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一种用于机群系统的双环光互连网络性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高性能计算机网络对带宽的需求,使得如何提供高带宽的互连网络以及充分利用互连网络的固有带宽度为一个研究焦点。基于Linux操作系统,以千兆光互连接口卡为网络接口,设计实现了一种可用于机群系统的双环光互连网络。介绍了光互连网接口卡的基本结构,接口卡驱动软件的设计方法,双环光互连网络的拓朴结构及其特性。分析测试了光互连网络的通信性能,指出了影响系统整体性能的关键因素。  相似文献   

提出一种应用于大规模并行处理系统的结点度等于常数的递归多级分层互连网络,称为全互连立方体网络(fully connected cubic network,FCCN)。FCCN具有可扩展性好、延伸性能好等优点,一个m-FCCN可以由8个(m-1)-FCCN递归得到,FCCN网络的结点度与网络的规模大小无关等于常数4,网络的直径和平均结点距离都与结点数的立方根成正比,提出FCCN中的简单路由算法,并将FCCN互连网络结构在大规模光电混合处理系统中进行应用,通过实际计算结果证明FCCN具有比较高的并行处理效率。  相似文献   

多级互连网络互连函数的矩阵理论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
多级互连网网络是大规模并行处理系统和大型ATM交换机采用的主要互连结构。  相似文献   

BC互连网络及其性质   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
提出一种称为一一对应连接(BC)图的互连网络族,使其包含超立方体、交叉立方体和Mobius立方体作为基具子集,同时又使其具有与超立方体、交叉立立体和Mobius立方体相同的对数级的直径和顶点度数、最高连通(容错)度和相同的可诊断性等性质,从而使对超立方体及与其结构相似的大量互连网络的某些性质的研究合而为一,证明了BC互连网络族中包含一类Hamilton连通图并给出了BC互连网族中的图的直径的一个猜想。  相似文献   

随着计算机系统对互连网络性能需求的提高,传统的电互连技术出现了许多无法克服的问题,光互连技术应运而生。本文设计了一种新的基于高速光开关的处理器间光互连结构——PIBOS,并在此基础上提出了单级PIBOS和多级PIBOS中的链路仲裁和路由算法。模拟结果表明,采用PIBOS互连结构,减少了数据传输过程中的光电转换操作,提高了网络的吞吐率,降低了系统延时,并很好地实现了互连系统的扩展。  相似文献   

大规模并行处理系统互连通信的新技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了大规模并行处理系统研究了工作的概况,指出其研究热点和关键技术是实现高效的互连通信。文中重点介绍了该领域的研究内容:结点结构、网络接口、切换技术,拓扑结构,路由算法,通信机制,通信协议,计算模型等。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络各种应用的不断扩大和服务功能不断增强,网络互连显得越来越迫切。这一方面是出于用户对共享更多网络资源和功能的需求,另一方面又是计算机网络自身领域发展带来的必然结果。由于网络互连是近期才兴起的一门新课题,至今还没有形成统一的标准,包括许多互连  相似文献   

本文采用数字信号处理芯片作为基本的工作单元,讨论了一种所谓的六面连通网络的可重构方法。文中对信号处理中几种常用的结构做了具体的重构示范,并对系统性能进行了评估。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种递归的构造的,适用于基于消息传递的多计算机系统的互连网络-正四面体递归网络。在对该网络作出概述之后,讨论了该网络的通信问题。对网络的性能分析表明,该网络在一定条件下,性能较优。最后,本文还讨论了网络的软件模拟等问题。  相似文献   

A new, scalable interconnection topology called the Spanning Multichannel Linked Hypercube (SMLH) is proposed. This proposed network is very suitable to massively parallel systems and is highly amenable to optical implementation. The SMLH uses the hypercube topology as a basic building block and connects such building blocks using two-dimensional multichannel links (similar to spanning buses). In doing so, the SMLH combines positive features of both the hypercube (small diameter, high connectivity, symmetry, simple routing, and fault tolerance) and the spanning bus hypercube (SBH) (constant node degree, scalability, and ease of physical implementation), while at the same time circumventing their disadvantages. The SMLH topology supports many communication patterns found in different classes of computation, such as bus-based, mesh-based, and tree-based problems, as well as hypercube-based problems. A very attractive feature of the SMLH network is its ability to support a large number of processors with the possibility of maintaining a constant degree and a constant diameter. Other positive features include symmetry, incremental scalability, and fault tolerance. It is shown that the SMLH network provides better average message distance, average traffic density, and queuing delay than many similar networks, including the binary hypercube, the SBH, etc. Additionally, the SMLH has comparable performance to other high-performance hypercubic networks, including the Generalized Hypercube and the Hypermesh. An optical implementation methodology is proposed for SMLH. The implementation methodology combines both the advantages of free space optics with those of wavelength division multiplexing techniques. A detailed analysis of the feasibility of the proposed network is also presented  相似文献   

The Gemini interconnect is a dual technology (optical and electrical) interconnection network designed for use in tightly-coupled multicomputer systems. It consists of a circuit-switched optical data path in parallel with a packet-switched electrical control/data path. The optical path is used for transmission of long data messages and the electrical path is used for switch control and transmission of short data messages. The paper describes the architecture of the interconnection network and related communications protocols. Fairness issues associated with network operation are addressed and a discrete-event simulation model of the entire system is described. Network performance characteristics derived from the simulation model are presented. The results show significant performance benefits when using virtual output queuing and quantify the tradeoffs between throughput and fairness in the system  相似文献   

随着多核处理器的发展和计算需求的不断增长,高性能计算系统规模不断增大.使用模拟器对高性能计算系统进行模拟,对系统设计及优化有着重要的作用,互连网络模拟则是其中不可或缺的一部分.设计实现了一种基于OM Net++的大规模InfiniBand互连网络模拟系统,该系统通过记录的并行程序M PI消息来驱动网络仿真过程,可以模拟...  相似文献   

