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尹硕辉  余天堂  刘鹏 《振动与冲击》2013,32(24):180-186
基于一阶剪切变形板理论,建立了分析金属-陶瓷功能梯度板自由振动问题的非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)等几何有限元格式。功能梯度板材料属性沿厚度方向呈梯度连续变化。采用等几何有限元法,讨论了梯度指数、边界条件及长厚比对四种典型功能梯度材料(Al/Al2O3、Al/ZrO2、Ti-6Al-4V/Aluminum oxide和SUS304/Si3N4)板自振频率的影响。数值算例表明,等几何有限元法具有高精度和高收敛率优点,能有效求解功能梯度板的动响应。  相似文献   

基于高阶剪切变形理论提出了一种功能梯度板自由振动分析的简化模型,该简化模型最显著的特点是适用于功能梯度板的振动分析,且不需要剪切修正。相比于其他具有更多未知变量的剪切变形理论,本文提出的简化模型只包含一个控制方程,极大地减少了计算量。基于该简化模型研究了功能梯度矩形板在简支边界条件下的自由振动,并与其他已有文献进行了比较。结果表明,本文提出的简化模型在分析功能梯度板的自由振动行为时简单且精确。此外,文中还通过多个数值算例分析讨论了不同的梯度指数、长宽比和边厚比对功能梯度板自由振动行为的影响。  相似文献   

基于一阶剪切理论,研究四边简支正交各向异性功能梯度材料(FGM)板的自由振动和受迫振动。假设剪应力沿厚度方向呈抛物线分布,利用剪切应变能与剪切余能相等原理,得到正交各向异性功能梯度平板的剪切修正系数。利用虚位移原理得到功能梯度平板运动方程,并采用Navier方法对运动方程进行求解。通过与有关文献及有限元计算结果对比,验证该方法的正确性。在此基础上,分析厚度方向上由纤维和基体按照不同体积梯度分布的三种(P-,S-,C-FGM)平板的固有振动和受激振动特性,结果表明纤维体积分数变化区间越大,梯度型式及梯度指数对其振动特性影响越显著;纤维体积分数关于平板中面反对称分布(S-FGM)时,平板振动特性受梯度指数影响较小。  相似文献   

针对压电功能梯度板的静力学问题,建立了一种基于三阶剪切变形理论的等几何分析求解方法.其中,定义功能梯度板的材料属性为板厚方向的幂函数分布,并假设压电功能梯度板中的机械位移场与电势场相互独立.利用压电材料的第二类本构方程以及哈密顿变分原理,推导出压电功能梯度板的相关等几何有限元方程.在压电功能梯度板的自由振动分析中,研究...  相似文献   

该研究的目的是将能量辐射传递法(radiative energy transfer method, RETM)推广到功能梯度板模型中,以预测结构的高频振动响应。基于一阶剪切变形理论推导了功能梯度板的振动控制方程,获得了波传播特性参数。在该方法中,结构内部的能量响应由激励产生的直接场与边界虚源产生的反射场叠加得到。在临界频率以下,能量响应由一种传播波控制;而在临界频率以上,由三种传播波控制。数值算例结果与模态叠加法和功率流分析进行了对比,验证了RETM在计算不同物理参数下功能梯度板高频振动响应的准确性。研究了不同厚度下剪切变形和转动惯量对能量响应的影响,讨论了材料梯度因子、结构阻尼和激励频率对高频振动能量的影响。结果表明,材料梯度因子的变化会导致结构波传播特性和能量分布特征的变化,越大能量的衰减速度越快,衰减幅度越大。  相似文献   

曹源  雷剑 《复合材料学报》2020,37(1):223-235
基于修正的偶应力理论和正弦剪切变形梁理论,研究了功能梯度材料三明治微梁的静态弯曲和自由振动行为。考虑两种不同类型的功能梯度材料三明治微梁,根据哈密顿变分原理建立其静动态力学行为的控制方程,应用Navier解法,得到了简支边界条件下弯曲变形和振动频率的解析解,同时,给出了固支等边界条件时的里兹法求解过程。数值算例表明,功能梯度三明治微梁的静动态力学行为具有明显的尺度效应,微梁的无量纲厚度、功能梯度指数、长厚比和结构形式等因素对其静动态响应有很大影响,相关结果和规律对功能梯度材料三明治微梁的结构设计和性能优化等实际工程应用具有一定的指导意义。   相似文献   

