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The spatial arrangement of elements such as icons in a computer interface may influence learning the interface. However, the effects of layout organization on users' information processing is relatively little studied so far. The three experiments of this paper examined two attributes of layouts: spatial grouping by proximity and semantic coherence. Learning was assessed by tasks in which 30 participants recalled icon-like items' labels, locations, or both as a series of study-recall trials. The results show that layout organization interacts with task demands. Semantic organization improves recall of labels, and spatial grouping supports recall of locations. When both labels and locations are learned concurrently, the best recall performance is associated with a simultaneously grouped and semantically coherent layout. However, semantic and spatial organization may interact unexpectedly on learning. The findings are discussed from the viewpoint of information chunking in memory processes and interface design.  相似文献   

摘要:在当今的各种程序中,很多人认为只存在两种程序,即善意程序和恶意程序,但对程序属性研究之后,发现还存在第三种属性的程序,该程序部分具有恶意性,部分具有善意性,第三种属性程序是由本文首次提出。本文提出解决问题的思路是:首先采用恶意权值计算公式对程序进行计算,判断该程序是善意程序还是恶意程序,并且分析了程序的权值是否发生了变化。如果是某个程序的权值发生了变化,那么此时善意程序被病毒感染的可能性很大,被病毒感染的程序在一定时候就能够体现出一定的恶意性,因此经过对病毒、被病毒感染的程序和善意程序三种不同属性程序分析之后,最后使用MMTD算法对三种属性的程序进行了分类:该程序是恶意程序,善意程序还是部分恶意部分善意的程序。  相似文献   

In a system of recall broadcast, each message contains a set of message identifiers called its recall set. The recall set of a message identifies all previously received messages upon which the message is based. When a message is received by a process and displayed to an external user, all messages in its recall set are also displayed to the user. Our recall broadcast system is efficient in three ways. First, each message is broadcasted only once. Second, each process stores a small number of previously received messages because these messages may be recalled in future messages. Third, processes exchange additional messages to delete previously received messages that can no longer be recalled. The additional messages have the same format as regular messages, and are handled exactly as regular messages.  相似文献   

为实现产品原理方案向结构化布局映射,提出产品布局元层次关系网及产品布局多色模型.首先在布局模块及其属性关系网的基础上构建布局元层次关系网;然后应用多色集合的个人颜色、统一颜色,给出产品布局元层次关系网的数学描述,形成产品布局多色模型,并提出推理算法;再利用个人颜色、统一颜色之间的围道布尔矩阵推理原理,进行产品结构布局设计过程中功能—运动分配—布局模块之间映射过程的形式化描述.应用该模型进行结构化布局设计,可有效地支持产品结构布局设计的公理化;最后在Pro/E平台中利用VC.net 2003工具进行二次开发,并以数控机床结构布局设计为例验证了文中模型和设计方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

The use of micro-models as supplements for macro-models has become an accepted approach into the investigation of urban dynamics. However, the widespread application of micro-models has been hindered by a dearth of individual data, due to privacy and cost constraints. A number of studies have been conducted to generate synthetic individual data by reweighting large-scale surveys. The present study focused on individual disaggregation without micro-data from any large-scale surveys. Specifically, a series of steps termed Agenter (a portmanteau of “agent producer”) is proposed to disaggregate heterogeneous agent attributes and locations from aggregate data, small-scale surveys, and empirical studies. The distribution of and relationships among attributes can be inferred from three types of existing materials to disaggregate agent attributes. Two approaches to determining agent locations are proposed here to meet various data availability conditions. Agenter was initially tested in a synthetic space, then verified using the acquired individual data, which were compared to results generated using a null model. Agenter generated significantly better disaggregation results than the null model, as indicated by the proposed similarity index (SI). Agenter was then used in the Beijing Metropolitan Area to infer the attributes and location of over 10 million residential agents using a census report, a household travel survey, an empirical study, and an urban GIS database. Agenter was validated using micro-samples from the survey, with an average SI of 72.6%. These findings indicate the developed model may be suitable for using in the reproduction of individual data for feeding micro-models.  相似文献   

Summary Reduction of attribute storage is a vital requirement for attribute evaluators. We present a new method for the analysis of lifetime of attribute instances. It is assumed that attribute evaluation is performed by a visit-oriented evaluator. Its evaluation sequence for any input can be described by a contex-free grammar derived from the visit-sequences. Conditions on that CFG decide for each attribute whether all its instances can be stored in a single global variable. Furthermore one can decide whether several different attributes can be mapped to a single global variable. Similarly conditions for stack implementation are given. All decisions can be made efficiently at evaluator generation time. Hence the method is well suited for compiler generation.  相似文献   

An information-filtering system collects incoming data of specific interests described in a server profile. These systems can export their collections by submitting their profiles to a directory server, where users can query for relevant systems to answer their requests. We develop a new similarity measure to rank information-filtering systems for Boolean queries. Users can send queries to the top-ranked systems and obtain most of the relevant information. In contrast to an existing method developed by Radecki, our method requires less time and space complexity and has better recall and precision for higher-ranked systems.  相似文献   

