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Hydrogen and n-butanol are superior alternative fuels for SI engines, which show high potential in improving the combustion and emission characteristics of internal combustion engines. However, both still have disadvantages when applied individually. N-butanol fuel has poor evaporative atomization properties and high latent heat of vaporization. Burning n-butanol fuel alone can lead to incomplete combustion and lower temperature in the cylinder. Hydrogen is not easily stored and transported, and the engine is prone to backfire or detonation only using hydrogen. Therefore, this paper investigates the effects of hydrogen direct injection strategies on the combustion and emission characteristics of n-butanol/hydrogen dual-fuel engines based on n-butanol port injection/split hydrogen direct injection mode and the synergistic optimization of their characteristics. The energy of hydrogen is 20% of the total energy of the fuel in the cylinder. The experimental results show that a balance between dynamics and emission characteristics can be found using split hydrogen direct injection. Compared with the second hydrogen injection proportion (IP2) = 0, the split hydrogen direct injection can promote the formation of a stable flame kernel, shorten the flame development period and rapid combustion period, and reduce the cyclic variation. When the IP2 is 25%, 50% and 75%, the engine torque increases by 0.14%, 1.50% and 3.00% and the maximum in-cylinder pressure increases by 1.9%, 2.3% and 0.6% respectively. Compared with IP2 = 100%, HC emissions are reduced by 7.8%, 15.4% and 24.7% and NOx emissions are reduced by 16.4%, 13.8% and 7.9% respectively, when the IP2 is 25%, 50% and 75%. As second hydrogen injection timing (IT2) is advanced, CA0-10 and CA10-90 show a decreasing and then increasing trend. The maximum in-cylinder pressure rises and falls, and the engine torque gradually decreases. The CO emissions show a trend of decreasing and remaining constant. However, the trends of HC emissions and NOx emissions with IT2 are not consistent at different IP2. Considering the engine's dynamics and emission characteristics, the first hydrogen injection proportion (IP1) = 25% plus first hydrogen injection timing (IT1) = 240°CA BTDC combined with IP2 = 75% plus IT2 = 105°CA BTDC is the superior split hydrogen direct injection strategy.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a carbon free energy carrier with high diffusivity and reactivity, it has been proved to be a kind of suitable blending fuel of spark ignition (SI) engine to achieve better efficiency and emissions. Hydrogen injection strategy affects the engine performance obviously. To optimize the combustion and emissions, a comparative study on the effects of the hydrogen injection strategy on the hydrogen mixture distribution, combustion and emission was investigated at a SI engine with gasoline intake port injection and four hydrogen injection strategies, hydrogen direct injection (HDI) with stratified hydrogen mixture distribution (SHMD), hydrogen intake port injection with premixed hydrogen mixture distribution (PHMD), split hydrogen direct injection (SHDI) with partially premixed hydrogen mixture distribution (PPHMD) and no hydrogen addition. Results showed that different hydrogen injection strategy formed different kinds of hydrogen mixture distribution (HMD). The ignition and combustion rate played an important role on engine efficiency. Since the SHDI could use two hydrogen injection to organize the HMD, the ignition and combustion rate with the PPHMD was the fastest. With the PPHMD, the brake thermal efficiency of the engine was the highest and the emissions were slight more than that with the PHMD. PHMD achieve the optimum emission performance by its homogeneous hydrogen. The engine combustion and emission performance can be optimized by adjusting the hydrogen injection strategy.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of hydrogen addition on the engine performance were investigated using spark ignition engine fueled gasoline with a compression ratio of 15 at an air excess ratio (λ) of 1.8 and above. At λ = 1.8, the indicated thermal efficiency at the spark timing of the knock limit reached the maximum level under the conditions in which the hydrogen fraction was set to 4% of the heating value of the total fuel. Based on a heat balance analysis, the best hydrogen fraction was found as a balance between the improvement in the burning efficiency and the increase in heat loss. The lean limit was extended when the hydrogen fraction was increased from λ = 1.80 to λ = 2.28. The hydrogen addition achieved the maximum indicated thermal efficiency at spark timing of the knock limit was obtained at λ = 2.04, where the hydrogen fraction was 10%.  相似文献   

