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为了提升聚类性能,文中提出基于凸差规划(DCP)的不完整数据填充聚类算法.采用DCP对核模糊C均值目标进行凸差化改造,实现DCP聚类和数据缺失项填充的交替优化过程,从理论上证明交替优化的收敛性.在UCI数据集上的实验验证文中算法在缺失数据填充和聚类上的优势.  相似文献   

用核方法来改造传统的学习算法是近年来机器学习领域研究的一个热点.本文提出了一种新的应用核方法在原输入空间中进行聚类的思想,并把其推广应用于传统的聚类算法,得到模糊核C-均值算法和可能性核C-均值算法.该类算法的实质是在准则函数中采用了一类核诱导的非欧氏距离的新的距离度量,并且依据Huber的鲁棒统计分析,该类算法是内在鲁棒的,适合对不完整数据或缺失数据.含噪数据和野值的聚类.最后在人工和Benchmark数据集上对上述算法的性能进行了验证.  相似文献   

针对Krinidis和公茂果等提出的系列鲁棒模糊局部C-均值聚类算法存在聚类中心迭代公式缺乏严格数学理论基础的不足,于是将其聚类目标函数及其约束条件采用拉格朗日乘子法进行严格数学推导,从而获得最优解逼近的隶属度和聚类中心迭代表达式,并通过多次循环迭代实现图像聚类分割。实验结果表明,本文所建议的鲁棒模糊局部C-均值聚类分割算法是有效的,相比现有鲁棒模糊局部C-均值聚类分割算法更适合复杂遥感等图像的分割需要。  相似文献   

为进一步提高核模糊C-均值聚类算法的聚类性能,提出基于连续域混合蚁群优化的核模糊C-均值聚类算法(KFCM-HACO),使用HACO对KFCM算法的内核函数参数值和聚类中心进行优化,克服传统算法弊端,使核模糊C-均值聚类算法的目标函数最小化,加快算法的收敛速度.该优化算法在UCI数据集上的仿真实验及结果比较表明,KFCM-HACO算法的聚类性能优于传统的聚类算法,提高了聚类的准确性.  相似文献   

模糊C均值算法(FCM)是一种用于聚类的最流行的技术。不过,传统的FCM使用欧氏距离作为数据集的相似准则,从而导致数据集的划分有相等的趋势。而数据集的形状和簇的密度对聚类性能有高度影响。为了解决这个问题,提出基于簇密度的距离调节因子以修正相似性度量。同时,针对模糊C-均值(FCM)聚类算法对初始聚类中心选择敏感,易陷入局部最优的问题,采用量子粒子群优化算法以获取全局最优解。仿真实验证明,改进的聚类算法(QPSO-FCM-CD)具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

相比于k-means算法,模糊C均值(FCM)通过引入模糊隶属度,考虑不同数据簇之间的相互作用,进而避免了聚类中心趋同性问题.然而模糊隶属度具有拖尾和翘尾的结构特征,因此使得FCM算法对噪声点和孤立点很敏感;此外,由于FCM算法倾向于将各数据簇均等分,因此算法对数据簇大小也很敏感,对非平衡数据簇聚类效果不佳.针对这些问题,本文提出了基于可靠性的鲁棒模糊聚类算法(RRFCM).该算法基于当前的聚类结果,对样本点进行可靠性分析,利用样本点的可靠性和局部近邻信息,突出不同数据簇之间的可分性,从而提高了算法对噪声的鲁棒性,并且降低了对非平衡数据簇大小的敏感性,得到了泛化性能更好的聚类结果.与相关算法进行对比,RRFCM算法在人造数据集,UCI真实数据集以及图像分割实验中均取得最优的结果.  相似文献   

针对现有鲁棒图形模糊聚类算法难以满足强噪声干扰下大幅面图像快速分割的需要,提出一种快速鲁棒核空间图形模糊聚类分割算法。该算法将欧氏空间样本通过核函数映射至高维空间;采用待分割图像中像素邻域的灰度和空间等信息构建线性加权滤波图像,对其进行鲁棒核空间图形模糊聚类;并引入当前聚类像素与其邻域像素均值所对应的二维直方图信息,获得鲁棒核空间图形模糊聚类快速迭代表达式。对大幅面图像添加高斯和椒盐噪声进行分割测试,实验结果表明:本文算法相比基于图形模糊聚类等分割算法的分割性能、抗噪鲁棒性和实时性有了显著提高。  相似文献   

基于模糊划分和支持向量机的TSK模糊系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高模糊系统处理高维问题的推广能力与鲁棒性能,提出将模糊聚类和支持向量机算法结合起来构造TSK模糊系统的算法.首先运用模糊聚类算法对输入空间进行划分,确定模糊规则前件的隶属函数.然后用支持向量机算法确定模糊规则的后件参数.该支持向量机的核函数是由模糊规则前件的隶属函数构造的,并且是Mercer核.在3个数据集的实验结果表明,与TSK模糊系统的传统算法和支持向量机相比较,本文算法具有更好的推广能力和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

