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洪朝生、孟崇春、周 远、潘秋生、吴元炜、梁惊涛、赵玉侠、郎四维、何邦模、刘彦元、李绍荣、孙隆荣、彦启森、王维城、江 亿、王 浚、那景成、赵文德、郭予信、郭孝礼、应志增、徐庆磊、曹德胜、史美琅阝、杨炎如、庄琴南、边增林、郭庆堂、孙瑞璋、刘作斌、汪声恒、章崧英、章立源、周山涛、李书桂、孙桂初、费人杰、申传文、林修钺、尉迟斌、姜尔宁、董天禄、谢晋康、邱嘉昌、陈沛霖、范存养、缪道平、韩鸿兴、顾安忠、华泽钊、蒋能照、陆 震、周启瑾、冯志哲、徐世琼、卢士勋、龙惟定、郑贤德、周光钊、刘宪英、张永铨、何绍书、张…  相似文献   

‘、、J护、少、户、了、沙、产、产、了、7、工1 913161813-凌9户.、了t Jt、护‘、了、夕叮、了几Jr‘沙‘、口‘、了、11‘1 2 2 3 8 3 4 44蒸汽喷射器在冷库制冷系统中应用的探讨、少、矛︸、产、,、夕、,、声、声、尹、了、声、声、、J︸62111始20 2124犯舫11比玛24尹‘、产.、了、了‘J吸尸‘、‘了、r、护气矛‘‘了‘J.、矛‘︸1 1 2 2 23 8 8 8 4 4 44、.了、J‘、I、.产、少、,碑、J、少、、了‘、夕、产、了‘、尸、1口、J.、.J、刀夕、产、了、声、尹、.声、户‘、矛22 373318“4345钧50肠29犯36,0,5 495152 394347505355…  相似文献   

第十一届 国际计量大会 (CGPM 巴黎 1960年10月11日-20日) 国际计量局局长:C.Volet,沃拉特 瑞士 米制公约成员国:苏联、意大利、日本、挪威、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、阿根廷、奥地利、比利时、丹麦、法国、民主德国、联邦德国、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、英国、美国、委内瑞拉、墨西哥、加拿大、保加利亚、智利、泰国、乌拉圭、巴西、波兰、捷克斯洛伐克、爱尔兰、芬兰、匈牙利、荷兰、南斯拉夫、澳大利亚、多米尼加、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国,共39个国家。  相似文献   

理事长:傅立民副理事长:孟崇春、洪朝生、吴元炜、赵玉侠、陈鉴远、何邦模。秘书长:孟崇春(兼)副秘书长:曹德胜、邱忠岳常务理事:王长生、孙振池、孙隆荣、昊元炜、李书桂、冷庆、吴来峰、何邦模、苏 宗猛、牟锡华、周远、范垂洪、孟崇春、金骏、陈远、赵玉侠、彦启 森、洪朝生、费人杰、傅立民、戴永庆理事:于泽敏、于敏珠、毛玉柱、、王长生、王英若、王魁武、王德魁、卢1勋、 申传文、周山涛、石祥林、边增林、刘东、李永康、朱志仁、刘运章、刘 作斌、,刘承泽、刘国汉、李金玉、刘彦华、孙桂初、孙振池、李建坤、刘 斯、孙隆荣、牟锡华…  相似文献   

埃及经济和外贸部所属之进出口管制机构最近根据该国政府法令,从严执行进出口货品质量管理工作。新规定包括:乳制品、食品、油墨、复写纸、胶水、包装箱(袋)、纸类、香水、香皂、清洁剂、韧化皮革、消防水管、木材、花岗石、油漆、卫浴瓷器设备、玻璃容器结构钢棒管、铸件、压缩气体瓦斯筒、锉刀、刮胡刀、螺丝(帽)、弹簧、链条、炉具、刀叉等餐具、锁具、焊条、锅炉、引擎零件、空调机、冰箱、家用热水器、洗衣机、电梯、灭火器、过滤器、日光灯启辉器、电机设备(变压器等)、家用搅拌机、水龙头、加热器(电熨斗等)、收音机等接收器、电源开关、插头、电灯、铜电缆线、汽车及其零件、摩托车、自行车、拖车、传动皮带、内外胎、电瓶、安全玻璃、眼镜、钟表、木或金属制家具、床垫、牙刷、圆珠笔、铅笔、打火机、高压锅等,均须按照埃及标准一一检验,无适当标准规范的,须经该国经  相似文献   

