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冷起动首循环瞬态HC排放特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从循环控制的角度,详细研究了LPG点燃式发动机冷起动首循环瞬态HC排放特性。试验在一台电控LPG进气道喷射单缸风冷四冲程、125mL发动机上进行。通过高速采集系统记录发动机首循环瞬态HC排放、瞬时缸压和转速,分析了瞬态HC排放与其他参数之间的关系。研究表明:随着过量空气系数的变化,首循环瞬态HC排放在一个较宽的混合气浓度变化范围内平缓变化,并稳定在较低的水平。首循环瞬态HC排放的最小值出现在缸内燃烧最好的燃空当量比附近。当首循环混合气浓度过浓或者是过稀时,瞬态HC排放迅速增加。首循环瞬态HC排放随点火角度的推迟,其变化规律为先增加再减少,随点火角度不断推迟,在膨胀行程中氧化的燃料不断增加,当点火角度推迟到一定限值,缸内燃烧不能进行,瞬态HC排放急剧增加。  相似文献   

LPG点燃式发动机冷起动首循环进气富氧试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于循环控制,详细研究了LPG点燃式发动机冷起动首循环进气富氧的燃烧及排放特性。试验在一台电控LPG进气喷射单缸风冷四冲程125 mL发动机上进行,采用膜式富氧方法实现富氧进气燃烧。研究表明:当过量空气系数大于0.7时,富氧进气燃烧缸压峰值与空气相比增加不显著,此后随混合气加浓,富氧进气燃烧缸压峰值开始明显大于常规空气进气燃烧;过量空气系数在0.4~0.876时,富氧进气燃烧与常规空气进气燃烧相比,HC排放没有较大降低,在此范围之外,富氧显著降低HC排放;过量空气系数在0.4~0.7,富氧与空气相比CO显著降低;富氧进气燃烧,使得首循环NO排放大幅增加;计算放热率发现,富氧燃烧速度比常规空气进气燃烧更快,放热更集中。  相似文献   

基于首次着火循环的低温冷起动特性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
从发动机首次着火循环的单一循环特性分析入手,研究了以液化石油气(LPG)为燃料的电控喷射小型点燃式发动机低温冷起动首次着火循环的燃烧情况.当环境温度从-9~4℃变化时,对不同过量空气系数对冷起动的首次着火循环的影响进行分析,结果表明环境温度对冷起动首循环的HC排放有很大影响,而对着火或起动瞬态转速影响不大;过量空气系数直接影响发动机冷起动首循环的着火可靠性和HC排放.通过研究,得出保证此LPG发动机首次着火循环可靠起动时的最佳过量空气系数为0.74左右.  相似文献   

基于首次着火循环的低温冷起动特性(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在一台125cm^3单缸风冷电控喷射LPG发动机上,进行了单循环冷起动实验研究.通过分析发动机最初几个循环的瞬时转速、缸压以及HC排放,得到了发动机首次着火循环冷起动时的燃烧及排放情况.在对首次着火循环分析的基础上,研究了过量空气系数、环境温度、点火提前角和蓄电池电压对LPG发动机首次着火循环燃烧情况的影响.结果表明,蓄电池电压影响发动机冷起动首次着火循环的HC排放,同时对首次着火循环的起动转速也有影响;点火提前角对首次着火循环起动转速影响较大,但对单循环冷起动时的HC排放影响不大;LPG发动机首次循环可靠起动的最佳点火提前角为上止前10℃A.  相似文献   

LPG小型点燃式发动机怠速工况下微粒排放特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了LPG点燃式发动机在怠速工况下的微粒排放特性,试验在一台电控单缸机上进行。通过在不同混合气过量空气系数下的试验,发现理论空燃比附近微粒的排放量最少;在混合气浓区的微粒排放随着过量空气系数变小而增多;在混合气稀区的微粒排放随过量空气系数增大也略有增加。微粒的排放随点火提前角的推迟有先减小后增加的趋势。随转速的增加,粒径峰值逐渐向粒径增大变化。怠速工况下的微粒粒径主要集中在(23.7~133)nm。颗粒物排放浓度与HC排放的浓度在趋势上有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

胡春明  刘娜  李伟 《内燃机学报》2007,25(2):144-149
介绍了应用于高速单燃料LPG电喷发动机的高能双火花塞快速燃烧系统的组成及其在发动机稳态运行工况的稀燃研究。开发了发动机多通道瞬态燃烧分析系统用于LPG快速燃烧过程的研究,快速燃烧系统的同步、异步点火通过ECU及其控制策略的控制实现。试验结果表明:LPG混合气的火焰传播速度得到提高,LPG的燃烧稀限由过量空气系数1.25—1.4拓展为1.4—1.5;结合燃烧室和火花塞位置的优化,火焰传播距离被缩短以实现LPG稀混合气的快速燃烧。  相似文献   

