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乌鲁木齐市作为新疆首府、“一带一路”中的中亚区域经济中心,其土地资源的合理利用、城市形态的健康发展则显得尤为重要。本研究首先基于乌鲁木齐主城区1990~2018年遥感影像解译出的土地利用分类对其土地利用时空演变情况加以分析,1990~2018年乌鲁木齐主城区急剧扩张,2010年以来交通网络铺设完善,主城区快速扩张,周遭耕地、林地、草地等萎缩95.12 km2、6.49 km2、52.37 km2,重心呈现出向东与向北扩张趋势,主城区农用与绿化面积萎缩,无法兼顾经济与生态效益协调可持续发展。接着,遴选自然与社会经济等影响主城区扩张的驱动因素,结合乌鲁木齐主城区扩张历史特点设计第一产业优先、第二三产业优先、生态优先情景,利用Geo SOS-FLUS模型对不同情景下的主城区扩张情景进行模拟预测,研究发现第二三产业优先情景下建设用地明显增加1 142.94 km2;生态优先情景下生态效益高的林地、草地、水域面积显著增加281.59、651.38、7.29 km2;第一产业优先情景下,建...  相似文献   

城市扩展和城市土地不同地表覆盖组合对城市生态系统服务和人居环境质量产生重要的影响。基于历史地图、遥感图像和城市规划图等多源数据通过人工数字化解译、大数据运算和混合像元分解相结合的方法发展了城市地表覆盖/土地利用数据集,从而获取了天津城市1949~2018年不同时段城市扩展过程,实现了其内部结构城市不透水面和绿地空间像元组分的遥感制图,综合分析了1949年以来天津主城区城市阶段扩展速度、扩展强度及城市不透水面和绿地空间地表覆盖类型的时空变化特征,进而揭示了社会经济因素和政策因素对其影响。研究结果表明:天津主城区城市土地面积从1949年的49.15 km~2增长到了2015年的663.39 km~2。从时间变化来看,城市扩展经历了"加速—减速—加速—减速"4个阶段;城市扩展的方式呈现以主城区填充式、沿比邻交通干线的乡镇,呈现带状扩展规律;扩展伴随城市建成区内部绿地空间比率呈现增加的趋势,表明天津主城区城市生态绿化水平总体呈现提升的状况。  相似文献   

城市地表覆盖组分是影响人居生存环境和城市生态系统服务的关键因素。基于Google Earth Engine平台,利用Landsat 5/8遥感影像数据,采用改进的“植被—不透水面—土壤”模型及线性光谱混合分解方法,提取地处干旱区的中国西部大城市乌鲁木齐市与邻国哈萨克斯坦首都城市努尔–苏丹市、大城市阿拉木图市的地表覆盖信息,对比分析1990~2015年3个城市地表覆盖的变化特征。结果表明:1990~2015年间乌鲁木齐市城市建成区扩张面积最大,扩张了349.81 km2;其次为努尔-苏丹市,城市扩张面积为158.16 km2;由于哈萨克斯坦首都由阿拉木图市迁往努尔-苏丹市,整个时段阿拉木图市城市扩张最慢,总计扩张了126.23 km2。在城市建成区内,1990年到2015年间乌鲁木齐市城市地表不透水组分增加了7.10%,努尔—苏丹市和阿拉木图市分别减少了14.9%、4.49%。建成区内绿地组分努尔—苏丹市从1990年到2015年增加了6.68%;乌鲁木齐市和阿拉木图市分别减少了6.65%和2.75%。城市所表现出来的不同地表覆盖特征乌鲁木齐市主要受国家政策支持,阿拉木图市由于其历史背景和城市规划,努尔—苏丹市城市的快速发展则受哈萨克斯坦迁都的影响。  相似文献   

以Landsat遥感影像为数据源,利用面向对象和决策树方法获得多期土地覆被数据;以此为基础,分析了1990~2015年吉林省西部耕地变化与旱田水田转化特征及驱动因素。结果表明:1990~2015年期间,吉林省西部耕地面积增加了2159.33 km2,增速逐渐变缓。旱田面积在1990~2000和2000~2010年期间有小幅增加,但在2010~2015年期间呈减少趋势。水田面积持续扩张,25年间增加了1139.39 km2(51.7%),旱田净转化为水田的面积不断增加,1990~2000年为69.13 km2,2000~2010年为156.19 km2,2010~2015年为288.27 km2。人口和经济的增长是导致耕地面积迅速增长的主要原因,影响水田面积扩张和旱田向水田转化的驱动因素有:科技进步、水利设施建设、政策倾向和利益驱动。最后提出了吉林省西部地区耕地保护的建议,为区域农业生产和生态建设提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   