粉体无处不在,如:面粉、奶粉、金属粉、非金属粉、水泥.农药、磨料、催化剂.陶瓷原料、化肥、饲料、涂料、染料、药粉、纳米粉、灰尘、泥沙等等都是粉体,它们分属国民经济各个工业领域:冶金、矿业、机械、化工、建材、轻工、食品、医药、环保、军工和高新技术等。  相似文献   

由中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会、中国制冷学会、中国制冷空调工业协会、上海市制冷学会、上海冷冻空调行业协会共同主办的第十七届“国际制冷、空调、供暖、通风及食品冷冻加工展览会”(中国制冷展)于2006年4月11日至13日在上海新国际博览中心成功举办。参加本届展会的来自德国、印度、韩国、泰国、美国、澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、马来西亚、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、瑞典、瑞士、新加坡、西班牙、土耳其、阿联酋、  相似文献   

2006年10月21日-24日在我学会召开2006年学术会议和六届二次理事会期间,召开了六届四次常务理事扩大会。出席会议有侯建国、潘峰、江南、张世卿、季国平、陶梦、陈旭、谭宁、高鸿钧、张群、吴锦雷、罗毅、沈先锋、王长梗、蒋迪奎、韩建华、惠进德、孙凯、孙云、王保平、胡征、王德苗、王西龙、韩高荣、陈长琦、黄毅、巴德纯、马国欣、杨勤劳、许生、靳毅、鞠世春、卜忍安、李争显、刘卫国、彭平等36名常务理事,邹蒙代表张永明参加会议,另外邵公田、邱家稳、刘鸿飞、庞贺伟、许宁生等5位常务理事因事请假。副秘书长董振超、张耿明、曾飞和质谱与检漏专委会主任闫荣鑫、咨询工作委员会主任王树理、评审工作委员会副主任薛增泉、学会办公室副主任周思平列席了会议。常务理事超过法定参会人数。  相似文献   

ISO/TC79/SC7为国际标准化组织轻金属及其合金技术委员会铸造铝合金分技术委员会。根据1988年年度报告,现有13个P成员国,19个O成员国,法国为秘书国。P(积极)成员国有奥地利、中国、捷克、法国、联邦德国、意大利、日本、波兰、西班牙、瑞典、联合王国、美国、苏联。O(观察)成员国有比利时、巴西、加拿大、哥伦比亚、丹麦、芬兰、民主德国、希腊、匈牙利、印度、以色列、墨西哥、新西兰、葡萄牙、沙特阿拉伯、南非、瑞士、土耳其、南斯拉夫。  相似文献   

<正>主要代理品牌:洗护品牌:欧莱雅男士、妮维雅、百雀羚、美即、相宜本原、丹姿水密码、丹姿悦植粹、丹姿他能量、美肤宝、的雪完美、蒂花之秀、君度、索芙特、仙维娜、塑美坊、兰亭、馥珮、菲诗良品、美诗曼、也花也果洗护品牌:施华蔻、欧莱雅、舒蕾、美涛、风影、丝蕴、霸王、萦芙特、蒂花之秀、迪彩、馥□、仙维娜、卡伊莲、丹姿卡迪娜、章华、樱花、有情、诗朗、兰亭、名  相似文献   