基于循环控制的LPG电喷发动机冷起动初探   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
基于循环控制策略,利用单循环和多循环燃烧分析方法研究了LPG发动机的冷起动特性。试验在一台四冲程、水冷125mL单缸电控喷射点燃式发动机上进行。通过对冷起动循环的缸压和瞬时转速的实对测量和分析,研究了LPG首次喷射脉宽及着火循环的关系对冷起动着火特性的影响,特别对如何实现可控循环着火进行了基于单次起动喷射脉宽的单循环和多循环燃烧研究。试验结果表明:冷起动首次着火循环对整个起动过程的HC排放及着火稳定性起着至关重要的作用;起动喷射脉宽对冷起动着火特性的影响最大,合理控制起动喷射脉宽和喷射时刻,即可实现“即喷即着”的理想可控循环着火。LPG首次着火循环所需的混合气浓度约是稳定怠速时的2.2倍;单循环起动喷射脉宽起动与多循环起动脉宽起动相比,具有HC排放低和起动可靠性好的优点。在首次喷射之前空转几循环可以使发动机的首次着火循环序数提前,并能提高冷起动可靠性。  相似文献   

以气口顺序喷射、全电控、柴油引燃天然气发动机为实验发动机,对柴油引燃天然气发动机的最佳引燃柴油量及过量空气系数的浓限、稀限进行了研究。研究发现:对于柴油引燃天燃气发动机的不同运行工况,存在相应的最佳引燃柴油量;最佳引燃柴油量并非越小(或天然气替代率越高)越好,在较小的引燃柴油量下,存在一个对碳烟排放不敏感的引燃柴油量;在这个不敏感的引燃柴油量范围内,适当增加引燃柴油量可以使天然气/空气混合气工作在较稀的过量空气系数下,降低NOx排放。通过实验得到了天然气/空气混合气过量空气系数的浓限、稀限,指出过量空气系数浓限是由NOx的排放标准所决定的,稀限则是由碳烟、HC、CO排放标准所决定的。  相似文献   

在1台四冲程、水冷、125mL、电喷火花点燃式摩托车发动机进行燃用LPG燃料的试验,分析空燃比和点火提前角对LPG电喷发动机排放HC、CO和NOx的影响。试验结果表明,在浓混合气条件下,点火提前角对LPG发动机排放的影响较小;但在稀混合气条件下,点火提前角对LPG发动机的排放影响较大。  相似文献   

压燃式天然气发动机着火和敲缸的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种压燃式天然气发动机燃烧系统。该燃烧系统采用了低散热的分隔式燃烧室和复合供气系统,即利用分别安装于进气管和气缸盖上的高、低压天然气喷射阀在一个工作循环中的分时供气,以在副燃烧室内形成较浓的混合气,在主燃烧室内形成稀混合气。在接近压缩终点处,副室内的混合气首先着火,其火焰喷入主燃烧室点燃其中的稀混合气。在单缸试验机上研究了这一燃烧系统的着火起动特性和敲缸现象。试验结果说明:仅采用进气道低压喷射天然气的供气方式在发动机气缸内形成天然气/空气的均质混合气,可很容易地实现压缩着火和起动发动机;电热塞温度、进气温度及副室与主室之间通道尺寸对发动机的着火和起动性有显著的影响,可以实现仅利用电热塞辅助加热即可在常温进气条件下起动发动机。在主、副燃烧室内实现混合气浓度的时间-空间控制,以实现混合气浓度分层,有助于避免敲缸现象。  相似文献   

基于单缸试验机研究了过量空气系数对射流点火发动机性能的影响。通过分析发动机性能曲线、缸内燃烧情况及爆震特性探究射流点火最佳运行区间,并与火花点火燃烧方式进行对比。结果表明,射流点火可以有效提升瞬时放热率并拓展发动机稀燃极限,缩短缸内混合气滞燃期与燃烧持续期,同时燃油经济性有一定提升。在稀燃条件下氮氧化物排放极低。爆震方面,随着点火提前角增大,射流火焰的多点点火效应会在缸内产生明显压力震荡,继续增大点火提前角会诱导末端混合气自燃。因此射流点火爆震缸压表现为两阶段压力震荡,爆震因子集中性高。提升过量空气系数可以降低射流点火爆震因子幅值,使发动机工作在轻微爆震或无爆震状态。  相似文献   

在一台汽油缸内直喷(GDI)增压发动机上,研究了稀燃条件下燃用不同甲醇汽油混合燃料的燃烧特性和排放特性。试验结果表明:稀燃条件下,随混合气浓度逐渐变稀,当量燃油消耗率呈现出先降低后升高的趋势,并且随着甲醇比例的增加,当量燃油消耗率增加,但均低于原机。在混合气逐渐变稀的过程中,燃烧时缸压峰值和燃烧温度总的变化趋势是逐渐降低,而燃烧持续期和循环变动率逐渐升高。稀燃条件下,CO排放量逐渐降低,碳氢化合物排放呈先降低后增加的趋势。NO_x排放量总的变化趋势是先增大后逐渐降低,随着甲醇体积分数的增加,NO_x的排放量逐渐降低,且3种甲醇、汽油混合燃料的NO_x和CO排放量都低于汽油燃料。  相似文献   

