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能源效率标识(简称能效标识)是附在产品或产品最小包装物上的一种信息标签,用于表示用能产品的能源效率等级、能源消耗量等指标,为消费者(包括各级政府、企业和个人)的购买决策提供必要的信息,以引导和帮助消费者选择高能效的产品。  相似文献   

本文探讨了基于医院洁净手术部排风空气源热泵在夏季实际制冷运行时的性能。研究结果表明,热泵可回收利用洁净手术部的"低温"排风作为空气源热泵的高温热源,实现可再生能源的循环利用,并且热泵的性能系数有明显的提高。随后分析比较了空气源热泵夏季制冷运行时的性能特性,以及基于洁净手术部排风空气源热泵的影响因素。  相似文献   

为保证建筑门窗产品的节能性能,规范市场秩序,促进建筑节能技术进步,提高建筑物的能源利用效率,推进建筑门窗节能性能标识试点工作,建设部近日印发实施《建筑门窗节能性能标识试点工作管理办法》(以下简称《力法》)。  相似文献   

为保证建筑门窗产品的节能性能。规范市场秩序,促进建筑节能技术进步,提高建筑物的能源利用效率。20016年12月29目,中华人民共和国建设部建科[2006]319号文发布了《建筑门窗付能性能标识试点工作管理办法》。2007年10月28日,建设部授予四川省建筑工程质量检测中心为全国第一批建筑门窗节能性能标识实验室之一,实验室编号为2501。  相似文献   

本刊讯 建筑门窗是建筑围护结构的组成部分,是建筑物热交换,热传导最活跃部位,也是建筑节能中最薄弱的环节。研究分析表明,窗户的传热耗热量与空气渗透耗热量相加.约占全部耗热量的50%以上。因此,在能源紧缺和普遍推广强制节能标准的大背景下.开发推广节能门窗就显得尤为重要。建设部日前发布了《建筑门窗节能性标识试点工作管理办法》,启动了建筑门窗节能性标识试点工作,这将为保证建筑门窗产品的节能性能.规范市场秩序,促进建筑节能技术进步.提高建筑物的能源利用效率起到重要作用。  相似文献   

根据<能源效率标识管理办法>规定,国家发展改革委、国家质检总局和国家认监委于2004年11月29日制定并发布了<中华人民共和国实行能源效率标识的产品目录(第一批)>、<中国能源效率标识基本样式>、<家用电冰箱能源效率标识实施规则>和<房间空气调节器能源效率标识实施规则>(2004年71号),并明确自2005年3月1日起我国将率先从500L及以下的电机驱动压缩式家用电冰箱和采用空气冷却冷凝器、全封闭型电动机-压缩机、制冷量在14000W及以下、气候类型为T1的房间空气调节器这两个产品开始实施能源效率标识制度.也就是说2005年3月1日及以后生产、销售、进口的房间空气调节器和家用电冰箱均应粘贴名称为"中国能效标识"的标签.  相似文献   

王新春 《门窗》2007,(2):1-5
本文介绍了英国2006年建筑法规中门窗热工要求,BFRC 的住宅外窗能效评级制度,"节能信任"对门窗热工性能认证要求和热效标识,最后介绍了英国窗的技术走向.  相似文献   

以"驱动环境和谐实现绿色崛起"为主题的"2009新能源与可再生能源发展战略对话(一)"8月13日在京举行。参加对话的嘉宾有国务院参事、中国可再生能源学会理事长石定寰、国家发改委能源研究所原所长周大地等权威专家和业界知名企业家。  相似文献   

<正>6月9日,中国建筑科学研究院建筑环境与节能研究院在第七个"世界认可日"举办了"首批高性能建筑节能产品标识发布会",6家企业获得首批"高性能建筑节能产品标识"。高性能建筑节能产品是指满足国家相关产品标准且主要节能性能指标达到国际领先水平的产  相似文献   

空调机的能源效率标准与标识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢苇 《暖通空调》2005,35(2):35-39,85
简要介绍了国际上能源效率标准和标识的实施情况。阐述了我国新颁布的房间空调器、单元式空调机和冷水机组的能源效率标准。我国标准将空调产品的能效水平分为5个等级,等级5为能源效率限定值,等级1能源效率最高,等级2为节能型产品的门槛。将我国的能源效率标准与美国、日本的比较,发现我国房间空调器能源效率标准较严格,而单元式空调机和冷水机组的则与先进水平存在较大差距。  相似文献   

