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目的 针对当前可逆视频水印隐蔽性和篡改定位能力不足问题,提出一种新颖的基于帧内预测模式的可逆视频水印算法。方法 首先,深入分析I帧亮度分量的预测模式对不同类型篡改的敏感性,提取每个帧内编码宏块的预测模式,通过预测模式生成特征码。然后,结合H.264/AVC编码特性和误差补偿算法,在每个亮度4×4残差块中筛选出误差最小系数。最后,运用差值扩展的方法将特征信息作为水印可逆的嵌入到所选系数。结果 在含水印视频未受到篡改时,解码端提取水印后可对原始视频进行无损恢复。当视频受到篡改时,算法能精确定位篡改区域并且篡改定位精度达到4×4子块级。由于水印嵌入在误差最小的系数中,能够有效地降低水印嵌入对于视频质量的影响,嵌入水印后图像的PSNR值比现有的基于H.264/AVC可逆水印方案平均提高10%,测试序列的码率增量平均降低了22%左右。结论 本文算法较现有算法具有更好的嵌入率、隐蔽性、篡改检测精度, 适用于医学、军事、卫星等领域。  相似文献   

In this paper, a compressed domain video watermarking scheme is proposed which embeds the watermark in the homogeneous moving object within a shot of video sequence to resist geometric attacks such as rotation, scaling etc. Intuitively, object based watermarking results low payload and has the least impact on visual quality since the object area is generally small and highly textured. The proposed work has two main contributions, firstly, an existing compressed domain motion coherent block detection algorithm [7] is extended to detect the moving objects within a video shot and secondly, a watermarking scheme has been proposed by embedding within the moving objects to resist RST attacks. A comprehensive set of experiments has been carried out to justify the applicability of the proposed scheme over the existing literature.  相似文献   

针对当前视频水印抗重压缩能力不足,提出一种基于I帧色度量化残差系数的视频水印算法。通过对H.264/AVC帧内预测模式的分析,得出重压缩后预测模式的转变是造成水印提取失败的主要因素,因此,算法选择在更加稳定的色度分量中嵌入水印。首先,利用4?4子块中非零系数个数选择合适的色度子块,然后,运用差分能量的思想,结合Arnold置乱后的水印信息,通过调制其中一个非零量化DCT残差系数改变两个特定位置系数的关系嵌入水印。算法在帧内预测模式色度分量中嵌入水印,有效的解决了重压缩后水印提取不同步问题,提高了水印的抗重压缩性能。实验结果显示,提取的水印图像位错误率(BER)在20%以下,重构图像的SSIM比现有方案提高了1.2%-4.4%,另外,测试序列的比特增加率(BIR)平均降低了70%左右。算法适用于广播监控等实时视频应用。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - A robust H.264/AVC video watermarking algorithm without intra distortion drift is proposed in this paper for the copyright protection of digital videos. The...  相似文献   

郑莉华  曾雪 《计算机应用研究》2013,30(10):3139-3141
提出一个基于MapReduce的并行视频编码架构, 将源视频切分后以任务的形式分发到不同的处理器上并行地进行编码处理, 以达到提高编码速度的目的。为使整个任务的完成时间最短并平衡负载, 系统综合考虑视频编码特点及处理器的处理能力, 给出LBMM(load balance maximal-minimal complete time)算法。仿真结果显示提出的并行视频编码架构极大地改善了大数据量视频序列的编码效率, 减少了作业的平均响应时间。LBMM与Min-Min算法和CloudSim现有的轮循调度算法相比视频编码速度更快。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于H.264/AVC低比特率视频流的快速半脆弱水印算法。该算法一方面将I帧DCT量化残差矩阵能量值E的大小作为嵌入鲁棒水印的判决条件,以增强水印的鲁棒性和透明性,降低对编码比特率的影响;另一方面通过限制P帧运动矢量的搜索范围和估计精度嵌入脆弱水印,以提高水印嵌入的实时性。鲁棒水印与脆弱水印相结合有效地实现视频版权保护和内容完整性认证。实验结果表明,该算法实时性高、复杂度低,具有较好的率失真特性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel watermark embedding scheme for H.264/AVC video using a spatio-temporal just-noticeable difference (JND) model, which is based on 4?×?4 DCT blocks. Combined with the proposed JND model, a previous differential energy watermarking (DEW) algorithm is modified for better imperceptibility. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) and spread spectrum are used to enhance robustness of the watermark. The watermarked video has good robustness against common video attacks such as re-compression, additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), salt-and-pepper noise, Gauss filtering, circular averaging filtering and frame averaging. The watermarked video also has good visual quality due to the introduced JND model.  相似文献   

