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2,4-滴丁酯对五味子药害的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究2,4-滴丁酯对五味子药害的有效防治方法。采用质量分数0.0057mg/kg芸苔素内酯和10mg/kg6-苄氨基嘌呤2种促进生长的植物生长调节剂适时预防和治疗。结果表明:2种药剂均有较好的预防和治疗效果,预防效果优于治疗效果,防治结合效果更佳,预防有效期达10d左右,可指导农业生产。  相似文献   

油茶炭疽病(Colletotrichum camelliae)是油茶的主要病害,为害油茶叶片、果实,可导致其籽油的质量和产量严重下降,但目前尚无防治油茶炭疽病的登记药剂。采用共毒系数法进行苯醚甲环唑和嘧菌酯的混配配方筛选,混配比为5:8时,对油茶炭疽病原菌的抑菌效果EC50为1.533 8 mg/L,共毒系数为128.43,表现为增效作用,为防治油茶炭疽病的最适配比。据此,选择325 g/L苯甲·嘧菌酯悬浮剂在浙江、江西和湖南3地开展田间药效试验,试验药剂在406.25 mg/kg剂量下的防效为72.51%~89.36%,显著高于2个单剂对照药剂40%苯醚甲环唑悬浮剂在133.33 mg/kg和25%嘧菌酯悬浮剂在250.00 mg/kg剂量下的防效。据此,建议325 g/L苯甲·嘧菌酯悬浮剂防治油茶炭疽病的田间使用技术:在油茶炭疽病未发病或发病初期施用,推荐用量为有效成分用量216.67~406.25 mg/kg(制剂稀释倍数800~1 500倍),全株喷雾处理,施药2次,间隔7~10 d。通过开展苯醚甲环唑和嘧菌酯复配配方筛选及325 g/L苯甲·嘧菌酯悬浮剂对油茶炭疽病的防效研究...  相似文献   

[目的]明确43%联苯肼酯悬浮剂对苹果红蜘蛛的防治效果,为农药登记及示范推广提供科学依据。[方法]2014、2015年以当地常用药剂15%哒螨灵乳油为对照药剂,在苹果树上进行该药剂防治苹果红蜘蛛的田间药效试验。[结果]43%联苯肼酯悬浮剂除最低剂量(有效成分160 mg/L)药后1、5、10 d的防效低于对照药剂外,其高剂量(有效成分240 mg/L)和中剂量(有效成分200 mg/L)药后各天的防效均显著高于或相当于对照药剂。[结论]43%联苯肼酯悬浮剂对苹果红蜘蛛有良好的速效性,持效期可达10 d以上,且对苹果蚜虫有一定的兼治作用,对作物安全。  相似文献   

研究2,4-滴丁酯对五味子药害的有效防治方法。采用质量分数0.0057mg/kg芸苔素内酯和10mg/kg 6-苄氨基嘌呤2种促进生长的植物生长调节剂适时预防和治疗。结果表明:2种药剂均有较好的预防和治疗效果,预防效果优于治疗效果,防治结合效果更佳,预防有效期达10d左右,可指导农业生产。  相似文献   

为明确应用不同施肥措施对甘肃省永登县芹菜品质和生理性状的影响,于2019年~2020年在芹菜单施化肥(T)、有机肥配施化肥(YTF1/2)、单施有机肥(YTF)三个处理措施下,检测芹菜各项品质指标和生理性状,以期在减少化肥施用的同时提高芹菜的品质和生理性状.结果表明:2019年芹菜长势相比2020年芹菜长势较好.芹菜V...  相似文献   

乙螨唑为噁唑类新型专用杀螨剂,三唑锡为触杀作用较强的广谱性杀螨剂,由二者制成的复配悬浮剂可起到增效作用。开展了对23%乙螨唑·三唑锡悬浮剂防治柑橘红蜘蛛的田间药效试验。结果表明,有效成分浓度为200、100、50 mg/kg的23%乙螨唑·三唑锡悬浮剂,防治柑橘红蜘蛛速效性好,持效期长;药后1、3、10、15、20、30 d的防效均达到95%以上,与对照药剂20%三唑锡悬浮剂100 mg/kg和110 g/L乙螨唑悬浮剂比较,各处理与三唑锡对照防效相当,极显著优于乙螨唑对照。  相似文献   

