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The wide spread of location-based social networks brings about a huge volume of user check-in data, which facilitates the recommendation of points of interest (POIs). Recent advances on distributed representation shed light on learning low dimensional dense vectors to alleviate the data sparsity problem. Current studies on representation learning for POI recommendation embed both users and POIs in a common latent space, and users’ preference is inferred based on the distance/similarity between a user and a POI. Such an approach is not in accordance with the semantics of users and POIs as they are inherently different objects. In this paper, we present a novel translation-based, time and location aware (TransTL) representation, which models the spatial and temporal information as a relationship connecting users and POIs. Our model generalizes the recent advances in knowledge graph embedding. The basic idea is that the embedding of a <time, location> pair corresponds to a translation from embeddings of users to POIs. Since the POI embedding should be close to the user embedding plus the relationship vector, the recommendation can be performed by selecting the top-k POIs similar to the translated POI, which are all of the same type of objects. We conduct extensive experiments on two real-world datasets. The results demonstrate that our TransTL model achieves the state-of-the-art performance. It is also much more robust to data sparsity than the baselines.  相似文献   

在基于位置的社交网络(LBSNs)中,如何利用用户和兴趣点的属性(或特征)之间的耦合关系,为用户做出准确的兴趣点推荐是当前的研究热点。现有的矩阵分解推荐方法利用用户对兴趣点的评分进行推荐,但评级矩阵通常非常稀疏,并且没有考虑用户和兴趣点在各自属性方面的耦合关系。本文提出了一种基于深度神经网络的兴趣点推荐框架,首先采用K-means算法对兴趣点按地理位置进行聚类,使位置相近的兴趣点聚为一类;然后,构建一个卷积神经网络模型,用来学习用户和兴趣点在各自属性(如用户年龄与兴趣点位置之间)上的显式关联关系;同时,构建另外一个神经网络模型,模拟机器学习中的矩阵分解方法,根据用户的签到行为,深入挖掘用户与兴趣点之间的隐式关联关系。最后,将用户与兴趣点之间的显式和隐式关联关系进行集成,综合表征用户?兴趣点之间的耦合关系,然后将学习到的用户?兴趣点耦合关系输入到一个全连接网络中进行兴趣点推荐。本文所提出的模型在Yelp数据集上进行了评估,实验结果表明该模型在兴趣点推荐方面有较高的推荐准确性。  相似文献   

兴趣点(Point-Of-Interest,POI)推荐是基于位置社交网络(Location-Based Social Network,LBSN)中一项重要的个性化服务,可以帮助用户发现其感兴趣的[POI],提高信息服务质量。针对[POI]推荐中存在的数据稀疏性问题,提出一种融合社交关系和局部地理因素的[POI]推荐算法。根据社交关系中用户间的共同签到和距离关系度量用户相似性,并基于用户的协同过滤方法构建社交影响模型。为每个用户划分一个局部活动区域,通过对区域内[POIs]间的签到相关性分析,建立局部地理因素影响模型。基于加权矩阵分解挖掘用户自身偏好,并融合社交关系和局部地理因素进行[POI]推荐。实验表明,所提出的[POI]推荐算法相比其他方法具有更高的准确率和召回率,能够有效缓解数据稀疏性问题,提高推荐质量。  相似文献   

针对目前LBSN中,用户只对少数兴趣点进行签到,使得用户签到历史数据及其上下文信息(如评论文本)极其稀疏,同时传统的评分推荐系统只考虑用户和评分二元信息,具有一定的局限性。为此,提出一种基于评分矩阵局部低秩假设的局部协同排名兴趣点推荐算法。首先,假设用户-兴趣点矩阵在由用户-兴趣点对所定义度量空间中某些邻域内是低秩;其次,对于地理信息建模采用一种自适应二维核密度方法,然后,对于文本信息利用潜在狄利克雷分配模型挖掘兴趣点相关的文本信息建模用户的兴趣主题;最后,基于局部协同排名模型将兴趣点的地理信息和评论文本信息有效融合。实验结果表明:该模型的性能优于主流先进兴趣点推荐算法。  相似文献   