基于一阶剪切变形理论的新型复合材料层合板单元   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基于一阶剪切变形理论(FSDT),本文构造一种新型的20自由度(每结点5个自由度),四边形复合材料层合板单元,适合于任意铺设情形的层合板的计算。它是按如下方式构造的:(1) 单元每边的转角和剪应变由Timoshenko层合厚梁理论来确定;(2) 对单元域内的转角场和剪应变场进行合理的插值;(3) 引入平面内双线性位移场来体现层合板面内与弯曲的耦合作用。本文单元,记为TMQ20,不存在剪切闭锁现象,在计算单层的各向同性板时可以退化为文[1]中优质的中厚板单元TMQ。在文[2]中将给出本文单元对于层合板问题的详细数值算例。  相似文献   

袁文昊  李凤莲  吕梅 《复合材料学报》2020,37(12):3149-3159
波纹夹芯板作为一种特殊的复合材料结构,边界条件对其振动特性有重要影响。根据不同剪切方式下的剪切变形理论和基尔霍夫经典板理论(CLPT),利用Hamilton原理建立波纹夹芯板的动力学方程。其中,波纹芯层等效成各向异性均质体。根据四边简支、四边固支、对边简支和固支、一边固支三边简支的边界条件,推导出位移形式的偏微分动力学方程。求解得到波纹夹芯板在不同边界条件下自由振动的固有频率,与有限元仿真结果进行对比,验证了理论结果的正确性。在此基础上,基于指数剪切变形理论(ESDT),分析了不同边界条件下波纹夹芯板的基频随材料参数和结构几何参数的变化规律。结果表明,材料和几何参数对不同边界条件下波纹夹芯板的振动特性有重要影响。相关研究结果将对波纹夹芯板在工程应用中的减振设计及优化分析提供一定的理论依据。   相似文献   

当剪切带中存在二阶位移梯度或应变梯度时,研究了两种数字图像相关(DIC)方法在测量位移、应变及应变梯度中的表现。以基于梯度塑性理论的剪切带的位移解作为基础,通过Matlab仿射变换制作了具有不同平均剪切应变和应变梯度的虚拟剪切带。通过对其计算和分析得到了下列结果:当剪切带的平均剪切应变和应变梯度较高时,与只考虑一阶位移梯度的DIC方法相比,考虑二阶位移梯度的DIC方法优势明显,获得的位移、应变及应变梯度结果与理论解比较吻合,由于DIC方法测量的是平均应变,因此,剪切带中心的峰值应变将被低估;当剪切带的平均剪切应变和应变梯度较低时,剪切带中心的峰值应变可能被高估,受标准偏差的影响,考虑二阶位移梯度的DIC方法没有优势。基于上述研究结果,在单向压缩应力控制加载条件下,对砂样从开始加载至宏观裂纹出现之前变形过程中的3种应变场的4种结果进行了分析。由于应变不超过0.25,因而考虑二阶位移梯度的DIC方法的结果并无优势。  相似文献   

基于Timoshenko梁理论,研究各向异性功能梯度材料梁的自由振动。假设材料参数沿梁厚度方向按同一函数规律变化,建立了功能梯度材料梁的振动方程,求得简支条件下其自振频率表达式。通过算例,给出指数函数梯度变化Timoshenko梁的自振频率和模态图,结果表明不同梯度变化对材料结构动力响应有较大影响。该方法为发展功能梯度材料梁的设计与数值计算提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Based on the first-order shear deformation theory, the free vibration of the functionally graded (FG) truncated conical shells is analyzed. The truncated conical shell materials are assumed to be isotropic and inhomogeneous in the longitudinal direction. The two-constituent FG shell consists of ceramic and metal. These constituents are graded through the length, from one end of the shell to the other end. Using Hamilton's principle the derived governing equations are solved using differential quadrature method. Fast rate of convergence of this method is tested and its advantages over other existing solver methods are observed. The primary results of this study were obtained for four different end boundary conditions, and for some special cases, acquired results were compared with those available in the literature. Furthermore, effects of geometrical parameters, material graded power index, and boundary conditions on the natural frequencies of the FG truncated conical shell are carried out.  相似文献   

Thermal post-buckling analysis is first presented for functionally graded elliptical plates based on high-order shear deformation theory in different thermal environments. Material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent and graded in the thickness direction. Ritz method is employed to determine the central deflection-temperature curves, the validity of which can be confirmed by comparison with related researchers' results; it is worth noting that the forms of approximate solutions are well chosen in consideration of both simplicity and accuracy. Influences played by different supported boundaries, thermal environmental conditions, ratio of major to minor axis, and volume fraction index are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In the present article, as a first endeavor, the wave propagation in functionally graded nanocomposites reinforced with carbon nanotubes is investigated on the basis of second-order shear deformation theory. Four different types of functionally graded nanocomposites are presented. An analytical method is used to find the circular frequencies and phase velocities. To show the accuracy of the present methodology, our results for the free vibration are compared with the results of functionally graded plates available in the literature. The influences of different parameters are also investigated on the circular frequencies and phase velocities.  相似文献   

