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2月10日,习近平总书记在北京调研指导新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作并发表重要讲话,发出了坚决打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战的总动员.此前的2月3日,习近平主持中央政治局常务委员会会议并发表重要讲话。会议指出,要在加强疫情防控的同时,努力保持生产生活平稳有序。各级党委和政府要继续为完成今年经济社会发展目标任务而努力。  相似文献   

正为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上的重要讲话精神,充分发挥科技创新支撑引领和人才第一资源作用,引导组织科技人员服务企业,为企业抗击疫情、复工复产、持续发展提供科技和智力支撑,提升科技型中小企业创新能力,科技部将引导开展科技人员服务企业专项行动。  相似文献   

习近平总书记的重要讲话为我们全力做好疫情防控、抓好生产经营进一步指明了方向、提供了根本遵循.习近平总书记特别提出“我国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变,疫情的冲击是短期的、总体上是可控的”这一重要判断,进一步激发了我们钢铁人战胜困难的信心,同时也激励着全体钢铁人为实现今年经济社会发展目标而努力奋斗.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情是新中国成立以来,传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的重大突发公共卫生事件。在这场疫情防控阻击战中,思想政治工作作为疫情防控的"生命线",在疫情防控过程中,更好的服从和服务于抗疫大局,展现出了强大功能。眼前山铁矿党委始终坚持以习近平总书记系列重要讲话指示精神为指引,认真践行习近平总书记提出的"坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策"的疫情防控工作总要求,坚持一手抓疫情防控保职工安全,一手抓生产组织保生产安全,与此同时,积极构建思想政治与疫情防控"七同步"工作机制(以下简称"‘七同步’工作机制"),把思想政治工作优势充分转化为疫情防控阻击战的强大力量,为打赢疫情防控阻击战提供强大的精神动力和政治保证。  相似文献   

2020年2月23日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在北京召开的统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上发表重要讲话。他强调,中华民族历史上经历过很多磨难,但从来没有被压垮过,而是愈挫愈勇,不断在磨难中成长、从磨难中奋起。当前疫情形势依然严峻复杂,防控正处在最吃劲的关键阶段,各级党委和政府要坚定必胜信念,咬紧牙关,继续毫不放松抓紧抓实抓细各项防控工作。要变压力为动力、善于化危为机,有序恢复生产生活秩序,强化“六稳”举措,加大政策调节力度,把我国发展的巨大潜力和强大动能充分释放出来,努力实现今年经济社会发展目标任务。  相似文献   

2月底,德龙集团、新天钢集团董事长丁立国在接受记者专访时表示,面对疫情大考,集团上下始终严格遵循习近平总书记“疫情就是命令,防控就是责任”的重要指示,一鼓作气,不出纰漏,全力打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。要把疫情防控作为最重要的工作来抓。当前,新冠肺炎疫情防控正处于关键期。越到关键越艰难,越是艰难越向前。  相似文献   

一、积极开展疫情防控工作疫情发生以来,首钢集团党委坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神,全面落实党中央、国务院、市委市政府各项决策部署,精心组织,周密安排,严防严控,扎实推进全集团的疫情防控工作.第一时间成立由主要领导任组长的疫情防控工作领导小组,坚决把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,把疫情防控工作当成重中之重的工作,第一位的工作来抓.首钢集团先后多次召开领导小组会、专题会传达上级精神,研究部署集团疫情防控工作,并下发了《关于进一步做好在京单位疫情防控工作的有关要求》等一系列文件,对各单位强化责任担当,切实做好疫情防控工作提出明确具体要求.  相似文献   

当前,在党中央统一部署和习近平总书记亲自指挥下,统筹做好疫情防控和经济社会发展工作正在深入推进。坚持两手抓、夺取双胜利,成为全党全国人民的共同意志。国资委直管协会植根于国民经济基础性战略性产业,在国家经济社会发展中的地位作用举足轻重。疫情发生以来,各行业协会商会坚决贯彻落实党中央决策部署和国资委党委要求,主动发挥优势服务大局。在做好自身疫情防控的同时,组织和动员行业企业,在医疗防护物资生产、民生物品供应保障、参与专门医院建设、组织捐款捐物、提出政策建议,以及引导企业复工复产等方面做出了重要贡献,得到了政府、社会和行业的高度认可。  相似文献   

3月10日,中国钢铁工业协会开展党委中心组(扩大)学习,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于新冠肺炎疫情防控和稳定经济社会运行工作有关讲话精神。钢协党委书记、疫情应对领导小组组长何文波主持会议。钢协党委领导班子成员、有关代管单位党政主要负责人、钢协机关部门主任以上党员干部参加学习。  相似文献   

疫情发生以来,鞍钢集团坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示精神和党中央、国务院决策部署,落实国务院国资委关于切实做好新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作要求,听从号令、科学防控,勇挑重担、精准施策,全力以赴做好疫情防控工作.  相似文献   

