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生态修复是新时期水土保持生态建设的有效措施。2002年石门县作为全国106个水土保持生态修复工作试点县,主要采取人工治理与自然恢复、点上治理与面上修复相结合的方法,紧紧抓住封、禁、管、护这一主线,以“宣传教育”促封禁,以“改传统养殖”促封禁,以“建设基本农田”促封禁,以“调整农业产业结构”促封禁,以培植“新能源”促封禁,探索出了“小投入、大封禁、小治理”的生态修复技术路线,增强了生态自我修复的功能。  相似文献   

2012年,各地在水土保持生态建设和梯田建设等工作中,成绩显著,成果突出。福建省全面推动水土保持生态建设工作新跨越。2012年福建省在原财政预算的基础上,增加3亿元水土保持专项治理资金,同时,整合带动省农办、发改、农业、林业、水利、环保和国土等部门捆绑配套资金共16亿元,强化全省尤其是长汀、宁化等22个水土流失治理重点县的水土保持工作。积极争取水土保持中央资金29270万元,是2011年的3.22倍。  相似文献   

赵红兵 《山东水利》2006,(10):18-19
1项目实施的主要成效1998年以来,为了更好地促进经济社会发展,国家实行了积极财政政策,发行国债,专门用于国家预算内的基础设施建设,水土保持生态建设成为国债支持的建设领域。截至2005年年底,山东省先后实施了7期水土保持国债项目,共完成投资41397万元。其中,中央资金10500万元,地方配套及群众自筹资金30897万元。项目涉及全省17个市的72个县(市、区),综合治理小流域183条、风沙片27个,实施国家水土保持生态修复试点工程3项。共治理水土流失面积2131km2。其中,建设基本农田39209hm2,营造水保林33426hm2,发展经果林42583hm2,封禁治理等97912…  相似文献   

为深入学习新《水土保持法》,贯彻2011年全国水土保持工作会议精神,回顾“十一五”时期水土保持工作,分析当前水土保持发展形势,谋划“十二五”时期水土保持发展,安排部署2011年工作,表彰全省水土保持先进集体和先进个人,4月21—23日,河南省水利厅在三门峡市陕县召开了2011年全省水土保持工作会议。  相似文献   

1991年《水土保持法》颁布实施以来,我省坚持贯彻“预防为主”的水土保持方针,狠抓了水土保持监督执法工作,经过努力,在机构建设、舆论宣传、法制建设、案件查处、返还治理、方案审批以及规范化建设方面都取得了显著成绩。几年来,全省累计查处水土保持违法案件2836起,结案率达80%以上;征收水土流失补偿费、防治费1762万元,罚款12.3万元;审批水土保持方案2500个,方案申报审批率达80%以上;生产建设单位投入水土保持防治资金9200多万元,治理水  相似文献   

桦甸市2002年被确定为全国水土保持生态自然修复工程试点县(市)之一,经过一年的建设,工程围栏、植物围栏、人工管护等封禁措施起到了明显效果,通过水土保持监测,证明生态自然修复是治理水土流失费省效宏的好模式,应大力推广。  相似文献   

山西省自 1955年开始水土保持科学研究以来 ,水保科研队伍不断发展壮大 ,在水土流失规律、防治工程设计施工技术、不同治理措施及效益、小流域科学规划与综合治理等多方面开展试验研究 ,取得了大量科技成果 ,其中获得省 (部 )、地 (市 )级奖励的科技成果就有 79项。科技成果的推广应用 ,为加快水土流失治理速度 ,提高水土保持设施标准质量 ,充分发挥治理的经济、生态、社会效益 ,提供了科学依据 ,推动了全省水土保持工作的健康发展。2 1世纪初 ,在“科教兴国”战略决策下 ,水保科技必须要有一个大的发展 ,才能适应当前水土保持生态环境建设…  相似文献   

近年,岗南水库管理局党委坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,在加强水库工程建设与管理的同时,不断加大精神文明创建力度,职工精神面貌焕然一新,综合素质有了明显提高,促进了经营管理工作的开展。1996年管理局被水利部评为“全国水库管理先进单位”,2002年、2003年连续被省水利厅评为目标管理优胜单位,2003年局工会被省水利厅工会评为“合格职工之家”,2000~2003年被评为全省水利系统水土保持工作先进集体、全省水利系统水库移民工作先进集体、全省水利系统会计决算报表优胜单位、全省水利国有资产监督管理工作先进单位等。  相似文献   

三年来,平和县在水土保持工作中,坚持以经济建设为中心,以改革为动力,以《水土保持条例》为武器,重点抓住九龙江西溪上游水土流失区的治理,集中连片治理光山秃岭,初步完成了三条小流域的综合治理,建立了两个千亩以上的水果基地,搞好了五个示范点,使全县水土保持工作登上了新台阶。三年来,共完成新旧封禁治  相似文献   

