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正近期,"《生食三文鱼》团体标准正式发布"的消息在网上引发了热烈的讨论。这份标准最引人注目的地方就是把三文鱼当作"鲑科鱼类的统称",按照这个标准,前段时间备受争议的"淡水三文鱼"虹鳟鱼就名正言顺地成了真正的三文鱼。在针对这条消息的评论中,不少网友还是表达了质疑。三文鱼不是一个严格的学术名称,所以它的定义主要靠市场约定俗成而来。消费者传统上认为的三文鱼,一般特指大西洋鲑,而不包括所谓  相似文献   

目的对广东省养殖及市售各环节三文鱼(本文泛指鲑科鱼类)的淡水寄生虫感染状况进行调查,分析广东省居民生食三文鱼感染淡水寄生虫的风险。方法在广州、深圳及佛山市的市售环节共采集三文鱼生155份;在广东省2个养殖场、青海省1个养殖场共采集鳟鱼肉样品84份并对养殖场进行环境卫生调查。对采集的三文鱼肉样品,用酶消化法检测致病性淡水寄生虫。采用SPSS20.0软件进行统计学分析。结果采自养殖、流通及餐饮环节的三文鱼样品共239份,使用酶消化法均未检出华支睾吸虫囊蚴等致病性寄生虫。养殖环境调查显示,3家养殖场环境总体良好,均无人为的粪便污染渠道,其中1家周边可见猫、狗自由出入。结论目前广东省生食三文鱼淡水寄生虫感染风险较低,但仍需持续开展监测及相关研究工作,掌握淡水三文鱼养殖及消费的远期寄生虫感染风险;通过推广三文鱼规范化养殖和鱼生冷冻灭虫处理、加强养殖卫生监管以及饮食卫生宣教等措施,最大程度降低生食三文鱼淡水寄生虫感染风险。  相似文献   

正三文鱼三文鱼真正的名字叫"鲑科鱼",分为鲑科鲑属与鲑科鳟属,准确地说,三文鱼是鲑鳟鱼,它的英文名是"Salmon","三文鱼"是它的英译。三文鱼鳞小刺少,肉色橘白相间,肉质细嫩鲜美,口感爽滑,含有大量优质蛋白和不饱和脂肪酸,是深受人们喜爱的鱼类,也深受熊的喜爱。为什么受熊喜爱呢?因为三文鱼一生都处在一场艰辛的旅程中,它先要在淡水  相似文献   

北京希尔顿酒店随园中餐厅在5月至6月举办的“唐风鱼宴”挪威三文鱼美食节,其创新的美味三文鱼中式菜肴,赢得客人好评。希尔顿随园是以粤莱为主的中餐厅,但他们这里的粤菜变化很多,每隔一段时间就会推出不司主题的美食节,为客人奉献一些新品菜肴。挪威三文鱼美食节,他们就推出了一系列中西合璧的三文鱼美食。  相似文献   

三文鱼鱼头汤 三文鱼就是大马哈鱼,做生鱼片吃很普通,超市里一盒盒橙红上面带点白丝丝的就是,买回来,挤一条芥末在生抽碟子里,蘸来吃,鲜美无比。生鱼片比较贵,不能天天吃,而冷柜里三文鱼鱼头和鱼皮、鱼骨便宜多了,可怎么做来吃很多人纳闷。爱吃的人总该剑走偏锋,挑战怪路子,学一学,把鱼头鱼骨变成超级美味一点也不难。  相似文献   

刘姝 《中国食品》2001,(4):0-30
挪威是一个环境优美的国家。得天独厚的自然环境包括了一条绵长的海岸线,使之拥有无数水质清澈的纵深峡湾。由于没有污染、冰冷而纯净的水质为享誉国际的美味挪威三文鱼提供了养殖条件。三文鱼既可生吃、又可以烟熏和煮食。但要把三文鱼烹饪的有滋有味,还需一番功夫。在英文中,鱼肉烹调恰到火候叫做“cuisson”。对于三文鱼而言,它的“cuisson”是指鱼肉从深粉红色变成浅色。火候过度,鱼肉则变得干硬。达到cuisson的鱼轻压的时候非常松软,说明内部还很潮湿,另外,必须注意的是,鱼虽然离开火源,但它仍保持着高温,因此要等一分钟后…  相似文献   