鉴于文本数据具有方向性数据的特征,可利用方向数据的知识完成对文本数据聚类,提出了模糊方向相似性聚类算法FDSC,继而从竞争学习角度,通过引入隶属度约束函数,并根据拉格朗日优化理论推导出鲁棒的模糊方向相似性聚类算法RFDSC.实验结果表明RFDSC算法能够快速有效地对文本数据集进行聚类.  相似文献   

针对鲁棒非负矩阵分解应用于高光谱图像处理时,存在对初始值的敏感性,求解目标函数时易陷入局部最优的缺点,提出基于樽海鞘群体优化鲁棒非负矩阵分解的高光谱图像解混算法.该算法基于鲁棒线性混合模型,在RNMF框架下,采用樽海鞘群体算法取代乘法迭代策略,以增强算法全局搜索能力,在约束空间内随机搜索满足目标函数的全局最优解,可有效地完成非线性高光谱图像解混.仿真数据与真实遥感数据实验结果表明,本文算法在处理高光谱图像时,能够有效地避免RNMF算法易陷入局部最优解的局限性,具有更好的解混性能.  相似文献   

We offer an efficient approach based on difference of convex functions (DC) optimization for self-organizing maps (SOM). We consider SOM as an optimization problem with a nonsmooth, nonconvex energy function and investigated DC programming and DC algorithm (DCA), an innovative approach in nonconvex optimization framework to effectively solve this problem. Furthermore an appropriate training version of this algorithm is proposed. The numerical results on many real-world datasets show the efficiency of the proposed DCA based algorithms on both quality of solutions and topographic maps.  相似文献   

范虹  侯存存  朱艳春  姚若侠 《软件学报》2017,28(11):3080-3093
现有的软子空间聚类算法在分割MR图像时易受随机噪声的影响,而且算法因依赖于初始聚类中心的选择而容易陷入局部最优,导致分割效果不理想.针对这一问题,提出一种基于烟花算法的软子空间MR图像聚类算法.算法首先设计一个结合界约束与噪声聚类的目标函数,弥补现有算法对噪声数据敏感的缺陷,并提出一种隶属度计算方法,快速、准确地寻找簇类所在子空间;然后,在聚类过程中引入自适应烟花算法,有效地平衡局部与全局搜索,弥补现有算法容易陷入局部最优的不足.EWKM,FWKM,FSC,LAC算法在UCI数据集、人工合成图像、Berkeley图像数据集以及临床乳腺MR图像、脑部MR图像上的聚类结果表明,所提出的算法不仅在UCI数据集上能够取得较好的结果,而且对图像聚类也具有较好的抗噪性能,尤其是对MR图像的聚类具有较高的精度和鲁棒性,能够较为有效地实现MR图像的分割.  相似文献   

目的 度量学习是机器学习与图像处理中依赖于任务的基础研究问题。由于实际应用背景复杂,在大量不可避免的噪声环境下,度量学习方法的性能受到一定影响。为了降低噪声影响,现有方法常用L1距离取代L2距离,这种方式可以同时减小相似样本和不相似样本的损失尺度,却忽略了噪声对类内和类间样本的不同影响。为此,本文提出了一种非贪婪的鲁棒性度量学习算法——基于L2/L1损失的边缘费歇尔分析(marginal Fisher analysis based on L2/L1 loss,MFA-L2/L1),采用更具判别性的损失,可提升噪声环境下的识别性能。方法 在边缘费歇尔分析(marginal Fisher analysis,MFA)方法的基础上,所提模型采用L2距离刻画相似样本损失、L1距离刻画不相似样本损失,同时加大对两类样本的惩罚程度以提升方法的判别性。首先,针对模型非凸带来的求解困难,将目标函数转为迭代两个凸函数之差便于求解;然后,受DCA(difference of convex functions algorithm)思想启发,推导出非贪婪的迭代求解算法,求得最终度量矩阵;最后,算法的理论证明保证了迭代算法的收敛性。结果 在5个UCI(University of California Irrine)数据集和7个人脸数据集上进行对比实验:1)在不同程度噪声的5个UCI数据集上,MFA-L2/L1算法最优,且具有较好的抗噪性,尤其在30%噪声程度的Seeds和Wine数据集上,与次优方法LDA-NgL1(non-greedy L1-norm linear discriminant analysis))相比,MFA-L2/L1的准确率高出9%;2)在不同维度的AR和FEI人脸数据集上的实验,验证了模型采用L1损失、采用L2损失提升了模型的判别性;3)在Senthil、Yale、ORL、Caltech和UMIST人脸数据集的仿真实验中,MFA-L2/L1算法呈现出较强鲁棒性,性能排名第1。结论 本文提出了一种基于L2/L1损失的鲁棒性度量学习模型,并推导了一种便捷有效的非贪婪式求解算法,进行了算法收敛性的理论分析。在不同数据集的不同噪声情况下的实验结果表明,所提算法具有较好的识别率和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

