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The use of organic amendments to bioremediate potential organic pollutants of soil and water has become an increasingly relevant issue in the last years. This strategy has been applied to four triazine herbicides in a typical calcareous agricultural soil of the Mediterranean area. The soil was amended with olive cake, compost and vermicompost of olive cake at rates four times higher than the agronomic dose in order to stimulate biodegradation of simazine, terbuthylazine, cyanazine and prometryn, added in a mixture to the soils. Degradation studies were carried out in sterile and microbially active soil to evaluate the effect of the chemical and biological degradation of triazines. The residual herbicide concentrations at the end of the degradation assay showed no significant differences between non amended and amended soil. However, the addition of compost and vermicompost enhanced the biological degradation rate of triazines during the first week of incubation, with half-lives ranging form 5 to 18 days for the amended soils, whilst negligible degradation occurred in non-amended soil during this period. In contrast, olive cake did not significantly modify the degradation of triazines in spite that the addition of this amendment to soil resulted in the highest dehidrogenase activity values. In all the substrates, degradation of cyanazine and prometryn was faster (between 1.5 and two times higher) than those of terbuthylazine and simazine, without significant relationship with sorption parameters. The first order kinetic equation satisfactorily explained the experimental data for all triazines. A biphasic model, such as that proposed by Hoerl, was better to predict the very rapid triazines decay during the first week of incubation in soil amended with compost and vermicompost.  相似文献   

In situ inactivation of soil Pb is an alternative to soil removal and replacement that has been demonstrated in recent years at industrial sites with hazardous soil Pb concentrations. Most children exposed to elevated soil Pb, however, reside in urban areas, and no government programs exist to remediate such soils unless an industrial source caused the contamination. Modern regulated biosolids composts have low Pb concentrations and low bioaccessible Pb fractions and can improve grass growth on urban soils. High Fe and P biosolids composts can reduce the bioavailability and bioaccessibility of soil Pb and can aid in establishing vegetation that would reduce soil transfer into homes. For these reasons, we conducted a field test of their use to reduce Pb bioaccessibility in urban soils in Baltimore, MD USA. We chose biosolids compost for its expected reduction in the bioaccessible Pb fraction of urban soils, ease of use by urban residents, and ability to beautify urban areas. Nine urban yards with mean soil Pb concentrations >800 mg Pb kg(-1) were selected and sampled at several distances from the house foundation before soil treatment. The soils were rototilled to 20 cm depth to prepare the sites, and resampled. The yards were then amended with 6-8 cm depth of Orgro biosolids compost (110-180 dry t/ha) rich in Fe and P, mixed well by rototilling, and resampled. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) was seeded and became well established. Soils were resampled 1 year later. At each sampling time, total soil Pb was measured using a modified U.S. EPA nitric acid hotplate digestion method (SW 846 Method 3050) and bioaccessible Pb fraction was measured using the Solubility/Bioaccesibility Research Consortium standard operating procedure with modifications, including the use of glycine-buffered HCl at pH 2.2. Samples of untreated soils were collected from each yard and mixed well to serve as controls for the Pb bioaccessibility of field treated soils over time independent of positional variance within yards. At 1-year post-treatment, grass cover was healthy and reductions in bioaccessible Pb concentrations compared to pre-tillage were 64% (from 1655 to 595 mg kg(-1)) and 67% (from 1381 to 453 mg kg(-1)) at the sampling lines closest to the houses. Little or no reduction in bioaccessible Pb concentration was observed at sampling lines more remote from the house that also had the lowest bioaccessible Pb concentrations at pre-tillage (620 and 436 mg kg(-1), respectively). For the control soils, changes over time in total Pb and bioaccessible Pb concentrations and the bioaccessible Pb fraction were insignificant. This study confirms the viability of in situ remediation of soils in urban areas where children are at risk of high Pb exposure from lead in paint, dust and soil.  相似文献   

Long-term application of phosphate fertilizers causes accumulation of U in the surface soil of agricultural fields. We investigated the soil constituents that contribute to the accumulation of U by using chemical extraction methods. Surface soil samples were obtained from upland fields, pastures, and paddy fields cultivated without any phosphate fertilizer (control site), with NPK fertilizer (NPK site), and with both NPK fertilizer and compost (NPK + compost site) for more than 20 years. In addition to the total U (Ut) concentration in soil, the concentrations of pyrophosphate- and acid oxalate-extractable U were determined as a measure of U associated with soil organic matter and poorly crystalline Fe/Al minerals in soil, respectively. The total, pyrophosphate-extractable, and acid oxalate-extractable U concentrations were higher in the soil obtained from the NPK and NPK + compost sites than in that obtained from the control site. The difference in the U concentrations between the NPK or NPK + compost site and the control site corresponded with the increased U concentration observed after the application of the phosphate fertilizer or both the fertilizer and compost. In the upland field and pasture soil, the increase in pyrophosphate-extractable U was 83-94% of that in Ut. On the other hand, the increase in acid oxalate-extractable U was 44-58% of that in Ut in the upland field and pasture soil, but it was almost equivalent to the increase in Ut in the paddy soil with NPK. In conclusion, most of the phosphate fertilizer-derived U was either incorporated into the soil organic matter or poorly crystalline Fe/Al minerals in the surface soil of agricultural fields. Thus, soil organic matter is an important pool of U in upland field and pasture soil, whereas poorly crystalline Fe/Al minerals are important pools of U in paddy soil experiencing alternating changes in redox conditions.  相似文献   

