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通过查阅文献,并结合考古调查资料,讨论了北魏平城宫城的位置、规模及其建筑布局,宫城位于操场城北部三分之二的城圈范围内,而东宫则应该在今御河东古城遗址。  相似文献   

宫殿区是中国古代城池中核心的部分,是最重要的建筑类型。唐崖土司城宫殿区遗址是鄂西地区土司城宫殿区遗址的典型代表,具有很高的研究价值。宫殿区原有的建筑风格既体现汉族官式建筑的特点,又融入了土家族特有的建筑形制。本文从整体平面格局、建筑单体形制特征等方面在现有的资料基础上对唐崖土司城宫殿区遗址进行了初步复原,为进一步还原其真实性提供参考依据,以期为研究土司时期建筑技术与艺术有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

1995年—1998年,杭州市文物考古研究所对位于杭州市太庙巷一带的南宋临安城太庙遗址进行了考古发掘,发掘总面积近1100m2,发掘出的建筑遗址包括东围墙、东门址、砖铺道路、房屋基址、散水、排水沟等,可知南宋临安城太庙是一个功能布局完善、规模宏大、建造做法考究的建筑组群。结合相关历史文献的梳理分析,对南宋临安城太庙的建制始末、范围与布局、主殿建筑形制等进行全面的研究与探讨。  相似文献   

<正>今年初,国家文物局宣布,湖南永顺土司城遗址、湖北唐崖土司城遗址、贵州播州海龙屯遗址联合代表中国土司遗产作为中国2015年申报世界文化遗产项目,散落于西南苍山碧水间的古建筑群落进公众的视野中。由是,沧桑了千年的土司王国遗址如蒙尘的明珠,再次散发出熠熠光彩。这些建筑遗产是我国古代西南地区人民超  相似文献   

洛阳市隋唐城明堂遗址建筑为古文物保护建筑,整体设计以不破坏古文物、施工可逆(拆除再安装)为指导,除个别部位外构件均采用工厂预制,构件现场拼接,可逆施工,与保护遗址可区分识别。项目在实施工程中,建筑师和结构工程师通力配合,采用全新的解决方案实现了设计目标。  相似文献   

洛阳市隋唐城明堂遗址建筑为古文物保护建筑,整体设计以不破坏古文物、施工可逆(拆除再安装)为指导,除个别部位外构件均采用工厂预制,构件现场拼接,可逆施工,与保护遗址可区分识别.项目在实施工程中,建筑师和结构工程师通力配合,采用全新的解决方案实现了设计目标.  相似文献   

营造尺与建筑营建密切相关,营造尺尺度的考证是古代建筑研究和复原设计的基础,但目前学界对西汉时期的营造尺尺度的认知存在巨大分歧。本文在已有研究的基础上,依据历史文献、出土实物尺和西汉重要建筑遗址的考古资料,对西汉营造尺尺度进行辨析,认为一尺取 23.1 厘米为宜,且依据实际情况具体数值可在上下 5% 范围内浮动。  相似文献   

洛阳隋唐城明堂遗址保护建筑结构设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王昌兴  徐珂  田立强 《钢结构》2011,26(8):26-31
洛阳市隋唐城明堂遗址保护展示建筑为古文物保护建筑,为满足古建保护设计思想,要求结构设计不破坏古文物、结构材料可以重复利用、结构可逆(拆除再安装).采用钢结构形式,除个别部位外结构构件均采用工厂预制、现场拼接、可逆施工,按保护遗址可区分识别的原则进行设计,为大遗址保护性建筑提供创新的结构解决方案.  相似文献   

旧遗址、新功能基于隋唐洛阳宫城遗址埋藏情况及文物保护要求,综合评估规划区内工业建筑及其他类型建筑物可改造及再利用的可能性,对现状用地较为混杂的建筑空间形态进行整合,力求充分体现文物保护要求并充分发掘和利用工业文化。  相似文献   

通过分析几个风雨操场的设计实例,阐述了对风雨操场的创作认识,认为风雨操场设计在满足使用功能的基础上,要充分展示学校建筑、小型体育建筑的双重性格特点,体现时代精神与文化艺术品位。  相似文献   

汶川特大地震震动了大地,震惊了世界,也震撼了我们的心灵。在新中国60华诞前夕,八一电影制片厂全力推出了影片《惊天动地》。这部作为中宣部和广电总局庆祝建国60周年重点献礼影片,真实再现了那场万众一心抗震救灾的悲壮场景,表现了人民军队对祖国、对人民的忠诚与奉献,歌颂了人民群众面对灾难的勇气和决心,唱响了一曲弘扬革命英雄主义和抗震救灾精神的颂歌。影片从编者创意、情节构思、导演手法、  相似文献   