Lean combustion has the potential to achieve higher thermal efficiency for internal combustion (IC) engines. However, natural gas engines often suffer from slow burning rate and large cyclic variations when adopting lean combustion. In this study, using a dual-fuel optical engine with a high compression ratio, the effects of direct-injected hydrogen on lean combustion characteristics of natural gas engines was investigated, emphasizing the role of hydrogen injection timing. Synchronization measurement of in-cylinder pressure and high-speed photography was performed for combustion analysis. The results show that the direct-injected hydrogen exhibits great improvement in lean combustion instability and power capability of natural gas engines. Visual images and combustion phasing analysis indicate that the underlying reasons are ascribed to the fast flame propagation with hydrogen addition. Regarding the direct injection timings, it is found that late injection of direct-injected hydrogen can achieve higher thermal efficiency, manifesting advanced combustion phasing, and increased heat release rate. Specifically, the flame propagation speed is elevated by approximately 50% at ?100 CAD than that of ?250 CAD. Further analysis indicates that the improvement of engine performance is ascribed to the increased volumetric efficiency and in-cylinder turbulence intensity, manifesting distinct flame centroid pathways at different injection timings. The current study provides insights into the combustion optimization of natural gas engines under lean burning conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new in-cylinder mixture preparation and ignition system for various fuels including hydrogen, methane and propane. The system comprises a centrally located direct injection (DI) injector and a jet ignition (JI) device for combustion of the main chamber (MC) mixture. The fuel is injected in the MC with a new generation, fast actuating, high pressure, high flow rate DI injector capable of injection shaping and multiple events. This injector produces a bulk, lean stratified mixture. The JI system uses a second DI injector to inject a small amount of fuel in a small pre-chamber (PC). In the spark ignition (SI) version, a spark plug then ignites a slightly rich mixture. In the auto ignition version, a DI injector injects a small amount of higher pressure fuel in the small PC having a hot glow plug (GP) surface, and the fuel auto ignites in the hot air or when in contact with the hot surface. Either way the MC mixture is then bulk ignited through multiple jets of hot reacting gases. Bulk ignition of the lean, jet controlled, stratified MC mixture resulting from coupling DI with JI makes it possible to burn MC mixtures with fuel to air equivalence ratios reducing almost to zero for a throttle-less control of load diesel-like and high efficiencies over almost the full range of loads.  相似文献   

In traffic transportation, the use of low-carbon fuels is the key to being carbon-neutral. Hydrogen-enhanced natural gas gets more and more attention, but practical engines fueled with it often suffer from low engine power output. In this study, the inner mechanism of hydrogen direct injection on methane combustion was optically studied based on a dual-fuel supply system. Simultaneous pressure acquisition and high-speed direct photography were used to analyze engine performance and flame characteristics. The results show that lean combustion can improve methane engine's thermal efficiency, but is limited by cyclic variations under high excess air coefficient conditions. Hydrogen addition mainly acts as an ignition promoter for methane lean combustion, as a result, the lean combustion limit and thermal efficiency can be improved. As for hydrogen injection timing, late injection can increase the in-cylinder turbulence intensity but also the inhomogeneity, so a suitable injection timing is needed for improving the engine's performance. Besides, late hydrogen injection is more effective under lean conditions because of the reduced mixture inhomogeneity. The current study shall give some insights into the controlling strategies for natural gas/hydrogen engines.  相似文献   

A numerical study on effects of hydrogen direct injection on hydrogen mixture distribution, combustion and emissions was presented for a gasoline/hydrogen SI engine. Under lean burn conditions, five different direct hydrogen injection timings were applied at low speeds and low loads on SI engines with direct hydrogen injection (HDI) and gasoline port injection. The results were showed as following: firstly, with the increase of hydrogen direct injection timing, the hydrogen concentration near the sparking plug first increases and then decreases, reaching the highest when hydrogen direct injection timing is 120°CA BTDC: Secondly, hydrogen can speed up the combustion rate. The main factor affecting the combustion rate and efficiency is the hydrogen concentration near the sparking plug: Thirdly, in comparing with gasoline, the NOX emissions with hydrogen addition increase by an average of 115%. For different hydrogen direct injection timings, the NOX emissions of 120°CA BTDC is the highest, which is 29.9% higher than the 75°CA BTDC. The hydrogen addition make the NOX emissions increase in two ways. On the one hand, the average temperature with hydrogen addition is higher. On the other hand, the temperature with hydrogen addition is not homogeneous, which makes the peak of temperature much higher. In a word, the main factor of NOX emissions is the size of high temperature zone in the cylinder: Finally, because the combustion is more complete, in comparing with gasoline, hydrogen addition can reduce the CO and HC emissions by 32.2% and 80.4% respectively. Since a more homogeneous hydrogen mixture distribution can influence a lager zone in the cylinder and reduce the wall quenching distance, these emissions decrease with the increase of hydrogen direct injection timing. The CO and HC emissions of 135°CA BTDC decrease by 41.5% and 71.4%, respectively, compared to 75°CA BTDC.  相似文献   

