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Summary A glucose-yeast extract-salt medium containing 0, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 or 20 g pimaricin/ml with an initial pH of 3.5 or 5.5 was inoculated withAspergillus parasiticus WB 108 and incubated at 15° or 28 °C. The pH, weight of mycelium and amount of aflatoxin produced were determined after 3, 7, and 10 days and after 14, 21, and 30 days when incubation was at 28° or 15 °C, respectively. Increasing the concentration of pimaricin in the medium with an initial pH of 5.5 decreased the amounts of aflatoxin B1 and G1 produced after 3 days of incubation. When the initial pH of the medium was 3.5, no growth or toxin production occurred after 3 days of incubation in the medium containing 7.5 g or more of pimaricin/ml. The presence of 20 g of pimaricin/ml inhibited growth and toxin production after 7 days of incubation. When cultures were incubated at 15 °C, there was a lag phase which extended from 9 to 16 days, and the amounts of aflatoxin produced decreased with an increasing concentration of pimaricin. Pimaricin did not completely inhibit the growth and aflatoxin production byA. parasiticus. Pimaricin, in combination with a low pH, low temperature or 4% or 6% NaCl, initially caused slow mycelial growth and low toxin production, but the mold overcame the inhibitory effects and produced substantial amounts of mycelium and toxin.
Wachstum und Aflatoxin Produktion vonAspergillus parasiticus in einem Medium mit verschiedenen pH-Werten und mit oder ohne Pimaricin
Zusammenfassung Ein Glucose-Hefeextrakt-Salz-Medium mit 0, 5, 7,5, 10, 15 oder 20 g Pimaricin/ml und mit einem Ausgangs-pH von 3,5 oder 5,5 wurde mitAspergillus parasiticus WB 108 inoculiert und bei 15 °C oder 28 °C inkubiert. Der pH-Wert, das Gewicht des Mycels und die Aflatoxin-Produktion wurden nach 3, 7 und 10 Tagen bestimmt bei einer Inkubationstemperatur von 28 °C bzw. nach 14, 21 und 30 Tagen bei 15 °C. Erhöhung der Konzentrationen von Pimaricin im Medium mit einem ursprünglichen pHWert von 5,5 verminderte die Menge an Aflatoxin B1 und G1 nach 3 Tagen. Wenn der Anfangs-pH-Wert des Mediums 3,5 betrug, waren nach 3 Inkubationstagen kein Wachstum oder Toxin-Produktion zu beobachten, wenn das Medium 7,5 g oder mehr Pimaricin/ml enthielt. Die Anwesenheit von 20 g Pimaricin hemmte Wachstum und Toxin-Produktion nach 7 Tagen. Wenn Kulturen bei 15 °C inkubiert wurden, entstand eine Verzögerungsphase von 9 bis 16 Tagen und die Menge an produziertem Aflatoxin verminderte sich mit zunehmender Pimaricinkonzentration. Pimaricin verhinderte Wachstum und Aflatoxin-Produktion vonA. parasiticus jedoch nicht vollständig. In Kombination mit niedrigem pH-Wert, niedriger Temperatur oder 4 bzw. 6% NaCI im Medium bewirkte Pimaricin anfänglich ein langsames Mycel-Wachstum und eine niedrige Toxin-Produktion, aber der Schimmel überwand diese Hemmung und produzierte dann beträchtliche Mengen an Mycel und Toxin.

