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An algorithm is presented for finding a maximum-weight spanning tree of a set ofn points in the Euclidean plane, where the weight of an edge (p i ,p j ) equals the Euclidean distance between the pointsp i andp j . The algorithm runs inO(n logh) time and requiresO(n) space;h denotes the number of points on the convex hull of the given set. If the points are vertices of a convex polygon (given in order along the boundary), then our algorithm requires only a linear amount of time and space. These bounds are the best possible in the algebraic computation-tree model. We also establish various properties of maximum spanning trees that can be exploited to solve other geometric problems.  相似文献   

Consider the dynamic program h(n)=min 1≤jn a(n,j), where a(n,j) is some formula that may (online) or may not (offline) depend on the previously computed h(i), for i<n. The goal is to compute all h(n), for 1≤nN. It is well known that, if a(n,j) satisfy the Monge property, then the SMAWK algorithm (Aggarwal et al., Algorithmica 2(1):195–208, 1987) can solve the offline problem in O(N) time; a Θ(N) speedup over the naive algorithm. In this paper we extend this speedup to the online case, that is, to compute h(n) in the order n=1,2,…,N when (i) we do not know the values of a(n′,j) for n′>n before h(n) has been computed and (ii) do not know the problem size N in advance. We show that if a(n,j) satisfy a stronger, but sometimes still natural, property than the Monge one, then each h(n) can be computed in online fashion in O(1) amortized time. This maintains the speedup online, in the sense that the total time to compute all h(n) is O(N). We also show how to compute each h(n) in the worst case O(log N) time, while maintaining the amortized time bound. For a(n,j) satisfying our stronger property, our algorithm is also simpler than the standard SMAWK algorithm for solving the offline case. We illustrate our technique on two examples from the literature; the first is the D-median problem on a line, and the second comes from mobile wireless paging. The research of the first author was partially supported by the NSF program award CNS-0626606; the research of the second and third authors was partially supported by Hong Kong RGC CERG grant HKUST6312/04E.  相似文献   

The β-skeleton is a measure of the internal shape of a planar set of points. We get an entire spectrum of shapes by varying the parameter β. For a fixed value of β, a β-skeleton is a geometric graph obtained by joining each pair of points whose β-neighborhood is empty. For β≥1, this neighborhood of a pair of points p i ,p j is the interior of the intersection of two circles of radius , centered at the points (1−β/2)p i +(β/2)p j and (β/2)p i +(1−β/2)p j , respectively. For β∈(0,1], it is the interior of the intersection of two circles of radius , passing through p i and p j . In this paper we present an output-sensitive algorithm for computing a β-skeleton in the metrics l 1 and l for any β≥2. This algorithm is in O(nlogn+k), where k is size of the output graph. The complexity of the previous best known algorithm is in O(n 5/2logn) [7]. Received April 26, 2000  相似文献   

Xue  -H. Lin  -Z. Du 《Algorithmica》2008,31(4):479-500
Abstract. Let P = {p 1 , p 2 , \ldots, p n } be a set of n {\lilsf terminal points} in the Euclidean plane, where point p i has a {\lilsf service request of grade} g(p i ) ∈ {1, 2, \ldots, n} . Let 0 < c(1) < c(2) < ⋅s < c(n) be n real numbers. The {\lilsf Grade of Service Steiner Minimum Tree (GOSST)} problem asks for a minimum cost network interconnecting point set P and some {\lilsf Steiner points} with a service request of grade 0 such that (1) between each pair of terminal points p i and p j there is a path whose minimum grade of service is at least as large as \min(g(p i ), g(p j )) ; and (2) the cost of the network is minimum among all interconnecting networks satisfying (1), where the cost of an edge with service of grade g is the product of the Euclidean length of the edge with c(g) . The GOSST problem is a generalization of the Euclidean Steiner minimum tree problem where all terminal points have the same grade of service request. When there are only two (three, respectively) different grades of service request by the terminal points, we present a polynomial time approximation algorithm with performance ratio \frac 4 3 ρ (((5+4\sqrt 2 )/7)ρ , respectively), where ρ is the performance ratio achieved by an approximation algorithm for the Euclidean Steiner minimum tree problem. For the general case, we prove that there exists a GOSST that is the minimum cost network under a full Steiner topology or its degeneracies. A powerful interior-point algorithm is used to find a (1+ε) -approximation to the minimum cost network under a given topology or its degeneracies in O(n 1.5 (log n + log (1/ε))) time. We also prove a lower bound theorem which enables effective pruning in a branch-and-bound method that partially enumerates the full Steiner topologies in search for a GOSST. We then present a k -optimal heuristic algorithm to compute good solutions when the problem size is too large for the branch-and-bound algorithm. Preliminary computational results are presented.  相似文献   

