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在对区域内自然环境现状进行调查的基础上,结合生态环境需水量以及周边水源在水质、水量方面的对比,展开了对青岛高新区远期生态水系补水方案的研究。通过方案比选,提出了该区远期生态水系补水的推荐方案:在优先利用高新区汇水面积范围内雨水径流的基础上,利用上马污水处理厂和出口加工区污水处理厂的再生水作为补水水源的方案。同时,为防止污水处理厂出现出水水质不稳定的情况,将大沽河南庄橡胶坝水源作为应急补水方案。  相似文献   

水量不足、生态脆弱、污染严重致使城市雨源型河流成为水环境治理的难点。研究选取哈尔滨市何家沟作为雨源型河流典型代表,针对其缺水及黑臭问题进行现状分析和治理方案研究。基于河段的特征差异,预测不同河段生态环境需水量。通过河流汇水区域、污水处理厂分布与再生水量分析补水水源潜力,提出以再生水和雨水为主要水源,松花江水为补充的综合补水方案及配套的水质水量保障方案,确保在保障河流生态水量的基础上有效提升水质。  相似文献   

生态需水不足是河流生态系统健康的重要制约因素。为了有效保障河流生态需水,构建了基于多水源的河道月尺度生态补水目标优化模型,并以滇池流域的宝象河为例,开展了案例研究。研究结果表明:①宝象河生态需水量为0.37亿m~3/a,以基本生态需水量为主,占比为94.3%,且具有显著的年内变化特征,因此生态补水应当考虑到比年更小的时间尺度;②在无补给和污水处理厂再生水两种情景下,宝象河无法满足生态需水的水量和水质要求,必须配合外流域调水;③多水源优化后,最优的再生水补给量和调水量分别为0.24亿m~3/a和1.37亿m~3/a,当前再生水补给在部分月份过剩(10月份),不利于流域水资源优化配置;④河流水质达标能够降低98.6%的生态补水,水质是影响生态补水优化配置的关键因素。  相似文献   

正项目从多学科角度对滨江城市水生态修复机理进行全方位总结梳理,提出了从水文、水质、生物、水生态服务功能等方面进行水生态环境现状评价的方法。结合海绵城市理念,构建城南河流域河网水文水质模型和LID水质模型,针对城南河流域干支流水生态现状开展水生态修复的实例研究。提出控源截污、水系连通、生态补水、海绵城市、生态修复等措施,制定水生态修复方案,定量定性分析修复措施模拟效果,确定最佳方案。  相似文献   

以实现河流水质目标为前提,充分利用河流纳污能力,根据不同环境与气候条件调节污水处理厂运行状况和排水管网的污水排放量,可有效保护河流生态质量。基于城市污水处理系统集成仿真平台,提出了4种以河流水质为目标的城市污水处理系统集成控制方案,通过对排水管网和污水处理厂的协调控制,实现了河流水质的改善。仿真结果验证了集成控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

随着城市化发展进程的不断加快,三门峡市水系生态系统水量不足、水质污染严重、滨水缓冲带缺失等问题日益严重,造成生物多样性逐渐消失。以建设"河畅水清、岸绿景美、城水共生、人水和谐"的三门峡为前提,分析三门峡市城市水系生态目前所面临的问题,针对该市河流水量不足、水质污染严重等现象,提出通过王官提水改建工程、引南济青工程对青龙涧河进行生态补水,通过水系供水水源工程修建,提高河道换水次数,对河道实施"增容"等措施,逐渐丰富三门峡的生物多样性,增强其生态承载能力。  相似文献   

林阗 《水利科技》2014,(2):5-6,10
该文通过木兰溪下游河网水环境现状调查和水环境恶化原因分析,针对改善水生态环境中水质因素,提出木兰溪下游河网生态补水的设想,建设宁海闸,疏浚拓宽纵向排水通道,设置湖泊蓄水补水,改造水闸为双向进出水,完善城市截污治污工程,并采用河流完全混合模型计算木兰溪下游河网环境需水量,引干流水进入木兰溪下游河网水系,形成"动水效应",以改善木兰溪下游水环境。  相似文献   

为了合理、客观评价城市河流生态健康状态,选取河流水资源、水质、水系结构、水生态以及水系利用与管理五方面20个指标,建立了郑州市河流生态健康评价指标体系,采用突变理论标准量化底层评价指标,再根据相应的归一化公式推求突变级数值,从而确定城市河流生态健康状态。结果表明:2012年郑州市河流生态健康状况处于亚健康且趋于健康状态,其中水资源处于健康且趋于亚健康状态,水质处于亚健康且趋于病态,水系结构处于健康且趋于很健康状态,水生态处于健康且趋于亚健康状态,水系利用与管理处于亚健康状态。与传统评价方法相比,突变理论可削弱确定指标权重所带来的主观性,可以对城市河流生态健康状况做出科学合理的评价。  相似文献   