Performance and energy consumption of high performance computing (HPC) interconnection networks have a great significance in the whole supercomputer, and building up HPC interconnection network simulation platform is very important for the research on HPC software and hardware technologies. To effectively evaluate the performance and energy consumption of HPC interconnection networks, this article designs and implements a detailed and clock-driven HPC interconnection network simulation platform, called HPC-NetSim. HPC-NetSim uses applicationdriven workloads and inherits the characteristics of the detailed and flexible cycle-accurate network simulator. Besides, it offers a large set of configurable network parameters in terms of topology and routing, and supports router’s on/off states.We compare the simulated execution time with the real execution time of Tianhe-2 subsystem and the mean error is only 2.7%. In addition, we simulate the network behaviors with different network structures and low-power modes. The results are also consistent with the theoretical analyses.  相似文献   

近年来,多核聚类(MKC)在融合多源信息以提高聚类性能方面取得了显著进展。但是,以n表示样本数,O(n2)内存消耗和On3计算消耗限制了这些方法的实用性。重新设计了基于子空间分割的MKC公式,从而将其内存和计算复杂度分别降低到O(n)和O(n2)。在该算法(基于压缩子空间对齐的多核聚类算法CSA-MKC)中,通过对部分数据采样来重建整个数据集。具体而言,在该算法中,在信息融合过程中同时学习了共识采样矩阵,从而使生成的锚点集更适合于跨不同视图的数据重建。因此,改进了重构矩阵的判别性,并增强了聚类性能。此外,该算法易于并行化,通过GPU加速,在6个数据集上进行了测试,在时间上,该算法是数据规模的平方复杂度,在性能上,优于目前的先进算法。  相似文献   

A practical interconnection network RP(k) and its routing algorithms   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Based on Petersen graph, a new interconnection network, the RP(k) network, is devel-oped and the properties of the RP(k) network are investigated. The diameter of the RP(k) network is [ k/2] + 2 and its degree is 5. We prove that the diameter of the RP(k) network is much smaller than that of the 2-D Torus network when the number of nodes in interconnection networks is less than or equal to 300. In order to analyze the communication performance in a group of nodes, we propose the concepts of the optimal node groups and the diameter of the optimal node groups. We also show that the diameter of the optimal node groups in the RP(k) network is less than that in the 2-D Torus net-work. Especially when the number of nodes in an optimal node group is between 6 and 100, the diam-eter of the optimal node groups in the RP(k) network is half of that in the 2-D Torus network. Further-more based on the RP(k) network we design a set of routing algorithms which are point-to-point rout-ing, permutation routing, one-to-al  相似文献   

当前主流高性能互连网络的端口速率已达到100~400 Gbps,其单通道速率已达到25~50 Gbps。在这种高速率的网络上传输数据,前向纠错编码是提高其可靠性的必要技术。以太网国际规范IEEE 802.3采用的前向纠错编码为RS(528,514)和RS(544,514),但是这2种码型难以满足高性能互连网络在低延迟方面的性能需求。首先,分析了RS的编码和译码结构,并定量研究了RS码型参数与编解码延迟之间的关系。接着,提出了一种面向当前高性能互连网络的新型低延迟编码—RS(271,257),并比较了该码型在占用带宽和纠错能力等方面的优缺点。最后,实现了基于RS(271,257)的低延迟网络编码子层,并对其进行了资源消耗评估和延迟性能模拟。综合考虑资源消耗、纠错能力和延迟性能3方面因素,RS(271,257)是一种理想的低延迟前向纠错码型,可满足当前面向HPC的低延迟高性能互连网络的编码子层的设计需求。  相似文献   

Building large-scale parallel computer systems for time-critical applications is a challenging task since the designers of such systems need to consider a number of related factors such as proper support for fault tolerance, efficient task allocation and reallocation strategies, and scalability. In this paper we propose a massively parallel fault-tolerant architecture using hundreds or thousands of processors for critical applications with timing constraints. The proposed architecture is based on an interconnection network called thebisectional network. A bisectional network is isomorphic to a hypercube in that a binary hypercube network can be easily extended as a bisectional network by adding additional links. These additional links add to the network some rich topological properties such as node symmetry, small diameter, small internode distance, and partitionability. The important property of partitioning is exploited to propose a redundant task allocation and a task redistribution strategy under realtime constraints. The system is partitioned into symmetric regions (spheres) such that each sphere has a central control point. The central points, calledfault control points (FCPs), are distributed throughout the entire system in an optimal fashion and provide two-level task redundancy and efficiently redistribute the loads of failed nodes. FCPs are assigned to the processing nodes such that each node is assigned two types of FCPs for storing two redundant copies of every task present at the node. Similarly, the number of nodes assigned to each FCP is the same. For a failure-repair system environment the performance of the proposed system has been evaluated and compared with a hypercube-based system. Simulation results indicate that the proposed system can yield improved performance in the presence of a high number of node failures.  相似文献   

提出一种适合云计算的异步光分组交换互连网络节点模型。节点采用主从式树型架构进行分布式控制和管理,高速数据流在各级节点基于组播方式实现异步交换,可实现大批量计算、存储节点的可扩展性互连。提出了基于循环光纤延时线的全光分组冲突解决机制。介绍了互连网络节点架构,建立了节点稳定性及时延性能分析模型,进行了数值仿真分析。结果表明,一个256字节分组在32波密集波分复用系统中传输时,分组平均等待时延为0.072 ns。因此,该节点架构可满足云计算互连网络的可扩展性及高速、大容量、实时数据交互需求。  相似文献   

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