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以中筒压力袜为试验样品进行穿着实验,测试了在站立和全蹲姿势下人体下肢6个部位的压力值以及不同时刻压迫感、酸痛感的主观感觉。比较分析了压力袜在不同压力等级和不同姿势下下肢各部位的压力分布规律和主观感觉差异,为有针对性地设计和开发压力袜产品提供指导。  相似文献   

紧身袜已成为现代女性四季都流行穿着的服装,其穿着压迫的安全性和舒适性逐渐引起了人们的重视。从下肢受压迫时皮肤血流的变化来探讨压迫对人体的生理影响,选择长期从事站立工作的健康女教师为受试者,以小腿及脚踝为研究对象,通过受试者正常穿着不同压力值的压力袜的着装试验,比较穿着不同压力袜在不同的压迫下,对受压部位压力、皮肤血流的变化以及压感觉评价等的影响,为医疗实践提供理论的指导,也为紧身类服装的开发和研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了模拟压力袜对不同围度脚踝所施加的确切压力分布,提出一种基于有限元软件构建的脚踝-压力袜仿真模型,模拟压力袜在穿着时对不同围度的人体脚踝施加的压力值。通过三维人体扫描获取脚踝初始形态尺寸,建立脚踝-压力袜几何模型。通过材料密度、弹性模量和泊松比建立Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级压力袜及脚踝的材料模型。运用有限元软件进行网格划分,建立医疗袜与腿部接触受力仿真模型。由仿真结果得到脚踝正前、后两点模拟压力值。结果表明:脚踝前部处所受压力值始终大于后部;穿着不同等级压力袜时,压力随压力袜等级的增加而增加;穿着相同等级压力袜时,脚踝所受的压力值随脚踝周长增长而增加,呈线性规律分布;经实测对比,实验验证所建立的有限元模型是合理且有效的。  相似文献   

采用人体穿着试验方法对常规压力袜的压力与压力分布进行测试,结果显示,人体姿势和日常运动状态都会影响压力袜的压力与压力分布,依据国内现行相关标准检测合格的常规压力袜产品,在人体穿着试验中其压力与压力分布会发生变化,不再呈现自踝部至膝盖逐渐递减的压力分布,不能满足人体需求。根据常规压力袜的人体穿着试验结果,重新设计压力袜工艺参数,制成改良压力袜并进行人体穿着试验,结果表明,其能够较好地满足人体需求,所施加的压力呈现自踝部至膝盖逐渐递减的分布。  相似文献   

以中筒压力袜为试验样品进行真人穿着实验,测试了人体小腿部位12个测试点在标准站姿时静态下的压力分布规律,以及原地踏步、提踵、踝泵3种动作下测试点的压力分布规律。分析了人体运动对压力袜压力分布以及压力稳定性的影响,并结合压力袜的压力分布规律分析了压力袜产品的设计开发原则,指出静态和动态条件下压力袜的压力和压力分布存在差异,该研究可为压力袜的设计开发提供指导。  相似文献   

为更好地发挥运动压力袜的作用,实现精准施压,使用三维人体扫描仪对人体小腿形态进行扫描,截取脚踝、跟腱与小腿肌转换处、小腿周长最大处以及胫骨初隆处截面曲线;同时运用有限元软件ABAQUS分别建立此 4处截面模型,按照标准值施压,模拟穿着运动压力袜小腿截面的受压状态;分析腿部各截面压力与位移的关系;最后利用运动压力袜编织尺寸的预测模型,设计编织实验样品,进行压力测试分析。结果表明:穿着运动压力袜时,左、右小腿各截面受压状态具有较大差异,但各截面所受压力与产生的位移均呈现一次函数关系;运动压力袜编织尺寸与其压力以及人体腿部截面周长之间,符合二元一次方程关系式;实验样品的压力测试值与标准值的误差均低于5%,证明了此预测模型的有效性。  相似文献   

选取6只中筒压力袜作为试验样品进行人体穿着试验,选取人体腿部的踝部最小周长处、腓肠肌止点、小腿最大周长处、胫骨节下端4个围度为测试部位,分别测试每个围度外侧在站姿、坐姿和躺姿3种状态下的压力。并对比分析不同姿态下各部位的压力分布规律,得出站姿是穿着中筒压力袜较好的姿势,为压力袜产品的应用以及应用过程中压力的控制提供参考。  相似文献   

选取符合压力分布标准的6只中筒压力袜进行真人穿着试验,探讨不同腿型(正常腿、O形腿和X形腿)穿着压力袜站姿时的压力分布情况,根据标准规定选取腿部踝部最小周长处、腓肠肌止点、小腿周长最大处、胫骨节下端4个围度的内侧和后侧8个点进行测量。研究表明,正常腿型的压力分布符合沿腿部自下而上逐渐递减的规律,X腿型和O腿型穿着压力袜时对腿部施加的压力均不呈现自下而上逐渐递减规律,不符合人体需求,该研究为压力袜的开发提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

