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通过对黄淮海地区北京、天津、山东、河北、河南三省两市农业生产现状分析,从区域化肥消费与生产角度探讨三省两市化肥生产、消费现状及存在问题,以期为黄淮海地区市场供需调控和经济合理施肥提供参考.  相似文献   

我国东北地区化肥消费与生产现状、问题及其调控策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用统计资料和农户调查资料综合分析了中国东北地区农业生产、化肥消费与生产现状及存在问题.结果表明,东北地区农业生产基础雄厚,是我国重要的粮食生产基地,总体种植结构以粮食作物为主,经济作物为辅;从历年变化趋势看,稻谷和豆类种植面积近11年平均年增长率分别达到5%和4%,小麦种植面积下降迅速.东北各区化肥消费以氮肥为主,磷复肥为辅,施肥方式以基肥为主,存在氮肥和磷肥不合理施用现象;从11年统计分析看,钾肥与复合肥使用量增长较快,年均增长率分别达到10.7%和6.4%;化肥生产企业规模、化肥品种和产能不能满足当地化肥市场消费需求,2005年化肥自给率仅为35.4%.综合分析认为,未来东北地区化肥市场需求强劲,存在提升的空间.  相似文献   

河北冬小麦和夏玉米施用化肥品种结构分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
20 0 0年和 2 0 0 2年对河北农户冬小麦和玉米施用肥料品种结构的调查结果表明 ,施肥中普遍存在重冬小麦而轻夏玉米的现象。冬小麦基肥主要是磷酸二铵 ,追肥主要是尿素 ;夏玉米追肥用量高于基肥 ,主要品种是尿素 ;磷酸二铵和三元复合肥则是基肥的主要品种。提高河北省冬小麦、夏玉米的肥料利用率 ,一方面要指导农民科学施肥 ,平衡区域施肥量 ;另一方面化肥企业也应针对不同农作物的特点 ,开发、生产适宜的肥料品种  相似文献   

<正> 增施化肥是提高作物单位面积产量、改善农作物品质的一项重要措施。国家为了发展化肥工业,投入了巨大的工业投资,农民为了增施化肥用量,支付了较大的化肥费用。施肥经济效益大小,不仅关系到化肥工业的投资效果,也关系到农民的经济收益。近十多年来,随着化肥工业的迅速发展,化肥用量也相应增加,对农业生产起了很大的作用。但是在施肥上存在很大有盲目性,北方普遍重氮轻磷,氮磷比例失调,氮肥的肥效较六十年代明显下降,出现增产不增收,甚至减产。因此,研究化肥的合理施用,对提高化肥经济效益,促进化肥工业和农业生产的发展,具有重要的现实意义。我们从1981—1986年在临潼县灌区二种主要土壤((土娄)上、黄墡土)、三种作物(小麦、玉米、棉花)进行氮磷配合施用试验。通过  相似文献   

当前我国化肥的若干问题和对策   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
林葆  李家康 《磷肥与复肥》1997,12(2):1-5,23
分析自1980年以来我国化肥产量和用量增加很快,而粮、棉等主要农作物产量增长较慢的原因,提出今后我国化肥工作,必须既抓“开源”,又抓“节流”。论述我国化肥的品种结构、氮磷钾比例有待进一步调整;以及在科学施肥方面尚应进行的工作。并提出应建立符合国情的农化服务体系,推广科学施肥技术  相似文献   

种植结构调整对化肥消费的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
我国加入 WTO后 ,种植业结构将发生巨大变化 ,这将影响化肥的消费。根据农户作物施肥的调查数据 ,讨论种植结构对化肥消费状况的影响。结果表明 ,种植结构变化对施肥及肥料分配均产生很大影响 ,随着蔬菜瓜类和果树的种植面积扩大 ,总体上将增加单位面积投肥量及化肥总需求量 ,提高磷钾消费比率和复合肥使用比例 ,但会大幅度降低粮食作物化肥消费比率。  相似文献   

山东省是一个人多地少、耕地负荷重、化肥用量居全国之首的农业大省,化肥用量约占全国总用量的10/。但由于农民科学种田意识淡薄,存在着作物施肥量不平衡、施肥方法不科学等问  相似文献   

发展作物专用肥 推进我国平衡施肥   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
近年来,我国农业出现化肥用量大幅度增加、但肥料利用率及肥料效应却大幅度下降的问题。究其原因,主要是化肥结构中氮磷钾比例不合理、钾素长期严重亏缺、土壤供钾能力下降且其它养分障碍因子增多以及施肥缺乏科学性。针对我国农业劳动者专业素质低等现状,必须迅速发展作物专用肥料以简化平衡施肥技术,使之大范围推广应用。然而,作物专用肥料的健康发展还有赖于化肥结构的宏观调整、平衡施肥技术研究、化肥生产工艺、肥料市场规范和农化服务等多方面的不断发展与完善。  相似文献   