[目的]明确10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂对黑刺粉虱和小贯小绿叶蝉的防治效果。[方法]采用喷雾法进行了田间药效试验。[结果]10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂对2种茶园害虫防治效果良好,30、40、50 mg/kg处理药后14 d对黑刺粉虱和小贯小绿叶蝉的防效分别为87.25%~90.80%、83.63%~88.84%,显著优于对照药剂25 g/L联苯菊酯EC40 mg/kg处理(防效分别为83.61%、79.37%)。[结论]10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂是防治黑刺粉虱、小贯小绿叶蝉的理想药剂,推荐使用剂量为30~50 mg/kg。  相似文献   

[目的]科学有效控制观赏玫瑰朱砂叶螨的为害,明确45%螺螨酯·乙螨唑悬浮剂对观赏玫瑰朱砂叶螨的防治效果。[方法] 2014—2015年在山东省烟台市依照田间药效试验准则进行田间药效试验。[结果] 45%螺螨酯·乙螨唑悬浮剂30~60 mg/kg剂量处理,药后14 d对玫瑰朱砂叶螨的防效在94.15%以上,优于对照药剂110 g/L乙螨唑悬浮剂20 mg/kg和1.8%阿维菌素乳油12 mg/kg的防效,与对照药剂240 g/L螺螨酯悬浮剂50 mg/kg防效无显著差异。[结论] 45%螺螨酯·乙螨唑悬浮剂可有效防治观赏玫瑰朱砂叶螨,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

红蜘蛛是一种重要的柑橘害虫,影响中国柑橘的品质和产量。使用自行研发的40%氟啶胺悬浮剂进行了柑橘红蜘蛛防治的田间药效试验,结果表明:其在250 mg/L、200 mg/L使用浓度时对红蜘蛛均有较好防效,药后1 d防效分别为84.90%和81.08%,速效性较好,药效与对照药剂15%哒螨灵乳油相当;药后15 d防效分别为92.19%,93.57%,持效性好,且显著优于对照药剂15%哒螨灵乳油。  相似文献   

[目的]明确16%井冈·噻呋SC对铁皮石斛白绢病的防治效果及使用剂量。[方法]采用对整个植株喷雾法检测防治效果,以邓肯新复极差法检验差异显著性。[结果]16%井冈·噻呋SC 80~160 mg a.i./kg剂量处理,药后14 d,防效85.33%以上,高于对照药剂4%井冈霉素水剂80 mg a.i./kg的防效78.36%,与对照药剂240 g/L噻呋酰胺悬浮剂120 mg a.i./kg的防效90.60%相当。[结论]16%井冈·噻呋SC以80~160 mg a.i./kg剂量处理,能有效控制铁皮石斛白绢病的为害,可以在生产上推广使用。  相似文献   

The solvent extracted vegetable seed oils of Cucurbitaceae family viz. Bitter gourd (Momordica charentia), Small bitter gourd (Momordica dioica), Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siscraria) and Ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) were evaluated as grain protectant against callosobruchus chinensis on the stored legume-pulse grains. All the vegetable seed oils were found effective as legume-pulse grain protectant, which provided, negligible weight loss at the oil-application rate of 6-8 mL/kg in legume-pulse grain after 60 days storage at laboratory conditions. The milling yield and degree of dehusking gets improved after the oil application. The use of solvent extracted Small bitter gourd seed oil at the level of 6-8 mL/kg of legume-pulse grain sample resulted in the improved apparent degree of dehusking from 40.0 to 72.59, 59.88 to 92.44, 63.39 to 87.50 and 57.0 to 79.43 for Pigeonpea (Canjanus cajan), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Urdbean (Phaseolus mungo) and Mungbean (Phaseolus radiatus), respectively.  相似文献   