中国白酒的性格与水中的鱼有些相似,无论咸水还是淡水中的鱼.大部分都愿意生活在顺流里,但也有少数天生就喜欢逆流而上的鱼,喜欢挑战自我,寻求突破,其中最著名的一种便是红鲑鱼,每当到了繁殖季节,鲑鱼群便从海洋里沿河流逆流而上。  相似文献   

正本文就挪威三文鱼及人工养殖三文鱼营养成分进行了总结分析,并阐述了三文鱼的主要烹饪方式,同时展开了对三文鱼历史文化的追溯,旨在对优质三文鱼的选购、烹饪方式等方面起到一定的引导作用,为三文鱼产业的发展提供科学的依据。三文鱼营养成分分析刘延岭等人研究表明:养殖三文鱼和挪威三文鱼肌肉中水分、灰分、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪的质量分数分别为62.10%、1.92%、21.01%、14.94%和69.01%、1.88%、21.66%、7.37%。两种三文鱼肌肉中均含18种氨基酸,总氨基酸含量、8种人体必需氨基酸、5种呈味氨基酸。邓  相似文献   

王展 《烹调知识》2013,(1):66-66
除了生吃,三文鱼还有很多吃法,烤着吃、做汤、做饭团都可以。烤三文鱼原料:三文鱼排、生抽、糖、料酒、黑胡椒、熟白芝麻等。做法:三文鱼排两面抹点料酒和生抽,撤点黑胡椒腌一下。生抽:糖=2:1调成照烧汁,加水。  相似文献   

在许多海岸含水层中,出现了增加开采地下水与可能引起咸水入侵危害的矛盾.实现这对矛盾的严格平衡,通常会遇到很多困难,这是因为含水层系统状态在补给和开采的作用下总是在不断变化的.本文探讨了一个遭到咸水入侵的复杂的白垩统含水层系统的管理问题.在低速流动条件下,基本约束是咸水入侵;而在强补给条件下,由于向地表水的排泄又会损失部分淡水资源.通过对三个抽水方案计算结果的对比研究证实了区域地下水流动模型的价值.说明从现有的钻孔网中长期抽取的水量是有限的.重新布置抽水地点,联合利用含水层和地表水库乃是大有希望的开发战略.  相似文献   

Thirty Holstein cows were used in a 12-wk trial to study the effects of salmon meal and urea on lactational performance. Two experimental diets, one containing 5.6% salmon meal and the other 5.2% salmon meal plus .42% urea, were compared with a soybean meal control diet. Salmon meal and urea replaced a portion of the soybean meal. Dietary undegraded intake protein levels (expressed as percentage of CP) were 28.8, 35.6, and 32.4% for soybean meal, salmon meal, and salmon meal plus urea. Total mixed diets (average 17.3% CP, 17.6% ADF) consisting of 60% concentrate mixture and 40% bromegrass silage (DM basis) were fed twice daily. Total DMI was lower with salmon meal compared with soybean meal (20.2 versus 22.2 kg/d); salmon meal plus urea (21.2 kg/d) was intermediate. Actual milk production was similar for all diets (average 41.1 kg/d). Percentage milk fat and 4% FCM yield were lower with salmon meal (2.56%, 31.6 kg/d) and salmon meal plus urea (2.50%, 31.4 kg/d) than with soybean meal (3.03%, 35.9 kg/d). Gross efficiency (weight FCM/weight DMI) was higher for soybean meal than for salmon meal and salmon meal plus urea. Acetate: propionate tended to be higher with the soybean meal diet. The use of a high oil fish meal to provide a source of rumen undegraded intake protein, alone or in combination with urea, resulted in a decrease in milk fat percentage and yield without any beneficial effects on milk production or lactational efficiency.  相似文献   