This article proposes a higher-order shear deformation beam theory for free vibration analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite sandwich beams in a thermal environment. The temperature-dependent material properties of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams are supposed to vary continuously in the thickness direction and are estimated through the rule of mixture. The governing equations and boundary conditions are derived by using Hamilton's principle, and the Navier solution procedure is used to achieve the natural frequencies of the sandwich beam in a thermal environment. A parametric study is led to carry out the effects of carbon nanotube volume fractions, slenderness ratio, and core-to-face sheet thickness ratio on free vibration behavior of sandwich beams with functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite face sheets. Numerical results are also presented in order to compare the behavior of sandwich beams including uniformly distributed carbon nanotube-reinforced composite face sheets to those including functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite face sheets.  相似文献   

Small scale effects in the functionally graded beam are investigated by using various nonlocal higher-order shear deformation beam theories. The material properties of a beam are supposed to vary according to power law distribution of the volume fraction of the constituents. The nonlocal equilibrium equations are obtained and an exact solution is presented for vibration analysis of functionally graded (FG) nanobeams. The accuracy of the present model is discussed by comparing the results with previous studies and a parametric investigation is presented to study the effects of power law index, small-scale parameter, and aspect ratio on the vibrational behavior of FG nanostructures.  相似文献   

Geometrically nonlinear vibrations of functionally graded (FG) doubly curved shells subjected to thermal variations and harmonic excitation are investigated via multi-modal energy approach. Two different nonlinear higher-order shear deformation theories are considered and it is assumed that the shell is simply supported with movable edges. Using Lagrange equations of motion, the energy functional is reduced to a system of infinite nonlinear ordinary differential equations with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities which is truncated based on solution convergence. A pseudo-arclength continuation and collocation scheme is employed to obtain numerical solutions for shells subjected to static and harmonic loads. The effects of FGM power law index, thickness ratio and temperature variations on the frequency–amplitude nonlinear response are fully discussed and it is revealed that, for relatively thick and deep shells, the Amabili–Reddy theory which retains all the nonlinear terms in the in-plane displacements gives different and more accurate results.  相似文献   

Natural frequencies and buckling stresses of plates made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) are analyzed by taking into account the effects of transverse shear and normal deformations and rotatory inertia. The modulus of elasticity of the plates is assumed to vary according to a power-law distribution in terms of the volume fractions of the constituents. By using the method of power series expansion of displacement components, a set of fundamental dynamic equations of a two-dimensional (2-D) higher-order theory for rectangular functionally graded (FG) plates is derived through Hamilton’s principle. Several sets of truncated approximate theories are applied to solve the eigenvalue problems of FG plates with simply supported edges. In order to assure the accuracy of the present theory, convergence properties of the fundamental natural frequency are examined in detail. Critical buckling stresses of FG plates subjected to in-plane stresses are also obtained and a relation between the buckling stress and natural frequency of simply supported FG plates without in-plane stresses is presented. The distributions of modal displacements and modal stresses in the thickness direction are obtained accurately by satisfying the surface boundary conditions of a plate. The modal transverse stresses have been obtained by integrating the three-dimensional equations of motion in the thickness direction starting from the top or bottom surface of a plate. The present numerical results are also verified by satisfying the energy balance of external and internal works are considered to be sufficient with respect to the accuracy of solutions. It is noticed that the present 2-D higher-order approximate theories can predict accurately the natural frequencies and buckling stresses of simply supported FG plates.  相似文献   

Investigated herein is the free vibration characteristics of microbeams made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) based on the strain gradient Timoshenko beam theory. The material properties of the functionally graded beams are assumed to be graded in the thickness direction according to the Mori–Tanaka scheme. Using Hamilton’s principle, the equations of motion together with corresponding boundary conditions are obtained for the free vibration analysis of FGM microbeams including size effect. A detailed parametric study is performed to indicate the influences of beam thickness, dimensionless length scale parameter, and slenderness ratio on the natural frequencies of FGM microbeams. Moreover, a comparison between the various beam models on the basis of the classical theory (CT), modified couple stress theory (MCST), and strain gradient theory (SGT) is presented for different values of material property gradient index. It is observed that the value of gradient index play an important role in the vibrational response of the microbeams of lower slenderness ratios. It is further observed that by increasing the length-to-thickness ratio of the microbeam, the value of dimensionless natural frequency tends to decrease for all amounts of the gradient index.  相似文献   

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