腐植酸水溶肥在大棚芹菜上的肥效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究济农腐植酸水溶肥在大棚芹菜上的肥效试验,采用不同稀释倍数(800倍、1000倍、1200倍)的济农腐植酸水溶肥对大棚芹菜进行叶面喷施,以磷酸二氢钾与尿素混合水溶液及清水喷施做对照,观察不同处理对大棚芹菜生物性状的影响。结果表明,与对照组相比,济农腐植酸水溶肥可以明显改善作物性状,提高作物的产量和经济效益。其中,以叶面喷施800倍液和1000倍液济农腐植酸水溶肥两组处理效果最为明显,株高增加0.8-2 cm,茎粗增加0.2-1.0 cm,单株重增加0.01-0.03 kg,小区产量提高8.99%-10.89%,经济效益显著。因此,济农腐植酸水溶肥在芹菜及其他蔬菜上有广阔的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

利用湖北旱芹菜籽制备芹菜籽净油,气相色谱/质谱联用共分析鉴定出26种挥发性香气成分,其中小茴香醇、表蓝桉醇、α-紫罗兰酮、3-乙基苯酞、3-异丁烯基苯酞为芹菜籽中首次鉴别出的物质。将芹菜籽净油应用于5元"红金龙"、9元"红金龙"、17元"黄鹤楼"和20元"黄鹤楼"卷烟中,具有丰富烟香、增加辛香香韵、柔和细腻及顺畅烟气、增加烟气厚实感的作用,尤其在5元"红金龙"中应用效果最好,且在添加量为100 mg/kg时效果较佳。  相似文献   

A simple method for the determination of total sulfur content in vegetable and marine oils is described. The method involves combustion of the oil sample in an oxygen bomb to convert all forms of sulfur to sulfate ions with subsequent determination of the sulfate by ion chromatography and indirect ultraviolet detection. The ultraviolet system described is more sensitive than conductivity detection and enables the method to be applied more widely. Application of the method to a variety of vegetable and marine oils showed the general occurrence of sulfur in fats and oils, albeit often at a low level. Among the samples examined, crude Canola oil had the highest sulfur content (25.0 mg/kg) followed by the marine oils (5.8-15.2 mg/kg) and the non-Cruciferae vegetable oils (2.0-6.1 mg/kg). To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

2009午3~6月,在河北科技师范学院试验农场,以2年生绿芦笋为材料,研究了不同浓度新型环保生物工程复合肥对绿芦笋产量及营养品质的影响。本试验采用完全随机试验设计,设置6个处理,浓度分别为0(T1),200mg/kg(T2),400mg/kg(T3),600mg/kg(T4),800mg/kg(T5),1000mg/k...  相似文献   

Phosphorus fertigation of trickle-irrigated potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3-year field study, on Pellic Vertisol, investigated the response of trickle-irrigated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to four P levels applied with the irrigation water. Waters supplied with 130 and 120 mg l–1 of N and K, respectively, and with P levels of 0, 20, 40 and 60 mg l–1, were applied when the soil water potential was between 0.03 and 0.04 MPa. The water applied at each irrigation was equivalent to 0.8 of pan evaporation from a screened USWB Class A pan. With the application of 40 mg P l–1 no P accumulation deeper in the soil profile occurred, whereas P in petioles was at levels recommended for high yield of good quality. At this P concentration in irrigation water, removal of P from soil by tubers was 22 kg/ha/year. The highest yield of good quality was obtained at 40 mg P l–1.  相似文献   

Four studies were carried out for the purpose of measuring the digestibility of diets based on rice and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), and in order to quantify the effect of their supplementation with animal protein (milk) and energy (oil), on the energy and protein digestibility of such diets in human adults. Diets were offered so that they supplied 46, 72, and 103 mg N/kg/day. When the basal diet--where rice provided 60% of the protein and beans 40%--was administered at a level of 102.5 mg of nitrogen/kg/day and 49.5 Kcal/kg/day of gross energy, an apparent and true nitrogen, energy and metabolizable energy digestibility of 59.1, 70.8, 93.8 and 92.5%, respectively, were observed. When substituting 10% of the vegetable protein by milk protein in the same diet, the same indicators revealed a digestibility of 65.3, 76.8, 93.5 and 92.1%, respectively. The information indicates that supplementation with animal protein improves nitrogen absorption at any of the energy levels studied. In contrast, caloric supplementation does not have any positive effect on nitrogen or energy absorption. It was also found that nitrogen apparent digestibility increases significantly when the N level in the diet is raised, and stabilizes when intake exceeds 100 mg nitrogen/kg/day. It is therefore proposed that for digestibility studies in diets where animal protein is utilized at a nitrogen level of around 120 mg/kg/day, true digestibility remains constant, no matter what nitrogen level is used in the diet.  相似文献   