We determined PCB congener concentrations in coho and chinook salmon collected in two Lake Michigan tributaries during the fall of 1996. Chinook salmon were larger than coho salmon and contained higher concentrations of the 78 PCB congeners we detected. There were no differences between male and female chinook or coho salmon in size or their PCB concentrations. Among individual fish, we found little evidence for a relationship between congener concentrations and percent lipid; however, congener concentrations did show a generally positive relationship with salmon size. Fish and macroinvertebrate congener concentrations are clearly related, and PCB congeners biomagnify approximately 20-30-fold as they flow from macroinvertebrates, two trophic levels below salmon, to the salmon. Slopes of regressions of salmonid congener concentrations on macroinvertebrate congener concentrations within homologs indicated that the degree of biomagnification generally increased with the degree of congener chlorination, although this pattern was much stronger for Mysis than for Diporeia. Log Kow and categorical variables for coplanar and "toxic" PCBs were not significant additional model terms, indicating that bioaccumulation of PCB congeners was not statistically related to these physicochemical attributes of the PCBs. The distribution of homologue PCBs shifts from a distinct predominance of hexachlorobiphenyls in macroinvertebrates to pentachlorobiphenyls and hexachlorobiphenyls in the salmon.  相似文献   

建立了虾青素手性异构体分离和检测的HPLC 方法。条件:采用手性固定相色谱柱;Pirkle L- 亮胺酸(4.6mm × 25cm,5μm); 流动相:正己烷- 四氢呋喃- 异丙醇- 三乙胺(77:17:3:3,V/V);紫外检测波长:474nm;流速:0.75ml/min。本法可应用于快速鉴别养殖三文鱼是否使用了人工合成虾青素,并可以初步判断是否为野生三文鱼。  相似文献   

The computer vision and a stereoscopy technique were used to characterize and detect changes in the capacity of the salmon fillet surface to recover its original form after a constant weight was applied. A curvature index (associated to fillet firmness) calculated by means of 3D information data obtained with the stereoscopy technique from the fat stripe on the fillets was estimated over 6 months and was suggested as a characteristic of the recovery property of the fresh salmon fillet surface. Simultaneously, instrumental firmness using a LFRA1500 texture was measured. The values for the fresh salmon fillet measurement curvature index during a period of 6 months were established in the range of 0.05 and 0.10 (dimensionless), and this value was used in the experiments to represent fresh salmon fillets. Changes in the curvature index (associated with similar changes in firmness) for salmon fillet surface treated with enzymes (pepsin and papain) were registered on the second day during storage at 2 °C. In general, stereoscopy is a technique that can be used on salmon fillets to detect changes in the recovery properties of the salmon fillet surface and to determine when salmon fillets can be classified as a fillet that has not been processed with enzymes.  相似文献   

Levels of omega-3 (n-3) and omega-6 (n-6) fatty acids and lipid-adjusted concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, toxaphene, and dieldrin were determined in 459 farmed Atlantic salmon, 135 wild Pacific salmon, and 144 supermarket farmed Atlantic salmon fillets purchased in 16 cities in North America and Europe. These were the same fish previously used for measurement of organohalogen contaminants. Farmed salmon had greater levels of total lipid (average 16.6%) than wild salmon (average 6.4%). The n-3 to n-6 ratio was about 10 in wild salmon and 3-4 in farmed salmon. The supermarket samples were similar to the farmed salmon from the same region. Lipid-adjusted contaminant levels were significantly higher in farmed Atlantic salmon than those in wild Pacific salmon (F = 7.27, P = 0.0089 for toxaphene; F = 15.39, P = 0.0002 for dioxin; F > or = 21.31, P < 0.0001 for dieldrin and PCBs, with df = (1.64) for all). Levels of total lipid were in the range of 30-40% in the fish oil/fish meal that is fed to farmed salmon. Salmon, especially farmed salmon, are a good source of healthy n-3 fatty acids, but they also contain high concentrations of organochlorine compounds such as PCBs, dioxins, and chlorinated pesticides. The presence of these contaminants may reduce the net health benefits derived from the consumption of farmed salmon, despite the presence of the high level of n-3 fatty acids in these fish.  相似文献   

目的 探究蓝光对三文鱼的杀菌作用及品质影响。方法 利用30 W蓝光进行30、60、120 min 3种辐照时间处理三文鱼肉,对菌落总数(total viable count, TVC)、p H、剪切力、硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid, TBA)值、色差值及质构进行测定,结合感官评价分析不同辐照时间对三文鱼肉杀菌效果及品质的影响。结果 结果显示蓝光处理对三文鱼肉的感官和剪切力影响不大,除了在30min条件下使三文鱼肉的亮度略有下降外,其他各项色泽指标均无显著差异。虽对质构略有影响,但感官评定总分、嫩度检测结果无显著差异,则在可接受范围内。pH略有下降。并且蓝光可有效降低三文鱼肉的TVC,延缓三文鱼肉在冷藏期内脂肪氧化速率,且在120min时最显著。结论 综合考虑,对三文鱼肉采取30W-120min蓝光处理较为合适,该结果可为蓝光辐照应用于三文鱼杀菌保鲜提供参考。  相似文献   