提出一种基于脆弱水印的视频流完整性认证方法,在H.264压缩比特流中,首先根据I_Slice 中4×4块的编码模式生成认证码,然后通过调制某些运动子块的VLC码字将其嵌入B_Slice和P_Slice的视频流中。这种调制是基于VLC码字和待嵌入比特之间的映射规则进行的。映射后的码字与原码字具有很好的相似性,即码字长度不变,码字表示的编码元素值相似。该算法可以实现水印的快速提取,满足视频实时处理的要求。实验仿真结果表明,本算法具有较小的视频失真,并能有效地对视频帧进行完整性认证。  相似文献   

王龙  伍淳华  袁开国  马玉洁 《软件》2012,(11):181-185
由于H.264标准视频的流行,对数字视频水的版权保护和认证的需求在不断增加。本文提出了一种基于H.264视频编解码标准的鲁棒视频水印算法。水印经过了增加帧同步信息,扩频编码和纠错编码的预处理后有着很强的鲁棒性。在嵌入过程中,选择了残差的DCT系数与参考块像素的DCT系数和作为嵌入载体,而不是通常的残差DCT系数,该处理可以很好的提高水印算法对视频攻击,如帧率攻击和码率攻击的鲁棒性,同时在嵌入的过程中,通过应用一个针对4*4的DCT的人类视觉系统来控制嵌入强度,使得水印算法对视频的视觉质量的影响降到最小。实验结果表明:本算法对多种攻击,如分辨率攻击、帧率攻击、码率攻击和重编码都有很好的鲁棒性,同时能保持很高的视觉质量。  相似文献   

Mixed architectures for H.264/AVC digital video transrating   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper, we investigate transrating architectures for H.264/AVC video streams. Basic architectures are presented with their strengths and weaknesses. None of the existing architectures provide an appropriate solution for H.264/AVC transrating with an optimal balance between visual quality and complexity. In order to find such an appropriate solution, we propose the use of mixed transrating architectures. These architectures combine different transrating techniques which are applied depending on the picture/macroblock type. The intra-predicted pictures are decoded and re-encoded, while open-loop transrating or transrating with compensation is applied to motion-compensated pictures. Performance results show that the mixed architecture which applies spatial compensation to motion-compensated pictures gives rate-distortion results which approach the cascade of decoder and re-encoder with a complexity only slightly higher than the open-loop transrater. Adding temporal compensation for motion-compensated pictures further improves the visual quality, albeit to a lower extent, at the expense of increased complexity.
Stijn NotebaertEmail:

Sun  Y. Zhou  Y. Feng  Z. He  Z. Sun  S. 《Image Processing, IET》2009,3(5):286-298
In this study, the authors propose a new rate-complexity-quantisation model and an incremental rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC video coding. One unique property of this algorithm is that, the picture complexity estimation and rate-quantisation modelling are jointly designed with an incremental rate control for P-frames. In addition, the proposed algorithm also introduces a number of efficient rate control techniques, including accurate rate control for intra-frames, enhanced proportional--integral--derivative (PID) buffer controller, and adaptive quantisation parameter determination for B-frames. The proposed algorithm has low computational complexity while providing robust rate control. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the current rate control algorithm adopted in the H.264/AVC reference software JM13.2 by achieving more accurate rate control, reducing frame skipping, depressing quality fluctuation and improving the overall coding quality by up to 2.83 dB.  相似文献   