汶川特大地震震动了大地,震惊了世界,也震撼了我们的心灵。在新中国60华诞前夕,八一电影制片厂全力推出了影片《惊天动地》。这部作为中宣部和广电总局庆祝建国60周年重点献礼影片,真实再现了那场万众一心抗震救灾的悲壮场景,表现了人民军队对祖国、对人民的忠诚与奉献,歌颂了人民群众面对灾难的勇气和决心,唱响了一曲弘扬革命英雄主义和抗震救灾精神的颂歌。影片从编者创意、情节构思、导演手法、  相似文献   

项目建设中的资料管理   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
石玉明 《山西建筑》2005,31(2):141-141
阐述了项目建设中资料管理的重要意义,介绍了资料归档的范围、分类及任务划分,归纳总结了施工、验收阶段资料归档范围,并提出了竣工图纸、资料的整理、编制要求。  相似文献   

六十年代以来,许多关于人类热舒适性的研究限于稳定条件下.然而周围环境和人类的肌体活动不是固定不变的,因此,旧的舒适理论使用受到限制.1986年作者进行了新的试验,给出了自己的结果并指出了今后研究方向.  相似文献   

Sealing underground excavations from ingress of water constitutes a large part of both the cost and the risk for many infrastructure projects. In this paper we present a mechanical model for the rock mass response when grouting hard jointed rock. The model predicts a stiff and a non-stiff behaviour and a transition between them that is dependent on the relationship between the grouting pressure and the in situ stress conditions. The predictions are consistent with previously published measurements and explain grouting behaviour that has been difficult to model with previous methods.  相似文献   

旋挖钻机施工质量控制与常见灌注故障排除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了旋挖钻机施工中质量控制的几种方法,及灌注中常见质量事故的处理方法.  相似文献   

Water ingestion during water recreation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative risk assessments have estimated health risks of water recreation. One input to risk assessment models is the rate of water ingestion. One published study estimated rates of water ingestion during swimming, but estimates of water ingestion are not available for common limited contact water recreation activities such as canoeing, fishing, kayaking, motor boating, and rowing. In the summer of 2009 two related studies were conducted to estimate water ingestion during these activities. First, at Chicago area surface waters, survey research methods were utilized to characterize self-reported estimates of water ingestion during canoeing, kayaking, and fishing among 2705 people. Second, at outdoor swimming pools, survey research methods and the analysis of cyanuric acid, a tracer of swimming pool water, were used to characterize water ingestion among 662 people who engaged in a variety of full-contact and limited-contact recreational activities. Data from the swimming study was used to derive translation factors that quantify the volume of self-reported estimates. At surface waters, less than 2% of canoers and kayakers reported swallowing a teaspoon or more and 0.5% reported swallowing a mouthful or more. Swimmers in a pool were about 25-50 times more likely to report swallowing a teaspoon of water compared to those who participate in limited-contact recreational activities on surface waters. Mean and upper confidence estimates of water ingestion during limited-contact recreation on surface waters are about 3-4 mL and 10-15 mL, respectively. These estimates of water ingestion rates may be useful in modeling the health risks of water recreation.  相似文献   

Nowack B 《Water research》2002,36(18):4636-4642
Phosphonates are used in large quantities in industry and household products as scale inhibitors and chelating agents. They are not biodegraded during wastewater treatment but are removed by adsorption processes. Field measurements from different wastewater treatment plants affirm that they are removed almost completely during wastewater treatment. Adsorption of nitrilotrismethylenephosphonic acid onto activated sludge, amorphous iron oxide and humic acids (HAs) was studied under controlled conditions. The adsorption onto HAs decreases sharply with increasing pH with negligible adsorption at pH above 6.5. Adsorption onto amorphous iron oxide follows a Langmuir behavior. The presence of 1 mM Ca doubles the maximum surface capacity at pH 7. Adsorption onto activated sludge is not very pH sensitive and is explained to a large extent by adsorption onto amorphous iron oxides, but the contribution of organic matter or other mineral phases cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

面对极端天气的增多、增强的趋势,人们应注意了解最新预报、预警信息,此外,应主动学习不同天气里相应的防范措施,才能有备无患。特别是在城市里,当驾驶员发现立交桥下等低洼区有积水,应停车或避开;在山区,应特别注意防范强降水汇流形成的山洪、地质灾害。当暴雨来临时,人们应该学会如何逃生与自救。  相似文献   

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