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科学技术的日新月异发展,推动了素质教育的进程,多媒体技术已经走进了课堂,本文阐述了小学数学教学应用多媒体技术,激发了学生浓厚的学习兴趣,化解了教学重点难点,营造了良好的氛围,优化了课堂教学,提高了课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

经过全民整风运动和以推广庆华厂三大先进经验为内容的大辩论,提高了广大职工的政治思想觉悟,树立了敢说敢干的共产主义风格,特别是在我厂实现了工人参加管理,干部参加半日劳动和改革了业务,废除了陈规戒律,领导干部实现了三化五同,转变了领导作风,全体职工在大辩论中,都说出了心里话,解放了思想,一贯落后的也主动检查了自己,因此,出现了以虚带实,虚实并举生动活泼的政治局面.克服了上下班之间互不团结、互不协作的不良现象和本位主义思想,出现了上班和下班之间、个人和个人之间岗位和岗位之间的空前团结,互相创造条件,达到了三班操作的统一,加强了操作,严格控制  相似文献   

正这个春天很寂静,少了城市的车水马龙、人头攒动,季节的鸟语花香、雨丝风片也被挡在了户外。然而,这个春天的"寂静"与美国女作家蕾切尔·卡森的《寂静的春天》却是不同的。主体被更换了,我们把城市让给了自然,把天空留给了飞鸟,把河流还给了鱼儿,自己却宅在了家里。水清了,天净了,草绿了,家成了我  相似文献   

牛崇桓 《风景园林》2013,(5):142-143
近些年来,城市建设出现了千篇一律的景象:宽阔的柏油马路,林立的钢筋混泥土结构,山削平了,湖填平了,树整齐了,人隔远了,很多城市少了灵气、少了韵味、少了传承,让人似曾相识,也就让人熟视无睹了。  相似文献   

城市建设与水土保持理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,城市建设出现了千篇一律的景象:宽阔的柏油马路,林立的钢筋混泥土结构,山削平了,湖填平了,树整齐了,人隔远了,很多城市少了灵气、少了韵味、少了传承,让人似曾相识,也就让人熟视无睹了。  相似文献   

宝钢工程混凝土泵送施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海宝山钢铁总厂成功地采用了混凝土泵车浇灌混凝土,改革了传统的施工方法,提高了混凝土工程的机械化水平,消灭了笨重体力劳动,提高了劳动生产率,加快了工程进度,保证了工程质量,受到广大工人的欢迎。  相似文献   

<正>金秋9月,我们告别了丰富多彩的暑假生活,走进了熟悉的校园。为了迎接同学们回校上课,学校举办了才艺秀。经过一个暑假的充电,同学们都有了很大变化,这不,大伙儿都做好了露两手的准备。小艺跳起了拉丁舞,小强打起了军体拳,小明秀起了花样篮球……而我要展示的是我苦练了一个暑假的书法。我拿起毛笔,蘸了蘸墨水,大笔一挥,在宣纸上写下了"时不我待"四个字,同学们看了纷  相似文献   

科学技术的日新月异发展,多媒体技术已经进入了课堂,优化了课堂教学,提高了教学效率,突出了学生主体地位,激发了学生学习欲望,调动了学生学习的积极性、主动性、创造性,扩大了知识容量,促进了学生想象思维的发展,实现了课堂教学过程的最优化。本文试就多媒体技术在小学语文教学中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

秋到家乡,家乡的景色就变得更加绚丽迷人。秋催熟了天,催熟了地,催熟了山林,催熟了田野,催熟了水面,也催熟了村民的希望。村头的桂花开了,清香四溢深园的桔子红了,无数个小灯笼挂上了枝头;田野的稻谷黄了,清风吹过,金波起伏,映着晚霞,一片辉煌;山间的栗子张开了嘴,灿烂地笑着;红薯胀开了地皮,袒腹吮吸着秋晨的露;鱼儿肥了,在水里悠悠地游着……丰收的欢声和笑语在山间、在田野、在地头回荡。丰收的喜悦和幸福在一张张脸庞上荡漾、流淌。伴随着喜悦和幸福,稻谷入了仓,红薯入了窖……村民踩着秋的节拍收获了一年的心血和…  相似文献   

