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针对5G网络建设,从5G的发展驱动力、业务需求、标准演进、商用芯片、频谱分配以及全球商用网建设等方面分析全球5G产业链发展情况。同时结合5G网络结构、业务场景、工作频段、设备形态等特点,考虑到我国5G商用网牌照已经发放这一背景,针对5G网络建设思路、规划流程、覆盖规划、容量规划、站址规划、配套建设等方面,提出规划建设建议。  相似文献   

结合5G标准产业的进展,提出5G核心网规划建设所面临的挑战,并对其中非独立组网(NSA)/独立组网(SA)架构的选择、用户业务的继承性、面向未来发展策略等关键问题进行深入分析和探讨。提出了面向个人用户和垂直行业用户进行融合数据面、控制面、用户面的网络规划策略,以及实现面向5G网络基础设施的云化转型、2G/4G/5G协同发展和5G用户国际漫游的规划建设策略。  相似文献   

深圳作为5G网络建设起步较早的城市之一,已立项、规划并部署了一批5G接入机房。因管线建设困难等原因,部分机房在选址后无法投产使用,需进行退址、退租并启动重新选址流程,对运营商的选址效率和建设成本有一定影响。系统整理深圳5G一期工程中5G接入机房的主要退址原因,针对性地提出选址流程优化策略,对后续5G机房选址具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

目前5G网络建设已经初具规模,5G网络商用已经全面开放,5G网络用户和业务规模正在呈阶梯状增长,但是5G网络全面和客观的质量评估方法和标准尚未明确,因此本文对5G网络评估进行了初步探索,通过挖掘网络问题、收集用户诉求和在网体验感知,总结5G网络评估关键因素和涵盖范围,并初步构建了一种5G全景图作为评估模型,对现阶段5G...  相似文献   

杨旭  肖子玉  梁冰  李乐 《电信科学》2020,36(9):131-140
首先结合国内运营商的 5G 商用情况分析了非独立(non-standalone,NSA)组网的劣势,建议控制NSA投入,以独立(standalone,SA)组网为目标开展5G网络建设;然后基于5G核心网标准进展及R16标准的主要变化,分析5G SA核心网商用部署及后续2G/4G/5G融合演进规划部署建议,包含5G边缘计算节点的商用部署建议以及后续的规划建设建议。建议以终为始、尽早统筹开展2G/4G/5G融合组网规划建设,以有效保护投资、降低组网和维护复杂度,实现控制面全云化部署、用户面分布式下沉部署的目标架构;为5G SA核心网建设提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>在过去的几年中,5G的高质量发展已成为中国信息通信业浓墨重彩的一笔。无论是网络规模和创新水平,还是促进转型升级的行业应用落地,我国5G发展在全球都可圈可点。如今,面向未来的技术演进,5G正在迈出崭新的步伐。2021年4月,3GPP正式确定了5G演进标准名称为5G-Advanced,并在2021年12月批准了首批无线电接入网(RAN)及系统架构(SA)两大领域的Release 18(Rel-18)标准立项,  相似文献   

5G网络经过两期的建设已经初具规模,已基本实现了市区的5G网络覆盖。由于5G网络主要采用时分系统,其应对大气波导的特点以及能力均跟4G网络出现了很大的差异性。如何运用5G网络的新特点及新技术来更好的规避大气波导的影响,成为目前的研究重点。本文从大气波导的形成原理、对5G网络的影响因素、5G网络的规避措施等几个方面进行了重点分析,以期为5G网络的建设提供相关的参考及借鉴,更好的服务于5G网络建设。  相似文献   

结合5G基站建设数据定量分析了重庆市5G网络建设进展,并通过5G频率使用率测试分析了重庆市5G网络使用现状,客观反映了当前5G网络使用特点以及覆盖发展规律。同时,分析了重庆市5G发展存在的主要问题,并针对性提出了发展的措施建议,对于加快重庆市5G网络发展、抢占5G产业发展制高点具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