Total yields and compositions of sorghum dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) lipids obtained by supercritical CO2 (SC‐CO2) extraction were compared with those obtained by recirculated solvent extraction (RSE) with hexane. The total yield of lipids obtained by SC‐CO2 extraction at 27.5 MPa and 70 °C was 150 g lipids/kg DDGS, while the yield obtained by RSE with hexane at 69 °C was only 85 g lipids/kg DDGS. The contents of four high‐value compounds, i.e., policosanols, phytosterols, free fatty acids (FFA) and tocols, in the lipids obtained by SC‐CO2 extraction were 31.2, 15.6, 155.3 and 0.50 mg/g at 27.5 MPa and 70 °C, compared to 26.6, 9.6, 57.3 and 0.03 mg/g for RSE with hexane at 69 °C. The profiles of phytosterols and FFA in the sorghum DDGS lipids were relatively independent of the extraction methods and operating conditions.  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦旁遮普的波特瓦地区(33°N,74°E),集约化土壤耕作,土壤侵蚀和低量作物残体的投入是导致土壤结构退化的原因。结构不稳定的土壤很容易受到侵蚀,反过来,土壤侵蚀又会造成作物产量的下降。因此,为了改善土壤的物理性状,在巴基斯坦旁遮普的干旱地区进行了田间试验。试验地点位于大学(拉瓦尔品第PMAS干旱农业大学)研究农场的园区内。2种不同等级(实验室级和商品级)的腐植酸(HA)各分8个水平,施用2年,处理分别为HL_0(对照,不施腐植酸),HL_1 10 kg HA/hm~2,HL_2 20 kg HA/hm~2,HL_3 30 kg HA/hm~2,HL_4 60 kg HA/hm~2,HL_5 90 kg HA/hm~2,HL_6 120 kg HA/hm~2和HL_7 150 kg HA/hm~2,各处理同时配合施用N-P-K(120-90-60 kg/hm~2)。试验期间,检测土壤总有机碳、饱和导水率、团聚体稳定性、容重、土壤含水量和作物产量。试验结果表明,腐植酸能通过影响土壤总有机碳、饱和导水率、团聚体稳定性、容重和土壤含水量等指标来改善土壤的物理性状。2年试验结果均表现为,实验室级的腐植酸比商品级的腐植酸能更好地改善土壤物理性状,从而提高小麦产量。2种不同级别的腐植酸各施用水平与对照相比,差异均显著。在120 kg/hm~2和150 kg/hm~2的腐植酸施用水平下,大多数指标均显示出了相似的结果,因此,从经济角度考虑,120 k g/hm~2的腐植酸用量为最佳施用量。  相似文献   

The initial microflora of minimally processed celery and cabbage packaged under a modified atmosphere was determined. The samples came from the same producer and were sold in a supermarket chain of Santiago, Chile. Although neither E. coli nor Salmonella spp. were detected, initial total plate and Enterobacteriaceae counts were high (= 10(5) cfu/g), not meeting in most cases the specifications of the Chilean legislation. The D10 value for two strains of E. coli (ATCC 8739 and a wild type) inoculated as indicator microorganisms was determined. After irradiating with 5 D10 doses (1kGy), the variation of the microbial population and sensory quality during a 7 days storage period at 5 degrees C was studied. In irradiated celery, a reduction of 4.7 and 3.8 logs for total plate and Enterobacteriaceae counts respectively was observed. There was a decrease of 3.8 and 3.6 logs in cabbage for total plate and Enterobacteriaceae counts respectively. In both irradiated and non-irradiated vegetables, neither E. coli nor Salmonella spp. were detected. An increase of 1.6 - 1.7 logs in both microbiological parameters in non-irradiated samples was observed during storage. In irradiated products, only celery showed an increase of 1.2 log in total plate count. Both Enterobacteriaceae count in the two vegetables and Total plate count in cabbage presented essentially no variation in time. No significant differences (p = 0.05) were detected in sensory total quality between the control and the irradiated vegetable and between days of storage.  相似文献   

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