上海耀华玻璃厂从去年十一月份开始,经过组织职工学习党的有关工业政策,全面开展“查定”工作,已取得了不少成绩:一是提高了思想认识,领导干部比较全面的领会了政策的精神,认识到加强企业管理的重要意义;工人群众也基本上了解了政策的内容,加强了全面完成国家计划的观念,认清了形势和任务,增强了信心,鼓起了干劲。二是摸清了“家底”,落实了一九六二年计划,制定了近期和远期的“五定”方案,找出了生产上的薄弱环节和管理上的问题,研究了调整规划,为下一步整顿工作提供了依据。三是随着学习和“查定”的深入开展,职工群众已经行  相似文献   

借助FLAC3D程序,分析了基坑开挖后土体横向流动作用下坑内群桩的反应性状。研究了两桩、四桩、五桩、六桩群桩中基桩的反应性状,并与相同位置的单桩反应进行了比较,得到了受横向流动土体作用的群桩相互作用规律:桩基连线平行于边坡布置的两桩,相互影响并不明显;而在其它情况下,前排桩对后排桩遮拦、后排桩对前排桩阻挡,均使受影响的桩基内力分布改变,桩身最大变形量减小;受周围越多、越近桩基的影响,基桩的内力和变位减少得越多。根据桩间土体的成拱特征,定性解释了群桩相互作用的机理与规律,具体工程的现场量测结果也验证了此结论。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the calibration and use of the Thermo-Systems Inc. aspirating probe in a particular application where temperatures of a hot gas plume are estimated from measurements on a dynamically similar helium—air plume. The probe is used as a constant-temperature hot-film anemometer but, being enclosed in series with a choked orifice, it responds primarily to variations in gas conductivity and temperature. T theoretical analysis of the response of the instrument in a helium—air mixture shows that a normalised calibration curve can be found, in which temperature effects are isolated at the all-helium and all-air reference points. The experimental calibration curves are similar to the theoretical form. The aspiring probe has poor resolution compared with more conventional gas-sampling instruments and is therefore not sufficiently sensitive for measurements of chemical pollution. Nevertheless, in the present application it is capable of resolving temperature differences of 0.3°C with a high frequency response and is therefore a valuable tool in the exploration of plume trajectories near the source in a turbulent wind.  相似文献   

Fire simulation in road tunnels   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The catastrophic tunnel fires since the year 1999 and a series of accidents in some tunnels in the summer of 2001 triggered extensive discussions and proposals relating to tunnel safety. When a fire occurs in a tunnel, and in absence of sufficient air supply, large quantities of smoke are generated, filling the vehicles and any space available around them. Unless a strong flow is created and maintained, hot gases and smoke migrate in all directions. With a weak airflow, smoke forms a layer along the tunnel ceiling and can flow against the direction of forced ventilation, interfering with personal evacuation. This paper shows the results of a computer fire simulation in a tunnel and the results of this simulation: air velocity, air temperature and wall temperature in the case of fire. The simulation started before the emergency ventilation system is activated and continued with the fans activated to control the smoke.  相似文献   

We have conducted potentiometric and voltamperometric research of strongly diluted aqueous solutions of electrolytes in stationary and dynamic conditions. We have found a mechanochemical effect on the readings of a standard redox electrode in model solutions and natural waters, which is absent in degassed solutions. Cyclic voltamperometric investigations under stirring conditions demonstrated the emergence in the anodic region of a current of hydrogen peroxide formation in systems containing dissolved oxygen. Introduction into the solution of a structuring additive—a suspension of natural minerals, which did not result in the changes of the initial concentration of the electrolyte solution made it possible to substantially increase anodic current. We have received a proof of a possibility of mechanochemical formation of oxidants in natural waters.  相似文献   