New tight bounds are presented on the minimum length of planar straight line graphs connecting n given points in the plane and having convex faces. Specifically, we show that the minimum length of a convex Steiner partition for n points in the plane is at most O(log n/log log n) times longer than a Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST), and this bound is the best possible. Without Steiner points, the corresponding bound is known to be Θ(log n), attained for n vertices of a pseudo-triangle. We also show that the minimum length convex Steiner partition of n points along a pseudo-triangle is at most O(log log n) times longer than an EMST, and this bound is also the best possible. Our methods are constructive and lead to O(nlog n) time algorithms for computing convex Steiner partitions having O(n) Steiner points and weight within the above worst-case bounds in both cases.  相似文献   

R. Wenger 《Algorithmica》1997,17(3):322-329
This paper contains a simple, randomized algorithm for constructing the convex hull of a set ofn points in the plane with expected running timeO(nlogh) whereh is the number of points on the convex hull. Supported in part by NSA Grant MDA904-93-H-3026 and by the NSF Regional Geometry Institute (Smith College, July 1993) Grant DMS-90 13220.  相似文献   

In this note, we outline a very simple algorithm for the following problem: Given a set S of n points p1,p2,p3,…,pn in the plane, we have O(n2) segments implicitly defined on pairs of these n points. For each point pi, find a segment from this set of implicitly defined segments that is farthest from pi. The time complexity of our algorithm is in O(nh+nlogn), where n is the number of input points, and h is the number of vertices on the convex hull of S.  相似文献   

Here we propose an efficient algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing circle whose center is constrained to lie on a query line segment. Our algorithm preprocesses a given set of n points P={p1,p2,…,pn} such that for any query line or line segment L, it efficiently locates a point c on L that minimizes the maximum distance among the points in P from c. Roy et al. [S. Roy, A. Karmakar, S. Das, S.C. Nandy, Constrained minimum enclosing circle with center on a query line segment, in: Proc. of the 31st Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, 2006, pp. 765-776] have proposed an algorithm that solves the query problem in O(log2n) time using O(nlogn) preprocessing time and O(n) space. Our algorithm improves the query time to O(logn); but the preprocessing time and space complexities are both O(n2).  相似文献   

Xue  -H. Lin  -Z. Du 《Algorithmica》2002,31(4):479-500
Abstract. Let P = {p 1 , p 2 , \ldots, p n } be a set of n {\lilsf terminal points} in the Euclidean plane, where point p i has a {\lilsf service request of grade} g(p i ) ∈ {1, 2, \ldots, n} . Let 0 < c(1) < c(2) < ?s < c(n) be n real numbers. The {\lilsf Grade of Service Steiner Minimum Tree (GOSST)} problem asks for a minimum cost network interconnecting point set P and some {\lilsf Steiner points} with a service request of grade 0 such that (1) between each pair of terminal points p i and p j there is a path whose minimum grade of service is at least as large as \min(g(p i ), g(p j )) ; and (2) the cost of the network is minimum among all interconnecting networks satisfying (1), where the cost of an edge with service of grade g is the product of the Euclidean length of the edge with c(g) . The GOSST problem is a generalization of the Euclidean Steiner minimum tree problem where all terminal points have the same grade of service request. When there are only two (three, respectively) different grades of service request by the terminal points, we present a polynomial time approximation algorithm with performance ratio \frac 4 3 ρ (((5+4\sqrt 2 )/7)ρ , respectively), where ρ is the performance ratio achieved by an approximation algorithm for the Euclidean Steiner minimum tree problem. For the general case, we prove that there exists a GOSST that is the minimum cost network under a full Steiner topology or its degeneracies. A powerful interior-point algorithm is used to find a (1+ε) -approximation to the minimum cost network under a given topology or its degeneracies in O(n 1.5 (log n + log (1/ε))) time. We also prove a lower bound theorem which enables effective pruning in a branch-and-bound method that partially enumerates the full Steiner topologies in search for a GOSST. We then present a k -optimal heuristic algorithm to compute good solutions when the problem size is too large for the branch-and-bound algorithm. Preliminary computational results are presented.  相似文献   