Mutants of Aspergillus parasiticus highly resistant to phenylpyrroles were isolated at a high mutation frequency, after UV-mutagenesis and selection on media containing fludioxonil. Studies on the effect of mutation(s) on the aflatoxin production resulted in the identification of two fludioxonil-resistant phenotypes: aflatoxigenic (FLD(afl)(+)) and non-aflatoxigenic (FLD(afl)(-)) mutant strains. Most of the FLD(afl)(+) mutant strains produced the aflatoxin B(1) at similar or even higher (up to 2.5-fold) concentrations than the wild-type parent strain on yeast extract sucrose medium. Interestingly, in most of these mutant strains the aflatoxigenic ability significantly increased (up to 4-fold) when the mutants were grown on fungicide-amended medium. However, a significant reduction in the aflatoxin production was observed in wheat grains by all FLD(afl)(+) mutant strains. Tests on the response of mutant strains to high osmotic pressure showed that most fludioxonil-resistant mutants were more sensitive to high osmolarity than the wild-type parent strain. Study of other fitness determining parameters showed that the mutation(s) for resistance to phenylpyrroles may or may not affect the mycelial growth rate, sporulation and conidial germination. However, in a number of aflatoxigenic-mutant strains these fitness parameters were unaffected or only slightly affected. Cross resistance studies with fungicides from different chemical groups showed that the mutation(s) for resistance to fludioxonil also highly reduced the sensitivity of mutant strains to the aromatic hydrocarbon and dicarboximide fungicides. No effect of phenylpyrroles resistance mutation(s) on fungitoxicity of triazoles, benzimidazoles, anilinopyrimidines, phenylpyridinamines, strobilurin-type fungicides and to the non site-specific inhibitors chlorothalonil and maneb was observed. The above mentioned data indicate, for the first time, the potential risk of increased aflatoxin contamination of agricultural products by the appearance and predominance of highly aflatoxigenic mutant strains of A. parasiticus resistant to aromatic hydrocarbon, dicarboximide and phenylpyrrole fungicides.  相似文献   

Nisin, 200 or 5000 Reading units/ml, was added to Aspergillus parasiticus cultures. The cultures were incubated at 28 degrees C for 3, 7 or 10 days and analyzed for mycelial dry weight, pH and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 and G1. During the first 3 days of incubation, dry weight, pH decrease and aflatoxin accumulation were suppressed by nisin, when compared with similar values for the nisin-free control. After longer incubation, differences in dry weight nd pH values decreased, whereas accumulation of aflatoxin in the nisin-containing cultures surpassed that of the control.  相似文献   

Summary Nisin, 200 or 5000 Reading units/ml, was added toAspergillus parasiticus cultures. The cultures were incubated at 28 °C for 3, 7 or 10 days and analyzed for mycelial dry weight, pH and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 and G1. During the first 3 days of incubation, dry weight, pH decrease and aflatoxin accumulation were suppressed by nisin, when compared with similar values for the nisin-free control. After longer incubation, differences in dry weight and pH values decreased, whereas accumulation of aflatoxin in the nisin-containing cultures surpassed that of the control.
Wachstum und Aflatoxin-Biosynthese von Aspergillus parasiticus in Nisin-enthaltenden Kulturen
Zusammenfassung Nisin (200 oder 5000 Reading-Einheiten/ml) wurdeAspergillus parasiticus Kulturen zugegeben. Die Kulturen wurden bei 28 °C für 3, 7 oder 10 Tage bebrütet und auf Mycel-Trockengewicht, pH und Aflatoxin-Inhalt geprüft. Während der ersten drei Tage wurden das Wachstum und die Aflatoxin-Biosynthese durch Nisin etwas gehemmt, nach längere Incubation jedoch gefördert.

