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Motion perspective is the phenomenon that as an object moves, the projections of its surface features and of its contours undergo certain regular transformations. The retinal image undergoes similar transformations. This aspect of depth perception has received comparatively little attention. Theory has been primarily based on gestalt formulations, and, more recently, an empirical approach has been suggested which is based on the use of high speed computers. The latter approach appears quite promising. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether the perception of heading is determined by spatially pooling velocity information. Observers were presented displays simulating observer motion through a volume of 3-D objects. To test the importance of spatial pooling, the authors systematically varied the nonrigidity of the flow field using two types of object motion: adding a unique rotation or translation to each object. Calculations of the signal-to-noise (observer velocity-to-object motion) ratio indicated no decrements in performance when the ratio was .39 for object rotation and .45 for object translation. Performance also increased with the number of objects in the scene. These results suggest that heading is determined by mechanisms that use spatial pooling over large regions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Perceiving motion in an object involves discriminating the object from its background, judging the motion contrast between figure and ground and then attributing the motion to the appropriate entity. The present paper discusses psychophysical data on Induced Motion (IM) which supports the view that object/motion perception is constructed relatively late in the system by combining the output of several different motion analysers. Results from two experiments suggest that solution of the figure ground problem in motion perception may occur late in processing, be mediated by the parvocelluar stream and involve combining the output of at least two types of motion analysers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Edge-region grouping (ERG) is proposed as a unifying and previously unrecognized class of relational information that influences figure-ground organization and perceived depth across an edge. ERG occurs when the edge between two regions is differentially grouped with one region based on classic principles of similarity grouping. The ERG hypothesis predicts that the grouped side will tend to be perceived as the closer, figural region. Six experiments are reported that test the predictions of the ERG hypothesis for 6 similarity-based factors: common fate, blur similarity, color similarity, orientation similarity, proximity, and flicker synchrony. All 6 factors produce the predicted effects, although to different degrees. In a 7th experiment, the strengths of these figural/depth effects were found to correlate highly with the strength of explicit grouping ratings of the same visual displays. The relations of ERG to prior results in the literature are discussed, and possible reasons for ERG-based figural/depth effects are considered. We argue that grouping processes mediate at least some of the effects we report here, although ecological explanations are also likely to be relevant in the majority of cases. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In principle, information for 3-D motion perception is provided by the differences in position and motion between left- and right-eye images of the world. It is known that observers can precisely judge between different 3-D motion trajectories, but the accuracy of binocular 3-D motion perception has not been studied. The authors measured the accuracy of 3-D motion perception. In 4 different tasks, observers were inaccurate, overestimating trajectory angle, despite consistently choosing similar angles (high precision). Errors did not vary consistently with target distance, as would be expected had inaccuracy been due to misestimates of viewing distance. Observers appeared to rely strongly on the lateral position of the target, almost to the exclusion of the use of depth information. For the present tasks, these data suggest that neither an accurate estimate of 3-D motion direction nor one of passing distance can be obtained using only binocular cues to motion in depth. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, the authors investigated the bidirectional coupling of perception and action in the context of object manipulations and motion perception. Participants prepared to grasp an X-shaped object along one of its 2 diagonals and to rotate it in a clockwise- or a counterclockwise direction. Action execution had to be delayed until the appearance of a visual go signal, which induced an apparent rotational motion in either a clockwise- or a counterclockwise direction. Stimulus detection was faster when the direction of the induced apparent motion was consistent with the direction of the concurrently intended manual object rotation. Responses to action-consistent motions were also faster when the participants prepared the manipulation actions but signaled their stimulus detections with another motor effector (i.e., with a foot response). Taken together, the present study demonstrates a motor-visual priming effect of prepared object manipulations on visual motion perception, indicating a bidirectional functional link between action and perception beyond object-related visuomotor associations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of recent experiments showing that where the perception of voluminous fog does not occur consistently under conditions attempting homogeneity of visual stimulation, there are sources of inhomogeneity which can produce the impression of a surface. As homogeneity is approached, the volume experience becomes more reliable. A view of this phenomenon, other than Gibson's—which does not deal with it on the grounds of poor reliability—or Koffka's—which attributes it to the fundamental nature of the perceptual system, is presented. It is based on kinesthetic stimulation as a likely source of visual space anisotropy with respect to perceived distance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors describe a new visual illusion first discovered in a natural setting. A cyclist riding beside a pair of sagging chains that connect fence posts appears to move up and down with the chains. In this illusion, a static shape (the chains) affects the perception of a moving shape (the bicycle), and this influence involves assimilation (averaging) rather than opposition (differentiation). These features distinguish the illusion from illusions of motion capture and induced motion. The authors take this bicycle illusion into the laboratory and report 4 findings: Na?ve viewers experience the illusion when discriminating horizontal from sinusoidal motion of a disc in the context of stationary curved lines; the illusion shifts from motion assimilation to motion opposition as the visual size of the display is increased; the assimilation and opposition illusions are dissociated by variations in luminance contrast of the stationary lines and the moving disc; and the illusion does not occur when simply comparing two stationary objects at different locations along the curved lines. The bicycle illusion provides a unique opportunity for studying the interactions between shape and motion perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A theory is presented that explains how the visual system infers the lightness, opacity, and depth of surfaces from stereoscopic images. It is shown that the polarity and magnitude of image contrast play distinct roles in surface perception, which can be captured by 2 principles of perceptual inference. First, a contrast depth asymmetry principle articulates how the visual system computes the ordinal depth and lightness relationships from the polarity of local, binocularly matched image contrast. Second, a global transmittance anchoring principle expresses how variations in contrast magnitudes are used to infer the presence of transparent surfaces. It is argued that these principles provide a unified explanation of how the visual system computes the 3-D surface structure of opaque and transparent surfaces. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments in which participants were given control over the direction of computer-simulated self-motion were conducted. Environments were designed to evaluate the functionality of simple and multiple motion parallax as well as a separation ratio (?; indexing the separation of 2 objects in depth) for the perception and control of heading. Results provide a 1st indication of optimizing performance in the top end of the global optical flow velocity range available during human bipedal self-motion. The introduction of ?, developed to explain performance improvements with decreasing distance to the target, was able to account for most of the performance differences among all simulated environments. The rate of change in horizontal optical separation between at least 2 discontinuities was identified as a likely candidate for the optical foundation of the perception and control of heading during target approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effectiveness of magnification, (comparing binoculars of three powers, 6 X, 7 X, 10 X, with unaided vision) as an aid to ordnance optics was studied under desert conditions. Visual acuity was studied with a modified Landolt ring display, depth perception with method of constant stimuli in which a movable target had to be aligned with a stationary target. Visual acuity at a range of 100 yards was significantly better with binoculars than with the unaided eye, but there was no significant difference among the binoculars. For depth perception, sensitivity was independent of magnification and nearly independent of range. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Laws of binocular correspondence and disparity are regarded as bases for explanation of most of the phenomena of binocular depth perception in the near field of vision. Abnormal phenomena such as differences in astigmatism of the 2 eyes, differences in acuity, cases of natural aniseikonia, investigated by the author, confirm the validity of the laws of correspondence and disparity and also of the law of intersection of visual directional lines. The inadequacies of other theories of binocular depth perception are pointed out and the author concludes that they cannot supplant the laws of binocular correspondence and disparity for the great majority of cases of binocular perception of depth in the near field of vision. (46 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Motion perception was studied for generalized apparent motion stimuli composed of 2 simultaneously visible elements whose luminance alternated between 2 values (only 1 element is visible at a time for standard apparent motion). It was demonstrated that 1st-order motion energy is neither necessary nor sufficient for the perception of apparent motion. Instead, it was found that counter-changing luminance--simultaneous luminance changes at 2 element locations--is the informational basis for perceiving luminance-defined apparent motion: Motion starts where luminance changes toward the background luminance value and ends where luminance changes away from the background luminance. The results were not attributable to either 2nd-order motion mechanisms (for which rectification precedes the computation of motion energy) or attention-based, 3rd-order motion mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research on perceiving spatial layout has found that people often exhibit normative biases in their perception of the environment. For instance, slant is typically overestimated and distance is usually underestimated. Surprisingly, however, the perception of height has rarely been studied. The present experiments examined the perception of height when viewed from the top (e.g., looking down) or from the bottom (e.g., looking up). Multiple measures were adapted from previous studies of horizontal extents to assess the perception of height. Across all of the measures, a large, consistent bias was found: Vertical distances were greatly overestimated, especially from the top. Secondary findings suggest that the overestimation of distance and size that occurs when looking down from a high place correlates with reports of trait- and state-level fear of heights, suggesting that height overestimation may be due, in part, to fear. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Physical acoustics reveals a number of stimulus correlates of sound source distance. Quantitative estimates of these stimulus correlates are compared with appropriate psychophysical thesholds. Such comparisons show that most of these stimulus correlates can, with various restrictions, provide distance information detectable by the ear(s). The stimulus correlates dealt with at greatest length are: intensity, frequency spectrum at near and far distances, binaural intensity ratio, and interaural phase (or time) differences. Problems relating to the use of some of these stimulus correlates as cues are discussed. Other possible distance cues are briefly mentioned. The possible use of much of the available physical information in making distance judgments has not yet been adequately evaluated in psychophysical studies. (48 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Humans see whole objects from input fragmented in space and time, yet spatiotemporal object perception is poorly understood. The authors propose the theory of spatiotemporal relatability (STR), which describes the visual information and processes that allow visible fragments revealed at different times and places, due to motion and occlusion, to be assembled into unitary perceived objects. They present a formalization of STR that specifies spatial and temporal relations for object formation. Predictions from the theory regarding conditions that lead to unit formation were tested and confirmed in experiments with dynamic and static, occluded and illusory objects. Moreover, the results support the identity hypothesis of a common process for amodal and modal contour interpolation and provide new evidence regarding the relative efficiency of static and dynamic object formation. STR postulates a mental representation, the dynamic visual icon, that briefly maintains shapes and updates positions of occluded fragments to connect them with visible regions. The theory offers a unified account of interpolation processes for static, dynamic, occluded, and illusory objects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, the authors examined sex differences in audiospatial perception of sounds that moved toward and away from the listener. Experiment 1 showed that both men and women underestimated the time-to-arrival of full-cue looming sounds. However, this perceptual bias was significantly stronger among women than among men. In Experiment 2, listeners estimated the terminal distance of sounds that approached but stopped before reaching them. Women perceived the looming sounds as closer than did men. However, in Experiment 3, with greater statistical power, the authors found no sex difference in the perceived distance of sounds that traveled away from the listener, demonstrating a sex-based specificity for auditory looming perception. Experiment 4 confirmed these results using equidistant looming and receding sounds. The findings suggest that sex differences in auditory looming perception are not due to general differences in audiospatial ability, but rather illustrate the environmental salience and evolutionary importance of perceiving looming objects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the possibility of a dysfunction in monocular depth perception in schizophrenics. 50 schizophrenics and 50 normals were asked to align monocularly viewed patterned and unpatterned projected images with each of 5 monocularly viewed, minimally lighted rods. An analysis of variance indicated a difference significant beyond the 1% level in the alignment ability of the 2 groups and stimulus intensification of the images with color increased both groups' alignment ability. A trend analysis indicated a significant increase in the difference between the groups from p  相似文献   

A four-part experiment was carried out to study the relationship between the time course of object-feature perception and the time course of retrieval of object information from memory. The experiment consisted of 2 perceptual matching tasks, and 2 perceptual recognition tasks. In all 4 tasks, participants provided speeded judgments of the identity of 2 objects. A stochastic feature-sampling model was used to estimate the time needed for feature perception and the time needed for retrieval of feature information. No evidence was found for a systematic relationship between perception times and retrieval times for individual features. Indeed, the model applications indicated that retrieval times were constant for different features, whereas perception rates varied across the features. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sound sources are perceived by integrating information from multiple acoustical features. The factors influencing the integration of information are largely unknown. We measured how the perceptual weighting of different features varies with the accuracy of information and with a listener’s ability to exploit it. Participants judged the hardness of two objects whose interaction generates an impact sound: a hammer and a sounding object. In a first discrimination experiment, trained listeners focused on the most accurate information, although with greater difficulty when perceiving the hammer. We inferred a limited exploitability for the most accurate hammer-hardness information. In a second rating experiment, listeners focused on the most accurate information only when estimating sounding-object hardness. In a third rating experiment, we synthesized sounds by independently manipulating source properties that covaried in Experiments 1 and 2: sounding-object hardness and impact properties. Sounding-object hardness perception relied on the most accurate acoustical information, whereas impact-properties influenced more strongly hammer hardness perception. Overall, perceptual weight increased with the accuracy of acoustical information, although information that was not easily exploited was perceptually secondary, even if accurate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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