In this paper, a gasoline Wankel engine was modified and equipped with self-developed hybrid electronic control unit to experimentally investigate the effect of hydrogen-enrichment level on combustion characteristics of a gasoline Wankel engine at wild open throttle position and lean burn regime. Testing were carried out under constant engine speed of 3000 rpm and the lean operating limit of the original gasoline engine. The spark timing was set at 15 °BTDC. The hydrogen energy fraction in the intake was gradually increased from 0% to 10%. The results showed that hydrogen enrichment was effective on improving the combustion process through the shortened of the flame development and the flame propagation periods, advancing the central heat release, increasing the HRRmax and reducing the cyclic variation proportionally to the amount of hydrogen added to the air fuel mixture. Furthermore, increasing hydrogen fraction in the intake improves the engine economy by reducing the cooling loss.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effect of hydrogen addition on natural gas (NG) engine's thermal efficiency and emission, an experimental research was conducted on a spark ignition NG engine using variable composition hydrogen/CNG mixtures (HCNG). The results showed that hydrogen enrichment could significantly extend the lean operation limit, improve the engine's lean burn ability, and decrease burn duration. However, nitrogen oxides (NOx)(NOx) were found to increase with hydrogen addition if spark timing was not optimized according to hydrogen's high burn speed. Also found when spark timing was set at constant was that hydrogen addition actually increases heat transfer out of the cylinder due to smaller quenching distance and higher combustion temperature, thus is not good to improve thermal efficiency if combined with the effect of non-ideal spark timing. But if spark timing was retarded to MBT, taking advantage of hydrogen's high burn speed, NOxNOx emissions exhibited no obvious increase after hydrogen addition and engine thermal efficiency increased with the increase of hydrogen fraction. Unburned hydrocarbon always decreased with the increase of hydrogen fraction.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rotary engine equipped with an n-butanol and hydrogen port-injection system was developed to investigate the combustion and emissions characteristics of a hydrogen-blended n-butanol rotary engine at part load and stoichiometric conditions. A self-developed hybrid electronic control unit was adopted to adjust the injection durations of n-butanol and hydrogen. The rotary engine was run under the conditions of 4000 rpm, a manifold absolute pressure of 35 kPa and a fixed spark timing of 45 °CA before the top dead center during the whole testing operation. The hydrogen volumetric fraction in the total intake was varied from 0% to 6.30%. The test results manifested that the brake thermal efficiency and chamber temperature were simultaneously increased with hydrogen addition. The hydrogen supplement obviously shortened flame development and propagation periods. Both chamber pressure integral heat release fraction versus crank angle were increased when the hydrogen fraction was enhanced. HC emissions were reduced by 54.5% when hydrogen volume fraction was raised from 0% to 6.30%, CO and CO2 emissions were also reduced after increasing hydrogen blending fraction. NOx emissions were mildly elevated due to the improved chamber temperature.  相似文献   