Summary Aspergillus parasiticus was inoculated into grapefruit juice and a glucose-yeast extract medium; both contained 500–7000 ppm of citrus oils that were incorporated into the media by sonication. Orange and lemon oil were more inhibitory to mold growth and aflatoxin production than was d-limonene, the main constituent of the two peel oils. After 7 days at 28° C, 2000 ppm of lemon and 3000 ppm of orange oil in grapefruit juice afforded maximum suppression of mold growth and toxin formation. When the glucose-yeast extract medium was used, 3000 ppm of either oil were needed to achieve the same result. After 4 days at 28° C, orange oil at 3500 ppm in either medium markedly inhibited mold growth (as evidenced by dry weight of mold mycelium) and aflatoxin production (only 14 and 1% of the amount normally produced in the juice and artificial medium, respectively). Higher concentrations of orange oil further reduced mold growth and aflatoxin production and also delayed the onset of sporulation, if it occurred. Although aflatoxin was detected in all samples, only 0.2 to 0.5% of the amount found in controls (without the citrus oil) was present when the medium contained 7000 ppm orange oil. The mold consistently grew, albeit very poorly, on the glass at the liquid-atmosphere interface even when the substrate contained a large amount of citrus oil.
Hemmung des Wachstums und der Aflatoxinproduktion von Aspergillus parasiticus durch Orangenöl, Citronenöl und d-Limonen
Zusammenfassung Pampelmusensaft und ein Glucose-Hefeextrakt-Medium wurden beide mit 500–7000 ppm Orangenöl, Citronenöl oder d-Limonen angereichert und dann mitAspergillus parasiticus beimpft. Wachstum und Aflatoxinproduktion des Pilzes wurden stärker durch die Öle als durch d-Limonen gehemmt, obwohl dieser der Hauptbestandteil der beiden Öle ist. 2000 ppm Citronenöl bzw. 3000 ppm Orangenöl in Pampelmusensaft genügten zur starken Hemmung der Wachstums- and der Aflatoxinproduktion vonA. parasiticus während 7 Tage bei 28° C. Wenn Glucose-Hefeextrakt als Nährboden diente, dann wiesen bei 3000 ppm beide Öle gleiche Hemmung auf. Wenn beide Nahrboden nur 4 Tage bei 28° C gehalten wurden, dann waren 3500 ppm Orangendl notwendig, um Wachstum and Aflatoxinproduktion zu hemmen. Pampelmusensaft mit einem Orangenöl-Gehalt von 3500 ppm enthielt nur 14% der Aflatoxin-Menge des beimpften Saftes ohne Öl. Das Medium mit Glucose, Hefeextrakt und Orangendl hatte nur 1 % des Aflatoxin-Gehaltes der Kontrolle. Höhere Konzentrationen von Orangenöl hemmten noch stärker und verzögerten den Beginn der Konidienbildung. Wenn das Medium 7000 ppm Orangenöl enthielt, dann konnte nur geringes Pilzwachstum und Aflatoxinproduktion (0,2–0,5% der Kontrolle) beobachtet wurden; das minimale Wachstum des Pilzes geschah an der Grenzfläche Nährboden und Atmosphare.

乳杆菌及不同pH值对黄曲霉生长与产毒的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨植物乳杆菌及不同PH值对黄曲霉生长与产毒的影响,将植物乳杆菌与黄曲霉孢子同时加入到MRS肉汤和先厌氧培养植物乳杆菌后再加入黄曲霉孢子;以乳酸将LTB培养基的初始PH值调整为3.0,4.0和5.0,以PH值为6.8为对照组,在LTB培养基中接种黄曲霉孢子悬液。上述试验均在28℃培养15d,在培养的第3、6、9、12和15天测定培养液中的PH值,黄曲霉素素B1和黄曲霉菌丝重量。结果显示:植物乳杆菌可显抑制黄曲霉生长(P<0.05),同时检测不到黄曲霉毒素B1。随着LTB培养液中PH值的降低,黄曲霉毒素B1的量增加,在PH3.0组,差异有极显性(P<0.01),各组间黄曲霉素菌丝量未见显性差异,结果表明:植物乳杆菌可显抑制黄曲霉生长与产毒。在PH值3.0-5.0范围内,乳酸可以刺激黄曲霉毒素B1的产生。  相似文献   

《Food microbiology》1994,11(5):357-368
The effects of modified atmosphere packaging involving oxygen absorbents, storage temperature and packaging film barrier characteristics on the growth of and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus in packaged peanuts was investigated. Mold growth was barely visible in air-packaged peanuts using a high gas barrier film (ASI) while extensive mold growth was observed in peanuts packaged under similar gaseous conditions using a low barrier film (ASIII). Incorporation of an oxygen absorbent (Ageless type S) inhibited mold growth in peanuts packaged in film ASI, while mold growth occurred in peanuts packaged with an absorbent/carbon dioxide generator (Ageless type G) in film ASI and in all absorbent-packaged peanuts in film ASIII. Aflatoxin B1 production was detected at levels greater than the regulatory limit of 20 ng g-1 in air-packaged peanuts using film ASI at 20°C and 25°C with the maximum level of aflatoxin (52·95 ng g-1) being detected in air-packaged peanuts using film ASIII. However, aflatoxin production in all absorbent-packaged peanut samples was less than the regulatory level of 20 ng g-1 irrespective of the barrier characteristics of the packaging film. Discoloration was more intensive in air-packaged peanuts in film ASIII especially at 25°C and 30°C than those packaged under similar or modified gaseous conditions using film ASI. This study has shown that oxygen absorbent technology is a simple and effective means of controlling the growth of and aflatoxin production by A. parasiticus. However, the effectiveness of these absorbents is dependent on the gas barrier properties of the packaging film surrounding the product.  相似文献   

