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正庆安灌溉试验站地处于绥化市庆安县和平灌区,位于东经127°30'04",北纬46°52'41",北邻安邦河及和平灌区安邦河提水渠首工程,东邻哈佳铁路、哈伊公路,临界于第二积温带和第三积温带之间。庆安灌溉试验站总占地面积273亩,其中水田面积174亩。分为核心试验区、设施农业育苗区、教育培训区、排水净化试验区、试验示范区、辐射推广区六大部分。庆安灌溉试验站前身为庆安县水务局所属和平灌区水稻试验站,自1978年建站以来一直进行水稻需水量、节水灌溉制度、水稻品种筛选、稻田环境效应等多项研究工作,2003年批准为水利  相似文献   

针对东港灌区灌溉管理手段落后,水分利用效率不高,水资源浪费等具体问题,在东港水稻灌区进行了自动灌溉管理信息系统关键技术等方面的研究,并进行了系统实践性开发。目前,系统开发已基本完成,其应用将大幅节约水资源,提高水稻灌溉的科学管理水平,对当地的灌区信息化管理起到巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

近年来柳园口灌区的水稻种植面积呈萎缩趋势,一方面水资源日益紧张,另一方面水稻种植区大量存在用水浪费现象,大面积推广水稻节水灌溉技术是引黄灌区可持续发展的唯一正确选择。通过柳园口灌区水稻种植区推广节水控制灌溉技术,节水达到63.92%,叶面积指数平均增加9.85%,水稻产量稳定增产,说明水稻节水控制灌溉技术在豫东引黄灌区有良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

星星哨灌区依据水稻需水规律,结合实际运行情况,研究出分阶段的水稻节水灌溉技术,几年来在灌溉供水中应用,大旱之年不减产,取得了良好的节水增产效果。  相似文献   

万玉文 《山西水利》2005,21(5):44-45
近年来,桂东南地区积极探索和应用水稻节水灌溉技术,取得了显著的增产节水效益以及扩灌、发电、冬种等效益,促进了灌区管理水平的提高,展示了南方灌区水稻节水灌溉技术应用的广阔前景。  相似文献   

兴凯湖灌区水稻节水控制灌溉实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以兴凯湖灌区八五六农场为试验地,分别从水稻分蘖数、株高及产量等方面对水稻节水控制灌溉进行了试验研究。试验结果表明:节水控制灌溉株高、穗粒数均低于常规灌溉CK,但有效穗数结实率、千粒重均高于常规灌溉,节水率在30%以上。  相似文献   

通过对我国目前水资源短缺、大中型水稻灌区灌溉水利用系数较低,国内外精准灌溉技术发展的现状及趋势分析,分享黑龙江省兰西县长岗灌区在研究水稻节水控制灌溉精准管理模式的相关内容,着重阐述水稻节水控制灌溉精准管理方面的具体做法,提出在推广方面目前存在的一些问题、经验及今后发展的建议。  相似文献   

以漳河水库灌区1966~2005年水稻产量和灌溉供水量实际数据为依据,对水稻产量变化和水资源利用效率进行了分析,对水稻产量和灌溉水分生产率增长的主要因素进行了探讨.在水稻种植面积和灌溉用水量减少较多的情况下,水稻单产量稳步增长,水稻总产量变化不大,灌溉水分生产率的大幅度提高,提升了灌区内水资源的承载能力.  相似文献   

灌溉制度是灌区规划设计和灌溉管理的重要指标。本文采用林甸县灌区作为研究区,用试验站资料作为研究资料,分析灌区作物(以水稻为例)生育期水量补给和消耗情况,得出不同生育期阶段盐碱度的危害不同,从而确定灌区的灌溉制度。  相似文献   

高广林 《东北水利水电》2003,21(1):49-49,52
自然降水不足和灌溉水源供水不能满足水稻正常需水要求时,水稻生长受到干旱胁迫。本文通过星星哨灌区连续2年遭遇到设计保证率以外年份的干旱,探讨研究了水稻在干旱胁迫下的生育状态及产量,为水田灌区节水灌溉提供基础依据。  相似文献   