选取6只规格相同、经腿模测试压力与压力分布合格而且各项指标符合我国标准规定的中筒压力袜作为试验样品,进行人体穿着试验,选取人体小腿部位4个围度为测试部位,测试人体日常状态穿着压力袜时测试部位站姿、坐姿、卧姿时的压力分布,以及踏步、踮脚、转动脚踝时的压力分布。结果表明,静态站姿时压力袜对人体施加的压力分布规律与腿模测试结果一致,符合人体需求,而静态坐姿、卧姿以及人体的日常活动都会引起压力分布规律的变化,使压力袜施加在人体腿部的实际压力与压力分布不再呈现自下向上递减的规律,不符合人体需求。  相似文献   

为了使医疗压力袜的压力及压力分布满足不同腿型患者的需求,选取中筒压力袜为试验样品,研究拉伸伸长率对压力袜压力及压力分布的影响。结果表明,测量点处的压力受到各部段拉伸伸长率的共同影响,且压力袜压力与拉伸伸长率呈显著线性相关关系。改变拉伸伸长率,压力分布发生变化,甚至出现逆梯度压力分布现象,不符合人体需求。在挑选压力袜时可根据自身腿部特征,并结合压力袜拉伸伸长率与压力及压力分布之间的关系来挑选符合自身需求的压力袜型号,得到积极的治疗效果。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,得到人体跑步时下肢各部分肌肉疲劳程度。采用锦氨包芯纱和锦纶在Santoni SM8 TOP2无缝内衣机上编织12种不同结构针织面料,采用定伸长拉伸测试面料拉伸性能。选用拉伸至相同拉伸率时所需拉伸力较大的几种面料制作紧身跑步裤,介绍紧身跑步裤结构设计和尺寸设计,对紧身跑步裤穿着效果进行主观测评。结果表明,人体跑步时下肢腓肠肌内侧、臀大肌、股直肌3个部位最易疲劳,不同组织的针织面料产生服装压不同,基于跑步时下肢疲劳状态设计的紧身跑步裤合理,能在保证人体穿着舒适的前提下达到减缓疲劳的目的。该研究为紧身服装的服装压分配、尺寸设计及制作提供参考。  相似文献   

为解决医疗袜穿着适配性存在的局部截面压力不均匀问题,编织3种弹力管状针织物,每种织物选用3种规格衬垫纱线,针对脚踝、小腿、大腿3个不同部位进行袜机参数的4因素3水平L9(34)的正交试验设计;对织物进行截面周长、织物克质量、密度、厚度及接触压力测试。研究发现,同一织物,在相同测试部位,压力值随腿模型号增大而变大;不同衬垫纱织物,衬垫纱越粗,压力值越大;袜机编织参数相同,围度上由两种组织编织的弹力管状织物的压力值大于单一组织的织物。  相似文献   

基于三维人体扫描获取的人体表面点云数据和拉普拉斯方程,建立医疗袜与腿部接触的服装压分布理论预测模型。选择常用的Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级医疗压力袜以及3名在校大学生进行试穿,按照建立的理论模型计算压力袜和腿部接触的压力分布,并采用AMI3037型接触式气囊压力测量系统测试受试者穿着医疗袜时的实际接触压力,验证预测模型的实用性。结果表明,理论值和实测值基本一致,在一定程度上表明基于非接触式三维人体扫描的医疗袜压力分布预测方法可行。  相似文献   

吴丽娟 《国际纺织导报》2012,(8):71-72,74,76,78
束裤是现代女性非常喜爱的塑身内衣产品之一,其着装压迫的安全性和舒适性也越来越多地受到消费者的重视。着眼于调查臀部、腰腹部受压时对皮肤血流量与皮肤温度的影响。选择两位健康的年轻女性作为试验对象,采用压力腔对腰腹部进行模拟加压,同时进行实际束裤穿着加压试验,通过对比相关结果,调查不同压迫方式对受压部位的皮肤血流量、皮肤温度的影响。  相似文献   