Photon and particle radiations (gamma rays, x rays, brems-strahlung, electrons and other charged particles, and neutrons) from radioactive isotopes, x-ray tubes, and accelerators are now widely used in gauging, production control, and other monitoring and metrology devices where avoidance of mechanical contact is desirable. The general principles of radiation gauges, which rely on detection of radiation transmitted by the sample, or on detection of scattered or other secondary radiations produced in the sample, are discussed. Examples of such devices currently used or at least shown to be feasible in industrial, transportation, building, mining, agricultural, medical, and other metrology situations are presented, drawing from a total of 146 selected technical and review paper reference sources here cited.  相似文献   

探讨在色彩、材料与(表面)工艺效果即CMF的创意设计实践中,充分发挥CMF的功能性,达到CMF的主观体验(包括感官、审美、情绪和意义方面的体验)和客观功效(CMF赋予产品与系统的功能)的最佳协调。这是设计师进行CMF设计时需要着力解决的问题。本文将围绕这一议题展开讨论与分析,以便为设计师提供参考性指导。通过文献研究、理论阐述和设计案例分析,对CMF常见的一些功能性问题,包括识别、自洁、吸音、变色、发光、抗菌、透气、磁性、生物医学等多种功能及其在设计中的应用进行系统阐述和梳理。一般情形下,CMF的主观体验和客观功效需要同步兼顾,在产生可能的冲突时,需要根据具体的设计对象确定优先权。CMF功能的区域化和梯度化以及多功能组合可以实现一材多用、事半功倍的目的。CMF的设计往往有多种方案,不同的方案对于美学和功能两者的兼顾与协调程度,包括实现的方式和代价都不尽相同。最终,需要在感知与美学体验、实际功能效果两个方面,并结合其他的制约因素,诸如工艺难度、成本、环保等进行综合权衡。  相似文献   

In this paper, using furfural residue as a template, porous calcium titanate (FPCT) was prepared by a sol-gel method and characterized by XRD, SEM, and nitrogen adsorption method. The conditions of preparation were investigated. The adsorption capabilities of FPCT for heavy metal ions were studied, and the adsorption mechanism was investigated. The results show that the calcium titanate was porous, and material is composed of crystals in nanoparticle size with a small amount of calcium sulfate impurities, while the sulfuric acid in furfural residue is fixed as the calcium sulfate in the material. The adsorbed quantity is affected by the pH value of medium and time. When the pH value of medium is 5, and oscillating adsorption lasts for 30?min, the adsorbed quantities of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Ni are 118.04, 197.96, 64.98, 56.85, and 47.91?mg/g, respectively. The adsorption conforms to the Langmuir adsorption isothermal model and pseudo-second-order kinetic equation, and is a spontaneous endothermic process driven by entropy. After adsorption, adsorbents can be regenerated with 1?mol/L nitrate solution. It is used for eliminating Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Ni in wastewater and the results are satisfactory.  相似文献   

改性聚硫氨酯密封材料的制备及性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备了兼具聚氨酯、聚硫橡胶结构特征和性能优势的新型绿色高性能高分子密封材料——改性聚硫氨酯,并考察了其制备机理、流平性、弹性恢复率、拉伸模量、浸水和浸油后定伸粘接性、冷拉—热压后粘接性、质量损失率、抗燃性及耐老化性能。结果表明,聚硫氨酯强度高,变形、弹性恢复和耐老化性优良,模量和质量损失低,定伸60%、100%、150...  相似文献   

Interfacing nano/microscale elements with biological components in 3D contexts opens new possibilities for mimicry, bionics, and augmentation of organismically and anatomically inspired materials. Abiotic nanoscale elements such as plasmonic nanostructures, piezoelectric ribbons, and thin film semiconductor devices interact with electromagnetic fields to facilitate advanced capabilities such as communication at a distance, digital feedback loops, logic, and memory. Biological components such as proteins, polynucleotides, cells, and organs feature complex chemical synthetic networks that can regulate growth, change shape, adapt, and regenerate. Abiotic and biotic components can be integrated in all three dimensions in a well‐ordered and programmed manner with high tunability, versatility, and resolution to produce radically new materials and hybrid devices such as sensor fabrics, anatomically mimetic microfluidic modules, artificial tissues, smart prostheses, and bionic devices. In this critical Review, applications of small scale devices in 3D hybrid integration, biomicrofluidics, advanced prostheses, and bionic organs are discussed.  相似文献   