Energy certification schemes for buildings emerged in the early 1990s as an essential method for improving energy efficiency, minimising energy consumption and enabling greater transparency with regards to the use of energy in buildings. However, from the beginning their definition and implementation process were diffuse and, occasionally, have confused building sector stakeholders. A multiplicity of terms and concepts such as energy performance, energy efficiency, energy ratings, benchmarking, labelling, etc., have emerged with sometimes overlapping meanings. This has frequently led to misleading interpretations by regulatory bodies, energy agencies and final consumers.This paper analyses the origin and the historic development of energy certification schemes in buildings along with the definition and scope of a building energy certificate and critical aspects of its implementation. Concepts such as benchmarking tools, energy ratings and energy labelling are clarified within the wider topic of certification schemes. Finally, a seven steps process is proposed as a guide for implementing building energy certification.  相似文献   

A study of energy performance in 19 Government Offices in Hong Kong has been carried out. The characteristics of Government Offices, difficulties and results in assessing their building energy performance are discussed and reported. An average Energy Use Index based on unit floor area has been derived for the Government Offices using energy consumption data in the past three years. A number of factors that are likely affect the energy use in buildings, such as year of construction and total gross floor area are reviewed. Energy management opportunities are identified and proposed after carrying out energy audit to the Government Offices. Operational practices to improve energy performance are also recommended.  相似文献   

建筑节能在推广应用中存在的问题探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李振霞 《新建筑》2000,(3):14-16
从分析我国建筑节能工作现状入手,指出建筑节能工作中存在的问题,并提出了解决的思路。  相似文献   

In Switzerland, where utilities are not subject to energy savings obligations, their performance in improving their clients' energy efficiency (EE) differs strongly. We established four groups of utilities and analyzed their incentives and constraints for promoting EE. Their perceptions varied in many aspects, including the profitability of EE programs and the role of leadership. However, the majority favors collaboration and does not see the lack of an adequate policy framework as a constraint. We hypothesize about the underlying reasons and conclude that collaborations among utilities can help with knowledge sharing, EE program design, and common measurement and verification methods.  相似文献   

陈玉静 《中国电梯》2011,(15):10-20
首先利用模糊理论中的隶属度对电梯负载概念进行了拓展,分加速、匀速、减速3种情形分别对电梯运行状态进行了分析。然后针对电梯运行过程中发生于电网、电梯及其承载物之间的能量流动与转化情况,根据电梯曳引机的两种工作状态分别进行了深入讨论,揭示了能量在3者之间的流动与转化规律。最后总结了电梯在其运行过程中产生的再生能量的3种处理方法(即转化、存储和回馈),并比较了各自的优缺点以及在电梯中的应用情况。  相似文献   

在传统的电梯能耗模型的基础上引入工作场所、有效提升高度等影响因子,并结合统计学原理重新建模分析,提出一套科学、完整的电梯可再生电能的预测和评估方案,为建筑电气设计人员提供可靠的数据参考,为电梯节能的可行性、可观性提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Due to the competitiveness the importance of reducing cost and the growing sensitivity to environmental factors in the hotel design, is leading to the introduction of environmental friendly elements; if will be added the considerable increase in the cost of fossil fuel, it is obvious that all these factors create conditions favorable to the optimization of energy resources.  相似文献   

本文对某办公大楼示范的节能改造措施进行探讨,通过建筑节能改造前后的能耗情况进行对比分析,明确了适宜的节能改造方向,并提出利用建筑能耗监测系统对改造后的建筑能耗进行分析,有利于用能管理。  相似文献   

基于当前的能源环境与能源管理现状,本文介绍了达实智能BEMS建筑能源监控系统解决方案,它以能源计量和持续有序的数据采集为基础,以管理人员为主体,实现能源管理的可视化、可量化和可考核目标,并帮助管理者持续改进。  相似文献   

Compared to other non-residential buildings that have been widely researched, industrial buildings have higher thermal loads, higher air-change rates, longer operating hours and greater pollution control requirements. This paper presents the results of preliminary audits carried out on a sample of 12 representative small business enterprises in Greece including food, marble, wood, paper, plastic, metallurgical and service companies. Energy intensity varied from 50 to just over 300 kWh/m2 with heavier industry buildings having values up to 1300 kWh/m2. The successful adoption of energy conservation measures in key energy waste areas was assessed, including: (1) building envelope, (2) artificial lighting, (3) heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration systems, (4) space and water heating, (5) electrical and mechanical equipment and (6) distribution and transportation. It was found that businesses were more sensitized to energy conservation in the area of air conditioning followed by electromechanical equipment (important energy waste area that may yield the biggest energy conservation results, still in need of great improvement though the cost may be very high) and space/water heating; compliance with energy conservation measures was worst in the areas of artificial lighting (least important energy waste area in the case of most businesses) and the building envelope. A more detailed modeling study on a larger sample is proposed as a next step.  相似文献   

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