Urban stormwater runoff could have negative impacts on water resources and the environment. Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) can serve both as a stormwater control and water conservation measure. Cistern size and irrigation scheduling are two of the factors that directly impact the total runoff from a residential unit with a RWH system and the amount of potable water used for irrigation. The effectiveness of RWH was evaluated for four soil types; Sand, Sandy Loam, Loamy Sand, and Silty Clay, with a root zone of 15.2 cm using three irrigation scheduling methods (Evapotranspiration (ET)-based, soil moisture-based, and time-based), and five cistern sizes. Total runoff volumes and total supplemental potable water used were compared among the three irrigation scheduling systems and a control treatment without RWH. A model was developed to simulate the daily water balance for the treatments. Irrigation and runoff volumes were compared for the various scenarios. Silty clay soil resulted with 83 % more runoff than Sandy soil, while Sandy soil required on average 58 % more supplemental water than Silty Clay soil. On average, the 833 L cistern resulted with 41 % savings in water supply and 45 % reduction in total runoff. Results showed that the greatest volumes of runoff predicted were for the silty clay soil Control Treatment using a time-based irrigation scheduling method, while the least volumes calculated were for the sandy loam soil time-based irrigation scheduling treatment with 833 L cistern size. The greatest volumes of total supplemental water predicted were for sandy loam soil Control Treatment, while the least volumes were for silty clay soil ET-based irrigation scheduling treatment with 833 L cistern size. Regression equations were developed to allow for users to select a RWH cistern size based on the amount of water they want to save or runoff to reduce.  相似文献   

Water‐use efficiency under drip‐ and furrow‐irrigation in Hawaii's sugar industry was studied. The study method consisted of a quadratic production function describing tons of sugar per acre (TSA) with respect to water use, fertilizer use, plant cycle, cane age, irrigation method used, cane varieties, harvesting months, and field characteristics. Drip irrigation in Hawaii's sugar industry was found to be a preferred alternative, resulting in yield increases of about 15% and water‐use reduction of almost 12%. This superior performance of drip over furrow irrigation was largely due to the land‐quality‐augmenting characteristics of drip technology.  相似文献   

基于2000-2014年西安市统计年鉴、陕西省水资源公报以及陕西省水利统计年鉴等相关资料,采用能值分析基本理论分析计算了西安市2000-2014年的灌溉效益分摊系数以及灌溉用水产生的效益值,以此为基础分析了灌溉水效益分摊系数以及效益值的时间变化过程,同时,采用回归分析法分析了效益分摊系数的影响因素。结果表明:近15 a来西安市的农业灌溉效益分摊系数多年平均值为0.34,并且在时间上总体呈下降趋势;单方灌溉水效益随着时间变化持续增大,总效益的变化趋势与单方灌溉水效益基本一致;灌溉用水、降水、人力投入、农药化肥施用、机械动力投入等是影响西安市灌溉用水效益分摊系数的主要因素,人力投入及灌溉用水与灌溉效益分摊系数存在着正相关关系,其他因子却与农业灌溉分摊系数有负相关关系。  相似文献   

以广州市主要蔬菜种类菜豆、青花菜、福田菜心、大白菜和西葫芦为对象,用测墒灌溉和传统沟灌2种方法进行蔬菜需水规律和用水定额测定试验研究。结果表明,两种灌溉方法对蔬菜的用水量和水分利用效益产生影响程度不同。测墒灌溉处理平均用水量为9.0 m3/( hm2· d),比沟灌处理平均用水量10.7 m3/( hm2· d),平均节约16.0%。测墒灌溉处理的该5种蔬菜的水分利用效率均有大幅提高,分别比传统沟灌增加76.8%、70.2%、81.8%、73.2%、373.2%。同时测墒灌溉处理能促进蔬菜生长,减轻病虫害发生,不同程度提高了各种蔬菜的产量。试验为广州市主要蔬菜品种灌溉用水定额的测定及菜田农业用水量的计算提供了参考依据,为不同蔬菜品种和不同栽培方式的灌溉用水量及其相关水利建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Climate change and recurrent drought in many of the world's dry places continue to inspire the search for economically attractive measures to conserve water. This study analyzes water conservation practices in irrigated agriculture in a sub-basin in North America's Rio Grande. A method is developed to estimate water savings in irrigated agriculture that result from public subsidies to farmers who convert from surface to drip irrigation. The method accounts for economic incentives affecting farmers' choices on irrigation technology, crop mix, water application, and water depletion. Findings show that farmers will invest in technologies that reduce water applications when faced with lower financial costs for converting to drip irrigation. Subsidies for drip irrigation increase farm income, raise the value of food production, and reduce the amount of water applied to crops. However, an unexpected result is that water conservation subsidies that promote conversion to drip irrigation can increase the demand for water depleted by crops. Our findings show that where water rights exist, water rights administrators will need to guard against increased depletion of the water source in the face of growing subsidies for drip irrigation. Our approach for analyzing water conservation programmes can be applied where water is scarce, irrigation is significant, food security is important, and water conservation policies are under debate.  相似文献   