根据普遍使用较大数量化肥是我国现代农业发展的重要标志,指出应用现代施肥技术是提高肥效、减少化肥对生态环境等负面影响的基本途径。提出现代施肥技术的核心和关键在于把化肥施到作物吸收根系的分布区域。阐述现代施肥技术基本原则:把任何化肥都施到作物根系的伸展区域,供作物快速有效吸收;将化肥溶于水制成营养液后随水灌施,能明显提高水、肥的利用率。  相似文献   

近年来,随着农业生产技术的不断发展,尽管我国农产品产能不断提高,但是必须认识到农业生产中还存在着化肥施用过量导致土壤板结、主要营养元素投入比例失调引发农产品质量下降、化肥利用率低、各种病害严重频发等各种问题。基于此,在中国农业科学院土壤肥料专家的指导下,河北省玉田县自1995年开始进行测土配方施肥技术研究,2004年平衡施肥技术体系进行大区域示范推广。平衡施肥技术体系经10多年的推广应用,累计完成应用面积650 000 hm~2,在单位化肥增产效能提高36.65%的基础上,实现土壤容重年均递减0.80%~1.05%,田间持水量增加8.87%~10.37%,同时土壤各种速效性养分含量呈明显上升趋势,为实现农业资源的可持续发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilizer application and poor timing of N fertilizer application to winter wheat are common problems on the North China Plain. To study the possibilities of optimizing the timing and rate of N application, a field experiment was conducted from 1999 to 2001 in a suburb of Beijing. A control (no nitrogen) and two N fertilization strategies (conventional N application and optimized N fertilization) were designed to compare their effects on wheat growth, N nutrient status, grain yield and N balance. The conventional N fertilization strategy was given a fixed N rate of 300 kg N ha−1, which was split, half in autumn and half in spring as a top-dressing. The timing and rate of N and application of the optimized N fertilization strategy were determined by the target value of soil mineral nitrogen demand for three growth periods of wheat, which is related to the target yield, and soil mineral N (Nmin) in the effective rooting depth at the beginning of these three periods. Based on the optimized N fertilization strategy, a total of 55 and 65 kg N ha−1 had to be applied to winter wheat in the re-greening and shooting stages of the first and second experimental years, respectively. Compared with the high N rate before sowing in the conventional N fertilization treatment, the optimized N fertilization treatment did not require any N fertilizer before sowing of wheat. Despite a much lower N fertilization rate, no significant difference in N nutrient status, growth during the wheat growing period or grain yield was observed between optimized N and conventional N fertilization treatments. As a consequence of optimizing the rate and timing of the N fertilizer application to match wheat demand, a much lower residual Nmin and calculated apparent N loss was found as compared to the conventional N treatment. N recovery for the optimized N fertilization treatment (67% in 1999/2000 and 66% in 2000/2001) was much higher than that of the conventional N fertilization treatment (19% in 1999/2000 and 18% in 2000/2001). In conclusion, the optimized N fertilization strategy can synchronize N demand of wheat and the N supply from soil and fertilizer, and therefore drastically reduce N application rates without any yield losses.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of interaction between plastic-film mulch and nitrogen (N) fertilization rate on the fate of fertilizer N in a ridge–furrow maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system. Three N levels (0, 138 and 207 kg ha?1, abbreviated as N0, N1 and N2) were combined with plastic-film-mulching and no-mulching, successively in 2015 and 2016, at a cold semiarid site. Within each treated plot, a micro-plot was established to trace the fate of urea-N (only 15N-labeled in 2015). Averaging 2 years, increasing fertilization from N1 to N2 increased maize grain yield and total N uptake only in mulched soils. Mulch increased both maize grain yield and total N uptake more at N2 than at N1. In 2015, mulch increased the in-season fertilizer N uptake in maize by 53% at N1 but by 75% at N2; increasing N application from N1 to N2 enhanced the fertilizer N acquisition by 26% in non-mulched but by 45% in mulched plots. In 2016, similar effects of interaction existed between mulch and fertilization rate on the residual fertilizer N uptake by maize. Mulch enhanced fertilizer N availability in the topsoil relative to no mulch, responsible for the increased maize fertilizer N uptake in mulched treatments. Decreased in-season fertilizer N loss and transformation of urea N to the organic N in mulched soils were contributors to the increased fertilizer N availability, compared to non-mulched soils. We concluded that the effects of fertilization on maize total N uptake and fertilizer N recovery benefited from plastic-film mulch.  相似文献   

