1992, respectively. There was a significant increase in asthma attacks (approximately three times more in 1992 than in 1982) and occasional wheeze (30-60% more in 1992 than in 1982) in both sexes in England and Scotland. Persistent wheeze also increased in both countries, but the increase was significant only in England (30-40% more in 1992 than in 1982). CONCLUSIONS: The study coincides with others that suggest that the increased prevalence of asthma may be due, in part, to changes in diagnostic behaviour. However, the continuing increase of persistent wheeze in the total sample suggests that part of the increase is real. There was no difference in the increase of persistent wheeze between Scotland and England, but the trend was only significant in England.  相似文献   

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