Polydopamine coating, the first material-independent surface chemistry, and its related methods significantly influence virtually all areas of material science and engineering. Functionalized surfaces of metal oxides, synthetic polymers, noble metals, and carbon materials by polydopamine and its related derivatives exhibit a variety of properties for cell culture, microfluidics, energy storage devices, superwettability, artificial photosynthesis, encapsulation, drug delivery, and numerous others. Unlike other articles, this review particularly focuses on the development of material science utilizing polydopamine and its derivatives coatings at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology for a decade. Herein, it is demonstrated how material-independent coating methods provide solutions for challenging problems existed in many interdisciplinary areas in bio-, energy-, and nanomaterial science by collaborations and independent research.  相似文献   

In the present work, the effect of double-layer shielding and five other process parameters, namely welding voltage, current, primary shielding gas type, its flow rate, and filler material, is studied during dissimilar gas metal arc welding (GMAW) between austenitic and duplex stainless steels (SSs). A simple modification over the GMAW setup is made for additional supply of secondary shielding gas at different flow rates. Two different sets of welding are performed between austenitic and duplex SSs, i.e., AISI 304 with Duplex 2205 and AISI 316 with Duplex 2205, and the contributions of process parameters, their interactions on joint distortion, tensile strength, toughness, and fusion zone microhardness are evaluated. Improvements in joint quality due to the double-shielding environment are also highlighted. Double-layer shielding with secondary shielding by CO2 supply significantly improves tensile strength and toughness and reduces distortion. Fusion and interface zone microstructures are observed by scanning electron microscopy to study the metallurgical behavior of joints fabricated under single- and double-layer shielding environment.  相似文献   

压电陶瓷作为一类重要的功能陶瓷材料, 具备高强度、高硬度、耐腐蚀等优点, 可实现机械能和电能间的相互转换, 常被用于制备传感器、驱动器、电容器等压电器件, 在海洋探测、生物医疗、电子通讯等高端装备中发挥着重要作用。针对高端技术领域对压电功能器件智能化、集成化、轻量化的发展需求, 压电陶瓷的外形和结构越来越复杂。注浆、注射、模压、切割等传统的压电陶瓷制造工艺, 大多需借助模具或刀具完成, 很难甚至无法制造具有中空、悬垂等复杂结构的压电陶瓷, 制约了压电功能器件的进一步发展。增材制造技术基于逐层累加原理可实现任意复杂结构快速定制, 具有成型效率高、无需模具等优点, 可满足个性化、整体化、复杂化制造需求, 近年来受到国内外压电陶瓷领域研究人员的广泛关注。本文从粉体、浆料、块材三种原材料形态角度, 综述了当前增材制造压电陶瓷的主要工艺种类及发展现状, 综合对比了各种工艺成型特点; 介绍了增材制造压电陶瓷在不同领域的应用进展; 最后, 总结和展望了增材制造压电陶瓷所面临的挑战和未来可能的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of science and technology policies in China, India, and the United States shows striking similarities and sharp contrasts. These differences reveal much about the current problems and likely prospects in each country. This review distills the contributions of 15 distinguished leaders in science and technology who assess national goals and international ambitions. The review covers five themes: education, defense and space, R&D performers, science and technology in the economy, and governmental policies and funding. Other issues include: economic freedom, global competitiveness, energy and the environment, and population and demographic trends. Brief historical highlights provide context for understanding past trends in the present socioeconomic setting.  相似文献   

锂硫电池因其高能量密度和低成本等优势成为新一代电化学储能技术的重要发展方向.然而,其较低的转换反应动力学和可逆性导致电池的实际容量、库仑效率和循环稳定性等仍难以满足实用化发展需求.对此,合理设计和开发具有导电、吸附、催化特性的功能材料是稳定和促进硫电化学反应的关键途径.得益于硼独特的原子和电子结构,硼基材料具有丰富且可...  相似文献   

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