To investigate the property of the promising and eco-friendly hydrogen-fueled rotary engine, the effect of excess air ratio on the combustion and emission characteristic of it was explored by experiment. The test was conducted under 1500 rpm and 5 CAD ADTC ignition timing. The test results demonstrated that with the decrease of excess air ratio from 2 to 0.85, the thermal efficiency of the hydrogen-fueled rotary engine increases first and then decreases. Besides, increasing MAP is beneficial to improve thermal efficiency. Among the tested condition, the highest brake thermal efficiency is realized when the rotary engine operates at 1.4 excess air ratio and 88 kPa MAP, about 18.34%. And the excellent HC and NO emissions can be obtained at the highest efficiency point. Besides, with the decrease of excess air ratio and the increase of load, the stability and flame development period gradually decrease. With a decreased excess air ratio, the flame propagation period decrease first and then increases, whereas work capacity and thermal efficiency increase first and then decrease. For NO emission, it will increase sharply near the equivalent ratio and gradually decrease after rich combustion. Also, according to the analytical model, it is found that the power performance of the rotary engine depends on the trade-off relationship of in-cylinder pressure and its angle of action.  相似文献   

Potential and knocking characteristics of a hydrogen-natural gas blend (HCNG) engine with a high compression ratio were examined from a commercial viewpoint since lean combustion with HCNG under a wide-open throttle (WOT) condition requires a high-charging-capacity turbocharger. Supercharging of intake air to extend the lean limit was investigated for a turbocharged, heavy-duty natural gas-fueled engine. Effects of compression ratio changes on fuel economy were assessed in terms of thermal efficiency and torque characteristics. Extension of the lean limit to an excess air ratio of 1.8 for an HCNG engine under WOT conditions is realizable using a supplementary supercharging system. Thermal efficiency improvement at high compression ratios is reduced under relatively rich mixture conditions because spark timing is retarded to avoid knocking. The excess air ratio corresponding to maximum thermal efficiency decreases to 1.6 for an HCNG engine due to the decrease in exhaust gas energy for intake-air charging.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of the influence of different hydrogen fractions, excess air ratios and EGR mass fractions in a spark-ignition engine was conducted. Good agreement between the calculated and measured incylinder pressure traces as well as pollutant formation trends was obtained. The simulation results show that NO concentration has an exponential relationship with temperature and increases sharply as hydrogen is added. EGR introduction strongly influences the gas temperature and NO concentration in the cylinder. The difference in temperature will lead to even greater difference in NO concentration. Thus, EGR can effectively decrease NO concentration. NO concentration reaches its peak value at the excess air ratio of 1.1 regardless of EGR mass fraction. The study shows that natural gas-hydrogen blend combined with EGR can realize a stable combustion and low NO emission in a spark-ignition engine.  相似文献   

Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) strategy has been recently employed in natural gas SI engines as an alternative to lean burn technique in order to satisfy the increasingly stringent emission standards. However, the effect of EGR on some of engine performance parameters compared to lean burn is not yet quite certain. In the current study, the effect of both EGR and lean burn on natural gas SI engine performance was compared at similar operating conditions. This was achieved numerically by developing a computer simulation of the four-stroke spark-ignition natural gas engine. A two-zone combustion model was developed to simulate the in-cylinder conditions during combustion. A kinetic model based on the extended Zeldovich mechanism was also developed in order to predict NO emission. The combustion model was validated using experimental data and a good agreement between the results was found. It was demonstrated that adding EGR to the stoichiometric inlet charge at constant inlet pressure of 130 kPa decreased power more rapidly than excess air; however, the power loss was recovered by increasing the inlet pressure from 130 kPa at zero dilution to 150 kPa at 20% EGR dilution. The engine fuel consumption increased by 10% when 20% EGR dilution was added at inlet pressure of 150 kPa compared to using 20% air dilution at 130 kPa. However, it was found that EGR dilution strategy is capable of producing extremely lower NO emission than lean burn technique. NO emission was reduced by about 70% when the inlet charge was diluted at a rate of 20% using EGR instead of excess air.  相似文献   

Two dilution strategies, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) with a stoichiometric mixture and excess air with a lean mixture, were investigated for an 11 L, 6-cylinder H2-blended compressed natural gas (HCNG) engine. The engine was operated at 1260 rpm and 50% of maximum engine load (575 Nm) at maximum brake torque for each strategy. To evaluate the EGR approach, the stoichiometric combustion mode was varied, and to evaluate the lean combustion mode, the excess air ratio was varied. The maximum EGR rate and lean flammability limit were constrained by the combustion stability. The dilution rate was employed to compare the dilution effect on engine performance and emission levels under identical levels of the dilution for both combustion modes. The thermal efficiencies under stoichiometric combustion with EGR were lower than those under lean combustion, owing to a higher pumping loss and a lower combustion speed. The total hydrocarbon emissions under the lean combustion mode were lower than those under the stoichiometric combustion mode only when the combustion speed was relatively slow, due to the higher mixing rate caused by the active combustion. As the dilution rate was increased in the lean combustion mode, the rate of decrease in NOx emissions slowed compared to the stoichiometric combustion mode. The lowest level of engine-out NOx emissions was observed under lean combustion.  相似文献   

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