汤佳欣  陈阳  周孟莹  王新 《计算机工程》2022,48(1):12-23+42
在基于位置的社交网络(LBSN)中,用户可以在兴趣点(POI)进行签到以记录行程,也可以与其他用户分享自身的感受并形成社交好友关系。POI推荐是LBSN提供的一项重要服务,其可以帮助用户快速发现感兴趣的POI,也有利于POI提供商更全面地了解用户偏好,并有针对性地提高服务质量。POI推荐主要基于对用户历史签到数据以及用户生成内容、社交关系等信息的分析来实现。系统归纳POI推荐中所面临的时空序列特征提取、内容社交特征提取、多特征整合、数据稀疏性问题处理这4个方面的挑战,分析在POI推荐中使用深度学习方法解决上述问题时存在的优势以及不足。在此基础上,展望未来通过深度学习提高POI推荐效果的研究方向,即通过增量学习加速推荐模型更新、使用迁移学习缓解冷启动问题以及利用强化学习建模用户动态偏好,从而为实现效率更高、用户体验质量更好的推荐系统提供新的思路。  相似文献   

针对兴趣点(POI)推荐研究中数据噪声过滤问题和不同POI的重要性问题,提出了一种融合时空信息和兴趣点重要性的POI推荐算法——RecSI。首先,根据POI的地理信息和POI之间相互吸引力过滤噪声数据,缩小候选集的范围;其次,根据用户在一天中不同的时间段对POI类别的偏好程度,结合POI的流行度计算出用户的偏好得分;然后,结合社交信息和加权PageRank算法计算POI重要性;最后,将用户的偏好得分和POI重要性线性结合,以向用户推荐TOP-K的POI。在Foursquare真实的签到数据集上的实验结果表明,RecSI算法的精确率和召回率比最优的GCSR算法分别提高了12.5%和6%,验证了RecSI算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对兴趣点(POI)推荐研究中数据噪声过滤问题和不同POI的重要性问题,提出了一种融合时空信息和兴趣点重要性的POI推荐算法——RecSI。首先,根据POI的地理信息和POI之间相互吸引力过滤噪声数据,缩小候选集的范围;其次,根据用户在一天中不同的时间段对POI类别的偏好程度,结合POI的流行度计算出用户的偏好得分;然后,结合社交信息和加权PageRank算法计算POI重要性;最后,将用户的偏好得分和POI重要性线性结合,以向用户推荐TOP-K的POI。在Foursquare真实的签到数据集上的实验结果表明,RecSI算法的精确率和召回率比最优的GCSR算法分别提高了12.5%和6%,验证了RecSI算法的有效性。  相似文献   

随着基于位置的社交网络推荐系统的逐步发展,兴趣点推荐成为了研究热门。兴趣点推荐的研究旨在为用户推荐兴趣点,并且为商家提供广告投放和潜在客户发掘等服务。由于用户签到行为的数据具有高稀疏性,为兴趣点推荐带来很大的挑战。许多研究工作结合地理影响、时间效应、社会相关性等方面的因素来提高兴趣点推荐的性能。然而,在大多数兴趣点推荐的工作中,用户访问的周期性习惯和伴随用户偏好的上下文情境信息没有被深度地挖掘。而且,下一个兴趣点推荐中一直存在着数据的高稀疏度。基于以上考虑,针对用户签到的数据稀疏性问题,将用户周期性行为模式归结为上下文情境信息,提出了一种基于上下文感知的个性化度量嵌入推荐算法,同时将用户签到的上下文情境信息考虑进来,从而丰富有效数据,缓解数据稀疏性问题,提高推荐的准确率,并且进一步优化算法,降低时间复杂度。在两个真实数据集上的实验分析表明,本文提出的算法具有更好的推荐效果。  相似文献   