Mutants of Aspergillus parasiticus resistant to the anilinopyrimidine fungicides were isolated at a high mutation frequency after UV-mutagenesis and selection on media containing cyprodinil. In vitro fungitoxicity tests resulted in the identification of two predominant resistant phenotypes that were highly (R1-phenotype) and moderately (R2-phenotype) resistant to the anilinopyrimidines cyprodinil, pyrimethanil and mepanipyrim. Cross-resistance studies with fungicides from other chemical groups showed that the highly resistance mutation(s) did not affect the sensitivity of R1-mutant strains to fungicides affecting other cellular pathways. Contrary to that, a reduction in the sensitivity to the triazoles epoxiconazole and flusilazole, the benzimidazole carbendazim, the phenylpyrrole fludioxonil, the dicarboximide iprodione and to the strobilurin-type fungicide pyraclostrobin was observed in R2-mutant strains. Study of fitness parameters of anilinopyrimidine-resistant strains of both phenotypic classes showed that all R1 mutant strains had mycelial growth rate, sporulation and conidial germination similar to or even higher than the wild-type parent strain, while these fitness parameters were negatively affected in R2 mutant strains. Analysis of the aflatoxin production showed that most R1 mutant strains produced aflatoxins at concentrations markedly higher than the wild-type parent strain. A considerable reduction in the aflatoxin production was observed on cultured medium and on wheat grains by all R2 mutant strains, indicating a possible correlation between fitness penalties and aflatoxigenic ability of A. parasiticus. The potential risk of increased aflatoxin contamination of agricultural products and their byproducts by the appearance and predominance of highly aflatoxigenic mutant strains of A. parasiticus resistant to the anilinopyrimidines is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RC008 and RC016, previously selected based on their aflatoxin B1 binding ability and beneficial properties, against Aspergillus parasiticus under different interacting environmental conditions was evaluated. Studies concerning the lag phase, growth rate and aflatoxin B1 production were carried out in vitro under different regimes of a w (0.95 and 0.99), pH (4 and 6), temperature (25 and 37°C), and oxygen availability (normal and reduced). Both yeast strains showed great antagonistic activity at pH 4, decreasing growth rate compared with the control. The RC008 strain showed the greatest inhibitory activity at all assayed conditions. A. parasiticus produced large amounts of AFB1 in vitro. A significant decrease of AFB1 levels in comparison with the control were observed with yeast interaction. Differences between control and treatment values ranged from 130 to 5400?ng?ml?1. S. cerevisiae RC008 and RC016 could be considered as effective agents in reducing growth and AFB1 production at different interacting environmental conditions, related to that found in stored feedstuff. The importance of the present work lies in the search for live strains with both probiotic and biocontrol properties able to prolong the safe storage of feedstuff and exert beneficial properties after animal consumption and which could be included in a novel product for animal feed.  相似文献   