The explosive development of computational tools these days is threatening security of cryptographic algorithms, which are regarded as primary traditional methods for ensuring information security. The physical layer security approach is introduced as a method for both improving confidentiality of the secret key distribution in cryptography and enabling the data transmission without relaying on higher-layer encryption. In this paper, the cooperative jamming paradigm - one of the techniques used in the physical layer is studied and the resulting power allocation problem with the aim of maximizing the sum of secrecy rates subject to power constraints is formulated as a nonconvex optimization problem. The objective function is a so-called DC (Difference of Convex functions) function, and some constraints are coupling. We propose a new DC formulation and develop an efficient DCA (DC Algorithm) to deal with this nonconvex program. The DCA introduces the elegant concept of approximating the original nonconvex program by a sequence of convex ones: at each iteration of DCA requires solution of a convex subproblem. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that it leads to strongly convex quadratic subproblems with separate variables in the objective function, which can be tackled by both distributed and centralized methods. One of the major contributions of the paper is to develop a highly efficient distributed algorithm to solve the convex subproblem. We adopt the dual decomposition method that results in computing iteratively the projection of points onto a very simple structural set which can be determined by an inexpensive procedure. The numerical results show the efficiency and the superiority of the new DCA based algorithm compared with existing approaches.  相似文献   

We address the balanced clustering problem where cluster sizes are regularized with submodular functions. The objective function for balanced clustering is a submodular fractional function, i.e., the ratio of two submodular functions, and thus includes the well-known ratio cuts as special cases. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for minimizing this objective function (submodular fractional programming) using recent submodular optimization techniques. The main idea is to utilize an algorithm to minimize the difference of two submodular functions, combined with the discrete Newton method. Thus, it can be applied to the objective function involving any submodular functions in both the numerator and the denominator, which enables us to design flexible clustering setups. We also give theoretical analysis on the algorithm, and evaluate the performance through comparative experiments with conventional algorithms by artificial and real datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new total generalized variational(TGV) model for restoring images with multiplicative noise is proposed, which contains a nonconvex fidelity term and a TGV term. We use a difference of convex functions algorithm (DCA) to deal with the proposed model. For multiplicative noise removal, there exist many models and algorithms, most of which focus on convex approximation so that numerical algorithms with guaranteed convergence can be designed. Unlike these algorithms, we use the DCA algorithm to remove multiplicative noise. By numerical experiments, it is shown that the proposed approach leads to a better solution compared with the gradient projection algorithm for solving the classic multiplicative noise removal models. We prove that the sequence generated by the DCA algorithm converges to a stationary point, which satisfies the first order optimality condition. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of our whole scheme by numerical examples. A comparison with other methods is provided as well. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms some previous methods for multiplicative Gamma noise removal.  相似文献   

Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering: A kernel-based approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Huaxiang Zhang  Jing Lu 《Knowledge》2009,22(6):477-481
Semi-supervised clustering algorithms aim to improve the clustering accuracy under the supervisions of a limited amount of labeled data. Since kernel-based approaches, such as kernel-based fuzzy c-means algorithm (KFCM), have been successfully used in classification and clustering problems, in this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised clustering approach using the kernel-based method based on KFCM and denote it the semi-supervised kernel fuzzy c-mean algorithm (SSKFCM). The objective function of SSKFCM is defined by adding classification errors of both the labeled and the unlabeled data, and its global optimum has been obtained through repeatedly updating the fuzzy memberships and the optimized kernel parameter. The objective function may have more than one local optimum, so we employ a function transformation technique to reformulate the objective function after a local minimum has been obtained, and select the best optimum as the solution to the objective function. Experimental results on both the artificial and several real data sets show SSKFCM performs better than its conventional counterparts and it achieves the best accurate clustering results when the parameter is optimized.  相似文献   

Key frame extraction based on sparse coding can reduce the redundancy of continuous frames and concisely express the entire video. However, how to develop a key frame extraction algorithm that can automatically extract a few frames with a low reconstruction error remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel model of structured sparse-coding-based key frame extraction, wherein a nonconvex group log-regularizer is used with strong sparsity and a low reconstruction error. To automatically extract key frames, a decomposition scheme is designed to separate the sparse coefficient matrix by rows. The rows enforced by the nonconvex group log-regularizer become zero or nonzero, leading to the learning of the structured sparse coefficient matrix. To solve the nonconvex problems due to the log-regularizer, the difference of convex algorithm (DCA) is employed to decompose the log-regularizer into the difference of two convex functions related to the l1 norm, which can be directly obtained through the proximal operator. Therefore, an efficient structured sparse coding algorithm with the group log-regularizer for key frame extraction is developed, which can automatically extract a few frames directly from the video to represent the entire video with a low reconstruction error. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can extract more accurate key frames from most SumMe videos compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm can obtain a higher compression with a nearly 18% increase compared to sparse modeling representation selection (SMRS) and an 8% increase compared to SC-det on the VSUMM dataset.   相似文献   

基于模糊C均值(FCM)和局部自适应聚类(LAC)提出一种针对高维数据的联机局部自适应模糊C均值聚类算法(OLAFCM).OLAFCM通过为各类属性分别赋以相应的局部权重,使各类属性分布在不同属性组合的张量子空间内,从而有效降低采用全局降维方法造成的信息损失,同时适合聚类数据流.最后,在人工模拟和真实数据集上验证OLAFCM比之现有基于全局降维的划分联机聚类算法具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

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