在互联网时代和数字化的大潮下,5G无线网络规划是5G网络建设必不可少的阶段,网络规划的好坏会直接影响到网络的性能、网络的建设成本以及后期维护成本,本文结合实际案例,从5G网络关键技术,与4G网络规划差异、面临的挑战,规划目标以及实施方案等方面,较全面研究5G无线网络规划技术,用于指导5G无线网络规划设计.  相似文献   

为应对短期内4G网络因移动业务增长带来的承载压力以及5G基站建维成本带来的投资压力,根据5G业务发展情况,精准投放设备资源,提升5G网络效益是当前5G网络建设优化工作的重中之重。本文在搭建5G终端渗透率预测模型预测未来5G的市场发展;从规划、建设以及优化全流程分析了5G网络分流比提升的方法,为提升5G网络资源使用效率,实现资源精准投放提供参考。  相似文献   

云计算、大数据、5G以及人工智能等新技术的发展带动了千行百业的转型,也让运营商业务进入了下一个黄金时代, 作为运营商业务发展的基石-能源基础设施(数据中心、站点电源),其数字化、智能化程度不断提升,随之面临的网络安全威胁也成倍增加,作为能源基础设施的使用者,在选择能源基础设施解决方案和产品时,应将安全性作为与可靠性同等重要的因素来考虑。  相似文献   

为了给后续B5G核心网技术研究和标准化提供思路,首先介绍了5G核心网的服务化架构,描述了网络切片、边缘计算等关键技术;然后介绍了3GPP R15核心网标准化成果,提出了5G核心网系统架构,并介绍了R16在固移融合、5G LAN、TSN等方向的核心网标准化进展;其次介绍了ITU IMT-2020核心网标准化进展,包括IMT-2020核心网架构,给出了B5G核心网演进思路分析,提出网络极简化、行业专网增强、网络智能化、uRLLC、mMTC、天地一体化等5G核心网演进方向,并提供了3GPP、ITU的B5G核心网标准化最新进展;最后提出B5G核心网技术方案研究和标准化应覆盖全部的主流技术方向,面向未来做好技术能力储备。  相似文献   

自组织网络技术是提高蜂窝网络运行效率、降低运营成本的重要工具,已作为基本功能在4G标准化初始版本获得引入并得到不断发展。在复杂度更高的5G网络中实现网络自动化管理的需求将进一步增强。回顾了蜂窝网络自组织技术的基本概念、分类和主要用例,分析了主要研究方法;总结了学术界、标准化组织及研究机构的研究进展,重点介绍了基于机器学习的最新研究成果;调查了工程应用现状,分析了自组织网络面临的主要挑战,同时指出了新的研究方向。  相似文献   

帅农村  邵泽才 《移动通信》2020,(5):32-36,41
5G基站能耗高,对运营商的网络运营成本带来较大的压力。优化了5G基站能耗测试方法和业务加载方法,获取了大量现网5G基站能耗和无线利用率关系的实测基础数据。基于多元线性回归算法,构建了不同场景下的5G基站能耗模型,能耗模型拟合优度达到0.99以上。  相似文献   

IP网络QoS标准进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
焦利  王文东 《电信科学》2004,20(9):49-53
目前,IPQoS已成为业界研究的热点,国外各标准组织竞相开展IPQoS标准化工作.我国各运营商在完成IP骨干网的建设后,也面临在IP网上提供QoS保障业务的急迫需求.本文在跟踪国外IP QoS标准化工作进展的基础上,结合自身研究,对我国在IP QoS方面应做的工作进行了探讨.  相似文献   

无线网络的能量效率逐渐成为评估网络的重要指标,4G与5G能效存在差别,双网共存时,如何提高无线网络能效至关重要。为分析4G与5G能效差异,从基站能耗组成出发,通过实测数据建立4G和5G基站能耗模型,然后进行仿真,计算其能效。结果表明,4G和5G存在各自能效占优区间,单站吞吐量小于500 Mbit/s时,4G效更优;单站吞吐量大于500 Mbit/s时,5G能效更优。双网共存时,吞吐量小于500 Mbit/s时只开4G;吞吐量大于500 Mbit/s,只开5G,单站功耗可降低53.4%,能效可提升116.4%。  相似文献   