以Landsat遥感影像为数据源,利用面向对象和决策树方法获得多期土地覆被数据;以此为基础,分析了1990~2015年吉林省西部耕地变化与旱田水田转化特征及驱动因素。结果表明:1990~2015年期间,吉林省西部耕地面积增加了2159.33 km2,增速逐渐变缓。旱田面积在1990~2000和2000~2010年期间有小幅增加,但在2010~2015年期间呈减少趋势。水田面积持续扩张,25年间增加了1139.39 km2(51.7%),旱田净转化为水田的面积不断增加,1990~2000年为69.13 km2,2000~2010年为156.19 km2,2010~2015年为288.27 km2。人口和经济的增长是导致耕地面积迅速增长的主要原因,影响水田面积扩张和旱田向水田转化的驱动因素有:科技进步、水利设施建设、政策倾向和利益驱动。最后提出了吉林省西部地区耕地保护的建议,为区域农业生产和生态建设提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   

城市演化的形态特征及其影响因素分析对于城市生态环境治理及国土空间管控具有重要的应用价值。然而,目前对城市形态特征演化过程的长期识别,尤其对北疆地区及少数民族地区的研究仍显不足。以呼和浩特市为例,基于遥感影像、土地利用/覆盖数据集和城市不透水面与绿地空间组分数据集等信息,利用地理统计方法,分析了1949~2018年城市扩展时空特征以及21世纪以来的城市土地覆盖变化,揭示了城市演化的影响因素,进一步探讨了城市规划在城市演化过程中的作用。研究表明:70年间,呼和浩特市区城市土地面积以“减速—保持—加速”的扩展特征增长了67.62倍,在形态上呈现“填充式—圈层式—单轴线外延—双轴线外延”模式。2000年以来,呼和浩特市区城市不透水面比例呈“先上升后下降”的趋势,城市绿地空间比例则呈现“波动上升”的趋势。国家西部大开发战略、城市总体规划等相关规划政策,以及经济因素是影响呼和浩特市城市演化的重要因素。本研究可为呼和浩特市以及北疆少数民族地区的城市可持续发展提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

利用Landsat TM、OLI多光谱卫星遥感数据,采用VIS(植被-不透水层-土壤)模型和线性光谱混合分析法对丝绸之路经济带核心区乌鲁木齐建城区及其周边进行丰度估算,并针对红色彩钢板屋顶在不透水层丰度图像上低亮度特点,进行改进处理,提高了不透水层丰度估算精度。研究结果表明:1994~2018年的24年间乌鲁木齐市不透水层呈现出显著扩展的特点,其面积从140.41 km2扩大到462.62 km2;扩展速率在1994~2005年间缓慢上升,2005年之后迅速上升;扩展强度先上升,2010~2015年达到最大,之后出现下降;同时,城市不透水层的空间扩展具有明显差异,向西和东北方向扩展最为显著。综合分析指出:乌鲁木齐城市不透水层的空间扩展受到周边山体地形和煤矿开采等因素的限制,而“乌昌一体化”政策是城市扩展的主要助力因素。  相似文献   

基于MODIS的黄土高原土地荒漠化动态监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2001年和2009年8月MODIS卫星影像为数据源,基于归一化植被指数和像元二分原理,通过建立科学的荒漠化土地分类系统,对黄土高原地区近8 a的荒漠化土地进行了动态变化监测,分析了2个时期荒漠化土地的空间分布特征和面积变化情况。结果表明:黄土高原荒漠化土地面积整体呈明显的减少态势,但类型转化结构表明荒漠化土地强度却处于不断发展阶段。8 a间,极重度荒漠化土地面积增加了16.53 km2,增长率为28.36%,重度和中度荒漠化土地面积均有不同程度减少,分别减少了1.2×104 km2和7.0×104 km2,变化率分别为32.97%和29.19%;分别有9.0×104 km2和1.2×104 k2的轻度和潜在荒漠化土地转化为其他类型荒漠化土地,并分别增加了9.3×103 km2和7.3×104 km2,增长率分别为4.2%和57.3%。发展区面积为1.9×105 km2,稳定区面积为4.0×105 km2,逆转区面积为2.8×104 km2,发展区面积比逆转区面积大1.6×105 km2,表明黄土高原环境质量不断下降,荒漠化强度不断扩张的趋势。  相似文献   