发挥中微量元素养分在化肥减施增效中的重要作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在确保我国粮食稳产高产条件下,2020年化肥使用量要实现零增长,目前化肥供给侧和需求侧矛盾日益尖锐。介绍中微量元素养分在保障农作物稳产高产、改善农产品品质、提高人类健康水平上的重要作用,指出中微量元素及大中微量全元素之间的平衡养分施肥是实现化肥减施增效的有效途径,提出中微量元素肥料发展的5条建议。  相似文献   

介绍活力素水稻专用肥的配方及肥效试验结果,饶平县水稻田每667 m2施用该专用肥50 kg处理比当地常规施肥、施用等量进口复合肥和不施肥处理产量分别提高7.5%、8.1%和24.5%。  相似文献   

几种确定作物施肥量的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定作物施肥量是配方施肥技术中的核心问题。确定施肥量主要考虑作物产量、土壤供肥量和肥料利用率。介绍土壤养分分级法,目标产量配方法,田间试验法,氮、磷、钾比例法和经验施肥法确定施肥量的技术方法。  相似文献   

磷的农业化学(Ⅳ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理施肥,可以使产量、品质、经济、生态和改土等五个方面都取得最佳的效果。合理施肥的基本理论包括养分归还学说、最小养分律、报酬递减律、因子综合作用律、养分离子间的协同和颉颃作用,它们构筑了当今指导合理施肥的理论基础。为发挥肥料的最大效果,要根据土壤、作物和气候等条件,综合考虑选择适当的肥料品种,优先将肥料施用于中低产地区。为了提高磷肥利用率,要利用作物的轮作周期,分配磷肥使用的轻重比例;并在施用时尽量与农家肥堆沤,作为种肥、基肥相对集中施用,以及氮磷肥配合施用。  相似文献   

中国西北地区肥料使用和生产现状及问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用统计资料和农户调查资料综合分析了中国西北地区肥料使用和生产现状及问题。结果表明,西北地区虽然可耕地面积小,耕地质量差,仍是全国重要的农产品生产基地之一;各省(区)土地利用状况各具特色,可利用潜力较大;近年来西北地区肥料用量增长减缓,单质氮、磷肥基本稳定,钾肥和复合肥在增加;各省(区)施用肥料的结构以氮肥为主,复合肥次之,钾肥比例很低;单位种植面积施肥量低于全国水平;西北地区主要作物施肥量差别很大,其中蔬菜、棉花施肥量最多,小麦、玉米居中,豆类、薯类和油料类较少。多年来化肥生产量一直低于消费量,但氮肥发展为供大于求。综合分析认为,作物生产用肥量尚有进一步增长的可能性,需进一步研究草地用肥的可能性。应注意土地合理利用、施肥效果、施肥量和草地施肥等问题。  相似文献   

江淮丘陵地区水稻颖壳不闭合现象造成水稻减产,通过田间试验,研究科学施用含有多种中微量元素的有机无机复混肥对防治水稻颖壳不闭合现象的效果。结果表明,与普通复合肥常规施肥方法的处理相比,通过科学施用有机无机复混肥使水稻颖壳不闭合发生率降低26.9~39.4百分点,并在促进水稻有效分蘖、穗粒数方面具有显著效果,水稻增产率为43.8%~66.6%,但在促进株高与穗长方面效果不明显。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of two N fertilizer applications (one liquid and one solid) and the yield of winter wheat of a 1 ha field was analyzed at 247 locations. The N fertilizations, as well as their sum, were lognormally distributed, the grain yield showed a normal frequency distribution. Bidirectional semivariograms of all data sets indicated no range of autocorrelation. As a consequence, all data within each set could be considered as being spatially independent for distances larger than the smallest sampling spacing (2.5 m). The semivariograms of the fertilizer applications showed an anisotropic behavior with the largest variability perpendicular to the direction of movement of the spreader. This was caused by strips which had received less, or more, N fertilizer than the intended rate. On the other hand, the theoretical model of the semivariogram of the grain yield could be considered to be an isotropic pure nugget effect, indicating a high degree of spatial homogeneity. This homogeneity results from a yield decline whenever less as well as more than the maximum fertilizer amount was given, as could be concluded out of the yield response curve. The latter, constructed with all 247 measurements, allowed the calculation of the yield loss due to an uneven N fertilizer spreading: 71 kg grain ha−1 at P = 0.09. The number of samples required to estimate the mean value of the N fertilizations and grain yield with a probability of 95% and a precision of 5% was 153, 65 and 9 for the liquid fertilization, the solid fertilization and the grain yield, respectively. These samples could best be located randomly within the field.  相似文献   

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