Fifth-generation (5G) networks deal with high-frequency data rates, ultra-low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, more availability, and a more uniform user experience. To validate the high-frequency rates, 5G networks engage beam searching operation. By adopting a beam searching state between the short and long sleep, one can reduce the system's delay. The energy consumption of user equipment (UE) in 5G networks is much higher than in the 4G networks. To reduce the energy consumption and increase the energy saving in UE, Long-Term Evolution (LTE)-5G networks adopt the discontinuous reception (DRX) scheme with a fixed number of short sleep. LTE-DRX without beam search operation (i.e., beam alignment) cannot work in 5G networks. Hence, keeping this scenario in mind, we have modeled a new modified directional discontinuous reception (MD-DRX) mechanism for LTE-5G networks. The MD-DRX mechanism captures the behavior of a beam searching, an inactive, an active, a long sleep, an ON, and a short sleep states. The short sleep state consists of a maximum M short sleep. To get the optimal energy saving and energy consumption (i.e., energy efficiency) from the MD-DRX mechanism, it is required to check the system's throughput. The trade-off between energy saving/energy consumption and throughput will provide the system's optimal energy saving and optimal energy consumption. In this paper, we have obtained the system's optimal energy saving and throughput by optimizing the maximum short sleep and short sleep duration. To get the energy efficiency for LTE-5G networks, the trade-off between average energy consumption/energy saving and throughput is shown.  相似文献   

A Survey of Energy Efficient Network Protocols for Wireless Networks   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Wireless networking has witnessed an explosion of interest from consumers in recent years for its applications in mobile and personal communications. As wireless networks become an integral component of the modern communication infrastructure, energy efficiency will be an important design consideration due to the limited battery life of mobile terminals. Power conservation techniques are commonly used in the hardware design of such systems. Since the network interface is a significant consumer of power, considerable research has been devoted to low-power design of the entire network protocol stack of wireless networks in an effort to enhance energy efficiency. This paper presents a comprehensive summary of recent work addressing energy efficient and low-power design within all layers of the wireless network protocol stack.  相似文献   

As vehicle complexity and road congestion increase, combined with the emergence of electric vehicles, the need for intelligent transportation systems to improve on-road safety and transportation efficiency using vehicular networks has become essential. The evolution of high mobility wireless networks will provide improved support for connected vehicles through highly dynamic heterogeneous networks. Particularly, 5G deployment introduces new features and technologies that enable operators to capitalize on emerging infrastructure capabilities. Machine Learning (ML), a powerful methodology for adaptive and predictive system development, has emerged in both vehicular and conventional wireless networks. Adopting data-centric methods enables ML to address highly dynamic vehicular network issues faced by conventional solutions, such as traditional control loop design and optimization techniques. This article provides a short survey of ML applications in vehicular networks from the networking aspect. Research topics covered in this article include network control containing handover management and routing decision making, resource management, and energy efficiency in vehicular networks. The findings of this paper suggest more attention should be paid to network forming/deforming decision making. ML applications in vehicular networks should focus on researching multi-agent cooperated oriented methods and overall complexity reduction while utilizing enabling technologies, such as mobile edge computing for real-world deployment. Research datasets, simulation environment standardization, and method interpretability also require more research attention.  相似文献   

Wireless mobile Ad-hoc network is a special network that all nodes can self-organize and work together. It is flexible to form a network and extend the coverage area dynamically without infrastructure, so Ad-hoc network is envisioned as cornerstones of future generation networking technologies (B3G or 4G). However, the dynamic network topology makes the communication cost not only the energy of source/destination nodes, but also the relay nodes. Another problem of the Ad-hoc network is it is hard to provide a stable and persistent quality of service (QoS), which is strongly required by the beyond 3rd generation (B3G) system. In this article, the authors establish a scenario that contains B3G cellular base station and Ad-hoc mobile nodes, and propose two algorithms minimum incremental rate algorithm and power feed-back rate allocation algorithm in multipath routing. The algorithms can maintain a constant total transmission rate and bit error ratio (BER) to provide the QoS guarantee and reach the minimum power consumption of the relay nodes by adjusting the rate of each path in the multipath routing.  相似文献   

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