The diameter of a set P of n points in ℝ d is the maximum Euclidean distance between any two points in P. If P is the vertex set of a 3-dimensional convex polytope, and if the combinatorial structure of this polytope is given, we prove that, in the worst case, deciding whether the diameter of P is smaller than 1 requires Ω(nlog n) time in the algebraic computation tree model. It shows that the O(nlog n) time algorithm of Ramos for computing the diameter of a point set in ℝ3 is optimal for computing the diameter of a 3-polytope. We also give a linear time reduction from Hopcroft’s problem of finding an incidence between points and lines in ℝ2 to the diameter problem for a point set in ℝ7.  相似文献   

In this paper we study parallel batch scheduling problems with bounded batch capacity and equal-length jobs in a single and parallel machine environment. It is shown that the feasibility problem 1|p-batch,b<n,r j ,p j =p,C j d j |− can be solved in O(n 2) time and that the problem of minimizing the maximum lateness can be solved in O(n 2log n) time. For the parallel machine problem P|p-batch,b<n,r j ,p j =p,C j d j |− an O(n 3log n)-time algorithm is provided, which can also be used to solve the problem of minimizing the maximum lateness in O(n 3log 2 n) time.  相似文献   

Fast Algorithms for the Density Finding Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the problem of finding a specific density subsequence of a sequence arising from the analysis of biomolecular sequences. Given a sequence A=(a 1,w 1),(a 2,w 2),…,(a n ,w n ) of n ordered pairs (a i ,w i ) of numbers a i and width w i >0 for each 1≤in, two nonnegative numbers , u with u and a number δ, the Density Finding Problem is to find the consecutive subsequence A(i *,j *) over all O(n 2) consecutive subsequences A(i,j) with width constraint satisfying w(i,j)=∑ r=i j w r u such that its density is closest to δ. The extensively studied Maximum-Density Segment Problem is a special case of the Density Finding Problem with δ=∞. We show that the Density Finding Problem has a lower bound Ω(nlog n) in the algebraic decision tree model of computation. We give an algorithm for the Density Finding Problem that runs in optimal O(nlog n) time and O(nlog n) space for the case when there is no upper bound on the width of the sequence, i.e., u=w(1,n). For the general case, we give an algorithm that runs in O(nlog 2 m) time and O(n+mlog m) space, where and w min=min  r=1 n w r . As a byproduct, we give another O(n) time and space algorithm for the Maximum-Density Segment Problem. Grants NSC95-2221-E-001-016-MY3, NSC-94-2422-H-001-0001, and NSC-95-2752-E-002-005-PAE, and by the Taiwan Information Security Center (TWISC) under the Grants NSC NSC95-2218-E-001-001, NSC95-3114-P-001-002-Y, NSC94-3114-P-001-003-Y and NSC 94-3114-P-011-001.  相似文献   

S. Arya  M. Smid 《Algorithmica》1997,17(1):33-54
LetS be a set ofn points in ℝ d and lett>1 be a real number. At-spanner forS is a graph having the points ofS as its vertices such that for any pairp, q of points there is a path between them of length at mostt times the Euclidean distance betweenp andq. An efficient implementation of a greedy algorithm is given that constructs at-spanner having bounded degree such that the total length of all its edges is bounded byO (logn) times the length of a minimum spanning tree forS. The algorithm has running timeO (n log d n). Applying recent results of Das, Narasimhan, and Salowe to thist-spanner gives anO(n log d n)-time algorithm for constructing at-spanner having bounded degree and whose total edge length is proportional to the length of a minimum spanning tree forS. Previously, noo(n 2)-time algorithms were known for constructing at-spanner of bounded degree. In the final part of the paper, an application to the problem of distance enumeration is given. This work was supported by the ESPRIT Basic Research Actions Program, under Contract No. 7141 (Project ALCOM II).  相似文献   