Y. Zhang  H. Chen  J. Wang  Q. Meng 《Indoor air》2016,26(5):820-830
We conducted a climate chamber study on the thermal comfort of people in the hot and humid area of China. Sixty subjects from naturally ventilated buildings and buildings with split air conditioners participated in the study, and identical experiments were conducted in a climate chamber in both summer and winter. Psychological and physiological responses were observed over a wide range of conditions, and the impacts of season, climate, and thermal history on human thermal comfort were analyzed. Seasonal and climatic heat acclimatization was confirmed, but they were found to have no significant impacts on human thermal sensation and comfort. The outdoor thermal history was much less important than the indoor thermal history in regard to human thermal sensation, and the indoor thermal history in all seasons of a year played a key role in shaping the subjects' sensations in a wide range of thermal conditions. A warmer indoor thermal history in warm seasons produced a higher neutral temperature, a lower thermal sensitivity, and lower thermal sensations in warm conditions. The comfort and acceptable conditions were identified for people in the hot and humid area of China.  相似文献   

王立  薛德升 《城市规划》2018,(4):44-52,118
与欧美世界城市相比,中国世界城市的发展具有很强的差异性。基于此,选取柏林和广州作为案例城市,对其跨国空间形成过程与机制进行比较分析。研究表明:(1)柏林和广州跨国空间的形成与发展都受到历史作用的深刻影响,空间主导职能经历数次变迁,最终混合、杂糅进各类型跨国要素并与地方发生相互作用,二者都不是单一要素作用下的产物,而是一个历史的过程、综合演变的过程。(2)形成机制方面,柏林波茨坦广场是一种跨国政治历史层累下的亚文化复兴更新机制,政府与国家的作用居于主导地位,空间职能和景观的每一次变动都离不开国家的作用和政治因素的考量,是一种典型的国家主导模式;广州天河北则遵循了国家与社会互动的跨国空间生产机制,中央政府、城市政府、社会、市场通过制度的渐进式改革和创新频繁地发生互动作用,以"国家全球主义"的方式供给跨国资本盈利的市场、营造跨国阶层城市生活的空间,是一种典型的市场供给模式。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the conditions associated with violent rock failure in underground mines, and measures that can alleviate or mitigate the effects of rockbursts. Within this context, this paper focuses on destress blasting as a technique for reducing ground stresses in a selected zone of a mine. In particular this paper addresses the issues associated with large-scale choked destress blasts in mine pillars. In this method large amounts of explosive energy are used, resulting in major damage being caused in the targeted area, as well as in a significant quantity of material being dislodged, this ejection resulting in some convergence of the walls, and, in turn, in a local destressing effect.This paper provides the framework for establishing the critical parameters that control the destress blasting process, and investigates the interactions between these parameters. This is achieved by means of the rock engineering systems (RES) methodology, a matrix-based process that allows one to quantify in a systematic manner the interaction between each pair of parameters known to play a role in an engineering process. This has led to the development of a novel empirical method to quantify the likelihood of success of a large-scale choked destress blast in an underground mine pillar, for a given rock mass condition and stress regime. This method, based upon the newly developed destressability index, has been applied to back-analyse a fully instrumented large-scale confined destress blast at Brunswick Mine, in Canada. This index ascertains whether a given situation is conducive to being destressed by means of a large-scale confined destress blast, and, if so, whether the design of the blast is appropriate to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Aspects of transnationalism and identity in the period from the 1860s to the mid 1920s, which set in motion a form of globalization related to empire, are focused upon. The notion of 'regimes of representation' is adapted as a broad conceptual framework for exploring the role of colonial directories in establishing the identity of metropolitan commercial culture in Wellington, New Zealand. This outpost of empire is examined through a detailed analysis of the images presented in a series of directories by Kelly's and Wise. These reveal how British commerce established a strong and lasting identity in the colony through a variety of 'acts of representation'. It is concluded that colonial directories are a worthwhile but neglected source for exploring the geographies of empire.  相似文献   

The interest in spatial planning and territorial cohesion has prompted new scales of land-use planning interventions. This paper considers the experimentation and learning around the National Planning Framework in Scotland. This political instrument is predicated on active public participation to craft and legitimate a national planning agenda to re-position a devolved Scotland in a global context. The process involves a two-year programme of participatory activities. This paper conceptualizes this innovation through a discussion of the prerequisites for civic involvement at this national scale. It explores ideas relating to the need to develop a national vocabulary in the context of a small nation state. It highlights ideas relating to civic virtue and civic formation and the significance of an interest in public affairs, respect and trust, political equality, and a sense of public-spiritedness in preparing the way for active public engagement.  相似文献   

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