为探究城市高度建成区河道水质改善方法,以深圳市宝安区铁排河为研究对象,基于各河段的特征差异,计算不同河段的生态环境需水量、水库最小下泄生态流量及再生水和雨水的潜力资源,在保障水量及水质的前提下,提出相应的生态补水措施。研究表明:在以铁岗水库最小下泄水量为基础的前提下,铁排河各河段的降雨不能满足生态环境需水量,只能作为间歇补水,固戍污水处理厂的再生水可作为常态性水源;城市高度建成区的河段雨水补水宜采用人工调蓄及物化处理,在可利用空间较大的河段可采用生态调蓄净化雨水,以此削减入河污染浓度。生态砾石床、生态浮岛及水下森林的构建均能改善水环境生态系统,保障生态功能的稳定。  相似文献   

榆林市水资源较为紧缺,河流水系生态脆弱。随着榆林城市发展和工业的突飞猛进,由于污水处理跟不上,使得大量污水进入河道,严重地威胁着河流自净能力,分析榆林河流水系概况、水质现状及发展变化趋势,对污染物的来源和排放量进行探讨,按照水功能达标要求和水资源评价方法,对水体纳污限度和自净能力进行计算分析和评价。结果表明:除无定河径流较大,纳污能力较强以外,其它河流水系纳污能力均较弱或为负值。结果可为榆林市今后一段时间内水资源合理利用,生态环境有效保护和国民经济的可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

以再生水为湖池水源可缓解城市水资源紧缺现状,但存在因再生水水质标准低、易发生水体富 营养化的问题。计算湖池生态环境需水量,定期对湖池进行补水和换水,以保证湖池生态环境的健康。 基于污染物质平衡原理,采用换水周期法,建立兼顾水量和水质生态环境需水计算模型。以西安市沣庆 湖为例,估算生态环境需水量,计算结果为:沣庆湖换水周期冬季为125d、夏季为53d。沣庆湖年平均生 态环境需水量为24.37万m3。  相似文献   

台州市核心区生态补水最佳流量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善台州城区水生态环境,确定对台州城区生态补水的规模,应用MIKE 11水环境模型软件建立河网水量水质耦合模型,研究河网水动力变化对水质改善的影响,对模型进行率定、验证,并预测8种不同工况条件引水后的水质状况,以水环境质量改善后降低的污水处理费用作为经济效益指标,以泵站运行费用作为成本指标,计算引水流量与工程净效益之间的定量关系,最后分析得到最佳引水流量,旨在为确定、优化台州市区生态补水流量、治理城市水污染问题提供决策依据。  相似文献   

再生水是城市的“第二水源”,加强再生水配置利用对优化供水结构、增加水资源供给、缓解水量供需矛盾以及保障水生态安全具有重要意义。科学预测城市再生水需求是提高污水资源化利用水平的重要基础。在区域水资源需求分析基础上,充分考虑工业生产、城市杂用、河道补水、农林灌溉等4大领域的水量和水质需求特点,提出考虑水质与水价的分领域再生水需求预测技术框架。首先考虑水质影响,引入再生水可替代率指标,分析水资源需求总量中可由再生水供给的水量;其次,考虑自主定价模式下再生水价格对用户需求的影响,建立“补贴-价格-需求”模型,计算不同补贴情景下区域再生水的需求量;最后,应用于宿迁市中心城市。结果表明:在规划年2025和2030年的再生水利用率目标要求下,采用中等补贴情景能在有效推广再生水利用的同时兼顾政府财政压力,再生水需求量分别可达10 095×104和13 387×104 m3。本研究进一步拓展了城市再生水需求量预测的理论方法,也为宿迁市再生水利用配置提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

城市生活用水多样化趋势与水资源的可持续利用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对杭州市生活用水需求变化与用途多样化趋势的调查研究,用量化分析方法寻找与之相关的因素,并以此预测城市用水趋势。针对目前城市生活用水量日益增加、其中低质杂用水的比例较大的情况,从水环境综合治理角度,探讨城市水资源合理利用的最佳系统方式,并提出污水资源化、充分利用雨水、建立新型给排水系统等建议。  相似文献   