The greedy algorithm produces high-quality spanners and, therefore, is used in several applications. However, even for points in d-dimensional Euclidean space, the greedy algorithm has near-cubic running time. In this paper, we present an algorithm that computes the greedy spanner for a set of n points in a metric space with bounded doubling dimension in O(n2logn)\ensuremath {\mathcal {O}}(n^{2}\log n) time. Since computing the greedy spanner has an Ω(n 2) lower bound, the time complexity of our algorithm is optimal within a logarithmic factor.  相似文献   

This paper presents an optimal parallel algorithm for triangulating an arbitrary set ofn points in the plane. The algorithm runs inO(logn) time usingO(n) space andO(n) processors on a Concurrent-Read, Exclusive-Write Parallel RAM model (CREW PRAM). The parallel lower bound on triangulation is (logn) time so the best possible linear speedup has been achieved. A parallel divide-and-conquer technique of subdividing a problem into subproblems is employed.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of fitting a step function to a set of points. More precisely, given an integer k and a set P of n points in the plane, our goal is to find a step function f with k steps that minimizes the maximum vertical distance between f and all the points in P. We first give an optimal Θ(nlog n) algorithm for the general case. In the special case where the points in P are given in sorted order according to their x-coordinates, we give an optimal Θ(n) time algorithm. Then, we show how to solve the weighted version of this problem in time O(nlog 4 n). Finally, we give an O(nh 2log n) algorithm for the case where h outliers are allowed. The running time of all our algorithms is independent of k.  相似文献   

This paper presents new algorithms for solving some geometric problems on a shared memory parallel computer, where concurrent reads are allowed but no two processors can simultaneously attempt to write in the same memory location. The algorithms are quite different from known sequential algorithms, and are based on the use of a new parallel divide-and-conquer technique. One of our results is an O(log n) time, O(n) processor algorithm for the convex hull problem. Another result is an O(log n log log n) time, O(n) processor algorithm for the problem of selecting a closest pair of points among n input points.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm to solve the subset‐sum problem (SSP) of capacity c and n items with weights wi,1≤in, spending O(n(mwmin)/p) time and O(n + mwmin) space in the Concurrent Read/Concurrent Write (CRCW) PRAM model with 1≤pmwmin processors, where wmin is the lowest weight and , improving both upper‐bounds. Thus, when nc, it is possible to solve the SSP in O(n) time in parallel environments with low memory. We also show OpenMP and CUDA implementations of this algorithm and, on Graphics Processing Unit, we obtained better performance than the best sequential and parallel algorithms known so far. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given a set of pointsV in the plane, the Euclidean bottleneck matching problem is to match each point with some other point such that the longest Euclidean distance between matched points, resulting from this matching, is minimized. To solve this problem, we definek-relative neighborhood graphs, (kRNG) which are derived from Toussaint's relative neighborhood graphs (RNG). Two points are calledk-relative neighbors if and only if there are less thank points ofV which are closer to both of the two points than the two points are to each other. AkRNG is an undirected graph (V,E r k ) whereE r k is the set of pairs of points ofV which arek-relative neighbors. We prove that there exists an optimal solution of the Euclidean bottleneck matching problem which is a subset ofE r 17 . We also prove that ¦E r k ¦ < 18kn wheren is the number of points in setV. Our algorithm would construct a 17RNG first. This takesO(n 2) time. We then use Gabow and Tarjan's bottleneck maximum cardinality matching algorithm for general graphs whose time-complexity isO((n logn)0.5 m), wherem is the number of edges in the graph, to solve the bottleneck maximum cardinality matching problem in the 17RNG. This takesO(n 1.5 log0.5 n) time. The total time-complexity of our algorithm for the Euclidean bottleneck matching problem isO(n 2 +n 1.5 log0.5 n).This research was partially supported by a grant from the National Science Council of the Republic of China under Grant NSC-78-0408-E-007-05.  相似文献   

Boundary fitting for 2D curve reconstruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present a 3-step algorithm for reconstructing curves from unorganized points: data clustering to filter out the noise, data confining to get the boundary, and region thinning to find the skeleton curve. The method is effective in removing far-from-the-shape noise and in handling a shape of changing density. The algorithm takes O(nlog n) time and O(n) space for a set of n points.  相似文献   

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