In situ soil treatment using phosphoric acid (H(3)PO(4)) may be an effective remedial technology for immobilizing soil Pb and reducing Pb risk to human health and ecosystem. The treatment efficacy of three H(3)PO(4) application methods was assessed in a smelter-contaminated urban soil located in the Jasper County Superfund Site, Missouri. Soil, with an average of 3529 mg Pb kg(-1) and in the 2- by 4-m plot size, was treated with H(3)PO(4) at a rate of 10 g P kg(-1) in four replicates by each of three methods: rototilling; surface application; pressure injection. Three soil cores, 2.5-cm diameter and 30-cm long, were taken from each plot before and 90 days after treatment and analyzed for soluble P, bioaccessible Pb and solid-Pb speciation. Applications of H(3)PO(4) induced the heterogeneity of soluble P in soil, with the highest concentrations in the surface. Three application methods mixed the H(3)PO(4) more effectively in the horizontals than the verticals of treated soil zone. The H(3)PO(4) applications significantly reduced Pb bioaccessibility in the soil, which was influenced by the concentrations of soil soluble P and solid-Pb species. The risk reductions of soil Pb were achieved by formation of pyromorphites or pyromorphite-like minerals. The rototilling appears to be the most effective treatment method in context of the homogeneity of soluble P and the reduction of Pb bioaccessibility in treated soil.  相似文献   

戎建开  段艳玲 《山西建筑》2004,30(20):43-44
分析了压力注浆的机理,并对注浆法在加固工程中的设计、施工工艺进行了介绍,经过实践证明,指出该地基处理方法具有造价低廉、施工方便和不破坏原有建筑物等优点。  相似文献   

Dynamic modelling of hydrochemistry is a valuable tool to study and predict the recovery of surface waters from acidification, and to assess the effects of confounding factors (such as delayed soil response and changing climate) that cause hysteresis during reversal from acidification. The availability of soil data is often a limitation for the regional application of dynamic models. Here we present a method to upscale site-specific soil properties to a regional scale in order to circumvent that problem. The method proposed for upscaling relied on multiple regression models between soil properties and a suite of environmental variables used as predictors. Soil measurements were made during a field survey in 13 catchments in the Pyrenees (NW Spain). The environmental variables were derived from mapped or remotely sensed topographic, lithological, land-cover, and climatic information. Regression models were then used to model soil parameters, which were supplied as input for the biogeochemical model MAGIC (Model for Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments) in order to reconstruct the history of acidification in Pyrenean lakes and forecast the recovery under a scenario of reduced acid deposition. The resulting simulations were then compared with model runs using field measurements as input parameters. These comparisons showed that regional averages for the key water and soil chemistry variables were suitably reproduced when using the modelled parameters. Simulations of water chemistry at the catchment scale also showed good results, whereas simulated soil parameters reflected uncertainty in the initial modelled estimates.  相似文献   

目前基于贝叶斯结合马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)的参数识别方法仅在某些传统的简单本构模型的参数识别上得到了验证。鉴于此,提出了一种效率更高的基于差分进化算法的过渡马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法(DE-TMCMC),并基于此提出了一种高效的贝叶斯参数识别方法,应用于高级土体本构模型的参数识别。为了验证其稳健性和有效性,选取丰浦砂的常规室内试验结果作为目标试验来识别考虑临界状态的砂土本构模型的参数。通过对比原始TMCMC方法在参数识别上的表现,突显了DE-TMCMC在识别砂土高级本构模型参数方面的能力。  相似文献   

Basic soil parameters of Kozlar high plateau in Mut (Mersin) have been investigated. Soil samples were collected from the eroded, maquis and forest habitats of the research area in January, October, April and July between 2000 and 2002. The average values for soil moisture, CaCO3, saturation percentage, field capacity, salinity, conductivity, pH, total carbon and total nitrogen were found in the range of 4.0–19.7%, 25.0–33.3%, 39.7–72.1%, 22.0–56.0%, 0.027–0.074 dS/m, 0.80–1.2 μS/cm, 7.5–8.1, 0.82–5.50%, and 0.10–0.58%, respectively. Generally, despite no significant differences among the soil parameters of the three habitats, only three parameters, saturation percentages, amount of total carbon and of carbon mineralization differed significantly.  相似文献   