个性化地点推荐系统对于基于位置的社交网络(Locationbased Social Networks, LBSNs)的发展至关重要。它不仅能够帮助用户挖掘新的地点,同时也有利于服务商更好地提供个性化服务。现存关于这方面的研究,将所有的地点同等看待。但是在不同类别中,签到频率的数据规模却不可同等看待。本文基于TFIDF理论将签到频率转换成基于类别的偏好数据,提出一个基于地理邻近性的深度自编码器模型,利用签到数据中的地理信息构造推荐系统。在LBSNs真实数据集上进行实验分析,结果表明相对于对比算法,本文模型的实验结果更好,基于地理邻近性的深度自编码器模型适用于地点推荐任务。  相似文献   

This study proposes a location-based collaborative filtering recommendation system with dynamic time periods (LCFDTPs) for recommending timely and suitable points of interest (POIs) to mobile users. The system expedites calculating similarity based on POI recency and enables mobile users to promptly obtain recommended items that closely match their current space–time conditions by selecting different strategies for dissimilar situations. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated through simulations. The simulation results revealed that compared with three existing strategies, the proposed LCFDTP system demonstrated higher recommendation accuracy and coverage and a shorter average recommendation time. When the users’ moving velocity was set to 50 km/h and the query radius was set to 2 km, the recommendation precision of the proposed system was 61% higher than those of the other strategies. Moreover, the recommendation coverage and average response time of the LCFDTP system were 9% higher and 62% shorter than those of the other compared strategies, respectively. The LCFDTP system can also improve the POI recommendation quality by applying location-based services, thus enhancing user satisfaction.  相似文献   

下一个兴趣点推荐已经成为基于位置的社交网络(location-based social networks,LBSNs)中一个重要任务。现有的模型没有深入考虑相邻签到兴趣点之间的转移时空信息,无法对用户访问下一个兴趣点的长短时间偏好和远近距离偏好进行有效建模。本文通过对循环神经网络(recurrent neural network, RNN)进行扩展,提出一个新的基于会话的时空循环神经网络模型(sesson-based spatial-temporal recurrent neural network, SST-RNN)用于下一个兴趣点推荐。该模型通过设置时间转移矩阵和空间转移矩阵分别对用户的时间和空间偏好信息进行建模,综合考虑连续签到兴趣点的序列信息、时空信息以及用户偏好进行下一个兴趣点推荐。通过在2个真实公开的数据集上进行实验,结果显示本文提出的SST-RNN模型的推荐效果比主流的推荐模型有显著提升。在Foursquare和CA数据集上,ACC@5评价指标分别提升了36.38%和13.81%,MAP评价指标分别提升了30.72%和17.26%。  相似文献   

许朝  孟凡荣  袁冠  李月娥  刘肖 《计算机应用》2019,39(11):3178-3183
为解决兴趣点(POI)推荐不准确和效率低的问题,深入分析社交因素和地理位置因素的影响,提出了一种融合地点影响力的POI推荐算法。首先,为了解决签到数据稀疏的问题,将2-度好友引入协同过滤算法中构建了社交影响模型,通过计算经历和好友相似度获取2-度好友对用户的社交影响;其次,深入考虑地理位置因素对POI推荐影响,在对社交网络分析的基础上构造了地点影响力模型,通过PageRank算法发现用户影响力,结合POI被签到次数计算地点影响力,获取准确的整体位置偏好,并使用核密度估计方法对用户签到行为建模和获取个性化地理位置特征;最后,融合社交模型和地理位置模型提高推荐准确性,并通过构造POI推荐候选集来提高推荐效率。在Gowalla和Yelp签到数据集上实验,结果表明所提算法能够快速完成POI推荐,在准确率和召回率指标上明显优于融合时间因素的位置推荐(LRT)和融合地理社交因素的个性化位置推荐(iGSLR)算法。  相似文献   

