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为了解决服务器面临大量用户请求时匿名效率下降的问题,分别提出适用于静态用户和动态用户的协作匿名方法。首先基于Voronoi图划分全局区域,再由中心服务器组织本区域内用户实现协作匿名,由于服务器无需为每个用户单独构造匿名区,降低了服务端的负担;针对查询过程中用户提供真实位置信息带来位置隐私泄露的问题,提出了逆向增量近邻查询算法。用户以固定锚点代替真实位置,向位置服务器逐步获取兴趣点候选集并计算出想要的结果,避免位置隐私直接泄漏的同时获取精准查询结果。该算法同时解决了锚点与用户过近而带来的位置隐私被推断问题。实验表明本方法在有效保护用户位置隐私的同时,具有良好的工作效率。 相似文献
移动环境下LBS位置隐私保护 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
用k匿名模型对基于位置信息的服务(LBS)中的位置隐私进行保护是近年来研究的热点。在移动用户不断发出查询的场景下,该文提出了移动模式攻击(MPA),使得传统的针对孤立查询的隐私保护算法均失效。基于熵理论,提出了熵匿名度度量,并以此为基础提出了移动环境下的模糊化算法Mclique,实验证明其有效地抵御了MPA攻击。通过简化Mclique算法中熵的计算,提出了快速模糊化算法Fclique,实验证明Fclique不仅仍具有较强的MPA抵御能力,且极大提高了时间效率。 相似文献
在车联网中,基于位置的服务(LBS)的兴趣点(POI)查询被广泛用于车载应用中。但是,由于攻击者容易获取车辆位置、查询内容以及其它额外信息,单独对位置隐私或查询隐私进行保护很难保障车载用户的隐私安全,使得对位置隐私和查询隐私开展联合保护越发关键。为此,该文提出一种基于虚拟序列的位置隐私和查询隐私联合保护机制。首先根据POI查询的限制,分析位置隐私和查询隐私的相关性,运用欧几里得距离和关联规则算法对其建模描述,得到相关性判断模型;然后基于虚拟序列,根据影响隐私保护的因素和真实查询的相关性值,将联合保护转化为虚拟序列的选择问题,建立联合保护优化模型,得到匿名程度高且匿名区域大的匿名查询集,防止攻击者识别出真实查询。最后,实验结果表明,与现有方案相比,所提联合保护机制能抵御针对位置隐私和查询隐私的联合攻击(语义范围攻击、时间关联攻击和长期观察攻击),能更有效地保护用户的LBS隐私。 相似文献
A method of privacy preservation based on pseudorandom permutation was put forward for the issues of location privacy and query content privacy.Firstly,the distribution information of points of interest (PoI) based on the vertexes in the road network was organized,each single road vertex was taken as the foundational processing object.Based on the pseudorandom permutation,a permutation scheme of the point-of-interest records at the LBS server's end was put forward,a 32-bit random seed was adopted to generate a permuted table in the scheme,and the point-of-interest records were encrypted and permuted according to the table.These processed records were stored in the LBS database.Then a trusted intermediate server,replacing of the user,issued a query request with a record number instead of the query content to the LBS server.The LBS server could not determine which kind of PoI the user was interested in or which road section the user was locating on,and therefore the scheme achieved private information retrieval.Finally,the efficiency in the metrics of query accuracy,communication overhead and processing time was also analyzed.By the performance analysis and extensive experiments,the proposed scheme is proved to be location untraceable and query content uncorrelation. 相似文献
在分析现有群组最近邻查询中位置隐私保护的基础上,提出LBS中一种面向位置隐私保护的群组最近邻查询方法。该方法采用分布式系统结构,克服了集中式匿名系统结构所存在通信瓶颈和攻击重点的缺陷。在此基础上根据用户群组的运动状态信息,提出使用位置随机扰动和门限秘密共享的Paillier密码系统来安全地计算用户群组的质心位置。于是将用户群组的最近邻查询转换为此质心的最近邻查询。与现有的相关工作相比,理论分析表明所提有关方案能够在有效抵御现有的距离交叉攻击和共谋攻击下,实现灵活的群组最近邻查询,同时耗费较低的网络资源。 相似文献
With the development of mobile Internet and the popularization of intelligent terminals,location based services(LBS) has been widespread in navigation,social network and other fields.Due to the sensitivity of personal location information,data privacy protection related to location of mobile objects has become the hotspots of research.Considering the openness of the background information,and based on the information cache mechanism,a dummy selection algorithm was proposed to reduce the number of interactions between the user and the untrusted server and combine the k-anonymity to achieve efficient location privacy.Without relying on trusted third party,the scheme can prevent the attackers owned background information from inference attack,and the detail simulation results indicate its effectiveness and efficiency. 相似文献
The centralized structure of the trusted third party is a major privacy protection structure on location based services.However,if the central third party server can not be trusted or compromised,users have the risk of leakage of privacy location.Aiming at the above problems,location privacy protection approach based on a user-defined grid to hide location was proposed.The system first automatically converted the query area into a user-defined grid,and then the approach utilized order preserving encryption,which made the user’s real-time position in the hidden state could still be compared.Because the information in the process of the approach was in a state of encryption,the server could not know the user’s location information,thus improved privacy protection of the user location.The central third party server only need to do simple comparison work,so its processing time overhead would effectively decrease.Security analysis certificate the security of the proposed approach and simulation experimental show the proposed approach can reduce the time cost of the central third party server. 相似文献
While providing plenty of convenience for users in daily life, the increasingly popular location-based ser-vice(LBS) posed a serious threat to users' privacy. The research about privacy-preserving techniques for LBS is becoming a hot spot, and there are a large number of research results. First, background information of privacy protection for LBS was introduced, including application scenarios of LBS, the LBS framework, objects of privacy protection and system architectures of privacy protection. Second, adversary models and metrics for privacy protection in LBS was discussed. Third, four types of privacy-preserving techniques based on generalization and obfuscation for LBS were analyzed and summarized thoroughly. Finally, the potential research directions for privacy-preserving techniques for LBS in the future were shown. 相似文献
The prevalence of mobile intelligent terminals gives the location-based service (LBS) more opportunities to enrich mobile users’ lives.However,mobile users enjoy the convenience with the cost of personal privacy.The side information and mobile user’s recent requirement records were considered,which were obtained or stored by the service provider.Based on the existence of recent requirement records,adversary can employ the inference attack to analysis mobile user’s personal information.Therefore,two schemes were proposed,including of basic privacy self-correlation privacy-preserving scheme (Ba-2PS) and enhanced privacy self-correlation privacy-preserving scheme(En-2PS).In En-2PS,the privacy-preserving scheme was designed from two dimensions of aspects of time factor and query region,which increased the uncertainty inferring out the real information.Finally,the privacy analysis was illustrated to proof En-2PS’s privacy degree,then the performance and privacy evaluation results indicate that En-2PS is effective and efficient. 相似文献