黑龙江省赵光农场在2002年治理水土流失工作中,充分利用国债资金,大搞水土保持生态环境建设,在去年治理的所属工农Ⅲ小流域中,取得了很好的成绩。同时根据本地实际情况,摸索出一整套治理水土流失的管理方法和有价值的经验,特别是水土流失治理项目正逐渐步入基本建设程序的轨道,又逢水利部今年将启动试点工程“东北黑土区水土流失综合防治工程”项目,笔者认为很有必要将这种管理方法和经验在全省推广,使广大干部群众对水土流失治理工作有一个更深层次的认识。  相似文献   

Evaluation of the applicability and utility of watershed hydrologic models in different hydro-geologic and soil conditions is necessary for a range of spatial scales and to assess the utility of these models as watershed water resources management tools. This study presents the application of the hydrological model TOPNET to the Big Darby Creek watershed, Ohio, United States. It focuses on the simulation modeling of stream flow in the watershed based on meteorological data for the eight year period of 1992–1999. Visual comparison of time series plots and statistical measures namely, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NS), coefficient of correlation (R2), and the percent bias (PBIAS) were used to assess the model performance. The statistical model evaluation results indicated that the model has a relatively high confidence and can give a good representation of the flow hydrographs for the watershed. For the calibration period simulations of annual stream flow were accurate with a mean R2 and NS of 86% and 85% for the Big Darby at Darbyville gaging station. For the little Darby at West Jefferson gaging station a mean R2 of 81% was obtained while the NS averaged 78%. Further analysis based on the aggregation of the water years into wet seasons and dry seasons, the model was also able to adequately simulate stream flow for both gaging stations and for both low flow periods and high flow periods. Statistical analysis for the validation period also yielded high R2 values of 88% and 83% for the Darby at Big Darby at Darbyville gaging station and Little Darby at West Jefferson gaging station respectively. The worst PBIAS obtained for both calibration and validation period was 18% and this is better than recommended values for satisfactory daily simulations of ±25% for PBIAS. The encouraging simulation results obtained in this study shows the utility and usefulness of the TOPNET model in hydrological modeling and ultimately as a water resources management tool.  相似文献   

The spread of nonindigenous species (NIS) over land and via interconnecting water bodies is threatening aquatic ecosystems worldwide. This study examines the invasion of the first known NIS zooplankter, Eubosmina coregoni, into Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Analyses of cladoceran microfossils from a sediment core collected in the North Basin of the lake indicate this species first appeared in sediments dated to the late 1980s. An increase in total cladoceran accumulation rates coupled with increasing N, C, P, and chlorophyll a over the last 40 years provides evidence of eutrophication. Extant samples from fall 2002-2005 indicate that E. coregoni is mainly restricted to the North Basin while Bosmina longirostris is present throughout the lake. Results from this study provide baseline data regarding the invasion and establishment of E. coregoni, a precursor to future NIS that may have substantial ecological and economic impacts on the Lake Winnipeg ecosystem.  相似文献   

采用新材料 提高工程质量 降低工程成本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市怀柔应急备用地下水源工程,由21对水源井、14.4km输水管线、地下水回灌3部分组成,是集电气、机械、自动化、通讯为一体的技术密集型产业.该工程于2002年9月开工,2003年8月30日正式向北京输水,年产水1.2亿m3,日产水33.5万m3,工程通水后为缓解北京水资源紧缺的现状起到了重要作用.不仅取得了一定的经济效益,而且还取得了巨大的社会效益和政治效益.  相似文献   

本文在简述浙江省农村水电"十一五"发展概况和"十二五"发展目标的基础上,深入分析了在市场经济体制改革不断深入的大背景下,加快政府职能转变,通过强化监管和优化服务,推进农村水电行业良性发展的必要性。同时,从行业实际出发,阐述了做好监管和服务工作的主要途径。  相似文献   

文章针对湖南省湘资沅澧“四水”管理现状及问题,借鉴省外、国外流域管理利用模式和经验,探讨流域开发管理趋势,并提出综合管理及开发利用建议。  相似文献   

Hydrological drought has wide-ranging impacts on water quality, nutrient and carbon metrics, and given the uncertainty of climate change and the predicted increased frequency and intensity of drought in the future, investigations into changes induced by drought become increasingly important. This study compared physicochemical parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH and DO), nutrients (TN, NOX [NO2 + NO3], NH3 and TP) and carbon (TOC and DOC) between hydrological drought conditions (2006–2008) and hydrological normal conditions (2016–2019) at five sites along the lower Savannah River (Georgia, USA). Although we had predicted that water temperatures would increase from drought, we instead found temperature was significantly lower during drought conditions. Levels of pH and DO were significantly higher during drought. Further, TN, TOC and DOC concentrations were significantly lower during drought, but NOX concentrations were significantly higher during drought. Conductivity varied at the lower river sites, being significantly higher during drought at sites located below the city of Augusta, GA. These complex changes could be attributed to volume reductions coupled with an increase in the percentage of total flow originating from groundwater as well as limnetic reservoir inputs, persistent point source pollution, reduced natural catchment inputs and/or reduced floodplain interactions. The changes that occurred during drought may be disruptive to aquatic life, not only from reduced water quantity but also due to a scarcity of some biologically essential materials and lower food resources, combined with artificially high levels of some other potentially stressful materials.  相似文献   

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