Yin  Minghao  Liu  Yanheng  Zhou  Xu  Sun  Geng 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(30):36215-36235

Point of interest (POI) recommendation problem in location based social network (LBSN) is of great importance and the challenge lies in the data sparsity, implicit user feedback and personalized preference. To improve the precision of recommendation, a tensor decomposition based collaborative filtering (TDCF) algorithm is proposed for POI recommendation. Tensor decomposition algorithm is utilized to fill the missing values in tensor (user-category-time). Specifically, locations are replaced by location categories to reduce dimension in the first phase, which effectively solves the problem of data sparsity. In the second phase, we get the preference rating of users to POIs based on time and user similarity computation and hypertext induced topic search (HITS) algorithm with spatial constraints, respectively. Finally the user’s preference score of locations are determined by two items with different weights, and the Top-N locations are the recommendation results for a user to visit at a given time. Experimental results on two LBSN datasets demonstrate that the proposed model gets much higher precision and recall value than the other three recommendation methods.


现有的兴趣点推荐算法大都存在两个问题:第一,算法中利用用户签到的历史数据,而忽略了用户的评论和标签等信息,不能很好地解决冷启动问题。第二,部分算法在计算相似度时仅使用用户的签到评分,而由于POI签到矩阵的高稀疏性,会导致推荐结果不准确。鉴于上述问题,提出了利用潜在的狄利克雷分配(Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA)主题模型挖掘用户的兴趣话题,融合签到数据进行相似度度量,很好地解决了冷启动问题。在推荐生成阶段提出了一种动态预测法,动态填补缺失的访问概率,进一步缓解数据稀疏,提高推荐质量。在真实数据集上的实验结果表明,基于相似度融合和动态预测的兴趣点推荐算法有效解决了数据稀疏性和冷启动问题,推荐性能优于传统的推荐算法。  相似文献   

包玄  陈红梅  肖清 《计算机应用》2021,41(8):2406-2411
兴趣点(POI)推荐可以帮助用户发现其没有访问过但可能感兴趣的地点,是重要的基于位置的服务之一。时间在POI推荐中是一个重要因素,而现有POI推荐模型并没有较好地考虑时间因素,因此通过考虑时间因素来提出融入时间的POI协同推荐(TUCF)算法,从而提高POI推荐的效果。首先,分析基于位置的社交网络(LBSN)的用户签到数据,以探索用户签到的时间关系;然后,利用时间关系对用户签到数据进行平滑处理,以融入时间因素并缓解数据稀疏性;最后,根据基于用户的协同过滤方法,在不同时间推荐不同POI给用户。在真实签到数据集上的实验结果表明,与基于用户的协同过滤(U)算法相比,TUCF算法的精确率和召回率分别提高了63%和69%;与具有平滑增强时间偏好的协同过滤(UTE)算法相比,TUCF算法的精确率和召回率分别提高了8%和12%;并且TUCF算法的平均绝对误差(MAE)比U算法和UTE算法分别减小了1.4%和0.5%。  相似文献   

In general, city trip planning consists of two main steps: knowing Points‐Of‐Interest (POIs), and then planning a tour route from the current point to next preferred POIs. We mainly consider the metro for traveling around touristic cities as the main means of transportation. In this context, existing tools lack a capability to effectively visualize POIs on the metro map for trip planning. To bridge this gap, we propose an interactive framework that holistically combines presentations of POIs and a metro network. Our idea is to identify popular POIs based on visual worth computation, and to introduce POI discovery for effectively identifying POIs within reach of a metro network for users. We use octilinear layouts to highlight the metro network, and show representative POI images in the layout space visualized within a user‐specified viewing window. We have implemented our working prototype showing touristic cities with a metro network. We have factored out various design guidelines that are basis for designing our method, and validated our approach with a user study surveying 70 individuals.  相似文献   