针对目前服务质量(QoS)评估方法中忽视对服务隐式质量的评估而导致结果不准确的问题,提出了一种综合考虑显式和隐式质量属性的服务评价方法。首先,显式质量属性以向量形式表达,采用服务质量评估模型,经过量化、归一化,计算出评估值;然后,隐式质量属性以用户评价间接表达,根据评价相似用户的推荐而完成对隐式服务质量的评价,评估过程考虑推荐用户的可信性和新老用户的区别;最后综合显式和隐式质量评价作为服务质量评价结果。使用100万条Web服务的QoS数据与其他3类算法进行了对比实验。仿真实验证明了所提方法的可行性与准确性。  相似文献   

探讨了城市布局与电网规划间的关系,提出了块状中小城市及其他布局形式的城市电网规划网络结构图,进而提出了组团状大城市电网规划网络结构图。通过对负荷水平的预测,分析了变电站的经济容量、个数和经济供电半径。最后对电网规划与市政建设中关于规划的持续性、线路走廊、桥梁、城市景观、进度关系等几个突出问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

给出一种求不一致决策表的核和所有属性约简的新方法,首先利用U/C对决策表进行化简,然后在简化的决策表上定义新的差别矩阵,最后利用差别函数求出所有属性约简.该方法可有效降低生成差别矩阵时所需的存储空间和时间,理论分析和例子表明,该属性约简方法在效率上比现有的基于差别矩阵和差别函数的方法有显著提高.  相似文献   

针对传统RBAC模型中存在用户角色指派的模糊性、用户授权认证决策的单一性及角色数量与管理的冲突等问题,提出一种结合属性与可信度的改进型RBAC授权模型——TA-RBAC模型。该模型通过增加对用户及所在平台的可信性认证,使得传统模型的认证方式得到了完善,保证了系统授权过程更为安全可靠;同时利用可信度和属性概念对传统模型的授权机制进行了扩展,通过用户认证可信度指派相应的系统角色,实现了动态的用户角色指派;在权限指派过程中引入属性实现对象激活操作,有效地减少了角色的设置数量并实现了更细粒度的授权。最后给出模型授  相似文献   

1.引言随着计算机技术的发展,CPU的运算速度越来越快,但磁盘存储系统速度的提高却远远跟不上CPU速度的提高。这种差别导致在许多计算机系统中,存储系统成为系统性能的瓶颈。磁盘的存储容量和存取速度的发展是不平衡的。磁盘存储容量以每年一倍的速度发展,而磁盘的存取时间仅仅每年  相似文献   

The access frequency of different files in file system is dissimilar. If file system can optimize the block lay-out of these hot files which are frequently accessed,the performance of file system will be improved. This paper pre-sents a high performance block layout mechanism Active Block Layout (ABL). ABL can record the access frequencyof every file in file system and actively optimize the block layout of these hot files by block duplicating. The duplicatedblocks can be placed in the special zone of track,which is called "Cooling Zone". ABL can automatically determine theplacing position and the copy count of the blocks which need to be duplicated. In order to reduce the overhead of blockduplication,this paper also presents a mechanism which uses the potential disk bandwidth to realize the block duplica-tion,and does not obviously degrade the performance of file system.  相似文献   

The Facility Layout (FACLO) program is an interactive micro-computer program based on the Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique (CRAFT). The program uses heuristics to determine the best relative location of areas and obtain a high level layout. A user interface creates the data file required to run the program, eliminating the need for intimate knowledge of program and database structure. The program is written in Turbo Pascal and provides print, plot, and screen output.  相似文献   

This article presents a hierarchical cell structure that has been Used successfully to improve the performance of Intel's connectivity verifier and design rule checker. A unique algorithm for performing design rule checks efficiently in a hierarchical environment is discussed in detail. To undersize and oversize in a hierarchical environment without disrupting the cell structure, the definition of sizing must be changed so that geometries inside a cell and touching the cell boundaries do not pull away and geometries outside the cell do not extend inside. There are also a few Pathologies?caused mostly by looking at only a small portion of the layout, outside of the context where it is used. Nevertheless, careful use of hierarchical design can deliver order-of-magnitude improvements in layout checking runtime.  相似文献   

Most current graph layout technology does not lend itself to interactive applications such as animation or advanced user interfaces. We introduce the constrained graph layout model which is better suited for interactive applications. In this model, input to the layout module includes suggested positions for nodes and constraints over the node positions in the graph to be laid out. We describe four implementations of layout modules which are based on the constrained graph layout model. The first three implementations are for undirected graph layout while the fourth is for tree layout. The implementations use active set techniques to solve the layout. Our empirical evaluation shows that they are quite fast and give reasonable layout.  相似文献   

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