城市快速扩张导致城乡梯度土地覆盖发生显著的变化,引发不透水地表的增加,植被覆盖的减少,从而加剧了城市热岛强度。研究城乡梯度土地覆盖变化引起的城市热岛效应,并揭示城市热岛的时空特征及强度的变化,对城市规划建设、人居环境改善及提升城市生态系统服务功能具有重要的意义。基于Landsat系列4期影像,利用单窗算法反演西安市地表温度,计算热场变异指数得到热力场强度图并对其进行等级划分,结合土地利用/覆盖类型数据分析城乡梯度土地覆盖变化对城市热岛强度的影响。结果表明:①2000年西安市极强热岛效应区占研究区面积的10.58%,逐渐增加到2011年极强热岛效应区域的面积占比达到16.14%,而后到2015年降低为9.00%,整体上西安市城市热岛效应呈现出了先增长后降低的趋势;②2000年到2015年城乡建设用地面积增加了412.76 km2,极强热岛强度的范围随城市建成区的扩张逐年向外扩展;③无热岛效应区约70%位于耕地和林地,水域在无热岛效应中的占比也在逐年增多,从31%增加到了47%。不透水地表面积占比与地表温度有显著相关性,城乡梯度植被和水体面积的增加可以有效地缓解城市热岛强度。  相似文献   

以干旱区典型的条带状且末绿洲为例,采用1973年MSS、1991年TM、2001年和2008年ETM+遥感影像为数据源,结合野外考察数据,选择适宜的分类指标体系,对遥感图像进行了监督分类,并获得了研究区土地利用/覆盖转移矩阵。 研究结果表明:近35 a 来耕地面积一直呈现出增加的趋势,增加了105.32 km2,耕地面积的增加量主要是由草地和林地的转化而来,是增加最快的土地利用类型;林地和草地面积一直呈逐渐减少的趋势,其中减少最多的土地类型是林地,减少了69.459 km2,林地面积的减少是由于林地转移草地、水体和耕地的比例超过草地转移林地的比例所致;草地面积减少了63.093 km2,主要是由一部分草地转移耕地、未利用地而引起;水域面积总体上有增加趋势,增加了22.073 km2,主要由草地和未利用地转移水体而引起;未利用地变化幅度不大,有缓慢增加的趋势,增加5.093 km2。  相似文献   

Urban land use/cover changes have an important impact on urban ecosystem services functions and the environmental quality of human settlements. This study mapped urban expansion process using the historical data, remote sensing images and urban planning maps, and acquired the urban impervious surface and green space fraction based on big data platform. We analyzed the process of Tianjin urban expansion rate, intensity and urban land cover change since 1949, and revealed the driving factors in the process of urban expansion with social economic and policy factors. The results showed that the built-up area increased from 49.15 km2 in 1949 to 663.39 km2 in 2015. The expansion has undergone four stages of "acceleration – deceleration – acceleration - deceleration"; the urban expansion mode presents the filled with built-up area and along with the neighboring transportation trunk lines. The proportion of green space in the built-up area is increasing, indicating that the urban ecological greening in the main urban area of Tianjin has been improved.  相似文献   

Urban land cover composition is the key factor affecting the living environment and urban ecosystem service. Based on the Google Earth Engine platform, Landsat 5/8 remote sensing image data were used to adopt the improved "Vegetation-Impervious Surface-Soil" model and linear spectral mixed decomposition method. The variation characteristics of land cover in Nur-Sudan, Almaty, Urumqi cities from 1990 to 2015 were compared and analyzed. The results show that the urban built-up area of Urumqi city expanded the largest area of the three cities from1990 to 2015, with an expansion of 349.81 km2, followed by Nur-Sultan, with a city expansion area of 158.16 km2. As the capital of Kazakhstan was relocated from Almaty to Nur-Sultan, the city of Almaty expanded the slowest during the entire period, with a total expansion of 126.23 km2. In the urban built-up area, the urban surface in Urumqi increased by 7.10% from 1990 to 2015, and the Nur-Sultan and Almaty decreased by 14.9% and 4.49%,respectively. The green space component of the built-up area, Nur-Sultan increased by 6.68% from 1990 to 2015, while Urumqi and Almaty decreased by 6.65% and 2.75%,respectively. The different surface cover patterns of cities are different for different reasons. Urumqi is mainly supported by national policies, and Almaty is known for its historical background and urban planning, while the rapid development of Nur-Sudan was affected by the relocation of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