Due to increasingly stringent fuel consumption and emission regulation, improving thermal efficiency and reducing particulate matter emissions are two main issues for next generation gasoline engine. Lean burn mode could greatly reduce pumping loss and decrease the fuel consumption of gasoline engines, although the burning rate is decreased by higher diluted intake air. In this study, dual injection stratified combustion mode is used to accelerate the burning rate of lean burn by increasing the fuel concentration near the spark plug. The effects of engine control parameters such as the excess air coefficient (Lambda), direct injection (DI) ratio, spark interval with DI, and DI timing on combustion, fuel consumption, gaseous emissions, and particulate emissions of a dual injection gasoline engine are studied. It is shown that the lean burn limit can be extended to Lambda= 1.8 with a low compression ratio of 10, while the fuel consumption can be obviously improved at Lambda= 1.4. There exists a spark window for dual injection stratified lean burn mode, in which the spark timing has a weak effect on combustion. With optimization of the control parameters, the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decreases 9.05% more than that of original stoichiometric combustion with DI as 2 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) at a 2000 r/min engine speed. The NOx emissions before three-way catalyst (TWC) are 71.31% lower than that of the original engine while the particle number (PN) is 81.45% lower than the original engine. The dual injection stratified lean burn has a wide range of applications which can effectively reduce fuel consumption and particulate emissions. The BSFC reduction rate is higher than 5% and the PN reduction rate is more than 50% with the speed lower than 2400 r/min and the load lower than 5 bar.  相似文献   

Lean burn is widely accepted as an effective approach to simultaneously improve spark-ignition engine's thermal efficiency and decrease exhaust emissions. But although lean burn has a lot of advantages it is also associated with several difficulties including slower flame propagation speed and increased cycle-by-cycle variations. Hydrogen addition is thought to be an ideal approach to tackle these problems. This paper presents an experimental work aimed at investigating the effects of hydrogen addition on the combustion behaviors and cycle-by-cycle variations in a turbocharged lean burn natural gas SI engine. The experiments were conducted over a wide range of hydrogen enhancement levels, equivalence ratios, spark timings, manifold absolute pressures and engine speeds.  相似文献   

Based on the dual challenges of the global energy crisis and environmental pollution, hydrogen has been recognized as an ideal alternative internal combustion engine (ICE) fuel. To improve the combustion efficiency of hydrogen direct injection ICE, we numerically analyzed the effects of different injection parameters, including injection timing, injection pressure, and dual injection, on the formation of a hydrogen-air mixture using the CONVERGE software from the perspective of mass transfer and flow state. It was determined that it is enough to set the injection timing to −88° after top dead center (ATDC) for both uniform mixture and desirable indicated thermal efficiency (ITE). However, when the injection timing is set to −43° ATDC, an acceptable ITE and effective combustion can be achieved by employing the “jet-room coordination” effect of the ω chamber. Injection pressure has a minimal effect on mixture formation and combustion. In contrast, the timing and mass fraction of secondary injection have a significant influence on tumble strength, which is a key factor for the mixture improvement.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is considered to be a suitable supplementary fuel for Spark Ignition (SI) engines. The energy and exergy analysis of engines is important to provide theoretical fundaments for the improvement of energy and exergy efficiency. However, few studies on the energy and exergy balance of the engine working under Hydrogen Direct Injection (HDI) plus Gasoline Port Injection (GPI) mode under lean-burn conditions are reported. In this paper, the effects of two different modes on the energy and exergy balance of a SI engine working under lean-burn conditions are presented. Two different modes (GPI + GDI and GPI + HDI), five gasoline and hydrogen direct injection fractions (0, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%), and five excess air ratios (1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) are studied. The results show that the cooling water takes the 39.40% of the fuel energy on average under GPI + GDI mode under lean-burn conditions, and the value is 40.70% for GPI + HDI mode. The exergy destruction occupies the 56.12% of the fuel exergy on average under GPI + GDI mode under lean-burn conditions, and the value is 54.89% for GPI + HDI mode. The brake thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of the engine can be improved by 0.29% and 0.31% at the excess air ratio of 1.1 under GPI + GDI mode on average, and the average values are 0.56% and 0.71% for GPI + HDI mode.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the influence of fuel injection pressure (FIP) and fuel injection timing (FIT) of Jatropha biodiesel as pilot fuel on the performance, combustion and emission of a hydrogen dual fuel engine. The hydrogen flow rates used in this study are 5lit/min, 7lit/min, and 9lit/min. The pilot fuel is injected at three FIPs (500, 1000, and 1500 bar) and at three FITs (5°, 11°, and 17?bTDC). The results showed an increase in brake thermal efficiency (Bth)from 25.02% for base diesel operation to 32.15% for hydrogen-biodiesel dual fuel operation with 9lit/min flow rate at a FIP of 1500 bar and a FITof17?bTDC. The cylinder pressure and heat release rate (HRR) are also found to be higher for higher FIPs. Advancement in FIT is found to promote superior HRR for hydrogen dual fuel operations. The unburned hydrocarbon (UHC) and soot emissions are found to reduce by 59.52% and 46.15%, respectively, for hydrogen dual fuel operation with 9lit/min flow rate at a FIP of 1500 bar and a FIT of 11?bTDC. However, it is also observed that the oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions are increased by 20.61% with 9lit/min hydrogen flow rate at a FIP of 1500 bar and a FIT of 17?bTDC. Thus, this study has shown the potential of higher FIP and FIT in improving the performance, combustion and emission of a hydrogen dual fuel engine with Jatropha biodiesel as pilot fuel.  相似文献   