Dynamic pressure plays an important role in the cyclists’ performance and comfort. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively characterize dynamic pressure on lower limb with compression cycling shorts in a continuous cycling motion. Ten male cyclists participated in this study while wearing six pairs of compression cycling shorts with different ease allowances. Eight pressure measurement points were selected based on skeletal muscle simulation and surface curvature. A novel approach was developed to transform consecutive static pressures into dynamic pressure with interpolation technique. Firstly, a circular motion was evenly divided up into 12 postures. Secondly, static pressures in 12 postures were consecutively measured with an air pack-type pressure measuring instrument. Lastly, dynamic pressure was achieved with cubic spline interpolation in MATLAB based on static pressures in 12 postures. It was found that dynamic pressures at eight points were great difference. Maximum dynamic pressure at eight points was produced when pedal was at the top. Pressure linearly rose when ease allowance was gradually reduced at seven points (except at abdomen). Dynamic pressure fluctuation at four points (middle rectus femoris, middle biceps femoris, distal vastus medialis, and distal vastus lateralis) was significantly related with muscle activation (p < 0.01). Dynamic pressure at convex point of hip was mainly depended on skin deformation and surface curvature. Dynamic pressure of convex point of abdomen was controlled by breath rhythm. The findings are helpful to propose reasonable ease allowance at different parts of compression cycling shorts and provide theoretical guideline for fashion designers to improve pressure comfort and motion performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of pressure, displacement, and area shrinkage mass distribution with time between the human body and compression garment using finite element method according to ergonomics. After creating the function between pressure/displacement ratios and angle, it indicated that multiple relationship between pressure and displacement almost unaffected by wearing time. The corresponding displacement value can be calculated on the premise of the known pressure value at any point and any time during the wearing process by functional equation. Considering displacement distribution, we divided the lower leg into 12 equal regions according to angle, and then calculated area shrinkage mass of each region. According to area shrinkage mass distribution, the top part of men’s sock could be designed with different degree of tightness combined with subjective pressure comfort. All these solutions supplied a theoretical reference for optimal design of the top part of men’s sock.  相似文献   

吴志明  赵敏  陈星毅 《纺织学报》2011,32(5):98-102
为研究人体颈部服装压对颈动脉窦生理的影响,选取15名青年女性为实验对象,测量其穿着不同领宽的针织高领衫时的服装压值.通过台阶实验,对人体在静止-运动-静止过程中心率和血压的变化进行客观评价.研究认为:服装压与心率、血压存在相关性,各项生理指标在颈部受压超过1.2kPa时呈明显下降趋势,运动状态受压对心血管系统造成的负面...  相似文献   

Vascular changes play an important role in the pathogenesis of claw horn disruption lesions in cattle. The aim of the study was to measure arterial blood flow in the hind limbs of German Holstein cows with claw horn disruption lesions. A 10-MHz linear transducer was used to assess blood flow in the interdigital artery in the dorsal pastern region in the hind limbs of 11 non-lame and 33 lame German Holstein cows in which lameness was scored clinically. Qualitative and quantitative blood flow parameters were compared in affected limbs and unaffected contralateral hind limbs in lame cows and in the hind limbs of lame cows and non-lame cows. A pulsed-wave Doppler signal suitable for analysis was obtained in 78 of 88 limbs (33 affected and contralateral limbs, 22 limbs of control cows). Blood flow curve types 1 and 2 were predominant in the hind limbs of lame cows. Vessel diameter, end-diastolic velocity, and blood flow rate were significantly greater in lame cows than in non-lame cows and were numerically greater in moderately lame cows than in mildly lame cows. The differences in the qualitative and quantitative parameters between lame and non-lame cows were most likely caused by inflammation of the pododerm. The role of weight distribution between the paired hind limbs and the existence of claw horn disruption appeared to have an effect on the differences in local circulation in the affected and unaffected contralateral hind limbs in lame cows.  相似文献   

以影响鱼松压缩成型的因素为研究对象,将影响因素分为原料的制备(打松时间、干燥时间),压缩模具形式(模具截面形状与大小),压缩工艺参数(加载速率、最终压力、保压时间)三个方面,以压缩损失率和成型块松弛比为试验指标,确定了各因素的影响趋势.为鱼松压缩成型设备的设计指明方向.  相似文献   

A continuous flow solution unit was designed and built with a sole purpose of achieving better hydrodynamic control during the osmotic dehydration pre-treatment process. The initial study was set up to calibrate the flow meter at different sucrose solutions at different concentrations and temperatures to obtain a flow velocity range between 1.5 to 3.5 mm/s. In this study, broccoli stalk slices were used to investigate the effect of the flow velocity on mass transfer kinetics and compared with static condition. Further, the optimization of this equipment system was performed to achieve higher water loss with minimal solute gain as pre-drying condition. Comparative studies between static and dynamic conditions show that flow velocity helps in faster rate of water removal with lower solute gain during the osmotic dehydration process of broccoli stalk slices. The optimum condition was found to be at a temperature of 30 °C with concentration of 54 °Brix for 120 min of immersion time at flow velocity of 3.5 mm/s.  相似文献   

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