The method of linear spectral mixture analysis combined with V-I-S model(Vegetation-Imperious surface-Soil) is used to estimate the impervious surface abundance of Urumqi city, which is in the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, using Landsat OLI and TM multi-spectral data. Because the red color steel shed has low brightness on the impervious surface brightness image, an improvement was proposed, and then verify the accuracy through the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery. The results show that: the impervious surface area in Urumqi displayed a significant expansion from 140.41 km2 to 462.62 km2 during past 24 years (1994 to 2018). It expanded slowly during 1994 to 2005, and increased rapidly since 2005. The expansion intensity increased during 1994~2015 and decreased after 2015; and the spatial expansion of urban impervious surface is significantly different, with the largest expansion area in the west and northeast direction. The comprehensive analyses suggested that the expansion of the impervious surface of Urumqi city is limited by the surrounding mountain topography and coal mining, and the “Urumqi-Changji integration” policy is the major driving factor for urban expansion in the past 24 years.  相似文献   

在快速城镇化背景下,客观掌握城市扩张进程中的城乡建设用地及内部不透水面变化特征,有利于优化大都市城乡用地结构及空间融合发展。基于城乡建设用地及不透水面遥感监测数据集,应用空间分析模型,对哈尔滨2000~2015年城乡建设用地规模、结构及内部不透水面时空演变特征进行分析,探究城市扩张格局、区位差异、建设用地利用强度及城乡之间的差异。结果表明:①2000年以来城乡建设用地快速扩张了158.32 km2,年变化率和动态度均呈先增大后减小趋势;从城市核心区至远郊区方向其扩张规模依次增大,建设重点不断向城市周边推移,呈现出较明显的空间异质性;②城镇建设用地和独立工矿用地面积及占比逐年增加,扩张来源均以耕地为主;农村居民点占比降低了13.14%,城乡建设用地结构特征发生了较明显变化;③2000~2015年城乡建设用地内部不透水面面积和比例分别增加了145.32 km2和10.04%,城镇建设用地利用强度已达到较高水平,农村居民点用地利用强度快速提高,城市和农村之间的差距不断缩小;自城市核心区至远郊区方向不透水面比例不断降低,可利用潜力越大,不透水面面积增量、比例增量、比例增长率及扩张强度大体呈增加趋势,不透水面与城乡建设用地规模变化趋势相近,可在一定程度上揭示城市扩张轨迹。  相似文献   

Rapid urban expansion had a significant impact in land use/cover change along urban-rural gradient, and the increase of impervious construction land and the reduction of vegetation cover had induced and aggravated the urban heat island effect. Studying the impact of urban-rural gradient land cover change on urban heat island effect was significant for urban planning and construction, improving the comfort of human settlements and enhancing the function of urban ecological services. The surface temperature of Xi'an city was retrieved by mono-window algorithm based on Landsat images, and the thermal field intensity map was obtained by calculating the thermal field variation index, and the gradient land cover changes in urban and rural areas were analyzed with land use data. The results showed that: ①The urban heat island effect in Xi'an showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing from 2000 to 2015. In 2000, the extremely strong heat island effect area accounted for 10.58% of the research area, and gradually increased to 16.14% in 2011, and then decreased to 9.00% in 2015. ②From 2000 to 2015, the area of construction land increased 412.76 km2 and the intensity of extremely strong heat island expanded year by year with the expansion of urban built-up areas. ③About 70% of the non-heat island effect areas were located on farmland and forest land, and the proportion of water area in the non-heat island effect was increasing year by year from 31% to 47%, which showed that the increase of vegetation and water area could effectively alleviate the urban heat island effect.  相似文献   

The urban land cover structures play an important role in providing urban ecological service and altering the quality of human settlements environment.In this study,2000~2015 Landsat TM series satellite data along with fine resolution remote sensing images were used to capture information of each 5-year land cover structures in 12 prefecture-level cities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.Subsequently,there land cover information was used to monitor and analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of urban expansion,and differences of land cover structures and expansion types.The results showed that:in 2000~2015,the overall changes of land cover structures in 12 prefecture level cities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were rapid.Specifically,the urban area expanded by 278.93 km2.By comparison,the proportion of urban area expansion in 2010~2015 was 1.61 times and 1.91 times than that of the first two periods (in 2000~2005 and in 2005~2010).Since 2010,the most dramatic changes has been observed.Particularly,obvious urban impervious surface expansion was found.Also urban vegetation showed obviously increased with varying degrees.At the past decade,urban expansion has undergone three stages.Specifically,the main process experienced from urban interior filling to urban interior filling and then to urban extension,of which Baotou and Hulunbeier belonging to the internal filling city.Population growth and socio-economic development are responsible for these differences.  相似文献   

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