The presence of the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes on cold-smoked salmon is a major concern for the seafood industry. Understanding processing and postprocessing handling factors that affect the ability of this pathogen to grow on cold-smoked salmon is critical for developing effective control strategies. In this study, we investigated the effect of curing method and freeze-thawing of cold-smoked salmon on (i) physicochemical properties and (ii) subsequent growth of genetically diverse strains of L. monocytogenes (inoculated after freeze-thawing) and endogenous lactic acid bacteria. The majority of the measured physicochemical properties were unaffected by freezing and thawing. Overall, wet-cured cold-smoked salmon had higher pH, water activity, and moisture, as well as lower fat, water-phase salt, and phenolic content compared with dry-cured cold-smoked salmon. The curing method and freeze-thawing did not affect growth of endogenous lactic acid bacteria. Freeze-thawing cold-smoked salmon prior to inoculation led to pronounced growth of L. monocytogenes at 7°C. The increase in cell density between days 0 and 30 was significantly (P = 0.0078) greater for cold-smoked salmon that was frozen and thawed prior to inoculation compared with nonfrozen cold-smoked salmon. On dry-cured, freeze-thawed cold-smoked salmon, L. monocytogenes had a lag phase ranging from 3.7 ± 0.1 to 11.2 ± 1.4 days compared with salmon that was wet cured and freeze-thawed, on which L. monocytogenes began to grow within 24 h. Variation in growth among L. monocytogenes strains was also observed, indicating the significance of assessing multiple strains. Further efforts to understand the impact of processing and postprocessing handling steps of cold-smoked salmon on the growth of genetically diverse L. monocytogenes will contribute to improved challenge study designs and data. This, in turn, will likely lead to more reliable and unbiased risk assessments and control measures.  相似文献   

目的 三文鱼肉质鲜美, 营养丰富, 深受广大消费者喜爱,在经济利益驱动下, 不少商家用低值三文鱼如大马哈鱼和虹鳟冒充高值三文鱼大西洋鲑, 严重扰乱了水产市场秩序。方法 以市场上常见的大西洋鲑、大马哈鱼和虹鳟3个物种为研究对象,基于鸟枪蛋白组学分析流程,样品经蛋白质提取、胰蛋白酶消化和超高效液相色谱串联三重四级杆飞行时间质谱仪分离鉴定, 得到的总离子流图谱与Uniprot蛋白质数据库对比分析, 筛选得到3个物种的特征肽段,利用Skyline软件构建特征肽的多反应监测(MRM)离子对,然后经三重四极杆质谱仪进行鉴定。结果 最终共筛选出7条特征肽段, 包括在大西洋鲑肌肉中找到的4条特征肽段, 在大马哈肌肉中找到的1条特征肽段, 在虹鳟肌肉中找到的2条特征肽段。结论 基于鸟枪蛋白组学,结合MRM技术,筛选得到了大西洋鲑、大马哈鱼和虹鳟3个物种中的特征标记肽段,建立了不同种类三文鱼的物种精准定性鉴别方法。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fully‐cooked salmon and catfish fillets were treated by ionizing radiation (0, 3, or 6 kGy), high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) (0, 414, or 690 MPa), 2 different temperatures during pressurization (ambient‐HHP approximately equal to 21 °C, or heated‐HHP = 70 °C), and combinations of the treatments. Kramer shear values increased for salmon and catfish fillets treated by HHP, heated‐HHP, and a combination treatment. Tenderness and juiciness scores of salmon and catfish fillets were lower with HHP, heated‐HHP, and a combination treatment. Irradiation decreased CIE a* values of salmon, and CIE b* values of salmon and catfish. Irradiation increased tenderness and juiciness scores of salmon and increased flavor intensity of catfish.  相似文献   

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