Hydrogen has shown potential for improving the combustion and emission characteristics of the spark ignition (SI) dual-fuel engine. To reduce the additional NOx emissions caused by hydrogen direct injection, in this research, the cooperative control of the addition of hydrogen with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in the hydrogen/gasoline combined injection engine was investigated. The results indicate that both the addition of hydrogen and the use of EGR can increase the brake mean effective pressure (BMEP). As the αH2 value increases from 0% to 25%, the maximum BMEP increases by 9%, 12.70%, 16.50%, 11.30%, and 8.20%, respectively, compared with the value without EGR at λ = 1.2. The CA0-10 tends to increase with increases in the EGR rate. However, the effect of EGR in increasing the CA0-10 can be offset by the addition of 15% hydrogen at λ = 1.2. Measurements of the coefficient of variation of the indicated mean effective pressure (COVIMEP) indicate that the addition of hydrogen can effectively extend the EGR limit. Regarding gaseous emissions, NOx emissions, after the introduction of EGR and the addition of hydrogen, are lower than those of pure gasoline without EGR. An 18% EGR rate yields a significant reduction in NOx, reaching maximum decreases of about 82.7%, 77.8%, and 60% compared to values without EGR at λ = 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4, respectively. As the EGR rate increases, the hydrocarbon (HC) emissions continuously increase, whereas a blend of 5% hydrogen can significantly reduce the HC emissions at high EGR rates at λ = 1.4. Finally, according to combustion and emissions, the coupling of a 25% addition of hydrogen with 30% EGR at λ = 1.2, and the coupling of a 20% addition of hydrogen with an 18% EGR rate at λ = 1.4 yield the best results.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was performed to characterize the hydrogen combustion in a spark-ignition direct-injection engine. It was focused on the effects of mixture strength and injection timing on the characteristics of hydrogen combustion. For this purpose, the practical tests were carried out on an experimental test rig. It is originally designed for optimization of the direct-injection natural-gas engine. The experimental test-rig results comprised the traces for the in-cylinder pressure, mass fraction burned, and heat release rate under the different operation conditions. The results obtained show that the richer mixture condition produced higher pressure trends at all tested points. Besides that, it exhibited a faster rate of increase in combustion rate due to the increase of flame speed. However, the combustion characteristics deteriorated due to the lack of mixture stratification with earlier injection timing. It is concluded that direct-injection timing is essential to achieve better combustion performance. Moreover, retarding the spark ignition timing is also crucial to avoid abnormal combustion in the case of a richer mixture and early start on injection.  相似文献   

In order to improve the limitation of evaluating the abnormal combustion problem of hydrogen internal combustion engine by single index, the abnormal combustion risk coefficient is proposed and defined based on AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)-entropy method. The abnormal combustion risk of PFI hydrogen internal combustion engine is comprehensively evaluated from multiple indexes such as the uniformity coefficient of the mixture, the temperature of the hot area, the maximum temperature rise rate, the residual amount of hydrogen in the intake port and the cylinder temperature at the end of the exhaust. The influence of hydrogen injection parameters on abnormal combustion was explored. The results show that the temperature and the maximum temperature rise rate in the hot area decrease first and then increase with the increase of hydrogen injection angle and hydrogen injection flow rate. Although large hydrogen injection angle and hydrogen injection flow rate can reduce the cylinder temperature at the end of exhaust, they will increase the residual hydrogen amount in the intake port. Appropriate hydrogen injection angle and hydrogen injection flow scheme can ensure that all parameters are at a better level, so that the risk coefficient of abnormal combustion decreases by 2.1%–5.5%, and the possibility of abnormal combustion is reduced.  相似文献   

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