A method for the in-house treatment of partial wastewater flows and the recycling of treated process water into the textile finishing process was developed in order to recycle effluents from textile finishing industry and feed them back into the production process. The method is based on a two-stage biological anaerobic-aerobic process to split colouring wastewater agents and to degrade organic substances contained in the water as well as a chemical stage to remove the remaining color of the water with the help of ozone. In the framework of a research and development project a demonstration plant for a treatment capacity of 1440 m3 per working day was installed and started in a textile finishing company. At the plant, a wastewater flow and a recycling flow are treated separately in two different treatment lanes. Approximately 40% of the total wastewater flows, i.e. 576 m3/d are treated in the wastewater lane, and a maximum of 60% of total wastewater, i.e. 864 m3/d are treated in the recycling lane. Thanks to the preliminary treatment of wastewater flows, which are discharged into the municipal sewage works, a reduction of average COD levels in the sewage works effluents could be achieved.  相似文献   

水的再生利用是破解我国水资源短缺问题的重要途径之一,但是再生水利用对人体健康和环境的影响也是生活污水处理必须面对的挑战,从而受到人们普遍关注。根据我国再生水回用途径和天津市纪庄子再生水厂的出水水质情况,构建了再生水利用风险评价指标体系(包括健康风险指标和生态环境风险指标),并对纪庄子再生水厂的出水与景观用水和地表水分别进行了风险评价,得出再生水用在不同用途时存在的不同环境风险。  相似文献   

Urbanization, industrialization and rapid population growth in developing countries of the Arabian Peninsula are putting increasing pressure on local water authorities and water planners to satisfy the growing urban water and sanitation demands. In the Arabian Peninsula, water resources are limited, average rainfall is low and the seawater and brackish water desalination in addition to limited groundwater resources are the major water supply sources. The population increased from about 17.688 million in 1970 to 38.52 million in 1995 and is expected to reach 81.25 million in 2025. The urban population is expected to rise from 60% in 1995 to more than 80% in 2025. The domestic water demand is expected to rise from 2863 million cubic metres (MCM) in 1990 to about 4264 MCM in 2000 and 10580 MCM in 2025. In Saudi Arabia, the population increased by 143.6% between 1970 and 1995; and it is expected to reach about 40.426 million in 2025, with about 80% urban population. The domestic water demand in the Kingdom is expected to be about 2350 MCM in 2000 and 6450 MCM in 2025. Specialized agencies have been established for water production and distribution, and for wastewater collection, treatment and reuse. Special legislation has been introduced to manage water demands and to protect the interests of the community and its natural resources. Fifty-seven costly desalination plants have been constructed in the Peninsula on the Gulf and Red Sea coasts, as well as water transmission lines to transport the desalinated water to coastal and inland major cities. The seawater desalination unit cost is about US$0.70/m 3 for a large desalination plant with energy priced at world prices. More than $30 billion has been invested on water and sanitation projects. Present desalination production is about 46% of the total domestic demand, and the rest is pumped from deep and shallow aquifers. In general, fragmented legislation and institutional arrangements and low water charges have indirectly resulted in over-usage of domestic water, production of excessive quantities of wastewater, significant leakage, and enhancement of shallow water-table formation and rise in some cities. Facing the challenges of satisfying the growing urban water demands requires several essential measures such as: (a) introduction of new technologies to reduce water demands, and losses, and to enhance wastewater recycling and water conservation; (b) the updating of legislation to coordinate both responsibilities and actions among different water agencies; (c) the introduction of a strong and transparent regulatory framework to adopt different forms of water supply privatization, to reduce the costs of building, operation and maintenance of water and sanitation facilities, and to improve the level of services and billing, leakage and wastewater collection and treatment; (d) an increase in water tariffs to reflect the actual value of the water, and to enhance the awareness of public as to the value of water; and (e) development of short-term and long-term national water plans based on realistic water demand forecasting.  相似文献   

While energy consumption and its associated carbon emission should be minimized in wastewater treatment, it has a much lower priority than human and environmental health, which are both closely related to efficient water quality management. So conservation of surface water quality and quantity are more important for sustainable development than green house gas (GHG) emissions per se. In this paper, two urban water management strategies to conserve fresh water quality and quantity are considered: (1) source separation of urine for improved water quality and (2) saline (e.g. sea) water toilet flushing for reduced fresh water consumption in coastal and mining cities. The former holds promise for simpler and shorter sludge age activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (no nitrification and denitrification), nutrient (Mg, K, P) recovery and improved effluent quality (reduced endocrine disruptor and environmental oestrogen concentrations) and the latter for significantly reduced fresh water consumption, sludge production and oxygen demand (through using anaerobic bioprocesses) and hence energy consumption. Combining source separation of urine and saline water toilet flushing can reduce sewer crown corrosion and reduce effluent P concentrations. To realize the advantages of these two approaches will require significant urban water management changes in that both need dual (fresh and saline) water distribution and (yellow and grey/brown) wastewater collection systems. While considerable work is still required to evaluate these new approaches and quantify their advantages and disadvantages, it would appear that the investment for dual water distribution and wastewater collection systems may be worth making to unlock their benefits for more sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

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