The chlorfenapyr analysis method of residue, its degradation and final residue in soil and cabbage were studied. Residues of chlorfenapyr were extracted from soil and cabbage with acetone/water, purified by liquid/liquid partition and chromatographic column, concentrated to a small volume, and then determined by HPLC equipped with UV detector. The mean accuracy of analytical method were 93.3% and 90.6% in soil and cabbage, respectively; the precision (repeatability) in cabbage ranging from 1.7% to 11.8%, in soil ranging from 2.8% to 11.2%; the precision (reproducibility) in cabbage ranged from 2.2% to 12.1%, in soil it ranged from 2.4% to 11.5%. The minimum detectable amount of chlorfenapyr was 0.65 ng, the minimum detectable concentration was 0.0162 mg kg-1. The degradation of chlorfenapyr formulations in soil and cabbage was determined. The results showed that chlorfenapyr nanoformulation and suspension concentration degradation in soil coincided with C=0.2538 e-0.1612t, C=0.537 e-0.1754t, respectively; the half-lives were about 4.3 d and 3.9 d, respectively. Two kinds of chlorfenapyr formulation degradation in cabbage coincided with C=4.0431 e-0.3103t, C=6.9611 e-0.2686t respectively; the half-lives were about 2.2 d and 2.6, d, respectively. When chlorfenapyr formulations were applied according to the double recommended dose, the final residues in cabbage were much lower than the USA EPA's maximum residue limit of 1 mg kg-1 in vegetables. The degradation rate of chlorfenapyr nanoformulation was faster than that of suspension concentration, and the former residue was also less in soil. Therefore, a harvest interval should be more than 5 d, and a dosage of 900 mL/hm2 was suggested for chlorfenapyr suspension concentration, which could be considered as safe to human beings and animals. Chlorfenapyr nanoformulation was safer than suspension concentration, its harvest interval and dosage can attain a high level.  相似文献   

After forest fires on the east coast of Korea in 2000, some burnt areas were left untreated. Although 80% of the area was reasonably revegetated within 3 months, about 20% of the area was partially vegetated, mainly due to a low density of sprouters and poor growing conditions (eroded soil and steep slopes). Three years after the fires, the effect of soil conservation measures, such as mulching with wood chips, seeding with native plant species and log erosion barriers (LEBs), on runoff and soil erosion were examined using runoff plots. Wood chip mulching greatly reduced runoff and sediment yields and these effects were consistent regardless of the volume of rainfall. Neither seeding nor LEBs reduced runoff and sediment yields. No positive or negative effects of mulching, seeding or LEBs on ground vegetation cover were observed. The ineffectiveness of seeding and LEBs may have been due to the steep slope, the failure of germination and establishment of seeded plants, and the small diameter of logs. Treating hill slopes with mulch should be considered where post-fire regeneration is slow and there is an absence of organic material such as litter.  相似文献   

本文通过某高速互通匝道路基挡土墙台后采用现浇泡沫轻质土填筑的工程实例,介绍了挡土墙抗滑移稳定性不足的情况下的病害处理,以及一种新型的轻质材料现浇轻质泡沫土的应用和施工。  相似文献   

A long-term model of stream acidification, MAGIC, has been applied to an acidic moorland catchment, the Gwy, in mid-Wales. This application has been used to examine the effects of variability of weathering on soil, groundwater and stream water chemistry from 1844 to the present day and onwards to 2080 with a predicted acidic oxide reduction of 60% in the future. The results show that weathering initially affects soil, groundwater and stream water chemistry profoundly. Despite this, the results indicate that a simple two-layer (one soil and one groundwater end-member) model can still provide a good prediction of long-term stream water quality even when each soil and groundwater area is heterogeneous in composition. The work provides support for the use of the lumped MAGIC model. However, for the predictions to be applicable it is shown that it is critical that the relative contribution of waters and soil exchange materials from the hydrochemically distinct regions within the catchment are adequately represented within the model. This probably means that further field work is required to examine source area contributions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the long-term effects of fire on soil phosphorus (P) and to determine the efficiency of different procedures in extracting soil P forms. Different P forms were determined: labile forms (Olsen-P, Bray-P, and P extracted by anion exchange membranes: AEM-P); moderately labile inorganic and organic P, obtained by NaOH-EDTA extraction after removing the AEM-P fraction; and total organic and inorganic soil P. 31P-NMR spectroscopy was used to characterize the structure of alkali-soluble P forms (orthophosphate, monoester, pyrophosphate, and DNA). The studied area was a Pinus pinaster forest located at Arenas de San Pedro (southern Avila, Spain). The soils were Dystric Cambisols over granites. Soil samples were collected at 0-2 cm, 2-5 cm, and 10-15 cm depths, two years after a fire in the burned area and in an adjacent unburned forest area. Fire increased the total N, organic C, total P, and organic and inorganic P content in the surface soil layer. In burned soil, the P extracted by the sequential procedure (AEM and NaOH + EDTA) was about 95% of the total P. Bray extraction revealed a fire-induced increase in the sorption surfaces. Analysis by chemical methods overestimated the organic P fraction in the EDTA-NaOH extract in comparison with the determination by ignition procedure. This overestimation was more important in the burned than unburned soil samples, probably due to humification promoted by burning, which increased P sorption by soil particles. The fire-induced changes on the structure of alkali-soluble P were an increase in orthophosphate-P and a decrease in monoester-P and DNA-P.  相似文献   