很多大中型灌区在输配水过程中存在水位衔接不当的问题,加之田面高程存在起伏,使得灌溉时往往存在部分田面不能上水或受淹等问题。本文提出了空间灌溉率的概念,并利用GIS的三维分析功能研究了其与渠道渠首水位之间的关系。分析表明,空间灌溉率与渠首水位之间的关系符合Logistic曲线;针对船行灌区一支渠,得到该Logistic曲线的参数,并确定了一支渠渠首和干渠渠首不同空间灌溉率所需的水位,为灌区水位实时调控提供基础数据。  相似文献   

咸水灌溉技术试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汾河三坝灌区咸水灌溉技术试验结果表明:先淡后咸灌水方式比先咸后淡灌水方式冬小麦、春玉米、棉花分别增产66 % 、42 % 、52 % ,比单用咸水灌溉增产391 % 、79 % 、263 % 。在淡水资源许可的情况下,应采用咸、淡水轮灌,并且尽可能保证苗期淡水灌溉。三种作物生育期的土壤含盐量、相对溶液浓度以先淡后咸的灌水方式对作物生长较为有利。  相似文献   


Considering changes in irrigation planning and development due to climate change is necessary to avoid system failure. This study demonstrated that changes in dependable flow and diversion water requirements in the future due to climate change will reduce potential irrigable areas. Climate change were based on the published projected climate in the study area. The dependable flow derived from successfully calibrated and validated Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model streamflow simulations and the diversion water requirements based on the CROPWAT estimations of irrigation scheme were used to assess the potential irrigable areas. Substantial reductions in potential rice production areas (-4% to – 39%) were largely due to dwindled dependable flow (-1% to -25%) and an increase in diversion water requirement (+?7% to?+?26%). Reduction in potential irrigable area was projected during dry and normal years and may worsen towards the late twenty-first century under the worst-case climate scenario. Swelling of rivers during wet years will increase stream flows and potential irrigable areas but may also pose a danger of flooding. The development of water storage structures is necessary to reduce the adverse impacts of too much water during the wet years. Crop calendars should also be retrofitted to optimize the use of available rainfall during dry and normal years and climate-proof future irrigation systems. The results showed that it is necessary to incorporate climate change in irrigation planning and development. The methodologies described here could be used to climate-proof future irrigation systems in other areas in the Philippines and other countries.


Helen Ingram 《国际水》2013,38(1):6-11
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the long-term relationship between China's grain output and its use of irrigation water. It shows that over the last 30 years, China has maintained an increase in grain output while irrigation water withdrawal has been decreasing. Irrigation water use was not significantly correlated with grain output due to the greater offsetting effect of prices and cropping area. Although China's agricultural water use will continue to dwindle, there is no reason to expect that water productivity increases cannot continue to keep pace. This is no excuse for complacency, however.  相似文献   

A conceptual model of a representative irrigated farm is formulated to study farm responses to two economic policies commonly suggested to encourage agricultural water conservation, and to characterize the hydrological and economic circumstances in which these responses provide the desired conservation. The economic policies studied are to increase the irrigator's cost of applied water and to subsidize the irrigator's cost of investing in improved on-farm irrigation efficiency. Comparative statics results demonstrate that increasing the cost of applied water may be a more effectual water conservation policy than subsidizing the cost of improved on-farm irrigation efficiency.  相似文献   

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