In an effort to screen the essential oils of some Iranian medicinal plants for novel aflatoxin (AF) inhibitors, Satureja hortensis L. was found as a potent inhibitor of aflatoxins B1 (AFB1) and G1(AFG1) production by Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999. Fungal growth was also inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. Separation of the plant inhibitory substance(s) was achieved using initial fractionation of its effective part (leaf essential oil; LEO) by silica gel column chromatography and further separation by reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). These substances were finally identified as carvacrol and thymol, based on the interpretation of 1H and 13C NMR spectra. Microbioassay (MBA) on cell culture microplates contained potato-dextrose broth (PDB) medium (4 days at 28 degrees C) and subsequent analysis of cultures with HPLC technique revealed that both carvacrol and thymol were able to effectively inhibit fungal growth, AFB1 and AFG1 production in a dose-dependent manner at all two-fold concentrations from 0.041 to 1.32 mM. The IC50 values for growth inhibition were calculated as 0.79 and 0.86 mM for carvacrol and thymol, while for AFB1 and AFG1, it was reported as 0.50 and 0.06 mM for carvacrol and 0.69 and 0.55 mM for thymol. The results obtained in this study clearly show a new biological activity for S. hortensis L. as strong inhibition of aflatoxin production by A. parasiticus. Carvacrol and thymol, the effective constituents of S. hortensis L., may be useful to control aflatoxin contamination of susceptible crops in the field.  相似文献   

The effects of aw (0.90, 0.95, 0.98) and temperature (25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 35 degrees C) on aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus growing on irradiated maize seeds, were examined. Highest levels of aflatoxin were produced by A. parasitious at 25 degrees C and 0.98 aw and by A. flavus at 30 degrees C at 0.95 and 0.98 aw. At 0.90 aw toxin production was consistently low for both species at all temperatures. Temperature cycling of A. flavus between 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C each for 12 h resulted in higher aflatoxin synthesis than when incubated either at 25 degrees C or 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Silica gels were prepared by acidifying alkaline silicate solutions with phosphoric or tartaric acid. Various combinations of glucose, sucrose, yeast extract, and salts were included in the gels an nutrients. Maximum production of aflatoxins B1 and G1 occurred when silica gel (0.4 to 0.5 cm deep in a petri dish) containing 20% sucrose and 2% yeast extract, and gelled with tartaric acid, was inoculated with approximately 120 to 12000 spores of Aspergillus parasiticus per plate; and plates were incubated at 28 degrees C for 10 days.  相似文献   

Sorghum is a relatively poor substrate for aflatoxin production compared with high‐risk agricultural commodities like maize and groundnut, even though it is susceptible to fungal attack. Fungal infestation of sorghum results in a varied biochemical composition of the deteriorated grain. In this study, six sorghum genotypes (red—AON 486, IS 620; yellow—LPJ, IS 17 779; white—SPV 86, SPV 462) were inoculated with a toxigenic strain of Aspergillus parasiticus (NRRL 2999) in order to evaluate the changes in the activities of various hydrolytic enzymes (α‐ and β‐amylases, protease and lipase) in comparison with those in uninfected grains. Enzyme activities were measured at different times after fungal infestation, and the enzymatic activities were correlated with the aflatoxin production. Alpha‐amylase activity was observed to be greater than β‐amylase activity in all six genotypes under both healthy and infected conditions. The increase in α‐amylase activity during the period of infection was higher in white genotypes than in red sorghum genotypes. Alpha‐amylase activity in all the genotypes increased up to day 6 after fungal infection, but was significantly lower in infected grains than in healthy grains. The variability in the basal enzyme activities among the six sorghum genotypes was quite high compared with the amount of induction of each specific enzyme due to infection and germination. Higher protease activity was observed in the infected grains than in healthy grains. The enzyme activities in high tannin red genotypes were less than those in yellow and white genotypes. The α‐ and β‐amylase activities were positively correlated (r = 0.406 and 0.436; P < 0.05) to aflatoxin production. Inherent lipase activity was highest (on day 0) in AON 486, SPV 462 and SPV 86, as compared with the activity in infected grains. The total aflatoxins produced (quantified by TLC‐fluorodensitometry) were lower in red genotypes than in yellow and white genotypes, suggesting that red genotypes were least susceptible to aflatoxin elaboration among the various genotypes tested. All four aflatoxins, (B1, B2, G1 and G2) were present in five genotypes (IS 620, LPJ, IS 17 779, SPV 86 and SPV 462) at all the stages of infection, but, aflatoxin could not be detected in the red genotype AON 486 on day 3 after infection. White genotypes SPV 86 and SPV 462) showed maximal aflatoxin (total) production on day 6 after infection. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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