潘丽芳 《福建建筑》2014,(12):77-79
本文主要以福州海峡国际会展中心扩建工程处理液化土层为工程实例,总结判别、设计和施工过程中的经验。提出一些振冲碎石桩作为土层抗液化措施的设计要求,施工工艺要求以及质量检验标准。  相似文献   

Starting in July 2000, treated wastewater of urban origin has been used for the "Serres de Pals" golf course irrigation (Girona, Spain). To evaluate if the soil and the aquifer underneath are affected by the utilization of this type of water, samples have been taken along a period of several months from the wastewater treatment plant, the stabilization lagoon, groundwater and soil profiles. Analyses have been performed for total coliforms and aerobic bacteria, soil water pressure and soil water content as well as chemical analyses of the irrigation water, aquifer and water of the vadose zone. Soil profiles taken at several times during the study indicate the absence of coliforms except for a short period during summer. In the vadose zone an increase of more than 1000 mg kg(-1) of NaO(2) in the top 60 cm of soil was observed while Cl(-) concentration in the aquifer reached up to 1200 mg l(-1) ten months after starting the irrigation.  相似文献   

地基沉降计算一直是岩土工程研究中的热点和难点问题,其困难在于室内试验与原位岩土参数差异较大,尤其是砂土地基和结构性强的硬黏土地基,基于室内试验参数的沉降计算与实际的误差较大。基于原位压板载荷试验来确定计算参数的切线模量法能克服这个缺点,并能计算地基的非线性沉降,是地基沉降计算的一个新进步。但原位压板载荷试验相对其他试验难度大、费用高,尤其对于深层土体,难度更大。为此,利用位于美国Texas A&M University大学河滨校区砂土地基上进行的系统的岩土试验资料,通过其不同压板尺寸的载荷试验,对切线模量法应用于砂土地基非线性沉降计算的适用性进行了验证,然后进一步研究由旁压试验、静力触探等简单的原位试验确定切线模量法所需的计算参数的可行性。结果表明:切线模量法所需的计算参数由旁压试验、静力触探等简单的原位试验确定是可行的,从而为切线模量法的推广应用确定提供了更简单的方法。对推动地基设计理论的发展有较好的意义。  相似文献   

Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation is proposed as an environmentally friendly method to protect decayed ornamental stone and introduced in the field of preservation of Cultural Heritage. Recent conservation studies performed under laboratory conditions on non-sterile calcarenite stones have successfully reported on the application of a suitable nutritional solution, inoculated and non-inoculated with Myxococcus xanthus, as a bioconsolidation treatment. Furthermore, this procedure has been applied in situ, very recently, to selected historical buildings in Granada, Spain. For the first time, we evaluate the efficiency and risks of the in situ application of the above mentioned treatments onto two historical buildings in Granada. The evaluation consists of a detailed investigation of the micro-biota actively growing during the seven days of the treatments - short-term monitoring and of that remaining on the stones after six and twelve months of the application - long-term monitoring. A molecular strategy, including DNA extraction, PCR amplification of 16S rRNA sequences, construction of clone libraries and fingerprinting by DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) analysis followed by sequencing was used to gain insight into the microbial diversity present on the differentially treated stones. The monitoring of M. xanthus was performed by PCR using species-specific primers. Similar dynamics were triggered on both buildings by the application of the nutritional solution (inoculated or non-inoculated). 16S rDNA sequencing revealed the dominant occurrence of members belonging to the Firmicutes and Proteobacteria during the seven days of the treatment, whereas after one year the order Bacillales of the phylum Firmicutes was the predominantly detected microorganisms. M. xanthus could be detected only during the seven days of the treatment. The treatments seem to activate no dangerous microorganisms and furthermore, to select the remainder of a homogeneous group of carbonatogenic bacteria on the stones after a long period of time.  相似文献   

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