Mad cow disease or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a fatal neurological disease of cattle first recognized in the United Kingdom (UK) in 1986. Until recently, the UK government considered the chance of a human becoming infected with the BSE agent to be extremely remote. As a result of new developments, alarmist media attention, bureaucratic mishandling of the issues, scientific uncertainty, bickering among technical experts, and a dearth of easily assimilated and balanced information on the problem, widespread fears that affected cattle could enter the human food supply and transmit the disease to humans have periodically erupted, causing social, economic, and political consequences of tremendous magnitude. Better management of the mad cow problem could have minimized the magnitude of the epidemic among cattle, the risk to humans, and the public outrage. Trust in the British government was seriously eroded, an entire industry crippled, and international relations severely tried. Although the scientific data concerning BSE and its transmissibility to humans are still not conclusive, a growing body of (still largely circumstantial) evidence suggests that BSE may be transmissible to humans. Unfortunately, policy decisions cannot wait for a final scientific answer. Therefore, high-stakes decisions must be made in the face of this uncertainty. Such decisions should be made with the primary purpose of protecting the public, and not preferentially the economics of an industry, political alliances, or other considerations. Given that the risk to humans from BSE was (and still is) unknown and may be high, and that the perceived risk among the British public was (and still is) extraordinarily high, policies should support more aggressive interventions. Of necessity, such interventions will be preventive, as there is presently no available treatment. Such policies should be modified as necessary as the developing scientific data warrants.  相似文献   

College students from 2 Minnesota universities were surveyed about their gambling involvement. Gambling was reported to be a common experience, with 87% having participated at least once in the previous year. Most students reported gambling at fairly infrequent levels, and few identified financial, social, or personal consequences as a result of gambling. The odds of being identified as a probable pathological gambler was high for men, those indicating a positive parental history for gambling problems, regular (weekly plus) users of illicit drugs, and those with poor grades. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of cognitive growth in working memory (WM) on mathematical problem solution accuracy was examined in elementary school children (N = 353) at risk and not at risk for serious math problem solving difficulties. A battery of tests was administered that assessed problem solving, achievement, and cognitive processing (WM, inhibition, naming speed, phonological coding) in children in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade across 3 testing waves. The results were that (a) children identified as at risk for serious math problem solving difficulties in Wave 1 showed less growth rate and lower levels of performance on cognitive measures than did children not at risk; (b) fluid intelligence and 2 components of WM (central executive, visual-spatial sketchpad) in Wave 1 (Year 1) predicted Wave 3 word problem solving solution accuracy; and (c) growth in the central executive and phonological storage component of WM was related to growth in solution accuracy. The results support the notion that growth in WM is an important predictor of children's problem solving beyond the contribution of reading, calculation skills, and individual differences in phonological processing, inhibition, and processing speed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Approximately 5 to 7% of workers in any large employee population can be described as having borderline acceptable work performance and fluctuating emotional stability. This subpopulation of employees can be characterized as suffering from attitudinal disturbances ranging from mild to severe. At times physical illness can be an important contributing factor, but more commonly the sole attribute these individuals possess is a negative attitude toward work. It is this sub-group of problem employees which contribute the largest percent of unsafe acts leading to the greatest numbers of industrial accidents in the work community. Identification of this sub-group in the work force and utilization of selective physician-management counseling are definite steps that can be taken to improve the overall performance of the work group. Above average frequency of industrial accidents as well as above average rates of short term absence are significant job performance characteristics which correlate highly with identification of the problem employee. The mutual interchange between supervisor and employee of the counseling session provides a significant contribution to the employees coping mechanism. In our experience 85% of employees improve their job performance following counseling without the need for additional disciplinary action. A follow-up review of job performance with the employee is held within three to six months to reinforce the corrective steps already begun. Cost savings resulting from this approach can be significant. In this study a cost savings of $185 per employee per year was generated in a small isolated work group between 1972 to 1975. The calculation of direct dollar savings foe improvement in lost time statistics probably represent minimal cost savings, as some studies assume the total cost for sickness absence are 2-1/2 times the direct cost.  相似文献   

An explosion of research on life events has occurred since the publication of the Holmes and Rahe checklist in 1967. Despite criticism, especially of their use in research on psychopathology, such economical inventories have remained dominant. Most of the problems of reliability and validity with traditional inventories can be traced to the intracategory variability of actual events reported in their broad checklist categories. The purposes of this review are, first, to examine how this problem has been addressed within the tradition of economical checklist approaches; second, to determine how it has been dealt with by far less widely used and far less economical labor-intensive interview and narrative-rating approaches; and, third, to assess the prospects for relatively economical, as well as reliable and valid, solutions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

应用文献提出的双曲型方程的Riemann函数法,并利用超几何函数的特殊性质对一类非主型方程的古沙问题和柯西问题提供求解的方法,给出了解的表达式。  相似文献   

Despite its impressive rate of growth in the past decades, an increasing amount if dissatisfaction with the area of psychosomatic medicine is reflected in recent literature. The discipline's failures relate to concepts of pathogenesis and therapeutic application of research findings. These failures are explained as a necessary consequence of the philosophical tenet of mind-body dualism which underlies medical theory. It is urged that advocates of psychosomatic medicine give the concept of "holism" meaning at the most fundamental level by establishing a rational basis for theory, or else forsake this line of research for others which yield causal relationships conductive to effective therapy.  相似文献   

通过证明一系列的递推关系式,将文献中对常数p<1的限制推广到p>1且p≠奇数的情况。  相似文献   

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