随着海量移动数据的积累,下一个兴趣点推荐已成为基于位置的社交网络中的一项重要任务.目前,主流方法倾向于从用户近期的签到序列中捕捉局部动态偏好,但忽略了历史移动数据蕴含的全局静态信息,从而阻碍了对用户偏好的进一步挖掘,影响了推荐的准确性.为此,提出一种基于全局和局部特征融合的下一个兴趣点推荐方法.该方法利用签到序列中的顺序依赖和全局静态信息中用户与兴趣点之间、连续签到之间隐藏的关联关系建模用户移动行为.首先,引入两类全局静态信息,即User-POI关联路径和POI-POI关联路径,学习用户的全局静态偏好和连续签到之间的全局依赖关系.具体地,利用交互数据以及地理信息构建异构信息网络,设计关联关系表示学习方法,利用相关度引导的路径采样策略以及层级注意力机制获取全局静态特征.然后,基于两类全局静态特征更新签到序列中的兴趣点表示,并采用位置与时间间隔感知的自注意力机制来捕捉用户签到序列中签到之间的局部顺序依赖,进而评估用户访问兴趣点概率,实现下一个兴趣点推荐.最后,在两个真实数据集上进行了实验比较与分析,验证了所提方法能够有效提升下一个兴趣点推荐的准确性.此外,案例分析表明,建模显式路径有助于提...  相似文献   

Tour recommendation and itinerary planning are challenging tasks for tourists, due to their need to select points of interest (POI) to visit in unfamiliar cities and to select POIs that align with their interest preferences and trip constraints. We propose an algorithm called PersTour for recommending personalized tours using POI popularity and user interest preferences, which are automatically derived from real-life travel sequences based on geo-tagged photographs. Our tour recommendation problem is modeled using a formulation of the Orienteering problem and considers user trip constraints such as time limits and the need to start and end at specific POIs. In our work, we also reflect levels of user interest based on visit durations and demonstrate how POI visit duration can be personalized using this time-based user interest. Furthermore, we demonstrate how PersTour can be further enhanced by: (i) a weighted updating of user interests based on the recency of their POI visits and (ii) an automatic weighting between POI popularity and user interests based on the tourist’s activity level. Using a Flickr dataset of ten cities, our experiments show the effectiveness of PersTour against various collaborative filtering and greedy-based baselines, in terms of tour popularity, interest, recall, precision and F\(_1\)-score. In particular, our results show the merits of using time-based user interest and personalized POI visit durations, compared to the current practice of using frequency-based user interest and average visit durations.  相似文献   

兴趣点(POI)的签到数据体现了用户的偏好和兴趣点的分布特征,这在兴趣点推荐领域有极为重要的价值.为了缓解数据稀疏造成的推荐不准确等问题,本文提出了融合时间序列的POI动态推荐算法,结合用户与用户之间的关系、兴趣点位置以及流行度信息等.首先划分时间序列,得到时间因子的相似度;其次时间序列融入到基于用户的协同过滤算法,再根据时间的连续性特征得到基于用户的预测评分,然后将地理影响因子与基于时间的流行度信息结合,预测用户的评分,进而与基于用户的评分加权融合;最后,在Gowalla数据集上进行实验,结果表明,本文提出的融合时间序列的POI动态推荐算法能够有效减小推荐误差,提高推荐精度与召回率.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a recommendation system that considers user's functionality levels regarding physical or psychological limitations. This paper describes a set of models and algorithms used under a tourism recommendation system based in users and points-of-interest (POI) profiles. Also, this proposal considers a different manner to classify POI including their accessibility levels, mapped with similar physical and psychological issues. In this study, based on the Design Science Research methodology, an architecture is proposed and a touristic recommendation system prototype where users are modelled with new types of information in addition to traditional approaches such as their levels of functionality regarding a set of physical and intellectual issues, is also presented. POIs are also modelled with the same information structure and maintain knowledge on their limitations against some health conditions.  相似文献   

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