基于H.264的视频水印技术   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
傅德胜  王建荣 《计算机应用》2009,29(4):1174-1176
针对H.264/AVC编码标准的新特性,提出一种基于H.264低比特率视频流的视频内容认证和版权保护方案。在H.264视频编码时,在传统差分能量水印(DEW)算法基础上,通过在水印嵌入过程中引入能量分布公式,改进了传统的差分能量水印算法,增加了嵌入的有效性和水印的稳健性;视频解码阶段提取水印,不需要原视频作参考,为盲检测。实验结果表明该方案具有较小的码率变化和视频失真,证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient rate control scheme for the H.264/AVC video coding in low-delay environments. In our scheme, we propose an enhancement to the buffer-status based H.264/AVC bit allocation method. The enhancement is by using a PSNR-based frame complexity estimation to improve the existing mean absolute difference based (MAD-based) complexity measure. Bit allocation to each frame is not just computed by encoder buffer status but also adjusted by a combined frame complexity measure. To prevent the buffer from undesirable overflow or underflow under small buffer size constraint in low delay environment,the computed quantization parameter (QP) for the current MB is adjusted based on actual encoding results at that point. We also propose to compare the bits produced by each mode with the average target bits per MB to dynamically modify Lagrange multiplier (/spl lambda//sub MODE/) for mode decision. The objective of QP and /spl lambda//sub MODE/ adjustment is to produce bits as close to the frame target as possible, which is especially important for low delay applications. Simulation results show that the H.264 coder, using our proposed scheme, obtains significant improvement for the mismatch ratio of target bits and actual bits in all testing cases, achieves a visual quality improvement of about 0.6 dB on the average, performs better for buffer overflow and underflow,and achieves a similar or smaller PSNR deviation.  相似文献   

针对H.264/AVC的时域错误隐藏算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
H.264/AVC采用了新的编码特征工具,充分利用它们能有效地改进错误隐藏的性能。树型结构的可变分块大小运动估计,使得与错误宏块直接相邻的分块数最多可达16个。本文提出一种基于平面拟合的时域错误隐藏算法。通过把与受损宏块直接相邻的每个分块的运动矢量定义为3维空间的一个点,采用平面拟合的方法表征小范围内相邻运动矢量的变化趋势,拟合得到受损宏块的运动矢量实现时域错误隐藏。对多种视频序列的仿真实验结果表明,相对于典型的错误隐藏算法,主观视觉质量和客观质量评价都有一定的提高。  相似文献   

针对变换域维纳滤波算法在低配置T264编码环境下降噪性能存在急剧下降的现象,提出在计算DCT系数归一化协方差矩阵时,利用块内数据间的强相关性,对交流系数的方差值进行估值修复,进而改进DCT系数调节因子的计算式。在已知噪声强度和低配置T264编码环境下,通过与现有算法做对比实验,证明对于低慢速和画面比较平滑的视频序列,改进的变换域维纳滤波在压缩效率、平均峰值信噪比两个性能评价指标上都优于其他几种算法,而且在噪声强度增强的情况下仍具有相对稳定的降噪能力。  相似文献   

单承赣  孙德辉 《计算机应用》2007,27(8):1922-1925
针对H.264/AVC编码标准的新特性,通过对低比特率视频流I帧DCT域量化编码和P帧运动估计过程的研究,提出了一种可同时进行版权保护和完整性认证的双水印算法。实验表明,该算法在水印嵌入时通过Lagrangian最优编码控制技术,比特流达到了较好的率失真平衡;所嵌入的鲁棒水印对重量化编码、帧编辑等攻击具有抵抗性,所嵌入的脆弱水印对各种普通攻击具有较强的敏感性。该算法提取水印时不需对压缩码流完全解码,并且为盲提取,能够满足实时随机检测的需要。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - To avoid delays arising from a need to decrypt a video prior to transcoding and then re-encrypt it afterwards, this paper assesses a selective encryption (SE)...  相似文献   

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